2,709 research outputs found

    Dynamic Rule Covering Classification in Data Mining with Cyber Security Phishing Application

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    Data mining is the process of discovering useful patterns from datasets using intelligent techniques to help users make certain decisions. A typical data mining task is classification, which involves predicting a target variable known as the class in previously unseen data based on models learnt from an input dataset. Covering is a well-known classification approach that derives models with If-Then rules. Covering methods, such as PRISM, have a competitive predictive performance to other classical classification techniques such as greedy, decision tree and associative classification. Therefore, Covering models are appropriate decision-making tools and users favour them carrying out decisions. Despite the use of Covering approach in data processing for different classification applications, it is also acknowledged that this approach suffers from the noticeable drawback of inducing massive numbers of rules making the resulting model large and unmanageable by users. This issue is attributed to the way Covering techniques induce the rules as they keep adding items to the rule’s body, despite the limited data coverage (number of training instances that the rule classifies), until the rule becomes with zero error. This excessive learning overfits the training dataset and also limits the applicability of Covering models in decision making, because managers normally prefer a summarised set of knowledge that they are able to control and comprehend rather a high maintenance models. In practice, there should be a trade-off between the number of rules offered by a classification model and its predictive performance. Another issue associated with the Covering models is the overlapping of training data among the rules, which happens when a rule’s classified data are discarded during the rule discovery phase. Unfortunately, the impact of a rule’s removed data on other potential rules is not considered by this approach. However, When removing training data linked with a rule, both frequency and rank of other rules’ items which have appeared in the removed data are updated. The impacted rules should maintain their true rank and frequency in a dynamic manner during the rule discovery phase rather just keeping the initial computed frequency from the original input dataset. In response to the aforementioned issues, a new dynamic learning technique based on Covering and rule induction, that we call Enhanced Dynamic Rule Induction (eDRI), is developed. eDRI has been implemented in Java and it has been embedded in WEKA machine learning tool. The developed algorithm incrementally discovers the rules using primarily frequency and rule strength thresholds. These thresholds in practice limit the search space for both items as well as potential rules by discarding any with insufficient data representation as early as possible resulting in an efficient training phase. More importantly, eDRI substantially cuts down the number of training examples scans by continuously updating potential rules’ frequency and strength parameters in a dynamic manner whenever a rule gets inserted into the classifier. In particular, and for each derived rule, eDRI adjusts on the fly the remaining potential rules’ items frequencies as well as ranks specifically for those that appeared within the deleted training instances of the derived rule. This gives a more realistic model with minimal rules redundancy, and makes the process of rule induction efficient and dynamic and not static. Moreover, the proposed technique minimises the classifier’s number of rules at preliminary stages by stopping learning when any rule does not meet the rule’s strength threshold therefore minimising overfitting and ensuring a manageable classifier. Lastly, eDRI prediction procedure not only priorities using the best ranked rule for class forecasting of test data but also restricts the use of the default class rule thus reduces the number of misclassifications. The aforementioned improvements guarantee classification models with smaller size that do not overfit the training dataset, while maintaining their predictive performance. The eDRI derived models particularly benefit greatly users taking key business decisions since they can provide a rich knowledge base to support their decision making. This is because these models’ predictive accuracies are high, easy to understand, and controllable as well as robust, i.e. flexible to be amended without drastic change. eDRI applicability has been evaluated on the hard problem of phishing detection. Phishing normally involves creating a fake well-designed website that has identical similarity to an existing business trustful website aiming to trick users and illegally obtain their credentials such as login information in order to access their financial assets. The experimental results against large phishing datasets revealed that eDRI is highly useful as an anti-phishing tool since it derived manageable size models when compared with other traditional techniques without hindering the classification performance. Further evaluation results using other several classification datasets from different domains obtained from University of California Data Repository have corroborated eDRI’s competitive performance with respect to accuracy, number of knowledge representation, training time and items space reduction. This makes the proposed technique not only efficient in inducing rules but also effective

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 15. Number 2.

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    Ensemble Machine Learning to Predict Family Consent for Organ Donation

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    There is ever increasing disparity between number of organs needed for transplantation and numbers available for donation to save lives. As a result, thousands of people die every year waiting for organs. Therefore, it is now more important than ever before to take serious actions to decrease this disparity. One way to bridge gap between organ demand and supply is to increase family consent for organ donation. This research studied the factors associated with family consent. Machine Learning approach had been used in very few literature to understand factors related to family consent. This study uses six Ensemble Machine Learning models to accurately predict family consent outcome (yes/no). All family approaches data between January 2016 and March 2018 from an Organ Procurement Organization (OPO) based in New York city is used to build the family consent prediction model. The experimental results reveals that eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGB) Machine Learning model performs better than other ensemble models with AUC of 0.8946 and accuracy of 81.7% after normalizing features and using LDA for dimension reduction and then tuning parameters using grid search method. 24 out of 29 features are identied as important features by XGB model. The model is used to calculate probability of consent before approaching family as the values for dierent features are available real-time after patient is referred to OPO for medical evaluation and suitability. The experimental result shows that the accuracy of the model increases from 77.6% to 91.5% as value for factors are added real-time. This model is also used for selecting the best sta for a particular case to approach family based on their past experience. Sta work schedule is incorporated with the model to select the top three sta based on likelihood of getting consent from family for organ donation. This recommendation system can be used as a potential sta dispatch model for OPO to further improve the consent from family for organ donation and save more lives by customizing the sta deployment procedure based on the characteristics of donor referral

    Novel Computationally Intelligent Machine Learning Algorithms for Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

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    This thesis addresses three major issues in data mining regarding feature subset selection in large dimensionality domains, plausible reconstruction of incomplete data in cross-sectional applications, and forecasting univariate time series. For the automated selection of an optimal subset of features in real time, we present an improved hybrid algorithm: SAGA. SAGA combines the ability to avoid being trapped in local minima of Simulated Annealing with the very high convergence rate of the crossover operator of Genetic Algorithms, the strong local search ability of greedy algorithms and the high computational efficiency of generalized regression neural networks (GRNN). For imputing missing values and forecasting univariate time series, we propose a homogeneous neural network ensemble. The proposed ensemble consists of a committee of Generalized Regression Neural Networks (GRNNs) trained on different subsets of features generated by SAGA and the predictions of base classifiers are combined by a fusion rule. This approach makes it possible to discover all important interrelations between the values of the target variable and the input features. The proposed ensemble scheme has two innovative features which make it stand out amongst ensemble learning algorithms: (1) the ensemble makeup is optimized automatically by SAGA; and (2) GRNN is used for both base classifiers and the top level combiner classifier. Because of GRNN, the proposed ensemble is a dynamic weighting scheme. This is in contrast to the existing ensemble approaches which belong to the simple voting and static weighting strategy. The basic idea of the dynamic weighting procedure is to give a higher reliability weight to those scenarios that are similar to the new ones. The simulation results demonstrate the validity of the proposed ensemble model

    New Fundamental Technologies in Data Mining

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    The progress of data mining technology and large public popularity establish a need for a comprehensive text on the subject. The series of books entitled by "Data Mining" address the need by presenting in-depth description of novel mining algorithms and many useful applications. In addition to understanding each section deeply, the two books present useful hints and strategies to solving problems in the following chapters. The contributing authors have highlighted many future research directions that will foster multi-disciplinary collaborations and hence will lead to significant development in the field of data mining

    Text Mining to Support Knowledge Discovery from Electronic Health Records

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    The use of electronic health records (EHRs) has grown rapidly in the last decade. The EHRs are no longer being used only for storing information for clinical purposes but the secondary use of the data in the healthcare research has increased rapidly as well. The data in EHRs are recorded in a structured manner as much as possible, however, many EHRs often also contain large amount of unstructured free‐text. The structured and unstructured clinical data presents several challenges to the researchers since the data are not primarily collected for research purposes. The issues related to structured data can be missing data, noise, and inconsistency. The unstructured free-text is even more challenging to use since they often have no fixed format and may vary from clinician to clinician and from database to database. Text and data mining techniques are increasingly being used to effectively and efficiently process large EHRs for research purposes. Most of the me
