12 research outputs found

    Research and design of high-speed advanced analogue front-ends for fibre-optic transmission systems

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    In the last decade, we have witnessed the emergence of large, warehouse-scale data centres which have enabled new internet-based software applications such as cloud computing, search engines, social media, e-government etc. Such data centres consist of large collections of servers interconnected using short-reach (reach up to a few hundred meters) optical interconnect. Today, transceivers for these applications achieve up to 100Gb/s by multiplexing 10x 10Gb/s or 4x 25Gb/s channels. In the near future however, data centre operators have expressed a need for optical links which can support 400Gb/s up to 1Tb/s. The crucial challenge is to achieve this in the same footprint (same transceiver module) and with similar power consumption as today’s technology. Straightforward scaling of the currently used space or wavelength division multiplexing may be difficult to achieve: indeed a 1Tb/s transceiver would require integration of 40 VCSELs (vertical cavity surface emitting laser diode, widely used for short‐reach optical interconnect), 40 photodiodes and the electronics operating at 25Gb/s in the same module as today’s 100Gb/s transceiver. Pushing the bit rate on such links beyond today’s commercially available 100Gb/s/fibre will require new generations of VCSELs and their driver and receiver electronics. This work looks into a number of state‐of-the-art technologies and investigates their performance restraints and recommends different set of designs, specifically targeting multilevel modulation formats. Several methods to extend the bandwidth using deep submicron (65nm and 28nm) CMOS technology are explored in this work, while also maintaining a focus upon reducing power consumption and chip area. The techniques used were pre-emphasis in rising and falling edges of the signal and bandwidth extensions by inductive peaking and different local feedback techniques. These techniques have been applied to a transmitter and receiver developed for advanced modulation formats such as PAM-4 (4 level pulse amplitude modulation). Such modulation format can increase the throughput per individual channel, which helps to overcome the challenges mentioned above to realize 400Gb/s to 1Tb/s transceivers

    Feedback methods for inductorless bandwidth extension and linearisation of post-amplifiers in optical receiver frontends

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    Optical communication is increasingly important in today's telecommunications. It is not only a key component in long-haul infrastructure, but is also being brought into new applications within the datacentre, at the circuit board and integrated circuit level, and in next generation mobile networks. This thesis proposes feedback tuning approaches in order to address two challenges within optical receiver analog frontend circuits: a) the dynamic response of a prior bandwidth extension technique; and b) linearity optimisation. To address dynamic response, we begin with an inductorless method of bandwidth extension using positive feedback loops. In a multi-stage post-amplifier with local positive feedback loops, we propose an approach which tunes each positive feedback gain separately, and demonstrate that this achieves better dynamic response and eye opening than the prior equal-feedback-gain approach. We additionally propose root-locus analysis as a means of characterising dynamic response, and suggest some design guidelines based on this analysis. To address linearity optimisation, we propose the use of an interleaving negative-feedback post-amplifier topology, previously proposed only for bandwidth extension. We investigate the relationship between the feedback gains and linearity and develop a design approach for linearity optimisation. We then designed and fabricated two 70 dB 6 GHz optical receiver circuits, making use of two different post-amplifiers, in order to compare different design approaches. We achieved a linearity of 0.08 dBVrms OIP3 (quasi-static) and a THD of 0.195\% at 1 GHz

    Bandwidth Enhancement Techniques For Cmos Transimpedance Amplifier

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    Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2016Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2016CMOS Transferempedans Kuvvetlendiricinin bandgenis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımını gelis¸tirmeye yönelik teknikler haberles¸me teknolojisinde ve uygulamalarında ortaya çıkan hızlı gelis¸meler ve uygulamalar verilere hızlı eris¸im avantajı yanında hızlı hesaplama ve haberles¸me tekniklerine imkan veren bir bilgi çag˘ ını ortaya çıkarmıs¸tır. Sürekli artan hızlı bilgi transferi ihtiyacı, hızlı elemanların ve tümdevrelerin tasarımına yönelik aras¸tırmalara liderlik eden optik haberles¸me teknig˘ ini dog˘ urmus¸tur. Veri iletimi için mevcut ortamlar arasında optik fiber yapıları en iyi bas¸arımı sunmaktadır. Günümüzde optik fiberler çok yog˘ un sayısal veri transferinde genis¸ kullanım alanı bulmaktadır. Yog˘ un veri aktarımı kilometrelerce uzunlukta optik fiberler üzerinde önemli bir kayıp olmaksızın yapılabilmektedir. Normal s¸artlarda, is¸aret aktarımının ıs¸ık ile yapılması durumunda ortaya çıkan kayıp elektriksel yolla yapılan aktarıma gore daha düs¸üktür. Optik fiberler genel bas¸arımı iyiles¸tirmenin yanında düs¸ük maliyet avantajını da sunmaktadır. En yüksek teknolojilerde, optik fiber elemanları ve sistemleri çok yog˘ un veri aktarımı amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. Sonuç olarak optik fiber teknolojisi düs¸ük kayıpla çok yog˘ un veri aktarımını az maliyetle sunabilen bir teknoloji olarak günümüzde çok önemli bir konuma sahiptir. Genel olarak, optik haberles¸me sistemlerinde kullanılan analog devreler Galyum Arsenik (GaAs) veya Indiyum Fosfid (InP) teknolojileri ile üretilmektedir. Bu prosesler yüksek hızlı devreler için olus¸turulmakta olup optik haberles¸me sistemlerinin ihtiyaç duydug˘ u yüksek band genis¸lig˘ ine sahip devreleri üretmek için genellikle tek alternatif olarak kars¸ımıza çıkmaktadırlar. Bununla birlikte, CMOS proseslerinde ortaya çıkan hızlı gelis¸meler sayesinde daha yüksek bas¸arımlara sahip analog devreleri CMOS proses kullanarak tasarlama ve gerçekles¸tirme imkanları gittikçe artmaktadır. CMOS prosesin tercih edilmesine sebep olan en önemli avantaj maliyetlerde ortaya çıkan büyük düs¸üs¸tür. CMOS proseslerin maliyetinin düs¸ük olmasının sebebi, büyük alan kullanımı gerektiren sayısal devre gerçekles¸tirmelerinde çok genis¸ bir kullanıma sahip olmasıdır. CMOS prosesin dig˘ er bir avantajı sayısal ve analog devrelerin aynı taban üzerinde gerçekles¸tirilmesine imkan vermesidir. Transferempedans kuvvetlendirici (TIA) optik haberles¸me alıcılarındaki ilk blok olup giris¸indeki akımı çıkıs¸ında gerilime dönüs¸türmektedir. Tipik bir TIA’nın önemli bas¸arım ihtiyaçları genis¸ bandgenis¸lig˘ i, yüksek transferempedans kazancı, düs¸ük gürültü, düs¸ük güç tüketimi ve küçük grup geçikme deg˘ is¸im aralıg˘ ıdır. Nano teknolojilerdeki güncel gelis¸meler, optik alıcıların giris¸ katı uygulamalarında gerekli kolay bir s¸ekilde elde edilemeyen bas¸arımları sag˘ layabilen CMOS Transfer- empedans Kuvvetlendiricinin (TIA) tasarımını ekonomik hale getirmis¸tir. TIA tasarımında dikkat edilmesi gereken iki önemli mesele bandgenis¸lig˘ i ve giris¸ hassasiyetidir. TIA’nın bandgenis¸lig˘ i genellikle giris¸teki parasitic kapasite tarafından sınırlanmaktadır. TIA’nın bandgenis¸lig˘ i fotodiyot kapasitesi, transistor giris¸ kapasitesi ve transistor giris¸ direncinin belirledig˘ i RC zaman sabiti ile bulunabilir. Giris¸ hassasiyeti ise TIA’nın giris¸ gürültü akımından etkilenmektedir. Bundan dolayı TIA’nın bandgenis¸lig˘ i ve giris¸ is¸areti hassasiyeti bas¸arımlarını optimum bir s¸ekilde temin eden uygun devre topolojisinin belirlenmesi önemli bir meseledir. Bu tez, CMOS teknolojisi kullanan Transferempedans Kuvvetlendiricinin band- genis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımını gelis¸tirmeye yönelik yeni teknikler sunan bir çalıs¸madır. CMOS TIA’nın bandgenis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımını iyiles¸tirmeye yönelik farklı yaklas¸ımlar tez içerisinde gösterilmektedir. Bundan bas¸ka, bu çalıs¸ma transferempedansı kuvvetlendiricinin analizini ve tasarımını tam olarak anlamak için gerekli altyapı bilgisini de sunmaktadır. Bu tezde, sistemle devre tasarımı arasındaki bos¸lug˘ u doldurmak için s¸unlar yapılmıs¸tır: - Band genis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımının arttırılmasının matematiksel analizlerle anlas¸ılması. - Gerçekles¸tirilebilir yeni devre yapılarının tanıtılması. - Teklif edilen tasarımların CMOS teknolojisiyle gerçekles¸tirilebilirlig˘ inin kapsamlı ve detaylı simülasyonlar kullanılarak gösterilmesi. Sunulan yeni devre yapılarının ilki olarak, negatif empedans devresinin bandgenis¸lig˘ i artıs¸ı için kullanılabileceg˘ i bu tezde gösterilmis¸ olup bu teknik bu tezde TIA’nın çıkıs¸ kutpu için uygulanmaktadır. Bandgenis¸lig˘ i, kazancı (gmRout) arttırarak ve çıkıs¸ta aynı zaman sabiti korunarak arttırılabilir. Çıkıs¸ direnci arttırılarak kazanç (A) yükseltilebilir. Çıkıs¸ direnci çıkıs¸a uygulanacak bir negative direnç devresi ile arttırılabilir. Çıkıs¸ta aynı zaman sabitini korumak için ise negatif kapasite devresi kullanılabilir. Daha yüksek kazanç deg˘ eri (A) rezistif geribesleme sayesinde giris¸ direncini azaltarak giris¸ kutbunun yükselmesini sag˘ lamaktadır. Sonuç olarak, bandgenis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımında bir iyiles¸tirme elde edilebilmektedir. Teklif edilen topoloji ile 7GHz bandgenis¸lig˘ ine ve 54.3dB’lik kazanca sahip bir TIA tasarlanmıs¸tır. Teklif edilen TIA’nın 1.8V’luk besleme kaynag˘ ından çektig˘ i toplam güç 29mW’tır. Teklif edilen TIA’nın 0.18um CMOS proses ile post-serimi yapılmıs¸tır. Benzetimle elde edilmis¸ giris¸ gürültü akım yog˘ unlug˘ u 5.9pA/ Hz olup kapladıg˘ ı alan 230umX45um olmus¸tur. Tezde bir sonraki çalıs¸mada es¸les¸tirme teknig˘ i kullanılarak genis¸ bantlı bs¸r TIA tasarlanmıs¸tır. Giris¸te seri empedans es¸les¸tirme teknig˘ i ve çıkıs¸ta T tipi es¸les¸tirme yapısı birlikte kullanılarak TIA’nın bandgenis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımının iyi bir düzeyde iyiles¸tirilebileceg˘ i gösterilmis¸tir. Bu yaklas¸ım 0.18um CMOS teknolojisi ile yapılmıs¸ bir tasarım örneg˘ i ile desteklenmis¸tir. Post serim sonuçları 50fF’lık bir fotodiyot kapasitesi için 20GHz’lik bandgenis¸lig˘ i, 52.6dB’lik transferdirenci kazancı, 8.7pA/ Hz ‘lik giris¸ gürültü akımı ve 3pS’den daha az grup geçikmesi bas¸arımılarını vermis¸tir. Bu TIA uygulaması 1.8V’luk besleme kaynag˘ ından 1.3mW güç çekmis¸tir. Tezin üçüncü as¸amasında TIA band genis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımını arttırmaya yönelik bas¸ka bir yapı sunulmaktadır. Bu yapı, literatürde bilinen regule edilmis¸ ortak geçitli mimari ile birlikte farklı rezonans frekanslarına sahip iki rezonans devresinin paralel kullanımını içermektedir. Teklif edilen TIA devresinde, kapasite dejenarasyon ve seri endüktif tepe teknikleri kutup-sıfır kompanzasyonu için kullanılmıs¸tır. 100fF’lık fotodiyot kapasitesine sahip bir TIA 0.18um CMOS prosesi ili tasarlanmıs¸tır. Post-serim sonuçları 13GHz’lik bandgenis¸lig˘ i, 53dB’lik transferdirenci kazancı, 24pA/ Hz ‘lik xxvi giris¸ gürültü akımı ve 5pS’den daha az grup geçikmesi bas¸arımılarını vermis¸tir. Bu TIA uygulaması 1.8V’luk besleme kaynag˘ ından 11mW güç çekmis¸tir. Tezin dördüncü as¸amasında, regule edilmis¸ ortak geçitli mimari kullanan TIA’nın bandgenis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımını arttırmaya yönelik bir teknik tanıtılmıs¸tır. Bu teknik, resistif kompanzasyon teknig˘ ini ve merdiven es¸les¸tirme yapısını bir kaskod akım kaynag˘ ı ile birlikte kullanmaya dayanmaktadır. Bu yapının bas¸arımını göstermek amacıyla, 0.18um CMOS prosesi ile bir tasarım yapılmıs¸tır. Post-serim sonuçları 8.4GHz’lik bandgenis¸lig˘ i, 51.3dB’lik transferdirenci kazancı, 20pA/ Hz ‘lik giris¸ gürültü akımı ve 4pS’den daha az grup geçikmesi bas¸arımılarını vermis¸tir. Bu TIA uygulaması 1.8V’luk besleme kaynag˘ ından 17.8mW güç çekmis¸tir. Tezin son as¸amasında, tezde sunulan teknikler ve yapıların kendi aralarında kars¸ılas¸tırılması verilmektedir. Kars¸ılas¸tırma öncelikli olarak band genis¸lig˘ i, transferempedansı kazancı, gürültü, güç tüketimi, grup geçikme deg˘ is¸im aralıg˘ ı ve kapladıg˘ ı alan için yapılmaktadır. Bunlara ek olarak, sunulan yapıların kullandıg˘ ı tekniklerin avantajlı yanları ile birlikte (kararlılık üzerinde olus¸abilecek negatif etkiler gibi) dezavantajlı tarafları da tezin son as¸amasında verilmektedir. Tezin son as¸amasında yapılan kars¸ılas¸tırmalar, en iyi bant genis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımının es¸les¸tirme teknig˘ ini kullanan yapıdan elde edildig˘ ini göstermektedir. Bununla birlikte dig˘ er yapıların da band genis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımı üzerinde önemli iyiles¸tirmeler yaptıg˘ ı ortaya konulmaktadır. Gürültü açısından ise en yüksek bas¸arımın negatif empedans teknig˘ ini kullanan yapıda elde edildig˘ i görülmektedir. Bu yapı aynı zamanda düs¸ük alan kullanımı imkanı da sunmaktadır. Tezde sunulan dig˘ er iki yapı ise özellikle yüksek deg˘ erli fotodiyot kapasiteleri için incelenmis¸ olup band genis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımı üzerinde önemli iyiles¸tirmeler yaptıkları gösterilmektedir. Sonuç olarak, bu tezde transferempedans kuvvetlendiricinin bandgenis¸lig˘ i bas¸arımını iyiles¸tiren farklı teknikler sunulmakta olup bu teknikler ayrıntılı ve kars¸ılas¸tırmalı olarak incelenmektedir. Tezde verilen sonuçlar sunulan yeni tekniklerin bas¸arımlarının yüksek oldug˘ unu ve literature yeni ve güçlü alternatfiler sunuldug˘ unu göstermektedir. Tezde sunulan yaklas¸ımların ve tekniklerin gelecekte yapılacak benzer aras¸tırmalara hem yardımcı olacak hem de referans olacak nitelikte oldug˘ u düs¸ünülmektedir.The accelerated development of integrated systems in the communication technology and their application are among the significant technologies that have developed the information era by empowering high-speed computation and communication technique besides high-speed access to stored data. The continuous growth demand for high-speed transport of information has rekindled optical communications, leading to derived research on high-speed device and integrated circuit design. Among the available medium to transfer the data, optical fibers have the best performance. Optical fibers are very common these days to transport very high rate digital data. Such high speed data rates can be transported over kilometers of optical fiber and without significant loss. Normally loss is very low when the signal is transmitted using light rather than electrical signal. These fibers also have the advantage of being low cost in addition to improvement of performance. In state-of-the-art technology, fiber optic devices and systems are evidently employed to realize very high data rates. Fiber optic communication is a solution because high data rates can be transmitted through this high capacity cable with high performance. Traditionally, analog circuits used in optical communication systems are implemented using Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) or Indium Phosphide (InP) technologies. These processes are designed for high speed circuits, and have been traditionally the only technologies able to produce the high bandwidth circuits required in optical communication systems. However, due to the aggressive scaling of the CMOS process, it is now becoming possible to design high performance analog circuits in CMOS. The primary advantage of moving to a CMOS process is a dramatic reduction in cost due to its widespread use in high volume digital circuits. Another advantage of using CMOS is its ability to integrate digital and analog circuits onto the same substrate. Transimpedance amplifier (TIAs) is the first building block in the optical communication receiver that converts the small signal current to a corresponding output voltage signal. The important requirements of a typical TIA are large bandwidth, high transimpedance gain, low noise, low power consumption, and small group delay variation. Current developments in nanoscale technologies made it economically feasible to design CMOS transimpedance amplifier (TIA) that satisfies the stringent performances necessary for the front-end optical transceivers applications such as low power, low cost and high integration which offers the most economical solution in the consumer application market. In designing of TIA, the two major factors that must be considered are the bandwidth and the input sensitivity. The bandwidth of TIA is usually limited by the parasitic capacitance at the input stage, and it can be calculated by its RC time constant contributed by photodiode capacitance, parasitic capacitance and input resistance of the amplifier. The sensitivity is affected by the input current noise of the TIA. Therefore it is challenge to choose the suitable circuit topology that provides an optimal trade-off between bandwidth and input signal sensitivity for TIA. This thesis is an attempt toward providing novel techniques to extend the bandwidth of the transimpedance amplifier using CMOS technology. Different approaches used to improve the bandwidth of CMOS TIAs are covered. Moreover, this research provides the necessary background knowledge to fully understand the analysis and design of the transimpedance amplifier (TIA). Bridging the gap between system and circuit design is done by: Understanding the bandwidth expansion by mathematical analysis. Introducing new circuit architectures that can be realized. Demonstrating implementation of the proposed designs using extensive simulations in CMOS technology. It is shown in this thesis that, using a negative impedance NI circuit can be used for bandwidth extension. In our application, the negative impedance is incorporated into the output pole of TIA. The bandwidth can be improved by increasing the gain (A = gmRout ) and by maintaining the same time constant at the output pole. A better gain A can be obtained if the output resistance Rout is increased. Increasing Rout can be done by placing a negative resistance RIN in parallel with the output resistance Rout . In order to maintain the same time constant at the output node, a negative capacitance can be used. It have been reported that, the shunt feedback architecture is used to improve the bandwidth of TIA. Increasing the gain A effectively decreases the input resistance and hence increase the frequency of the input pole due to feedback. As a result, an improvement of the bandwidth can be obtained. Using the proposed topology, a wide band transimpedance amplifier with a bandwidth of 7 GH z and transimpedance gain of 54.3 dBΩ is achieved. The total power consumption of the proposed TIA from the 1.8 V power supply is 29 mW . The TIA is designed in 0.18 µ m CMOS technology. The simulated input referred noise current spectral density is 5.9 pA/√H z and the TIA occupies 230µ m × 45µ m of area. Furthermore, a wide band TIA is designed using the matching technique. It is shown that by simultaneously using of series input matching topology and T-output matching network, the bandwidth of the TIA can be obviously improved. This methodology is supported by a design example in a 0.18 µ m CMOS technology. The post layout simulation results show a bandwidth of 20 GH z with 50 f F photodiode capacitance, a transimpedance gain of 52.6 dBΩ, 11 pA/√H z input referred noise and group delay less than 8.3 ps. The TIA dissipates 1.3 mW from a 1.8 V supply voltage. In addition, a new design possessing to extend the bandwidth of the TIA is presented. This TIA employs a parallel combination of two series resonate circuits with different resonate frequencies on the conventional regulated common gate (RGC) architecture. In the proposed TIA, a capacitance degeneration and series inductive peaking technique are used for pole-zero elimination. The TIA is implemented in a 0.18 µ m CMOS process, where a 100 f F photodiode is considered. The post layout simulation results show a transimpedance gain of 53 dBΩ transimpedance gain along with a 13 GH z bandwidth. The designed TIA consumes 11 mW from a 1.8 V supply, and its group-delay variation is 5 ps with 24 pA/√H z input referred noise. xxii In the last phase of the work, a technique to enhance the bandwidth of the regulated common gate (RCG) transimpedance amplifier is described. The technique is based on using a cascode current mirror with resistive compensation technique and a ladder matching network. In order to verify the operation and the performance of the proposed technique, a CMOS design example is designed using the 0.18µ m CMOS process technology. The post layout simulation results show that, the proposed TIA achieved a bandwidth of 8.4 GH z, a transimpedance gain of 51.3 dBΩ and input referred noise current spectral density of 20 pA/√H z. The average group-delay variation is 4 ps over the bandwidth and the TIA consumes 17.8 mW from a 1.8 V supply. To sum up, this thesis focuses on various design techniques of transimpedance amplifier (TIA) that improves the bandwidth performance. We believe that, our approaches and techniques exhibit a path which other future researchers can follow and as well refer to as their researching domain and also could be used in their research applications.DoktoraPh

    Modelling, Analysis and Design of Optimised Electronic Circuits for Visible Light Communication Systems

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    This thesis explores new circuit design techniques and topologies to extend the bandwidth of visible light communication (VLC) transmitters and receivers, by ameliorating the bandwidth-limiting effects of commonly used optoelectronic devices. The thesis contains detailed literature review of transmitter and receiver designs, which inspired two directions of work. The first proposes new designs of optically lossless light emitting diode (LED) bandwidth extension technique that utilises a negative capacitance circuit to offset the diode’s bandwidth-limiting capacitance. The negative capacitance circuit was studied and verified through newly developed mathematical analysis, modelling and experimental demonstration. The bandwidth advantage of the proposed technique was demonstrated through measurements in conjunction with several colour LEDs, demonstrating up to 500% bandwidth extension with no loss of optical power. The second direction of work enhances the bandwidth of VLC receivers through new designs of ultra-low input impedance transimpedance amplifiers (TIAs), designed to be insensitive to the high photodiode capacitances (Cpd) of large area detectors. Moreover, the thesis proposes a new circuit, which modifies the traditional regulated cascode (RGC) circuit to enhance its bandwidth and gain. The modified RGC amplifier efficiently treats significant RGC inherent bandwidth limitations and is shown, through mathematical analysis, modelling and experimental measurements to extend the bandwidth further by up to 200%. The bandwidth advantage of such receivers was demonstrated in measurements, using several large area photodiodes of area up to 600 mm^2, resulting in a substantial bandwidth improvement of up to 1000%, relative to a standard 50 Ω termination. An inherent limitation of large area photodiodes, associated with internal resistive elements, was identified and ameliorated, through the design of negative resistance circuits. Altogether, this research resulted in a set of design methods and practical circuits, which will hopefully contribute to wider adoption of VLC systems and may be applied in areas beyond VLC

    Integrated Circuits/Microchips

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    With the world marching inexorably towards the fourth industrial revolution (IR 4.0), one is now embracing lives with artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoTs), virtual reality (VR) and 5G technology. Wherever we are, whatever we are doing, there are electronic devices that we rely indispensably on. While some of these technologies, such as those fueled with smart, autonomous systems, are seemingly precocious; others have existed for quite a while. These devices range from simple home appliances, entertainment media to complex aeronautical instruments. Clearly, the daily lives of mankind today are interwoven seamlessly with electronics. Surprising as it may seem, the cornerstone that empowers these electronic devices is nothing more than a mere diminutive semiconductor cube block. More colloquially referred to as the Very-Large-Scale-Integration (VLSI) chip or an integrated circuit (IC) chip or simply a microchip, this semiconductor cube block, approximately the size of a grain of rice, is composed of millions to billions of transistors. The transistors are interconnected in such a way that allows electrical circuitries for certain applications to be realized. Some of these chips serve specific permanent applications and are known as Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICS); while, others are computing processors which could be programmed for diverse applications. The computer processor, together with its supporting hardware and user interfaces, is known as an embedded system.In this book, a variety of topics related to microchips are extensively illustrated. The topics encompass the physics of the microchip device, as well as its design methods and applications

    High Performance Tunable Active Inductors For Microwave Circuits

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    Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2016Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2016RF uygulamalarında enduktif karakteristiğe önemli ölçüde ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır; bunlar, özellikle filtreler, düşük gürültülü yükselteçler (LNA, low noise amplifiers), gerilim kontrollü osilatörler (VCO, voltage controlled oscillators), pek çok farklı türde yükselteç için band genişliği iyileştirilmesi, faz kaydırıcılar, güç bölücüler ve eşleştirme (matching) devreleri vb. uygulamalardır. Pasif sarmal çip-içi CMOS endüktansların eksik yönleri ayrıntılı olarak literatürde tartışılmıştır. Bu tür endüktanslar düşük değer katsayısı (quality factor), düşük öz-rezonans frekansı (SRF, self-resonance frequency), sabit ve düşük değerli endüktans ve geniş bir silikon (silicon) alanı gerektirmeleri gibi istenmeyen özelliklere sahiptirler. Diğer yandan, MOS transistorlar kullanılarak sentezlenen CMOS aktif endüktansların, pasif sarmal eşdeğer yapıları ile karşılaştırıldığında pek çok çekici karakteristik özellik sunabildikleri gösterilmiştir. Bunlar; geniş bir bölgede ayarlanabilir öz-rezonans frekansı başarımı, geniş bir bölgede ayarlanabilir endüktans başarımı, geniş bir bölgede ayarlanabilir değer katsayısı başarımı, CMOS teknolojileri ile tümüyle gerçeklenebilme ve az alan kaplama gibi karakteristik özellikleri olarak ortaya konulmaktadır. Literatürde jiratör-C (GC) prensibi, topolojisi, karakterizasyonu ve uygulamaları ayrıntılı olarak ele alınmaktadır. İşlemsel geçiş-iletkenliği kuvvetlendiricisi (OTA, operational transconductance amplifier) ile gerçeklenen GC devreleri, RF uygulamaları için oldukça uygundur. Bu özellik, GC yapılarının söz konusu yapı kullanılarak en az sayıda aktif eleman ile gerçeklenebilmesinden kaynaklanmaktadır. Gerek topraklı (grounded) gerekse yüzen (floating) aktif endüktansların GC devreleri ile gerçeklenebildiği gösterilmiştir. Aktif endüktansların başarımlarının nicel olarak ölçülmesi amacıyla, çok sayıda ölçüt ortaya konulmuştur. Bu ölçütler frekans çalışma aralığı, endüktans ayarlanabilirliği, değer katsayısı, gürültü ve güç tüketimi gibi temel özellikleri içerirler. CMOS transistorların parazitik bileşenlerinden dolayı tasarlanan aktif endüktanslar belirli bir frekans bölgesinde endüktif davranış gösterirler. Alt frekans sınırı, GC devrelerinin sıfır frekansı ile belirlenirken; üst frekans sınırı ise öz-rezonans frekansı ile belirlenir. Aktif endüktansların pasif sarmal eşdeğer yapılarına göre en önemli üstünlüklerinden biri de; endüktanslarının geniş bir değer aralığıunda ayarlanabilir olmasıdır. GC aktif endüktansların endüktans değeri, transistorların geçiş-iletkenliklerinin ya da MOS varaktörlerle gerçeklenen yük kapasitanslarının değiştirilmesi ile ayarlanabilir. Literatürde, GC topolojisine dayalı pek çok CMOS AI (active inductor) devresi bildirilmiştir. Bunların tümü, farklı teknikler kullanılarak yüksek başarımlı AI yapıları oluşturmayı amaçlamışlardır. Bu tezde, bunlardan güncel olan bazı GAI (grounded AI) ve FAI (floating AI) yapıları gözden geçirilmiştir. Bunlardan bazıları, değer katsayısını (QF) iyileştirmek amacıyla, AI kaybını telafi etmek için negatif direnç kullanmışlardır. GC yapıları RF uygulamaları için tasarlandıklarında en az sayıda transistor kullanımı çok kritiktir. Çünkü bu durum AI öz-rezonans frekansının artmasına yardımcı olur. AI’ler, kazanç artırma amacıyla LNA’lerde geniş kullanım alanı bulabilmektedirler. Diğer taraftan, AI yapılarının en önemli dezvantajlarından biri gürültü başarımının pasif endüktanslara nispeten yüksek olmasıdır. Literatürde bu dezavantajı gidermek amacıyla teklif edilen yaklaşımlardan biri dejenerasyon direncinin bulunduğu bir geribesleme katı kullanılarak girişe gelen gürültü katkısını azaltmayı amaçlamıştır. Literatürde teklif edilen tekniklerin amacı, parazitik bileşenlerin etkisini azaltmak ya da tümüyle ortadan kaldırmaktır. Bu tezde, ileri devre teknikleri kullanılarak, yeni topraklı (grounded) ve yüzen (floting) AI yapıları tasarlanmıştır. AI giriş ve çıkış düğümlerine ait iletkenlikleri azaltmak için çoklu-düzenlenmiş kaskod (multi-regulated cascode, MRC) katları QF değerini iyileştirme amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. MRC katı PMOS transistorlarıyla oluşturulmuştur. PMOS transistor kullanımı, • ikinci kat kutuplamasını ayarlayabilmek amacıyla, giriş transistor boyutunun mümkün olduğunca azaltılmasını, • ana AC işaret yolundaki transistor sayısının azaltılmasını, sağlamaktadır. Tezde sunulan teorik analiz ve serim sonrası benzetim sonuçları, MRC katı kullanımının AI özelliklerine yaptığı etkiyi göstermektedir. Elde edilen sonuçlar bu katların AI tasarımında yüksek QF elde edilmesini imkan tanıdığını ortaya koynaktadır. Literatürde, iki ana AI başarım karakteristiği olan SRF ve QF başarımlarının iyileştirmesi için çok sayıda çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bu tezde, birbirlerini etkilemeksizin SRF ve QF başarımlarının ayarlanabilmesi özelliğine sahip bir AI’ın tasarımı ve benzetgimi yapılmıştır. Kaskod ve RC geribesleme yapıları yeni AI tasarımında kullanılmıştır. Daha önce de tartışıldığı üzere, AI karakterizasyonu açısından giriş transistoru çok önemlidir. Girişi transistorunun kaskodlanması, ilk jiratörün geçiş-iletkenliğinin ve giriş parazitik kapasitansının birbirinden bağımsız olarak ayarlanması gibi önemli ve kullanışlı bir özelliği beraberinde getirir. Bunun yanısıra, endüktansın değeri diğer transistorun iletkenliği ile ayarlanabilir. AI parazitik seri-rezistansını yok etmek amacıyla kullanılan RC geribeslemesi, QF iyileştirmesini sağlayabilmektedir. Kaskod transistorların kutuplama koşulu bir diyot-bağlı transistor ile sağlandığından; önerilen yapı proses, gerilim ve sıcaklık değişimleri açısından kararlı ve yüksek başarımlıdır. AI yapılarında karşılaşılan düşük gürültü başarımı, AI’ların LNA gibi RF uygulamalarda kullanımını sınırlamaktadır. Bir AI’ın ana gürültü kaynağı giriş transistorudur. Düşük gürültülü AI elde etmek için, giriş transistoru yeterince büyük boyutlu olarak tasarlanmalıdır. Ne var ki, büyük boyutlu böyle bir transistor, düşük bir SRF ve dolayısıyla sınırlı bir endüktif bandı beraberinde getirir. Bu tezde, düşük gürültülü ve az kayıplı uygun bir AI, düşük gürültü gerektiren RF uygulamaları için sunulmuştur. Teklif edilen AI devresindeki tüm transistorların ortak-kaynak (common-source, CS) yapısında kullanılması, düşük iletkenliğe sahip düğümlerin dolayısıyla yüksek QF değerine sahip bir AI’ın elde edilmesine olanak sağlamaktadır. AI gürültüsünü azaltmak için, sırasıyla P-tipi MOS transistorlar ve ileri-besleme yolu yapısı (feed-forward path, FFP) kullanılmaktadır. Bilindiği gibi, sensörler çok çeşitli fiziksel büyüklüklerin eletrik mühendisiliği alanına taşınmasını sağlamaktadır. Çok geniş kullanım alanı bulan sensör tiplerinden biri kapasitif mikro algılıyıcılardır. Kapasitif mikro algılayıcılar mekanik hareketleri küçük kapasitans değişimlerine çevirirler. Micro algılayıcıdaki kapasitans değişimi femto-Farad mertebesinde olup algılamayı zorlaştırmaktadır. Diğer yandan, küçük bir kapasitans değişimini yüksek bir empedans değişimine çevirebilmeleri dolayısıyla, GC topolojilerinin kapasitif algılayıcılarda kullanılabileceğini söylemek mümkündür. Bu tezde, bu düşünceden yola çıkılarak, kesit duyarlılığını yok etme yeteneğine sahip yeni bir 3-eksen ivme-ölçer tasarlanmıştır. Yapının, her eksendeki ivmeyi bağımsız olarak algılayabilmesi için, algılayıcı elektrodları uygun olarak yerleştirilmiştir. Daha sonra, bir kapasitif algılayıcıdaki çok küçük kapasitans değişimlerini algılayabilmek için yeni bir GC yapısı teklif edilmiştir. Önerilen yapıda, çalışma frekansı aralığı ve ölçekleme çarpanı, kutuplama akımlarının ayarlanması suretiyle birbirini etkilemeksizin ayarlanabilmektedir. Ayrıca, önerilen yapıda, parazitik bileşenlerin etkisini yok etmek için RC geribesleme ve kaskod yapılar kullanılmaktadır. Son olarak, bu tezde sunulan AI’ların çok amaçlı özellikte olduğunu göstermek amacıyla, 3 ve 6. dereceden geniş bantlı mikrodalga filtrelerde kullanılmaları ele alınmıştır. İlki 3. dereceden bir Chebyshev alçak geçiren filtredir. Basitleştirilmiş gerçel frekans tekniği (SRFT, simplified real frequency technique) ile tasarlanan ikincisi ise, 6. dereceden bir Chebyshev band geçiren filtredir. Filtrelerin benzetimle elde edilmiş frekans yanıtları, bu tezde sunulan AI’ların literatürdeki yapılara güçlü birer alternatif olduklarını ortaya koymaktadır.There is critical need for inductive characteristics in RF applications, especially in filters, LNA, VCO, bandwidth-enhancement in many kinds of amplifiers, phase shifters, power divider and matching networks. The drawbacks of using passive and spiral inductors in CMOS process are discussed in the literature. It is shown that these kind of inductors suffer from a low quality factor, a low self-resonant frequency, a low and fixed inductance value and the need for a large silicon area. Furthermore, it is shown in the literature that CMOS Active Inductors (AIs), which are synthesized using MOS transistors, offer a number of attractive characteristics as compared with their spiral counterparts. These characteristics include a low silicon consumption, a large and tunable self-resonant frequency, a large and tunable inductance, a large and tunable quality factor, and fully realizable in digital CMOS technologies. Then principles, topologies, characterizations and implementation of the Gyrator-C (GC) network is discussed in-depth. The GC networks, which are implemented by operational transconductance amplifier, are suitable for RF application. This property arises from their minimum usage of active elements. It is shown that both grounded and floating active inductors can be implemented by GC networks. To provide a quantitative measure of the performance of AIs, a number of figure-of-merits have been introduced in the thesis. These figure-of-merits include frequency range, inductance tunability, quality factor, noise and power consumption. Due to parasitic components of CMOS transistors, designed AIs have inductive behavior in a specified frequency range. The low frequency bound is set by the frequency of the zero of the gyrator-C networks while the upper frequency bound is set by Self-Resonance Frequency (SRF). One of the key advantages of active inductors over their spiral counterparts is the large tunability of their inductance. The inductance of GC AIs can be tuned by varying either the transconductances of the transconductors or the load capacitance, which is implemented by MOS varactor. Based on GC topology, there are many reported CMOS AI circuits in literature. All of them have tried to invent high performance AI by using different techniques. Some of recent proposed Grounded AI (GAI) and Floating AI (FAI) circuits are reviewed in the thesis. Some of them use negative resistor to compensate the loss of AI for QF enhancement. Some others try to use minimum number of transistors in order to increase the self-resonance frequency of AI for RF applications. In some applications, AIs are used in LNA circuits for gain boosting purpose. In that applications, designers have tried to cancel the noise of AI by using a feedback stage with a degeneration resistor to reduce the noise contribution to the input. The main aim of all the techniques is to cancel or reduce the effects of parasitic components. In the thesis, four new grounded and floating AIs are designed by using advanced circuit techniques. The first one, Multi Regulated Cascode (MRC) stages are employed for lowering conductance in input and output nodes of AI. Thus, Q performance is improved. Since these stages are used only for increasing impedance of input/output nodes, they are made up of PMOS transistors in order to: • minimize the input transistor as small as possible in order to adjust second stage biasing, • decrease the number of transistors in main path of AC signal Theoretical analysis and post-layout simulation results shows the effectiveness of using MRC stages usage in properties of AI. High Q symmetric floating version of low loss inductor is also designed by utilizing MRC stages. Designers do their best to improve SRF and QF, two main characteristics in term of AI performance. An AI with ability to adjust its SRF and QF without affecting each other is designed and simulated as a third. The cascoding and RC feedback structures are used in the new design of AI. As it discussed before, input transistor is very important regarding to AI characterizations. Cascoding input transistor gives the ability to adjust the first gyrator’s transconductance and input parasitic capacitance independently which it results in adjusting the self-resonance frequency and quality factor separately. Due to our best knowledge from literature reviewing, it is first time that the properties of an inductor can be adjusted independently. Furthermore, the inductance value can be adjusted by other transistor’s transconductances. Also, the RC feedback is utilized to cancel the parasitic series-resistance of AI which results in QF enhancement. Since, bias condition of cascoding transistors is provided by a diode-connected transistor, the proposed structure is robust in terms of performance over variation in process, voltage and temperature. The Noise of designed AIs has limited the use of them in RF applications such as LNAs. The main noise source of an AI is its input transistor. In order to have low noise AI, the input transistor should be designed large enough. But it leads to low SRF which limited the inductive frequency band. As a fourth active inductor design, a low-noise and low-loss AI is presented suitable for RF low noise applications. Utilizing all transistors in Common Sourse (CS) configuration on the AI circuit leads to low conductance nodes which causes the AI to have high Q. P-type MOS transistors and Feed-Forward Path (FFP) are employed to decrease noise of the AI, respectively. The GC topologies can convert a low capacitance variation to high impedance changing which makes it a good choice for capacitive sensors. The capacitive based micro sensors convert mechanical signals to small capacitance variation. The capacitance variation in micro sensor is in the range of femto-Farads which makes it difficult to sense. Thus, the GC topologies can be used in capacitive sensors in order to sense small capacitive variations. In the thesis, this technique is used in a new accelerometer sensor. It is first time that a gyrator-C network is employed as an interface circuit for capacitive change detection in micro sensors. The new accelerometer structure is designed by using with ability to cancel cross section sensitivity. The sensor’s electrodes are located in such a way that enables the structure to detect acceleration in 3-axis independently. Embedding all 3-axis detecting electrodes in a single proof mass and ability to detect acceleration orientation are salient features of the proposed sensor. Consequently, a new GC configuration for sensing very small capacitance changes in a capacitive sensor is presented in the thesis. In the proposed configuration, the operating frequency range and scaling factor can be adjusted without affecting each other by tuning the bias currents of utilized gyrators. In addition, the proposed configuration employs RC feedback together with the cascoding technique to cancel the effect of the parasitic components in order to get accurate scaling from gyrator-C network. Finally, in order to show versatility of designed AIs, they are used in designed third and sixth order broadband microwave filters. The first one is a third order Chebyshev low pass filter. The second one, which is designed by using simplified real frequency technique is a sixth order Chebyshev band pass filter. The simulated frequency response of filters prove the workability of the designed AIs.DoktoraPh

    Power-Proportional Optical Links

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    The continuous increase in data transfer rate in short-reach links, such as chip-to-chip and between servers within a data-center, demands high-speed links. As power efficiency becomes ever more important in these links, power-efficient optical links need to be designed. Power efficiency in a link can be achieved by enabling power-proportional communication over the serial link. In power-proportional links, the power dissipated by a link is proportional to the amount of data communicated. Normally, data-rate demand is not constant, and the peak data-rate is not required all the time. If a link is not adapted according to the data-rate demand, there will be a fixed power dissipation, and the power efficiency of the link will degrade during the sub-maximal link utilization. Adapting links to real-time data-rate requirements reduces power dissipation. Power proportionality is achieved by scaling the power of the serial link linearly with the link utilization, and techniques such as variable data-rate and burst-mode can be adopted for this purpose. Links whose data rate (and hence power dissipation) can be varied in response to system demands are proposed in this work. Past works have presented rapidly reconfigurable bandwidth in variable data-rate receivers, allowing lower power dissipation for lower data-rate operation. However, maintaining synchronization during reconfiguration was not possible since previous approaches have introduced changes in front-end delay when they are reconfigured. This work presents a technique that allows rapid bandwidth adjustment while maintaining a near-constant delay through the receiver suitable for a power-scalable variable data-rate optical link. Measurements of a fabricated integrated circuit (IC) show nearly constant energy per bit across a 2× variation in data rate while introducing less than 10 % of a unit interval (UI) of delay variation. With continuously increasing data communication in data-centers, parallel optical links with ever-increasing per-lane data rates are being used to meet overall throughput demands. Simultaneously, power efficiency is becoming increasingly important for these links since they do not transmit useful data all the time. The burst-mode solution for vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL)-based point-to-point communication can be used to improve links’ energy efficiency during low link activity. The burst-mode technique for VCSEL-based links has not yet been deployed commercially. Past works have presented burst-mode solutions for single-channel receivers, allowing lower power dissipation during low link activity and solutions for fast activation of the receivers. However, this work presents a novel technique that allows rapid activation of a front-end and fast locking of a clock-and-data-recovery (CDR) for a multi-channel parallel link, utilizing opportunities arising from the parallel nature of many VCSEL-based links. The idea has been demonstrated through electrical and optical measurements of a fabricated IC at 10 Gbps, which show fast data detection and activation of the circuitry within 49 UIs while allowing the front-end to achieve better energy efficiency during low link activity. Simulation results are also presented in support of the proposed technique which allows the CDR to lock within 26 UIs from when it is powered on

    CMOS ASIC Design of Multi-frequency Multi-constellation GNSS Front-ends

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    With the emergence of the new global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) such as Galileo, COMPASS and GLONASS, the US Global Positioning System (GPS) has new competitors. This multiplicity of constellations will offer new services and a much better satellite coverage. Public regulated service (PRS) is one of these new services that Galileo, the first global positioning service under civilian control, will offers. The PRS is a proprietary encrypted navigation designed to be more reliable and robust against jamming and provides premium quality in terms of position and timing and continuity of service, but it requires the use of FEs with extended capabilities. The project that this thesis starts from, aims to develop a dual frequency (E1 and E6) PRS receiver with a focus on a solution for professional applications that combines affordability and robustness. To limit the production cost, the choice of a monolithic design in a multi-purpose 0.18 µm complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) technology have been selected, and to reduce the susceptibility to interference, the targeted receiver is composed of two independent FEs. The first ASIC described here is such FEs bundle. Each FE is composed of a radio frequency (RF) chain that includes a low-noise amplifier (LNA), a quadrature mixer, a frequency synthesizer (FS), two intermediate frequency (IF) filters, two variable-gain amplifiers (VGAs) and two 6-bit flash analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). Each have an IF bandwidth of 50 MHz to accommodate the wide-band PRS signals. The FE achieves a 30 dB of dynamic gain control at each channel. The complete receivers occupies a die area of 11.5 mm2 while consuming 115 mW from a supply of a 1.8 V. The second ASIC that targets civilian applications, is a reconfigurable single-channel FE that permits to exploit the interoperability among GNSSs. The FE can operate in two modes: a ¿narrow-band mode¿, dedicated to Beidou-B1 with an IF bandwidth of 8 MHz, and a ¿wide-band mode¿ with an IF bandwidth of 23 MHz, which can accommodate simultaneous reception of Beidou-B1/GPS-L1/Galileo-E1. These two modes consumes respectively 22.85 mA and 28.45 mA from a 1.8 V supply. Developed with the best linearity in mind, the FE shows very good linearity with an input-referred 1 dB compression point (IP1dB) of better than -27.6 dBm. The FE gain is stepwise flexible from 39 dB and to a maximum of 58 dB. The complete FE occupies a die area of only 2.6 mm2 in a 0.18 µm CMOS. To also accommodate the wide-band PRS signals in the IF section of the FE, a highly selective wide-tuning-range 4th-order Gm-C elliptic low-pass filter is used. It features an innovative continuous tuning circuit that adjusts the bias current of the Gm cell¿s input stage to control the cutoff frequency. With this circuit, the power consumption is proportional to the cutoff frequency thus the power efficiency is achieved while keeping the linearity near constant. Thanks to a Gm switching technique, which permit to keep the signal path switchless, the filter shows an extended tuning of the cutoff frequency that covers continuously a range from 7.4 MHz to 27.4 MHz. Moreover the abrupt roll-off of up to 66 dB/octave, can mitigate out-of-band interference. The filter consumes 2.1 mA and 7.5 mA at its lowest and highest cutoff frequencies respectively, and its active area occupies, 0.23 mm2. It achieves a high input-referred third-order intercept point (IIP3) of up to -1.3 dBVRMS

    On-Chip Integrated Functional Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy (fNIRS) Photoreceiver for Portable Brain Imaging

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    RÉSUMÉ L'imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle utilisant la Spectroscopie Fonctionnelle Proche-Infrarouge (SFPI) propose un outil portatif et non invasif de surveillance de l'oxygénation du sang. SFPI est une technique de haute résolution temporelle non invasive, sûr, peu intrusive en temps réel et pour l'imagerie cérébrale à long terme. Il permet de détecter des signaux hémodynamiques à la fois rapides et neuronaux ou lents. Outre les avantages importants des systèmes SFPI, ils souffrent encore de quelques inconvénients, notamment d’une faible résolution spatiale, d’un bruit de niveau modérément élevé et d’une grande sensibilité au mouvement. Afin de surmonter les limites des systèmes actuellement disponibles de SFPI non-portables, dans cette thèse, nous en avons introduit une nouvelle de faible puissance, miniaturisée sur une puce photodétecteur frontal destinée à des systèmes de SFPI portables. Elle contient du silicium photodiode à avalanche (SiAPD), un amplificateur de transimpédance (TIA), et « Quench-Reset », circuits mis en oeuvre en utilisant les technologies CMOS standards pour fonctionner dans les deux modes : linéaire et Geiger. Ainsi, elle peut être appliquée pour les deux fNIRS : en onde continue (CW- SFPI) et pour des applications de comptage de photon unique. Plusieurs SiAPDs ont été mises en oeuvre dans de nouvelles structures et formes (rectangulaires, octogonales, double APDs, imbriquées, netted, quadratiques et hexadecagonal) en utilisant différentes techniques de prévention de la dégradation de bord prématurée. Les principales caractéristiques des SiAPDs sont validées et l'impact de chaque paramètre ainsi que les simulateurs de l'appareil (TCAD, COMSOL, etc) ont été étudiés sur la base de la simulation et de mesure des résultats. Proposées SiAPDs techniques d'exposition avec un gain de grande avalanche, tension faible ventilation et une grande efficacité de détection des photons dans plus de faibles taux de comptage sombres. Trois nouveaux produits à haut gain, bande passante (GBW) et à faible bruit TIA sont introduits basés sur le concept de gain distribué, d’amplificateur logarithmique et sur le rejet automatique du bruit pour être appliqué en mode de fonctionnement linéaire. Le TIA proposé offre une faible consommation, un gain de haute transimpédance, une bande passante ajustable et un très faible bruit d'entrée et de sortie. Le nouveau circuit mixte trempe-reset (MQC) et un MQC contrôlable (CMQC) frontaux offrent une faible puissance, une haute vitesse de comptage de photons avec un commandable de temps de hold-off et temps de réinitialiser. La première intégration sur puce de SiAPDs avec TIA et Photon circuit de comptage a été démontrée et montre une amélioration de l'efficacité de la photodétection, spécialement en ce qui concerne la sensibilité, la consommation d'énergie et le rapport signal sur bruit.----------ABSTRACT Optical brain imaging using functional near infra-red spectroscopy (fNIRS) offers a direct and noninvasive tool for monitoring of blood oxygenation. fNIRS is a noninvasive, safe, minimally intrusive, and high temporal-resolution technique for real-time and long-term brain imaging. It allows detecting both fast-neuronal and slow-hemodynamic signals. Besides the significant advantages of fNIRS systems, they still suffer from few drawbacks including low spatial- resolution, moderately high-level noise and high-sensitivity to movement. In order to overcome the limitations of currently available non-portable fNIRS systems, we have introduced a new low-power, miniaturized on-chip photodetector front-end intended for portable fNIRS systems. It includes silicon avalanche photodiode (SiAPD), Transimpedance amplifier (TIA), and Quench- Reset circuitry implemented using standard CMOS technologies to operate in both linear and Geiger modes. So it can be applied for both continuous-wave fNIRS (CW-fNIRS) and also single-photon counting applications. Several SiAPDs have been implemented in novel structures and shapes (Rectangular, Octagonal, Dual, Nested, Netted, Quadratic and Hexadecagonal) using different premature edge breakdown prevention techniques. The main characteristics of the SiAPDs are validated and the impact of each parameter and the device simulators (TCAD, COMSOL, etc.) have been studied based on the simulation and measurement results. Proposed techniques exhibit SiAPDs with high avalanche-gain (up to 119), low breakdown-voltage (around 12V) and high photon-detection efficiency (up to 72% in NIR region) in additional to a low dark- count rate (down to 30Hz at 1V excess bias voltage). Three new high gain-bandwidth product (GBW) and low-noise TIAs are introduced and implemented based on distributed-gain concept, logarithmic-amplification and automatic noise-rejection and have been applied in linear-mode of operation. The implemented TIAs offer a power-consumption around 0.4 mW, transimpedance gain of 169 dBΩ, and input-output current/voltage noises in fA/pV range accompanied with ability to tune the gain, bandwidth and power-consumption in a wide range. The implemented mixed quench-reset circuit (MQC) and controllable MQC (CMQC) front-ends offer a quenchtime of 10ns, a maximum power-consumption of 0.4 mW, with a controllable hold-off and resettimes. The on-chip integration of SiAPDs with TIA and photon-counting circuitries has been demonstrated showing improvement of the photodetection-efficiency, specially regarding to the sensitivity, power-consumption and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) characteristics

    Design of clock and data recovery circuits for energy-efficient short-reach optical transceivers

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    Nowadays, the increasing demand for cloud based computing and social media services mandates higher throughput (at least 56 Gb/s per data lane with 400 Gb/s total capacity 1) for short reach optical links (with the reach typically less than 2 km) inside data centres. The immediate consequences are the huge and power hungry data centers. To address these issues the intra-data-center connectivity by means of optical links needs continuous upgrading. In recent years, the trend in the industry has shifted toward the use of more complex modulation formats like PAM4 due to its spectral efficiency over the traditional NRZ. Another advantage is the reduced number of channels count which is more cost-effective considering the required area and the I/O density. However employing PAM4 results in more complex transceivers circuitry due to the presence of multilevel transitions and reduced noise budget. In addition, providing higher speed while accommodating the stringent requirements of higher density and energy efficiency (< 5 pJ/bit), makes the design of the optical links more challenging and requires innovative design techniques both at the system and circuit level. This work presents the design of a Clock and Data Recovery Circuit (CDR) as one of the key building blocks for the transceiver modules used in such fibreoptic links. Capable of working with PAM4 signalling format, the new proposed CDR architecture targets data rates of 50−56 Gb/s while achieving the required energy efficiency (< 5 pJ/bit). At the system level, the design proposes a new PAM4 PD which provides a better trade-off in terms of bandwidth and systematic jitter generation in the CDR. By using a digital loop controller (DLC), the CDR gains considerable area reduction with flexibility to adjust the loop dynamics. At the circuit level it focuses on applying different circuit techniques to mitigate the circuit imperfections. It presents a wideband analog front end (AFE), suitable for a 56 Gb/s, 28-Gbaud PAM-4 signal, by using an 8x interleaved, master/ slave based sample and hold circuit. In addition, the AFE is equipped with a calibration scheme which corrects the errors associated with the sampling channels’ offset voltage and gain mismatches. The presented digital to phase converter (DPC) features a modified phase interpolator (PI), a new quadrature phase corrector (QPC) and multi-phase output with de-skewing capabilities.The DPC (as a standalone block) and the CDR (as the main focus of this work) were fabricated in 65-nm CMOS technology. Based on the measurements, the DPC achieves DNL/INL of 0.7/6 LSB respectively while consuming 40.5 mW power from 1.05 V supply. Although the CDR was not fully operational with the PAM4 input, the results from 25-Gbaud PAM2 (NRZ) test setup were used to estimate the performance. Under this scenario, the 1-UI JTOL bandwidth was measured to be 2 MHz with BER threshold of 10−4. The chip consumes 236 mW of power while operating on 1 − 1.2 V supply range achieving an energyefficiency of 4.27 pJ/bit