4 research outputs found

    An innovative speech-based user interface for smarthomes and IoT solutions to help people with speech and motor disabilities

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    A better use of the increasing functional capabilities of home automation systems and Internet of Things (IoT) devices to support the needs of users with disability, is the subject of a research project currently conducted by Area Ausili (Assistive Technology Area), a department of Polo Tecnologico Regionale Corte Roncati of the Local Health Trust of Bologna (Italy), in collaboration with AIAS Ausilioteca Assistive Technology (AT) Team. The main aim of the project is to develop experimental low cost systems for environmental control through simplified and accessible user interfaces. Many of the activities are focused on automatic speech recognition and are developed in the framework of the CloudCAST project. In this paper we report on the first technical achievements of the project and discuss future possible developments and applications within and outside CloudCAST

    IoT in healthcare: A scientometric analysis

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    This paper reviews scientific articles and patents about Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare. The aim is to explore both the domain of research and the one of practice simultaneously. We compare the annual growth, the country production, and the trend topics of publications and patents, by focusing on the most relevant themes concerning the IoT in the healthcare industry. The analysis started with the selection of the publications and patents for the period 2015–2020. Since this comparative analysis between scientometric data in healthcare is new, the findings of this study can represent the basis for future studies to determine novel research opportunities on IoT. The study provides scholars with a better understanding of IoT research in healthcare and simultaneously extends knowledge of entrepreneurship in this field. Practitioners may benefit from this review to understand new and underexplored opportunities


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    Internet of Things (IoT) has become a significant topic of interest in recent years. Billions of everyday devices will be connected and new forms of interaction grow with this new paradigm. However, the future role of IoT in regarding to inclusion in smart environments is not well defined yet. Further studies are still needed to investigate whether these technologies will be an enabler or whether it will introduce more barriers. In this paper, we conducted a systematic mapping to provide an overview of how accessibility has been considered in the development of IoT systems. The results show that the community has presented Assistive Technology solutions based on IoT resources and a lack of studies addressing accessibility and user studies in IoT projects. Therefore, the findings provide an overview of current research in IoT, as well as give implications for new research opportunities.A Internet das Coisas (IoT) tornou-se um tópico de significativo interesse nos últimos anos. Bilhões de dispositivos do cotidiano estarão conectados e novas formas de interação crescerão com esse novo paradigma. No entanto, o futuro papel da IoT em relação à inclusão em ambientes inteligentes ainda não está bem definido. Mais estudos ainda são necessários para investigar se essas tecnologias serão facilitadoras ou se introduzirão mais barreiras. Neste estudo, conduzimos um mapeamento sistemático para fornecer uma visão geral de como a acessibilidade foi considerada no desenvolvimento de sistemas IoT. Os resultados mostram que a comunidade apresentou soluções de Tecnologia Assistiva baseadas em recursos de IoT e uma falta de estudos sobre acessibilidade e estudos de usuários em projetos de IoT. Portanto, os resultados fornecem uma visão geral da pesquisa atual em IoT, bem como implicações para novas oportunidades de pesquisa

    Taxonomías de soluciones de Internet de las cosas orientadas a personas con discapacidades

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    El Internet de las Cosas (IoT - Internet of Things) ha revolucionado los sistemas y la conectividad a nivel mundial. Éste permite que cientos de dispositivos puedan recopilar información, enviar y recibir datos a través de Internet. El IoT ha sido aplicado en diversos campos, no siendo la excepción el ámbito médico; entre sus aplicaciones se encuentra el apoyo al personal sanitario, durante el tratamiento de personas con discapacidades, el uso de estos dispositivos interconectados ha permitido que estas personas desarrollen actividades de manera autónoma, ayudando en la mejora de su calidad de vida. En el contexto de la expansión de IoT a nivel mundial, se ve la necesidad de concentrar los estudios y las soluciones en un trabajo que articule, clasifique y evidencie las soluciones abordadas por diferentes grupos de investigación a nivel mundial. Para cubrir esta necesidad, hacen falta estudios secundarios que reúnan la evidencia técnica y científica de manera apropiada y que permitan encontrar brechas de investigación útiles para el avance científico y la no duplicidad de soluciones existentes. En este proyecto se desarrollará una revisión científica, repetible y replicable de la literatura para obtener una base sólida de soluciones IoT que solventen problemas para personas con discapacidad, se empleará la metodología de Kitchenham, se iniciará con una selección exhaustiva de investigaciones primarias relevantes para este proyecto, a continuación, se evaluará la calidad de los estudios seleccionados según una lista de comprobación que defina los factores a ser revisados, finalmente se extraerá y sintetizará los datos relevantes encontrados, los mismos que facilitarán el planteamiento de taxonomías que aporten a los profesionales de la salud en la toma de decisiones para diagnósticos, pronósticos y tratamientos para personas con discapacidades.The Internet of Things (IoT - Internet of Things) has revolutionized systems and connectivity worldwide. It allows hundreds of devices to collect information, send and receive data over the Internet. The IoT has been applied in various fields, the medical field not being the exception; Among its applications is the support to health personnel, during the treatment of people with disabilities, the use of these interconnected devices, has allowed these people to develop activities independently, helping to improve their quality of life. In the context of the expansion of IoT worldwide, there is a need to concentrate studies and solutions in a work that articulates, classifies and evidences the solutions addressed by different research groups worldwide. To cover this need, secondary studies are needed that gather the technical and scientific evidence in an appropriate way and that allow finding useful research gaps for scientific advancement and the non-duplication of existing solutions. In this project, a scientific, repeatable and replicable review of the literature will be developed to obtain a solid base of IoT solutions that solve problems for people with disabilities, the Kitchenham methodology will be used, it will begin with an exhaustive selection of primary research relevant to this project, then the quality of the selected studies will be evaluated according to a checklist that defines the factors to be reviewed, finally the relevant data found will be extracted and synthesized, the same that will facilitate the approach of taxonomies that contribute to the professionals of health in decision-making for diagnoses, prognoses and treatments for people with disabilities.Magíster en Gestión Estratégica de Tecnologías de la InformaciónCuenc