9 research outputs found

    Android Based Multirepresentation Module To Improve Student's Critical Thinking Ability

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pengembangan san menghasilkan modul multirepresentasi berbasis android yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa yang layak digunakan sebagai media belajar.Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan model 4-D dengan langkah pengembangannya yaitu define, design, development, dan disseminate. Pada penelitian ini pengembangan hanya dilakukan sampai pada tahap development. Berdasarkan hasil pengembangan diperoleh hasil validasi ahli materi dan desain dengan skor penilaian ideal 70 dan 73 dan teman sejawat 1 dan 2 masing-masing 66 dan 75, nilai cut off yang didapat adalah 70,5 sehingga modul yang dikembangkan dinyatakan layak digunakan secara konstruk. Peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa setelah menggunakan modul multirepersentasi berbasis android memiliki kriteria sedang dengan gain sebesar 0,468 dan 77% siswa mencapai nilai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM).This study aims to describe the development and to produce an android-based multi-representation module that can improve students' critical thinking skills that are suitable for use as a learning medium. The method used is a 4-D model development research with development steps, namely define, design, development, and disseminate. In this research, development is only carried out until the development stage. Based on the results of the development, it was obtained the validation results of material and design experts with ideal assessment scores of 70 and 73 and peers 1 and 2 respectively 66 and 75, the cut off value obtained was 70.5 so that the developed module was declared fit for use in a construct. The improvement of students' critical thinking skills after using the android-based multi-percentage module had moderate criteria with a gain of 0.468 and 77% of students achieved the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM)


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika siswa melalui pendekatan kontekstual dengan metode think pair share pada pokok bahasan pecahan. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SD IT Titian Ilmu Kota Bekasi pada semester genap tahun ajaran 2022/2023 dengan partisipan penelitian terdiri dari 25 siswa kelas 5. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif studi kasus dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa observasi, reflektif jurnal, wawancara, dan tes pemecahan masalah. Pendekatan kontekstual dengan metode think pair share dilakukan melalui tiga tahapan, yaitu tahapan think, pairĀødan share. Hasil penelitian secara keseluruhan dari 25 siswa menunjukkan hanya 24% siswa yang mampu mengerjakan tiga soal tes pemecahan masalah dengan tepat. Kemudian sebesar 88% siswa mampu memahami masalah dengan menuliskan informasi yang ditanyakan dan diketahui pada permasalahan. Sedangkan pada tahap selanjutnya mengalami penurunan karena faktor tingkat pemahaman dan penguasaan siswa terhadap konsep, sifat atau aturan yang berkaitan dengan materi. Siswa belajar mengembangkan kemampuan pemahaman konsep pecahan dengan pendekatan pembelajaran yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari. Pembelajaran dengan menerapkan pendekatan kontekstual dengan metode think pair share memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematika melalui refleksi nilai dan diskusi. This study aims to analyze students' mathematical problem solving abilities through a contextual approach using the think pair share method on the subject of fractions. The research was carried out at SD IT Titian Ilmu Bekasi City in the even semester of the 2022/2023 academic year with 25 grade 5 students participating in the study. The research used a qualitative case study method with data collection techniques in the form of observation, reflective journals, interviews, and problem solving tests. The contextual approach with the think pair share method is carried out through three stages, namely the think, pair and share stages. The results of the study as a whole of 25 students showed that only 24% of students were able to do the three problem solving test questions correctly. Then 88% of students were able to understand the problem by writing down the information that was asked and known to the problem. Whereas in the later stages it decreased due to factors of students' level of understanding and mastery of concepts, characteristics or rules related to the material. Students learn to develop the ability to understand the concept of fractions with learning approaches related to everyday life. Learning by applying a contextual approach with the think pair share method provides opportunities for students to develop mathematical problem solving skills through reflection on values and discussion


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    Penggunaan media pembelajaran dapat membantu penyampaian informasi.Penyampaian informasi dapat diterima dengan baik jika menggunakan multi representasi.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan kelayakan modul multi representasiberbasis kontekstual dan mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik setelah menggunakan modul multi representasi berbasis kontekstual.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development(R & D) mengacupada Puslitjaknov (2008) yang memiliki lima tahapan yaitu: (1) melakukan analisis produk yang akandikembangkan, (2) mengembangkan produk awal, (3) validasi ahli dan revisi, (4) uji coba lapangan skalakecil dan revisi produk, (5) uji coba lapangan skala besar dan produk akhir.Desain penelitian menggunakan One-Shot Case Studydengan variabel bebas penggunaan modul multi representasi dan variable terikat adalah kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik.Modul multi representatif tersebut disusun dengan berbagai gambaran baik verbal, visual, grafik, dan audio.Instrumen pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah lembar validasi dan soal tes kemampuan berpikir kritis.Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dibagi menjadi tigayaitu: 1)analisis data analisis kebutuhan yang dideskripsikan, 2) analisis lembar validasi dengan menabulasi semua komponen data yangdiperoleh, mengitung skor rata-rata dari setiap komponen dan mengkategorikannya,dan 3)analisis data tes kemampuan berpikir kritis dihitung berdasarkan gain ternomalisasi.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) karakteristik modul adalah dengan menggunakan pendekatan kontekstual yang sesuai dengan komponen-komponenya dan menggunakan beragam representasi seperti ilustrasi, verbal, persamaan matematik, visual, dan audio. 2) kelayakan modul dilihat dari rata-rata nilai ideal (81,5%) ā‰„ nilai cut off (79,5%). 3) peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik setelah menggunakan modul multi representasi berbasis kontekstual memiliki kriteria sedang dengan gain sebesar 0,45

    The use of audio-visual media in improving culinary students learning outcomes in chicken carcass material

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    This research aimed to find out the effectiveness of audio-visual media (picture, video, audio) on culinary studentsā€™ learning outcomes in chicken carcass material. The researcher implemented a quasi-experimental method with a nonequivalent control group design. The subjects of this study were the 10th-grade students of SMK Negeri 8 Medan, Academic Year 2016/2017. Cluster random sampling was applied in this study, which consisted of one experimental class and one control class. Meanwhile, some hypothetical tests used in this study were n-gain, independent t-test, and dependent t-test. The n-gain score of learning outcomes in the experimental class is higher than the control class, which is 0.5 and categorized as moderate. Furthermore, studentsā€™ learning outcomes between those taught using audio-visual media and without audio-visual media in chicken carcass material indicated a significant difference with a significance score of 0.000 ā‰¤ 0.05. Thus, the audiovisual media effectively improves the learning outcomes of the 10th-grade students of the culinary department in Chicken Carcass material

    Socio-critical and problem-oriented approach in environmental issues for students' critical thinking skills development in chemistry learning

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    Students difficulty in relating chemistry concepts to everyday life leads to their inability to explore and developed skills needed, especially critical thinking. Therefore, this study aimed to develop studentsā€™ critical thinking skills by integrating socio-critical and problem-oriented approaches to chemistry learning with environmental issues in Indonesia context need to be discussed by students. This study involved 36 grade 11 chemistry students from a high school in Jakarta, Indonesia. The qualitative methodology was employed to analyze students critical thinking development in all learning processes through multiple data collection of students interviews, reflective journals, classroom observations, worksheets, and researcherā€™s notes. Learning was carried out in five stages: textual approach and problem analysis, clarifying the chemistry background in a lab environment, resuming the socio-scientific dimension, discussing and evaluating different points of view, and meta-reflection. While the critical thinking skills was assessed through five indicators developed by SCIT 1020: problem identification, conceptual understanding, finding relationships between concepts, developing assumptions, and drawing conclusions. The results illustrate an improvement in studentsā€™ critical thinking skills, motivation, and involvement in the learning process, providing support for using a socio-critical and problem-oriented approach to chemistry learning. The socio-critical and problem-oriented can be used as an alternative approach to chemistry learning or other applicable and contextual subjects to increase student activity in the classroom and critical thinking skills in the learning processPeer Reviewe

    Evidence of the ISTE Standards for Educators Leading to Learning Gains

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    The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) empirically designed and published educator standards to provide a roadmap for educators on effective technology integration. The purpose of this further study was to determine what empirical evidence demonstrates that the educator practices have a positive impact on student learning. Using a scoping review methodology, a transparent protocol was used for searching, identifying, and selecting articles that map to the practices within the ISTE Standards. The findings of this study reveal that all the practices in ISTE educator standards led to learning gains. This study is important for researchers, practitioners, funders, and policymakers as it provides empirical evidence that the technology practices within the ISTE Standards lead to student learning gains

    An integrated contextual and web-based issue quest approach to improving students 'learning achievements, attitudes and critical thinking

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    [[abstract]]In the era of computer and communication technologies, fostering students' high-level thinking abilities has become an important educational objective. Engaging students in web information searching to answer a series of questions related to a target issue has been recognized as a helpful approach for promoting students' thinking processes. In this study, a contextual learning approach is employed in web information searching activities to improve students' learning achievement, attitudes and critical thinking ability. The participants were divided into an experimental group, which was guided to use Internet resources to complete problem-based learning tasks with the contextual learning approach, and a control group, which learned with the conventional web information searching approach that situated students in a pure web information searching environment to answer questions for the issue to be investigated. From the experimental results, it was found that the experimental group exhibited significantly better learning attitudes, learning achievement, and better critical thinking than the control group, suggesting the effectiveness of the integrated contextual and web information searching approach in terms of helping students use Internet resources to investigate the target issue in depth

    An integrated contextual and web-based issue quest approach to improving studentsā€™ learning achievements, attitudes and critical thinking

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    [[abstract]]In the era of computer and communication technologies, fostering studentsā€™ high-level thinking abilities has become an important educational objective. Engaging students in web information searching to answer a series of questions related to a target issue has been recognized as a helpful approach for promoting studentsā€™ thinking processes. In this study, a contextual learning approach is employed in web information searching activities to improve studentsā€™ learning achievement, attitudes and critical thinking ability. The participants were divided into an experimental group, which was guided to use Internet resources to complete problem-based learning tasks with the contextual learning approach, and a control group, which learned with the conventional web information searching approach that situated students in a pure web information searching environment to answer questions for the issue to be investigated. From the experimental results, it was found that the experimental group exhibited significantly better learning attitudes, learning achievement, and better critical thinking than the control group, suggesting the effectiveness of the integrated contextual and web information searching approach in terms of helping students use Internet resources to investigate the target issue in depth

    Implementing a Technology-Based Instructional Module in An Introduction to Engineering Course: The Impact on Studentā€™s Vocabulary Retention and Attitudes Towards Learning

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the academic impact of a technology-based instructional module for content vocabulary instruction in the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Introduction to Engineering course. The goal of the study was to answer two key questions: 1) How does implementing a technology-based instructional module impact Engineering vocabulary academic gains for students taking the Introduction to Engineering course? and 2) What is the effect of implementing a technology-based instructional model on attitudes towards learning Engineering vocabulary for students taking the Introduction to Engineering course? This study was conducted with Introduction to Engineering students (N=23) during the second semester of a year-long course. Students were instructed during this module through the use of various computer-based learning platforms, providing both imagery and text, allowing for at-will access and review, and creating varied forms of practice. Data were collected through pre- and posttests, focus group interviews, and surveys. Data were analyzed through paired t-test and inductive analysis. Quantitative analysis revealed significant growth from pre- to post-assessment for engineering vocabulary academic gains. Qualitative analysis revealed increased scores and improved attitudes towards learning from pre- to post-intervention. The findings of this study indicated that although technology-based instruction had a positive impact on academic gains, relevance of the material and the relationship with the instructor influences both academic gains and attitudes towards learning. The research has implications for future research with technology-based versus traditional instruction and reevaluation with students who are more than one-year post-Covid virtual learning