10 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the 4th Student-STAFF Research Conference 2020 School of Computer Science and Engineering SSRC2020

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    This volume contains the proceedings of the 4th Student-STAFF Research Conference of the School of Computer Science and Engineering (SSRC2020). This is a traditional, annual forum which brings together, for an one-day intensive programme, established and young researchers from different areas of research, doctoral researchers, postgraduate and undergraduate alumni, and covers both traditional and emerging topics, disseminates achieved results or work in progress. During informal discussions at conference sessions, the attendees share their research findings with an open audience of academics, doctoral, postgraduate and undergraduate students. The SSRCS2020 was held on-line. The specifics of this year's conference was the participation of alumni from the Informatics Institute of Technology (IIT Sri Lanka) and Westminster International University in Tashkent (WIUT, Uzbekistan). The event met great interest - it had more than 200 on-line participants, with one session accommodating the audience of 156! The presenters whether they are established researchers or just at the start of their career, not only share their work but also gain invaluable feedback during the conference sessions. Twenty one abstracts of the Proceedings contributed by the speakers at the SSRC2020 are assembled in order of their presentation at the conference. The abstracts cover a wide spectre of topics including the development of on-line knowledge and learning repositories, data analysis, applications of machine learning in fraud detection, bankruptcy prediction, patients mortality, image synthesis, graph DB, image analysis for medical diagnostics, mobile app developments, user experience design, wide area networking, adaptive agent algorithms, plagiarism detection, process mining techniques for behavioural patterns, data mining for reablement, Cloud Computing, Networking and linguistic profiling

    An integrated machine learning model for aircraft components rare failure prognostics with log-based dataset

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    Predictive maintenance is increasingly advancing into the aerospace industry, and it comes with diverse prognostic health management solutions. This type of maintenance can unlock several benefits for aerospace organizations. Such as preventing unexpected equipment downtime and improving service quality. In developing data-driven predictive modelling, one of the challenges that cause model performance degradation is the data-imbalanced distribution. The extreme data imbalanced problem arises when the distribution of the classes present in the datasets is not uniform. Such that the total number of instances in a class far outnumber those of the other classes. Extremely skew data distribution can lead to irregular patterns and trends, which affects the learning of temporal features. This paper proposes a hybrid machine learning approach that blends natural language processing techniques and ensemble learning for predicting extremely rare aircraft component failure. The proposed approach is tested using a real aircraft central maintenance system log-based dataset. The dataset is characterized by extremely rare occurrences of known unscheduled component replacements. The results suggest that the proposed approach outperformed the existing imbalanced and ensemble learning methods in terms of precision, recall, and f1-score. The proposed approach is approximately 10% better than the synthetic minority oversampling technique. It was also found that by searching for patterns in the minority class exclusively, the class imbalance problem could be overcome. Hence, the model classification performance is improve

    Application of data analytics for predictive maintenance in aerospace: an approach to imbalanced learning.

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    The use of aircraft operational logs to predict potential failure that may lead to disruption poses many challenges and has yet to be fully explored. These logs are captured during each flight and contain streamed data from various aircraft subsystems relating to status and warning indicators. They may, therefore, be regarded as complex multivariate time-series data. Given that aircraft are high-integrity assets, failures are extremely rare, and hence the distribution of relevant data containing prior indicators will be highly skewed to the normal (healthy) case. This will present a significant challenge in using data-driven techniques to 'learning' relationships/patterns that depict fault scenarios since the model will be biased to the heavily weighted no-fault outcomes. This thesis aims to develop a predictive model for aircraft component failure utilising data from the aircraft central maintenance system (ACMS). The initial objective is to determine the suitability of the ACMS data for predictive maintenance modelling. An exploratory analysis of the data revealed several inherent irregularities, including an extreme data imbalance problem, irregular patterns and trends, class overlapping, and small class disjunct, all of which are significant drawbacks for traditional machine learning algorithms, resulting in low-performance models. Four novel advanced imbalanced classification techniques are developed to handle the identified data irregularities. The first algorithm focuses on pattern extraction and uses bootstrapping to oversample the minority class; the second algorithm employs the balanced calibrated hybrid ensemble technique to overcome class overlapping and small class disjunct; the third algorithm uses a derived loss function and new network architecture to handle extremely imbalanced ratios in deep neural networks; and finally, a deep reinforcement learning approach for imbalanced classification problems in log- based datasets is developed. An ACMS dataset and its accompanying maintenance records were used to validate the proposed algorithms. The research's overall finding indicates that an advanced method for handling extremely imbalanced problems using the log-based ACMS datasets is viable for developing robust data-driven predictive maintenance models for aircraft component failure. When the four implementations were compared, deep reinforcement learning (DRL) strategies, specifically the proposed double deep State-action-reward-state-action with prioritised experience reply memory (DDSARSA+PER), outperformed other methods in terms of false-positive and false-negative rates for all the components considered. The validation result further suggests that the DDSARSA+PER model is capable of predicting around 90% of aircraft component replacements with a 0.005 false-negative rate in both A330 and A320 aircraft families studied in this researchPhD in Transport System

    Use of advanced analytics for health estimation and failure prediction in wind turbines

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    Tesi en modalitat de tesi per compendiThe energy sector has undergone drastic changes and critical revolutions in the last few decades. Renewable energy sources have grown significantly, now representing a sizeable share of the energy production mix. Wind energy has seen increasing rate of adoptions, being one of the more convenient and sustainable mean of producing energy. Research and innovation have helped greatly in driving down production and operation costs of wind energy, yet important challenges still remain open. This thesis addresses predictive maintenance and monitoring of wind turbines, aiming to present predictive frameworks designed with the necessities of the industry in mind. More concretely: interpretability, scalability, modularity and reliability of the predictions are the objectives —together with limited data requirements— of this project. Of all the available data at the disposal of wind turbine operators, SCADA is the principal source of information utilized in this research, due to its wide availability and low cost. Ensemble models played an important role in the development of the presented predictive frameworks thanks to their modular nature which allows to combine very diverse algorithms and data types. Important insights gained from these experiments are the beneficial effect of combining multiple and diverse sources of data —for example SCADA and alarms logs—, the easiness of combining different algorithms and indicators, and the noticeable gain in predicting performance that it can provide. Finally, given the central role that SCADA data plays in this thesis, but also in the wind energy industry, a detailed analysis of the limitations and shortcomings of SCADA data is presented. In particular, the ef- fect of data aggregation —a common practice in the wind industry— is determined developing a methodological framework that has been used to study high–frequency SCADA data. This lead to the conclusion that typical aggregation periods, i.e. 5–10 minutes that are the standard in wind energy industry are not able to capture and maintain the information content of fast–changing signals, such as wind and electrical measurements.El sector energètic ha experimentat importants canvis i revolucions en les últimes dècades. Les fonts d’energia renovables han crescut significativament, i ara representen una part important en el conjunt de generació. L’energia eòlica ha augmentat significativament, convertint-se en una de les millors alternatives per produir energia verda. La recerca i la innovació ha ajudat a reduir considerablement els costos de producció i operació de l’energia eòlica, però encara hi ha oberts reptes importants. Aquesta tesi aborda el manteniment predictiu i el seguiment d’aerogeneradors, amb l’objectiu de presentar solucions d’algoritmes de predicció dissenyats tenint en compte les necessitats de la indústria. Més concretament conceptes com, la interpretabilitat, escalabilitat, modularitat i fiabilitat de les prediccions ho són els objectius, juntament amb els requisits limitats per les de dades disponibles d’aquest projecte. De totes les dades disponibles a disposició dels operadors d’aerogeneradors, les dades del sistema SCADA són la principal font d’informació utilitzada en aquest projecte, per la seva àmplia disponibilitat i baix cost. En el present treball, els models de conjunt tenen un paper important en el desenvolupament dels marcs predictius presentats gràcies al seu caràcter modular que permet l’ús d’algoritmes i tipus de dades molt diversos. Resultats importants obtinguts d’aquests experiments són l’efecte beneficiós de combinar múltiples i diverses fonts de dades, per exemple, SCADA i dades d’alarmes, la facilitat de combinar diferents algorismes i indicadors i el notable guany en predir el rendiment que es pot oferir. Finalment, donat el paper central que SCADA l’anàlisi de dades juga en aquesta tesi, però també en la indústria de l’energia eòlica, una anàlisi detallada de la es presenten les limitacions i les mancances de les dades SCADA. En particular es va estudiar l’efecte de l’agregació de dades -una pràctica habitual en la indústria eòlica-. Dins d’aquest treball es proposa un marc metodològic que s’ha utilitzat per estudiar dades SCADA d’alta freqüència. Això va portar a la conclusió que els períodes d’agregació típics, de 5 a 10 minuts que són l’estàndard a la indústria de l’energia eòlica, no són capaços de capturar i mantenir el contingut d’informació de senyals que canvien ràpidament, com ara mesures eòliques i elèctriquesPostprint (published version

    Predictive Maintenance of Wind Generators based on AI Techniques

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    As global warming is slowly becoming a dangerous reality, governments and private institutions are introducing policies to minimize it. Those policies have led to the development and deployment of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs), which introduces new challenges, among which the minimization of downtime and Levelised Cost of Energy (LCOE) by optimizing maintenance strategy where early detection of incipient faults is of significant intent. Hence, this is the focus of this thesis. While there are several maintenance approaches, predictive maintenance can utilize SCADA readings from large scale power plants to detect early signs of failures, which can be characterized by abnormal patterns in the measurements. There exists several approaches to detect these patterns such as model-based or hybrid techniques, but these require the detailed knowledge of the analyzed system. As SCADA system collects large amounts of data, machine learning techniques can be used to detect the underlying failure patterns and notify customers of the abnormal behaviour. In this work, a novel framework based on machine learning techniques for fault prediction of wind farm generators is developed for an actual customer. The proposed fault prognosis methodology addresses data limitation such as class imbalance and missing data, performs statistical tests on time series to test for its stationarity, selects the features with the most predictive power, and applies machine learning models to predict a fault with 1 hour horizon. The proposed techniques are tested and validated using historical data for a wind farm in Summerside, Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada, and models are evaluated based on appropriate evaluation metrics. The results demonstrate the ability of the proposed methodology to predict wind generator failures, and the viability of the proposed methodology for optimizing preventive maintenance strategies

    An Integrated Ensemble Learning Model for Imbalanced Fault Diagnostics and Prognostics

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    Maintenance Management of Wind Turbines

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    “Maintenance Management of Wind Turbines” considers the main concepts and the state-of-the-art, as well as advances and case studies on this topic. Maintenance is a critical variable in industry in order to reach competitiveness. It is the most important variable, together with operations, in the wind energy industry. Therefore, the correct management of corrective, predictive and preventive politics in any wind turbine is required. The content also considers original research works that focus on content that is complementary to other sub-disciplines, such as economics, finance, marketing, decision and risk analysis, engineering, etc., in the maintenance management of wind turbines. This book focuses on real case studies. These case studies concern topics such as failure detection and diagnosis, fault trees and subdisciplines (e.g., FMECA, FMEA, etc.) Most of them link these topics with financial, schedule, resources, downtimes, etc., in order to increase productivity, profitability, maintainability, reliability, safety, availability, and reduce costs and downtime, etc., in a wind turbine. Advances in mathematics, models, computational techniques, dynamic analysis, etc., are employed in analytics in maintenance management in this book. Finally, the book considers computational techniques, dynamic analysis, probabilistic methods, and mathematical optimization techniques that are expertly blended to support the analysis of multi-criteria decision-making problems with defined constraints and requirements