539,325 research outputs found

    Penerapan Sistem Pelaporan Keuangan Pada Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu, Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigrasi Aceh Barat Daya

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    The reason for this research is to find out the application of the Financial Information System at the Office of Investment and One Stop Service, Manpower and Transmigration (DPMPTSP) Aceh Barat Daya Regency. The type of research used in this research is descriptive qualitative research which is carried out to describe the research subject based on events that occur or what they are. Data was collected through observation and interviews as well as data collection in accounting reporting information management procedures. As well as agency data in the form of agency descriptions. The results of the study conclude that the Office of Investment and One Stop Integrated Services, Manpower and Transmigration of Southwest Aceh Regency in general has established an accounting reporting system in accordance with Government Regulation Number 71 of 2010 concerning Accrual Accounting Standards

    An Improved Web Design to Support Online Investment Decisions

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    The rise of the Internet opens up new possibilities and creates new challenges for investors. The possibilities include ease of use, cheaper trading costs, and greatly improved access to information. The challenges include information overload and a temptation to overtrade. The present paper discusses how brokerage firms can improve their web site designs in order to meet these challenges and opportunities and to better facilitate the needs of individual investors. Specifically, the paper discusses how an objectoriented information representation system can be used to enable both investor-specific information, such as risktolerance level, investment time horizon, and tax status, and more general information from the financial markets themselves, such as company P/E levels, to be integrated into a consistent web presentation that will facilitate the investor’s making more intelligent investment decisions. Such an information representation system would be structured hierarchically, with the investor-specific information at the top of the hierarchy, driving the application of market-level, then industry-level, and, at the bottom of the hierarchy, company-specific information. Finally, the paper discusses the feasibility of implementing such a system and some of the promises and pitfalls that may arise from its implementation

    The Battle Over Taxing Offshore Accounts

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    The international tax system is in the midst of a contest between automatic information reporting and anonymous withholding models for ensuring that nations have the ability to tax offshore accounts. At stake is the extent of many countries’ capacity to tax investment income of individuals and profits of closely held businesses through an income tax in an increasingly financially integrated world. Incongruent initiatives of the European Union, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Switzerland, and the United States together represent an emerging international regime in which financial institutions act to facilitate countries’ ability to tax their residents’ offshore accounts. The growing consensus that financial institutions should act as cross-border tax intermediaries represents a remarkable shift in international norms that has yet to be recognized in the academic literature. The debate, however, is about how financial institutions should serve as cross-border tax intermediaries, and for which countries. Different outcomes in this contest portend starkly different futures for the extent of cross-border tax administrative assistance available to most countries. The triumph of an automatic information reporting model over an anonymous withholding model is key to (1) allowing for the taxation of principal, (2) ensuring that most countries are included in the benefit of financial institutions serving as cross-border tax intermediaries, (3) encouraging taxpayer engagement with the polity, and (4) supporting sovereign policy flexibility, especially in emerging and developing economies. This Article closes with proposals to help reconcile the emerging automatic information exchange approaches to produce an effective multilateral system

    The Effect of Information Technology (IT) Investments on Firm-Level Performance in the Healthcare Industry

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    Background: The return on investment for information technology (IT) has been the subject of much debate throughout the history of management information systems research. Often referred to as the productivity paradox, increased IT investments have not been consistently associated with increased productivity. Understand individual IT factors that directly contribute to business value should provide insight into the productivity paradox. Purpose: The effects of 3 different firm-level IT characteristics on financial performance in the health care industry are studied. Specifically, the effects of IT budget, IT outsourcing, and the relative number of IT personnel on firm-level financial performance are analyzed. Methods: Regression analysis of archival survey data for 914 Integrated Healthcare Delivery Systems is performed. Results: IT budgetary expenditures and the number of IT services outsourced are associated with increases in the profitability of Integrated Healthcare Delivery Systems, whereas increases in IT personnel are not significantly associated with increased profitability. Each one tenth of a percentage increase in IT expenditures is associated with approximately $950,000 in increased profit for an average-sized Integrated Healthcare Delivery System. Implications: To increase profitability, IT administrators should increase IT budgetary expenditures along with IT outsourcing levels. IT administrators in the health care industry can use such findings during budgeting cycles to justify increased investments in IT personnel as being budget neutral while increasing organizational capacity

    Private pension funds in Argentina's newintegrated pension system

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    Argentina implemented a major reform of its pension system in 1994. The new system has a mixed public-and-private two-pillar structure. Its main elements are an unfunded, defined benefit pillar operated by the state and paying a basic pension to all workers who meet the minimum eligibility period, and a fully funded defined-contribution individual capitalization pillar managed by specially authorized companies (AFJPs). The second pillar also has a public defined-benefit component, which is operated on an unfunded basis. The new system replaced the old public pay-as-you-go pension system, which was facing immense financial pressures. The author assesses the performance of the funded component of the second pillar. He finds that: 1) The private pillar had attracted (by June, 1996) 67 percent of all workers participating in the new integrated system. It also represents 60 percent of those who are active contributors. It has attracted many younger workers and has begun to mobilize a large, fast, growing pool of long-term financial resources. 2) The AFJPs have earned very high real investment returns, offset by very high operating costs. Individual affiliates have so far earned negative real returns because of high commission charges. But in the long run, net returns are likely to be positive as assets accumulate and operating costs are better controlled. 3) Effective coverage is quite low. Affiliates represent fewer than 60 percent of eligible workers and only about 40 percent of the labor force. Fewer than 30 percent of eligible workers and only about 20 percent of the labor force actively contribute. 4) Because the new system is young, the number of beneficiaries is small, mostly recipients of survivorship and disability pensions. 5) Market concentration is high, although lower than in Chile. The top three companies account for 47 percent of affiliates and assets; the top six account for 78 percent. 6) In March, 1997, asset allocation was 51 percent government bonds, 23 percent corporate inquiries and mutual fund shares, 17 percent bank deposits, and 7 percent corporate bonds. Equity holdings share has been rising, mainly at the expense of bank deposits. 7) Real rates of return average over 15 percent a year, although high commission charges substantially reduce the net real returns to individual workers. But costs are coming down sharply as a percentage of average assets. Net real returns for a worker's full career are expected to be highly positive so long as gross investment returns remain strong. The AFJP system faces three main challenges: how to contain operating and marketing costs; how to increase effective coverage; and how to relax the draconian regulations while maintaining a stable, transparent, and safe system.Banks&Banking Reform,Payment Systems&Infrastructure,Pensions&Retirement Systems,Information Technology,Public Health Promotion,Pensions&Retirement Systems,Information Technology,Banks&Banking Reform,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Environmental Economics&Policies

    Інноваційно-інвестиційний моніторинг як інструмент інформаційного забезпечення активізації інноваційно-інвестиційної діяльності підприємства

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    Introduction. Information support for innovation and investment activity is an independent tool of its activisation and is a process of continuous purposeful selection of relevant integrated indicators, which are necessary for the coordination of planning, control, production and collecting information on all areas of innovation and investment activities. The main methodological tool of information support for innovative and investment activity should be a monitoring method, which is a component of the controlling system and allows a manager to control the implementation of innovation and investment strategy on the basis of the indicators monitoring. Aim and tasks. The aim of this work is to provide methodological basis for organization of innovation and investment monitoring system at the enterprise as a tool of information support for activisation of its innovation and investment activity. Research results. Innovation and investment monitoring should be considered as a system of monitoring, evaluation and forecasting of key changes in innovation and investment activity of an economic entity. The methodical basis of the innovation and investment controlling are the indicators of production and financial accounting, integrated into a single database based on the modern information and communication technologies. Innovation and investment monitoring includes three components: monitoring of the external environment of the investment projects, monitoring of the general results of the strategic investment plan, monitoring of the specific actions performance (monitoring of efforts and individual results). The article considers the management support system building, which constitutes of subsystems for personal information, analysts, operational, middle and senior management level. Conclusions. Information support for innovation and investment activities is an independent direction of its activation and is a process of continuous targeted selection of relevant integrated indicators. Monitoring method is considered as the main methodological tool of information support for the activation of innovation and investment activity. In order to build information and investment monitoring system it is proposed to use the suggested conceptual approach to the formation of innovation and investment controlling, system of indicators of innovation and investment monitoring, monitoring of legislative support of innovation and investment activities, the appropriate information systems in the enterprise.Вступ. Інформаційне забезпечення інноваційної та інвестиційної діяльності є самостійним інструментом її активізації і являє собою процес безперервного цілеспрямованого добору відповідних інтегральних показників, необхідних для координації планування, контролю виробництва та збору інформації за всіма напрямками інноваційної та інвестиційної діяльності. Основним методологічним інструментом інформаційного забезпечення інноваційної та інвестиційної діяльності має стати метод моніторингу, який є складовою частиною системи контролінгу. Мета і завдання. Метою даної роботи є забезпечення методологічного базису організації системи інноваційно-інвестиційного моніторингу на підприємстві як інструменту інформаційного забезпечення активізації його інноваційно-інвестиційної діяльності. Наукові результати. Інноваційно-інвестиційний моніторинг слід розглядати як систему моніторингу, оцінки та прогнозування ключових змін в інноваційно-інвестиційній діяльності господарюючого суб'єкта. Методичною основою інноваційного та інвестиційного контролінгу є показники виробничого й фінансового обліку, інтегровані в єдину базу даних на основі сучасних інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій. Інноваційно-інвестиційний моніторинг включає в себе три компоненти: моніторинг зовнішнього середовища інвестиційних проектів, моніторинг загальних результатів стратегічного інвестиційного плану, моніторинг виконання конкретних дій (моніторинг зусиль та індивідуальних результатів). У статті розглядається побудова системи управлінської підтримки, що складається з підсистем для персональної інформації, аналітиків, операційної, середньої та вищої ланки управління. Висновки. Метод моніторингу розглядається як основний методичний інструмент інформаційного забезпечення активізації інноваційної та інвестиційної діяльності. В цілях побудови інформаційно-інвестиційної системи моніторингу пропонується використовувати запропонований концептуальний підхід до формування інноваційно-інвестиційного контролінгу, систему показників інноваційно-інвестиційного моніторингу, моніторинг законодавчого забезпечення інноваційної та інвестиційної діяльності, відповідні інформаційні системи на підприємстві

    Methodology Of Assessing Investment Attractiveness Of Ukrainian Gas Producers

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    The development of a methodology for assessing investment attractiveness of businesses of Ukrainian gas production industry that is presented in the form of a generalized algorithm reflects the conceptual model of research. The scope of research is methodological approaches to assessing investment attractiveness of businesses. The purpose of this study is to recommend methodology for assessing the investment attractiveness of Ukrainian gas producers. The methodology for assessing investment attractiveness of gas producers can be used to determine the investment attractiveness of an individual business, evaluate financial position in the course of privatization and development of measures for rehabilitation or liquidation of a business, as well as to carry out a financial analysis at the initiative of both the business itself and investors who consider investment in production. The paper assesses performance of the leading gas producers in accordance with the individual life cycle stages of the business. The authors propose management measures to ramp up natural gas production in Ukraine. The amount of investment in the gas production industry required to achieve the estimated gas production figures has been assessed and the overriding priorities for the development of Ukrainian gas production industry have been established

    Financial market integration under EMU

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    The single most important policy-induced innovation in the international financial system since the collapse of the Bretton-Woods regime is the institution of the European Monetary Union. This paper provides an account of how the process of financial integration has promoted financial development in the euro area. It starts by defining financial integration and how to measure it, analyzes the barriers that can prevent it and the effects of their removal on financial markets, and assesses whether the euro area has actually become more integrated. It then explores to which extent these changes in financial markets have influenced the performance of the euro-area economy, that is, its growth and investment, as well as its ability to adjust to shocks and to allow risk-sharing. The paper concludes analyzing further steps that are required to consolidate financial integration and enhance the future stability of financial markets