94 research outputs found

    A thermally aware performance analysis of quantum cellular automata logic gates

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    The high-performance digital circuits can be constructed at high operating frequency, reduced power dissipation, portability, and large density. Using conventional complementary-metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) design process, it is quite difficult to achieve ultra-high-speed circuits due to scaling problems. Recently quantum dot cellular automata (QCA) are prosed to develop logic circuits at atomic level. In this paper, we analyzed the performance of QCA circuits under different temperature effects and observed that polarization of the cells is highly sensitive to temperature. In case of the 3-input majority gate the cell polarization drops to 50% with an increase in the temperature of 18 K and for 5 input majority gate the cell polarization drops more quickly than the 3-input majority. Further, the performance of majority gates also compared in terms of area and power dissipation. It has been noticed that the proposed logic gates can also be used for developing simple and complex and memory circuits

    Emerging Technologies - NanoMagnets Logic (NML)

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    In the last decades CMOS technology has ruled the electronic scenario thanks to the constant scaling of transistor sizes. With the reduction of transistor sizes circuit area decreases, clock frequency increases and power consumption decreases accordingly. However CMOS scaling is now approaching its physical limits and many believe that CMOS technology will not be able to reach the end of the Roadmap. This is mainly due to increasing difficulties in the fabrication process, that is becoming very expensive, and to the unavoidable impact of leakage losses, particularly thanks to gate tunnel current. In this scenario many alternative technologies are studied to overcome the limitations of CMOS transistors. Among these possibilities, magnetic based technologies, like NanoMagnet Logic (NML) are among the most interesting. The reason of this interest lies in their magnetic nature, that opens up entire new possibilities in the design of logic circuits, like the possibility to mix logic and memory in the same device. Moreover they have no standby power consumption and potentially a much lower power consumption of CMOS transistors. In literature NML logic is well studied and theoretical and experimental proofs of concept were already found. However two important points are not enough considered in the analysis approach followed by most of the work in literature. First of all, no complex circuits are analyzed. NML logic is very different from CMOS technologies, so to completely understand the potential of this technology it is mandatory to investigate complex architectures. Secondly, most of the solutions proposed do not take into account the constraints derived from fabrication process, making them unrealistic and difficult to be fabricated experimentally. This thesis focuses therefore on NML logic keeping into account these two important limitations in the research approach followed in literature. The aim is to obtain a complete and accurate overview of NML logic, finding realistic circuital solutions and trying to improve at the same time their performance. After a brief and complete introduction (Chapter 1), the thesis is divided in two parts, which cover the two fundamental points followed in this three years of research: A circuits architecture analysis and a technological analysis. In the architecture analysis first an innovative VHDL model is described in Chapter 2. This model is extensively used in the analysis because it allows fast simulation of complex circuits, with, at the same time, the possibility to estimate circuit per- formance, like area and power consumption. In Chapter 3 the problem of signals synchronization in complex NML circuits is analyzed and solved, using as benchmark a simple but complete NML microprocessor. Different solutions based on asynchronous logic are studied and a new asynchronous solution, specifically designed to exploit the potential of NML logic, is developed. In Chapter 4 the layout of NML circuits is studied on a more physical level, considering the limitations of fabrication processes. The layout of NML circuits is therefore changed accordingly to these constraints. Secondly CMOS circuits architectures are compared to more simple architectures, evaluating therefore which one is more suited for NML logic. Finally the problem of interconnections in NML technology is analyzed and solutions to improve it are found. In Chapter 5 the problem of feedback signals in heavy pipelined technologies, like NML, is studied. Solutions to improve performances and synchronize signals are developed. Systolic arrays are then analyzed as possible candidate to exploit NML potential. Finally in Chapter 6 ToPoliNano, a simulator dedicated to NML and other emerging technologies, that we are developing, is described. This simulator allows to follow the same top-down approach followed for CMOS technology. The layout generator and the simulation engine are detailed described. In the first chapter of the technological analysis (Chapter 7), the performance of NML logic is explored throughout low level simulations. The aim is to understand if these circuits can be fabricated with optical lithography, allowing therefore the commercial development of NML logic. Basic logic gates and the clock system are there analyzed from a low level perspective. In Chapter 8 an innovative electric clock system for NML technology is shown and the first experimental results are reported. This clock system allows to achieve true low power for NML technology, obtaining a reduction of power consumption of 20 times considering the best CMOS transistors available. This power consumption takes into account all the losses, also the clock system losses. Moreover the solution presented can be fabricated with current technological processes. The research work behind this thesis represents an important breakthrough in NML logic. The solutions here presented allow the design and fabrication of complex NML circuits, considering the particular characteristics of this technology and considerably improving the performance. Moreover the technological solutions here presented allow the design and fabrication of circuits with available fabrication process with a considerable advantage over CMOS in terms of power consumption. This thesis represents therefore a considerable step froward in the study and development of NML technolog

    On The Design Of Low-Complexity High-Speed Arithmetic Circuits In Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata Nanotechnology

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    For the last four decades, the implementation of very large-scale integrated systems has largely based on complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology. However, this technology has reached its physical limitations. Emerging nanoscale technologies such as quantum-dot cellular automata (QCA), single electron tunneling (SET), and tunneling phase logic (TPL) are major candidate for possible replacements of CMOS. These nanotechnologies use majority and/or minority logic and inverters as circuit primitives. In this dissertation, a comprehensive methodology for majority/minority logic networks synthesis is developed. This method is capable of processing any arbitrary multi-output Boolean function to nd its equivalent optimal majority logic network targeting to optimize either the number of gates or levels. The proposed method results in different primary equivalent majority expression networks. However, the most optimized network will be generated as a nal solution. The obtained results for 15 MCNC benchmark circuits show that when the number of majority gates is the rst optimization priority, there is an average reduction of 45.3% in the number of gates and 15.1% in the number of levels. They also show that when the rst priority is the number of levels, an average reduction of 23.5% in the number of levels and 43.1% in the number of gates is possible, compared to the majority AND/OR mapping method. These results are better compared to those obtained from the best existing methods. In this dissertation, our approach is to exploit QCA technology because of its capability to implement high-density, very high-speed switching and tremendously lowpower integrated systems and is more amenable to digital circuits design. In particular, we have developed algorithms for the QCA designs of various single- and multi-operation arithmetic arrays. Even though, majority/minority logic are the basic units in promising nanotechnologies, an XOR function can be constructed in QCA as a single device. The basic cells of the proposed arrays are developed based on the fundamental logic devices in QCA and a single-layer structure of the three-input XOR function. This process leads to QCA arithmetic circuits with better results in view of dierent aspects such as cell count, area, and latency, compared to their best counterparts. The proposed arrays can be formed in a pipeline manner to perform the arithmetic operations for any number of bits which could be quite valuable while considering the future design of large-scale QCA circuits
