5 research outputs found

    Certified Organization, Volume3, Special Issue 6

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    ABSTRACT: Data warehouse is a set of integrated databases deliberated to sustain decision-making and problem solving, embracing highly abridged data. Data warehouse happens to be progressively acknowledged subject for contemporary researchers with respect to contemporary inclination of industry and organizational purview. Data warehouse is one of the imperative contrivances for decision support system. Data warehouse is a repository which contains all the organizations data in entire capacity. Concentration of hacking has been intensifying diurnally; hence the incorporation of security mechanism has become a decisive concern for any organization in shielding the sensitive data. The compiled paper illustrates that how an undemanding security mechanism could be applied to defend the warehouse from unauthenticated access and malicious intrusions. The formulated paper also expresses the significant purpose of security mechanism deployment, thereby not degrading the performance of the warehouse, that being the consistent interaction time amid the client and the warehouse. The compiled paper ensures the design and implementation of security mechanism for data warehouse performance enhancement, with the incorporation of the well-knitted two tier user authentication techniques

    Simulation of BRKSS Architecture for Data Warehouse Employing Shared Nothing Clustering

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    The BRKSS Architecture is based upon shared nothing clustering that can scale-up to a large number of computers, increase their speed and maintain the work load. The architecture comprises of a console along with a CPU that also acts as a buffer and stores information based on the processing of transactions, when a batch enters into the system. This console is connected to a switch (p-ports) which is again connected to the c-number of clusters through their respective hubs. The architecture can be used for personal databases and for online databases like cloud through router. This architecture uses the concept of load balancing by moving the transaction among various nodes within the clusters so that the overhead of a particular node can be minimised. In this paper we have simulated the working of BRKSS architecture using JDK 1.7 with Net beans 8.0.2. We compared the result of performance parameters sch as turnaround time, throughput and waiting time with existing hierarchical clustering model

    Requirement modeling for data warehouse using goal-UML approach: the case of health care

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    Decision makers use Data Warehouse (DW) for performing analysis on business information. DW development is a long term process with high risk of failure and it is difficult to estimate the future requirements for the decision-making. Further, the current DW design does not consider the early and late requirements analysis during its development, especially by using Unified Modeling Language (UML) approach. Due to this problem, it is crucial that current DW modeling approaches covered both early and late requirements analysis in the DW design. A case study was conducted on Malaysia Rural Health Care (MRH) to gather the requirements for DW design. The goal-oriented approach has been used to analyze the early requirements and later was mapped to UML approach to produce a new DW modeling called Goal-UML (G-UML). The proposed approach highlighted the mapping process of DW conceptual schema to a class diagram to produce a complete MRH-DW design. The correctness of the DW design was evaluated using expert reviews. The G-UML method can contribute to the development of DW and be a guideline to the DW developers to produce an improved DW design that meets all the user requirement

    Pemodelan dan implementasi data Warehouse dalam manajemen pendidikan menggunakan Nine Step Methodology

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    Dalam menjalankan manajemen pendidikan, pihak eksekutif pada perguruan tinggi sering sekali merasa kesulitan dalam pengambilan keputusan jika hanya mengandalkan Sistem Informasi Akademik. Untuk itu dibutuhkan sebuah aplikasi yang dapat membantu mereka dalam pengambilan keputusan serta menemukan pola kritis dan tren dalam menjalankan manajemen pendidikan. Data warehouse berfungsi untuk mengumpulkan dan mengintegrasikan data, dan mengubahnya menjadi informasi yang dapat diakses untuk query dan analisis yang menghasilkan wawasan yang dapat menginformasikan dan mempengaruhi keputusan bisnis. Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah membuat suatu model data warehouse yang dapat menampilkan semua informasi yang bermanfaat yang dapat mendukung manajemen pendidikan. Metodologi perancangan data warehouse menggunakan metodologi yang dikemukakan oleh Kimball yang dikenal dengan Nine-step Methodology. Metode pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan teknik penyebaran kuesioner, wawancara, observasi dan tinjauan literatur. Model dirancang menggunakan alat bantu Visual Basic.Net 2008, SQL Server 2005 dan Crystal Report. Hasil penelitian ini berupa Model data warehouse untuk mendukung manajemen pendidikan

    An Integrated Conceptual Model for Temporal Data Warehouse Security

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