21,014 research outputs found

    Multicriterial Methods used in Expert Systems for Business Decision Making

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    Many organizations are in front of most competitive economic environments, where, in order to survive, they must reduce costs all the time and adopt the most intelligent business strategies. In most decision making activities the manager has to decide which variant is the most advantageous, taking into account a multitude of criterions. Expert systems use the expert's knowledge and problem solving skills in a particular subject area throughout an organization, and can propose the optimal variant to be chosen. In this paper we have outlined the role of multicriterial methods in programming expert systems to decide in favor of the most eligible variant between a multitude of possibilities. We also made a case study and designed the prototype of an expert system for choosing the most profitable offer among many, in the prenegotiation stage, for a company, in order to organize the negotiation processes accor-dingly. In this respect, we tried to highlight the usefulness of multicriterial mathematical me-thods in three negotiation processes of a Romanian negotiation team with foreign negotiation teams for the acquisition of an equipment.Business Decision Making, Expert Systems, Multicriterial Methods

    Technology is too important to leave to technologists

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    The TALON/nPower learning object suite, developed by Arjuna Multimedia, is a set of 39 repurposeable learning object templates based on styles of teaching and learning that are designed to allow instructors and designers to create substantive learning objects without changing any of the source code. The instructor or designer can use the templates to design a new learning object without writing or changing any source code. The templates are simple enough that instructors with little or no programming experience can create their own learning objects. This paper examines the experiences of two professors’ use of the templates to create interactive exercises for their courses

    In defense of science—What would John do?

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    Recent onslaughts on the importance of pure research to our collective well-being are trending. In this essay, I discuss the issues involved and offer a rebuttal. The thoughts are inspired by my mentor, academic sibling, and idol John Leask Lumley


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    In this contribution we argue that a fluid mosaic organizing is in the need when it comes to develop innovation in a smart environment. Indeed we propose the fluid mosaic organization as a way of smart organizing. Our research focuses on three project-based organizations in order to answer this research question: how research and industry coordinate in a temporary project-based organization? What kinds of project-based organization can better stimulate collaboration and innovation among research and industry towards the effective smart factory’s development? Data have been collected from multiple sources: documents, interviews and participant observation. First results shows that when coordination is strongly based on the hierarchy, it is hard to transfer knowledge, making tricky the innovation development. Instead, when coordination is based on mutual adjustments between partners, the information flow is natural, as well as the knowledge transfer, leading to more flowing processes. However, all these mechanisms are strictly linked and depend also on the cognitive distance between the partners. Particularly, when the distance is low, the leadership style is democratic and coordination is firstly based on mutual adjustment and then standardization, the resulting smart organization takes the form of what we call a “fluid mosaic” drawing on the fluid mosaic concept developed in biology

    Public-Private Partnerships in Improving the Quality of Education for the Poor in Indonesia

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    Educational issues related to access and quality of education, but a lot of the problems that must be faced is about inadequate resources: human and funds. Local government needs to make an appropriate policy and programme to overcome it. Authority on the affairs of education makes a room for the local government in Indonesia on making innovative programs to build private partnerships with the goal of improving education quality in Indonesia. This research aims at answering the questions regarding: 1). The authority of Local Government on holding a partnership with private on improving the education quality in Indonesia. 2). The Public Private Partnership program on improving the education quality. Data Analysis with Domain analysis, Pattern matching (explanatory / descriptive)  Robert K.Yin, with three stages: (1) Expected outcomes as a pattern,(2) Rival explanations as patterns , (3)Simpler patterns The results of this study as follows: 1).The Local Government authority to manage educational programs are becoming a creative media on implementing governance, by holding a partnership with private sectors as well as the society 2). A partnership program for improving education quality is implemented with: (a) to make an agreement with a clear MoU; (b) to generate a shared motivation on the partnership to make it well-implemented, efficient, integrated, effective and accountable; (c) to have an initiative for implementing the partnership by supervising the process up to the operational; (d) Build a collaborative partnership for the organizational relationship on the local government and private sector.  This research recommends the need of wider partnership in educational sector that can involve inter-local government, private sectors, and the society, Keywords: Public Private Partnership, improvement, quality, education


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    This research aimed at knowing whether there is a significant effect of teaching English using “Do You Hear What I Hear?” strategy on students’ writing descriptive text ability at the first year of Senior High School Handayani Pekanbaru. In the writer’s preliminary study, there found some problems, for the example, some of the students were lack of vocabulary and could not use the correct grammar in writing a text. So, the writer was interested to conduct the research about this problem. The sample of the research was X IPA 2 which consisted of 4 males and 18 females. The writer used a pre-experimental design as the research methodology with a cluster random sampling technique. The research instrument was a written test assessed using analytic scoring rubric: The ESL Composition Profile. To analyze the data, the writer adapted paired sample t-test by using SPSS and eta-squared formula. After calculating the scores gained, the table of paired sample t-test showed that the value of sig. (2-tailed) showed .002 which was less than the specified alpha value .05. So, Ha1 was accepted and Ho1 was rejected. In addition, the eta squared calculation showed 0.99 which was higher than .14. Therefore, Ha2 was accepted and Ho2 was rejected. Based on the calculation, the writer concluded that there is a significant effect of teaching English using “Do You Hear What I Hear?” strategy on students’ writing descriptive text ability. Keywords: Do You Hear What I Hear?, writing, effect

    Outsourcing the Business Services

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    The nowadays international market of outsourcing services is relatively mature and with age comes wisdom ... Thus, on a grown market, choosing to outsource services can not only be justified by the strive to reduce costs but it aims to meeting more advanced objectives as accurate alignment with business strategies of the enterprise. As a result, outsourcing has reached new forms of expression that can help the enterprises to gain competitive advantage. In the context of a grown market, a new concept appears, namely the multisourcing which it refers to the outsourcing model of the future [1] that businesses must prepare to accept and use. This concept or model of the future refers to working with several suppliers, which are competitors in a spirit of trust and teamwork, in a collaborative process to maximize the benefits associated with outsourcing process.Business Outsourcing, Audit, Economic and Financial Analysis, Information Technology Outsourcing

    Англійська мова для навчання і роботи Т. 4. Професійне іншомовне письмо

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    Подано всі види діяльності студентів з вивчення англійської мови, спрямовані на розвиток мовної поведінки, необхідної для ефективного спілкування в академічному та професійному середовищах. Містить завдання і вправи, типові для різноманітних академічних та професійних сфер і ситуацій. Структура організації змісту – модульна, охоплює певні мовленнєві вміння залежно від мовної поведінки. Даний модуль має на меті розвиток у студентів умінь і навичок писемного спілкування, що пов’язане з майбутньою професією студентів, та основ медіації і письмового перекладу, які спрямовані на розвиток умінь писати тексти різних типів і жанрів, такі як резюме, листи, анотації тощо. Ресурси для самостійної роботи (частина ІІ) містять завдання та вправи для розвитку словникового запасу та розширення діапазону функціональних зразків, необхідних для виконання певних функцій, та завдання, які спрямовані на організацію самостійної роботи студентів. За допомогою засобів діагностики (частина ІІІ) студенти можуть самостійно перевірити засвоєння навчального матеріалу та оцінити свої досягнення. Граматичні явища і вправи для їх засвоєння наводяться в томі 5. Призначений для студентів технічних університетів гірничого профілю. Може використовуватися для викладання вибіркових курсів з англійської мови, а також для самостійного вивчення англійської мови викладачами, фахівцями і науковцями різних інженерних галузей

    Review of \u3cem\u3eEmpire of Scrounge: Inside the Urban Underground of Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, and Street Scavenging.\u3c/em\u3e Jeff Ferrell. Reviewed by Robert D. Leighninger, Jr.

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    Book review of Jeff Ferrell, Empire of Scrounge: Inside the Urban Underground of Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking and Street Scavenging. New York: New York University Press, 2006. $22.00 paperback