215 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of decoders for error correction in high-speed communication systems

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    This thesis is focused on the design and implementation of binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) code decoders for high-speed modern communication systems. The basic of LDPC codes and the performance and bottlenecks, in terms of complexity and hardware efficiency, of the main soft-decision and hard-decision decoding algorithms (such as Min-Sum, Optimized 2-bit Min-Sum and Reliability-based iterative Majority-Logic) are analyzed. The complexity and performance of those algorithms are improved to allow efficient hardware architectures. A new decoding algorithm called One-Minimum Min-Sum is proposed. It reduces considerably the complexity of the check node update equations of the Min-Sum algorithm. The second minimum is estimated from the first minimum value by a means of a linear approximation that allows a dynamic adjustment. The Optimized 2-bit Min-Sum algorithm is modified to initialize it with the complete LLR values and to introduce the extrinsic information in the messages sent from the variable nodes. Its variable node equation is reformulated to reduce its complexity. Both algorithms were tested for the (2048,1723) RS-based LDPC code and (16129,15372) LDPC code using an FPGA-based hardware emulator. They exhibit BER performance very close to Min-Sum algorithm and do not introduce early error-floor. In order to show the hardware advantages of the proposed algorithms, hardware decoders were implemented in a 90 nm CMOS process and FPGA devices based on two types of architectures: full-parallel and partial-parallel one with horizontal layered schedule. The results show that the decoders are more area-time efficient than other published decoders and that the low-complexity of the Modified Optimized 2-bit Min-Sum allows the implementation of 10 Gbps decoders in current FPGA devices. Finally, a new hard-decision decoding algorithm, the Historical-Extrinsic Reliability-Based Iterative Decoder, is presented. This algorithm introduces the new idea of considering hard-decision votes as soft-decision to compute the extrinsic information of previous iterations. It is suitable for high-rate codes and improves the BER performance of the previous RBI-MLGD algorithms, with similar complexity.Esta tesis se ha centrado en el diseño e implementación de decodificadores binarios basados en códigos de comprobación de paridad de baja densidad (LDPC) válidos para los sistemas de comunicación modernos de alta velocidad. Los conceptos básicos de códigos LDPC, sus prestaciones y cuellos de botella, en términos de complejidad y eficiencia hardware, fueron analizados para los principales algoritmos de decisión soft y decisión hard (como Min-Sum, Optimized 2-bit Min-Sum y Reliability-based iterative Majority-Logic). La complejidad y prestaciones de estos algoritmos se han mejorado para conseguir arquitecturas hardware eficientes. Se ha propuesto un nuevo algoritmo de decodificación llamado One-Minimum Min-Sum. Éste reduce considerablemente la complejidad de las ecuaciones de actualización del nodo de comprobación del algoritmo Min-Sum. El segundo mínimo se ha estimado a partir del valor del primer mínimo por medio de una aproximación lineal, la cuál permite un ajuste dinámico. El algoritmo Optimized 2-bit Min-Sum se ha modificado para ser inicializado con los valores LLR e introducir la información extrínseca en los mensajes enviados desde los nodos variables. La ecuación del nodo variable de este algoritmo ha sido reformulada para reducir su complejidad. Ambos algoritmos fueron probados para el código (2048,1723) RS-based LDPC y para el código (16129,15372) LDPC utilizando un emulador hardware implementado en un dispositivo FPGA. Éstos han alcanzado unas prestaciones de BER muy cercanas a las del algoritmo Min-Sum evitando, además, la aparición temprana del fenómeno denominado suelo del error. Con el objetivo de mostrar las ventajas hardware de los algoritmos propuestos, los decodificadores se implementaron en hardware utilizando tecnología CMOS de 90 nm y en dispositivos FPGA basados en dos tipos de arquitecturas: completamente paralela y parcialmente paralela utilizando el método de actualización por capas horizontales. Los resultados muestran que los decodificadores propuestos e implementados son más eficientes en área-tiempo que otros decodificadores publicados y que la baja complejidad del algoritmo Modified Optimized 2-bit Min-Sum permite la implementación de decodificadores en los dispositivos FPGA actuales consiguiendo una tasa de 10 Gbps. Finalmente, se ha presentado un nuevo algoritmo de decodificación de decisión hard, el Historical-Extrinsic Reliability-Based Iterative Decoder. Este algoritmo introduce la nueva idea de considerar los votos de decisión hard como decisión soft para calcular la información extrínseca de iteracions anteriores. Este algoritmo es adecuado para códigos de alta velocidad y mejora el rendimiento BER de los algoritmos RBI-MLGD anteriores, con una complejidad similar.Aquesta tesi s'ha centrat en el disseny i implementació de descodificadors binaris basats en codis de comprovació de paritat de baixa densitat (LDPC) vàlids per als sistemes de comunicació moderns d'alta velocitat. Els conceptes bàsics de codis LDPC, les seues prestacions i colls de botella, en termes de complexitat i eficiència hardware, van ser analitzats pels principals algoritmes de decisió soft i decisió hard (com el Min-Sum, Optimized 2-bit Min-Sum y Reliability-based iterative Majority-Logic). La complexitat i prestacions d'aquests algoritmes s'han millorat per aconseguir arquitectures hardware eficients. S'ha proposat un nou algoritme de descodificació anomenat One-Minimum Min-Sum. Aquest redueix considerablement la complexitat de les equacions d'actualització del node de comprovació del algoritme Min-Sum. El segon mínim s'ha estimat a partir del valor del primer mínim per mitjà d'una aproximació lineal, la qual permet un ajust dinàmic. L'algoritme Optimized 2-bit Min-Sum s'ha modificat per ser inicialitzat amb els valors LLR i introduir la informació extrínseca en els missatges enviats des dels nodes variables. L'equació del node variable d'aquest algoritme ha sigut reformulada per reduir la seva complexitat. Tots dos algoritmes van ser provats per al codi (2048,1723) RS-based LDPC i per al codi (16129,15372) LDPC utilitzant un emulador hardware implementat en un dispositiu FPGA. Aquests han aconseguit unes prestacions BER molt properes a les del algoritme Min-Sum evitant, a més, l'aparició primerenca del fenomen denominat sòl de l'error. Per tal de mostrar els avantatges hardware dels algoritmes proposats, els descodificadors es varen implementar en hardware utilitzan una tecnologia CMOS d'uns 90 nm i en dispositius FPGA basats en dos tipus d'arquitectures: completament paral·lela i parcialment paral·lela utilitzant el mètode d'actualització per capes horitzontals. Els resultats mostren que els descodificadors proposats i implementats són més eficients en àrea-temps que altres descodificadors publicats i que la baixa complexitat del algoritme Modified Optimized 2-bit Min-Sum permet la implementació de decodificadors en els dispositius FPGA actuals obtenint una taxa de 10 Gbps. Finalment, s'ha presentat un nou algoritme de descodificació de decisió hard, el Historical-Extrinsic Reliability-Based Iterative Decoder. Aquest algoritme presenta la nova idea de considerar els vots de decisió hard com decisió soft per calcular la informació extrínseca d'iteracions anteriors. Aquest algoritme és adequat per als codis d'alta taxa i millora el rendiment BER dels algoritmes RBI-MLGD anteriors, amb una complexitat similar.Català Pérez, JM. (2017). Design and implementation of decoders for error correction in high-speed communication systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86152TESI

    A Simplified Min-Sum Decoding Algorithm for Non-Binary LDPC Codes

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    Non-binary low-density parity-check codes are robust to various channel impairments. However, based on the existing decoding algorithms, the decoder implementations are expensive because of their excessive computational complexity and memory usage. Based on the combinatorial optimization, we present an approximation method for the check node processing. The simulation results demonstrate that our scheme has small performance loss over the additive white Gaussian noise channel and independent Rayleigh fading channel. Furthermore, the proposed reduced-complexity realization provides significant savings on hardware, so it yields a good performance-complexity tradeoff and can be efficiently implemented.Comment: Partially presented in ICNC 2012, International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications. Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Noisy Gradient Descent Bit-Flip Decoding for LDPC Codes

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    A modified Gradient Descent Bit Flipping (GDBF) algorithm is proposed for decoding Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes on the binary-input additive white Gaussian noise channel. The new algorithm, called Noisy GDBF (NGDBF), introduces a random perturbation into each symbol metric at each iteration. The noise perturbation allows the algorithm to escape from undesirable local maxima, resulting in improved performance. A combination of heuristic improvements to the algorithm are proposed and evaluated. When the proposed heuristics are applied, NGDBF performs better than any previously reported GDBF variant, and comes within 0.5 dB of the belief propagation algorithm for several tested codes. Unlike other previous GDBF algorithms that provide an escape from local maxima, the proposed algorithm uses only local, fully parallelizable operations and does not require computing a global objective function or a sort over symbol metrics, making it highly efficient in comparison. The proposed NGDBF algorithm requires channel state information which must be obtained from a signal to noise ratio (SNR) estimator. Architectural details are presented for implementing the NGDBF algorithm. Complexity analysis and optimizations are also discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 22 figures, 2 table

    Efficient decoder design for error correcting codes

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    Error correctiong codes (ECC) are widly used in applications to correct errors in data transmission over unreliable or noisy communication channels. Recently, two kinds of promising codes attracted lots of research interest because they provide excellent error correction performance. One is non-binary LDPC codes, and the other is polar codes. This dissertation focuses on efficient decoding algorithms and decoder design for thesetwo types of codes.Non-binary low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes have some advantages over their binary counterparts, but unfortunately their decoding complexity is a significant challenge. The iterative hard- and soft-reliability based majority-logic decoding algorithms are attractive for non-binary LDPC codes, since they involve only finite field additions and multiplications as well as integer operations and hence have significantly lower complexity than other algorithms. We propose two improvements to the majority-logic decoding algorithms. Instead of the accumulation of reliability information in the ex-isting majority-logic decoding algorithms, our first improvement is a new reliability information update. The new update not only results in better error performance and fewer iterations on average, but also further reduces computational complexity. Since existing majority-logic decoding algorithms tend to have a high error floor for codes whose parity check matrices have low column weights, our second improvement is a re-selection scheme, which leads to much lower error floors, at the expense of more finite field operations and integer operations, by identifying periodic points, re-selectingintermediate hard decisions, and changing reliability information.Polar codes are of great interests because they provably achieve the symmetric capacity of discrete memoryless channels with arbitrary input alphabet sizes an explicit construction. Most existing decoding algorithms of polar codes are based on bit-wise hard or soft decisions. We propose symbol-decision successive cancellation (SC) and successive cancellation list (SCL) decoders for polar codes, which use symbol-wise hard or soft decisions for higher throughput or better error performance. Then wepropose to use a recursive channel combination to calculate symbol-wise channel transition probabilities, which lead to symbol decisions. Our proposed recursive channel combination has lower complexity than simply combining bit-wise channel transition probabilities. The similarity between our proposed method and Arıkan’s channel transformations also helps to share hardware resources between calculating bit- and symbol-wise channel transition probabilities. To reduce the complexity of the list pruning, atwo-stage list pruning network is proposed to provide a trade-off between the error performance and the complexity of the symbol-decision SCL decoder. Since memory is a significant part of SCL decoders, we also propose a pre-computation memory-saving technique to reduce memory requirement of an SCL decoder.To reduce the complexity of the recursive channel combination further, we propose an approximate ML (AML) decoding unit for SCL decoders. In particular, we investigate the distribution of frozen bits of polar codes designed for both the binary erasure and additive white Gaussian noise channels, and take advantage of the distribution to reduce the complexity of the AML decoding unit, improving the throughput-area efficiency of SCL decoders.Furthermore, to adapt to variable throughput or latency requirements which exist widely in current communication applications, a multi-mode SCL decoder with variable list sizes and parallelism is proposed. If high throughput or small latency is required, the decoder decodes multiple received words in parallel with a small list size. However, if error performance is of higher priority, the multi-mode decoder switches to a serialmode with a bigger list size. Therefore, the multi-mode SCL decoder provides a flexible tradeoff between latency, throughput and error performance at the expense of small overhead

    Compound codes based on irregular graphs and their iterative decoding.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2004.Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes form a Shannon limit approaching class of linear block codes. With iterative decoding based on their Tanner graphs, they can achieve outstanding performance. Since their rediscovery in late 1990's, the design, construction, and decoding of LDPC codes as well as their generalization have become one of the focal research points. This thesis takes a few more steps in these directions. The first significant contribution of this thesis is the introduction of a new class of codes called Generalized Irregular Low-Density (GILD) parity-check codes, which are adapted from the previously known class of Generalized Low-Density (GLD) codes. GILD codes are generalization of irregular LDPC codes, and are shown to outperform GLD codes. In addition, GILD codes have a significant advantage over GLD codes in terms of encoding and decoding complexity. They are also able to match and even beat LDPC codes for small block lengths. The second significant contribution of this thesis is the proposition of several decoding algorithms. Two new decoding algolithms for LDPC codes are introduced. In principle and complexity these algorithms can be grouped with bit flipping algorithms. Two soft-input soft-output (SISO) decoding algorithms for linear block codes are also proposed. The first algorithm is based on Maximum a Posteriori Probability (MAP) decoding of low-weight subtrellis centered around a generated candidate codeword. The second algorithm modifies and utilizes the improved Kaneko's decoding algorithm for soft-input hard-output decoding. These hard outputs are converted to soft-decisions using reliability calculations. Simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithms provide a significant improvement in error performance over Chase-based algorithm and achieve practically optimal performance with a significant reduction in decoding complexity. An analytical expression for the union bound on the bit error probability of linear codes on the Gilbert-Elliott (GE) channel model is also derived. This analytical result is shown to be accurate in establishing the decoder performance in the range where obtaining sufficient data from simulation is impractical

    Improve the Usability of Polar Codes: Code Construction, Performance Enhancement and Configurable Hardware

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    Error-correcting codes (ECC) have been widely used for forward error correction (FEC) in modern communication systems to dramatically reduce the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) needed to achieve a given bit error rate (BER). Newly invented polar codes have attracted much interest because of their capacity-achieving potential, efficient encoder and decoder implementation, and flexible architecture design space.This dissertation is aimed at improving the usability of polar codes by providing a practical code design method, new approaches to improve the performance of polar code, and a configurable hardware design that adapts to various specifications. State-of-the-art polar codes are used to achieve extremely low error rates. In this work, high-performance FPGA is used in prototyping polar decoders to catch rare-case errors for error-correcting performance verification and error analysis. To discover the polarization characteristics and error patterns of polar codes, an FPGA emulation platform for belief-propagation (BP) decoding is built by a semi-automated construction flow. The FPGA-based emulation achieves significant speedup in large-scale experiments involving trillions of data frames. The platform is a key enabler of this work. The frozen set selection of polar codes, known as bit selection, is critical to the error-correcting performance of polar codes. A simulation-based in-order bit selection method is developed to evaluate the error rate of each bit using Monte Carlo simulations. The frozen set is selected based on the bit reliability ranking. The resulting code construction exhibits up to 1 dB coding gain with respect to the conventional bit selection. To further improve the coding gain of BP decoder for low-error-rate applications, the decoding error mechanisms are studied and analyzed, and the errors are classified based on their distinct signatures. Error detection is enabled by low-cost CRC concatenation, and post-processing algorithms targeting at each type of the error is designed to mitigate the vast majority of the decoding errors. The post-processor incurs only a small implementation overhead, but it provides more than an order of magnitude improvement of the error-correcting performance. The regularity of the BP decoder structure offers many hardware architecture choices. Silicon area, power consumption, throughput and latency can be traded to reach the optimal design points for practical use cases. A comprehensive design space exploration reveals several practical architectures at different design points. The scalability of each architecture is also evaluated based on the implementation candidates. For dynamic communication channels, such as wireless channels in the upcoming 5G applications, multiple codes of different lengths and code rates are needed to t varying channel conditions. To minimize implementation cost, a universal decoder architecture is proposed to support multiple codes through hardware reuse. A 40nm length- and rate-configurable polar decoder ASIC is demonstrated to fit various communication environments and service requirements.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140817/1/shuangsh_1.pd