12 research outputs found

    Towards the ontology-based approach for factual information matching

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    Factual information is information based on facts or relating to facts. The reliability of automatically extracted facts is the main problem of processing factual information. The fact retrieval system remains one of the most effective tools for identifying the information for decision-making. In this work, we explore how can natural language processing methods and problem domain ontology help to check contradictions and mismatches in facts automatically

    Issues of Fact-based Information Analysis

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    With the recent growth of Internet, mobile and social networks the spread of fake news and click-baits increases drastically. Today, the fact retrieval system is one of the most effective tools for identifying the information for decision-making. We propose the approach based on factual information systematization. Different interpretations of the same phenomenon, as well as the inconsistency, inaccuracy or mismatch in information coming from different sources, lead to the task of factual information extraction. In this work, we explore how can natural language processing methods help to check contradictions and mismatches in facts automatically. The reference model of the factbased analytical system is proposed. It consists of such basic components as Document Search component, Fact retrieval component, Fact Analysis component, Visualization component, and Control component

    Reactive Public Relations Strategies for Managing Fake News in the Online Environment

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    The aim of this conceptual paper is to discuss the issue of managing fake news in the online environment, from an organizational perspective, by using reactive PR strategies. First, we critically discuss the most important definitions of the umbrella term fake news, in the so-called post-truth era, in order to emphasize different challenges in conceptualizing this elusive social phenomenon. Second, employing some valuable contribution from literature, we present and illustrate with vivid examples 10 categories of fake news. Each type of fake news is discussed in the context of organizational communication. Based on existent literature, we propose a 3D conceptual model of fake news, in an organizational context. Furthermore, we consider that PR managers can use either reactive PR strategies to counteract online fake news regarding an organization, or communication stratagems to temporarily transform the organization served into a potential source of fake news. The existing typology of reactive public relations strategies from the literature allow us to discuss the challenge of using them in counteracting online fake news. Each reactive PR strategy can be a potential solution to respond to different types of online fake news. Although these possibilities seem to be extensive, in some cases, PR managers can find them ineffective. In our view, this cluster of reactive PR strategies is not a panacea for managing fake news in the online environment and different strategic approaches may be need, such as communication stratagems. In this context, communication stratagems consist in using organization as a source or as a vector for strategic creation and dissemination of online fake news, for the benefit of the organization. We conclude that within online environment PR managers can employ a variety of reactive PR strategies to counteract fake news, or different communication stratagems to achieve organizational goals

    Identification of false news about science and technology by preservice Elementary Science Teachers

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    La creciente aparición de noticias falsas en internet es una de las preocupaciones internacionales, pues el sensacionalismo, la tergiversación, la falta de pruebas, la veracidad o desinformación de muchas noticias, requiere de una formación especial en la identificación de tales falacias. La formación inicial de docentes es una de las estrategias para prevenir y preparar a la ciudadanía hacia un mayor compromiso y pensamiento crítico. En este trabajo se presenta una actividad de identificación de noticias falsas por estudiantes del grado de Primaria (de ahora en adelante EGP), donde se analiza además las creencias epistemológicas que tienen sobre la ciencia y la tecnología, y cómo éstas pueden ayudar o no al desempeño de las actividades formativas. Con una muestra de 38 EGP se observa que los estudiantes con un pensamiento evaluador pudieron identificar por igual las diferentes tipologías de noticias falsas, mientras que los que tenían un pensamiento absolutista o multiplicista tuvieron más dificultades para identificar las noticias tergiversadas y/o con falta de pruebas. Igualmente se presenta una metodología con la herramienta hypothes.is que permite de forma online la citación y creación de anotaciones en páginas web sobre publicaciones falsas.The growing occurrence of false news on the Internet is one of the international issues, because the sensationalism, misrepresentation, no evidences, untrue or disinformation of many news, requires special training in the identification of such fallacies. The pre-service teachers training is one of the strategies to prevent and prepare the public towards greater commitment and critical thinking. In this paper an activity of false news identification is presented by pre-service elementary science teachers (hereinafter EGP), which also analyzes the epistemological beliefs that they have about science and technology, and whether these can help or not to the success identifying false news of the students. It is observed with a sample of 38 EGP that students with an evaluatism thought could identify the different types of false news equally, while those with an absolutist or multiplicist thought had more difficulties to identify the misrepresentation and / or lack of information on the news. Likewise, a methodology is presented with the tool hypothes.is that allows online the citation and creation of annotations in web pages about false publications

    Burst the Filter Bubble: Towards an Integrated Tool

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    Formation of filter bubbles is known as a risk for democracy and can bring negative consequences like polarisation of the society, users’ tendency to extremist viewpoints, and the proliferation of fake news. Previous studies, including prescriptive studies, focused on limited aspects of filter bubbles. The current study aims to propose a model for an integrated tool that assists users in avoiding filter bubbles in social networks. To this end, a systematic literature review has been adopted and 571 papers in six top-ranked scientific databases have been identified. After excluding irrelevant studies and an in-depth study of the remaining papers, a classification of research studies is proposed. This classification is then used to propose an overall architecture for an integrated tool that synthesises all previous studies and proposes new features for avoiding filter bubbles. The study explains the components and features of the proposed architecture and describes their focus on content and agents

    TrustyTweet: An Indicator-based Browser-Plugin to Assist Users in Dealing with Fake News on Twitter

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    The importance of dealing with fake news on social media has increased both in political and social contexts. While existing studies focus mainly on how to detect and label fake news, approaches to assist users in making their own assessments are largely missing. This article presents a study on how Twitter-users’ assessments can be supported by an indicator-based white-box approach. First, we gathered potential indicators for fake news that have proven to be promising in previous studies and that fit our idea of a white-box approach. Based on those indicators we then designed and implemented the browser-plugin TrusyTweet, which assists users on Twitter in assessing tweets by showing politically neutral and intuitive warnings without creating reactance. Finally, we suggest the findings of our evaluations with a total of 27 participants which lead to further design implications for approaches to assist users in dealing with fake news

    TrustyTweet: An Indicator-based Browser-Plugin to Assist Users in Dealing with Fake News on Twitter

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    The importance of dealing withfake newsonsocial mediahas increased both in political and social contexts.While existing studies focus mainly on how to detect and label fake news, approaches to assist usersin making their own assessments are largely missing. This article presents a study on how Twitter-users’assessmentscan be supported by an indicator-based white-box approach.First, we gathered potential indicators for fake news that have proven to be promising in previous studies and that fit our idea of awhite-box approach. Based on those indicators we then designed and implemented the browser-plugin TrusyTweet, which assists users on Twitterin assessing tweetsby showing politically neutral and intuitive warnings without creating reactance. Finally, we suggest the findings of our evaluations with a total of 27 participants which lead to further design implicationsfor approachesto assistusers in dealing with fake news

    Posverdad y exposición selectiva a fake news. Algunos ejemplos concretos de Argentina

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    Este trabajo se enmarca en el debate sobre la posverdad y el impacto de las fake news en el periodismo y las audiencias. Pero no solo eso, sino que busca comprender este fenómeno desde una perspectiva sociocultural, más allá del entorno periodístico. En este contexto, la posverdad no puede ser considerada como una serie de eventos individuales inconexos, sino que debe ser pensada como un fenómeno que atraviesa el debate público actual, tal como lo mostró el último escándalo de Cambridge Analytica y Facebook, y la utilización de algoritmos que pueden llegar a generar un alto grado de opacidad en la información. Este trabajo, por último, también refleja la multiplicación y fragmentación de las formas en que las mentiras se propagan y perpetúan en el caos de la comunicación contemporánea

    Video reportaje sobre las fake news durante la pandemia. Estudio de caso Jair Bolsonaro.

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    El presente trabajo de investigación surge por una preocupación sobre el incremento de noticias falsas en un contexto global marcado por serias diferencias socio políticas. En el contexto de la pandemia covid- 19, la desinformación se incrementó en un 70% de manera rápida y alarmante que organismos como la organización mundial de la salud no dudaron en calificarla como una segunda pandemia, es decir, como infodemia. En américa latina, la difusión de noticias falsas termina polarizando aún más una sociedad desigual, que puede ser fácilmente manipulable por determinados actores que tienen los suficientes recursos para difundir propaganda que resulte favorable para sus agendas políticas y económicas. Particularmente en el caso de brasil, la difusión de noticias falsas se constituyó en la campaña y en el gobierno de bolsonaro en uno de los principales medios para manipular masas, desacreditar a la oposición y favorecer su agenda política. Además, un análisis sobre las noticias falsas difundidas en la crisis Sanitaria de brasil cobra relevancia por su íntima relación con el deceso de miles de personas. Por estas razones, se realizó un video reportaje sobre la difusión de fake news por jair bolsonaro en brasil durante la pandemia en el año 2021. Para su realización se revisaron los tweets que el mandatario brasileño publicó entre abril y diciembre, se entrevistaron a expertos sobre el tema y construyó un guion que posteriormente fue empleado para la producción del video reportaje.This research work arises from a concern about the increase in fake news in a global context marked by serious socio-political differences. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, disinformation increased by 70% in a rapid and alarming manner that organizations such as the World Health Organization did not hesitate to classify it as a second pandemic, that is, as an infodemic. In Latin America, the spread of fake news ends up further polarizing an unequal society, which can be easily manipulated by certain actors who have enough resources to spread propaganda that is favorable to their political and economic agendas. Particularly in the case of Brazil, the dissemination of false news became one of the main means of manipulating the masses, discrediting the opposition and favoring its political agenda in the Bolsonaro campaign and government. In addition, an analysis of the false news spread in the health crisis in Brazil is relevant due to its intimate relationship with the death of thousands of people. For these reasons, a video report was made on the spread of fake news by Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil during the pandemic in 2021. For its realization, the tweets that the Brazilian president presented between April and December were reviewed, experts were interviewed about the theme and built a script that was later used for the production of the video report