1,460 research outputs found

    Visual Representation Learning with Limited Supervision

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    The quality of a Computer Vision system is proportional to the rigor of data representation it is built upon. Learning expressive representations of images is therefore the centerpiece to almost every computer vision application, including image search, object detection and classification, human re-identification, object tracking, pose understanding, image-to-image translation, and embodied agent navigation to name a few. Deep Neural Networks are most often seen among the modern methods of representation learning. The limitation is, however, that deep representation learning methods require extremely large amounts of manually labeled data for training. Clearly, annotating vast amounts of images for various environments is infeasible due to cost and time constraints. This requirement of obtaining labeled data is a prime restriction regarding pace of the development of visual recognition systems. In order to cope with the exponentially growing amounts of visual data generated daily, machine learning algorithms have to at least strive to scale at a similar rate. The second challenge consists in the learned representations having to generalize to novel objects, classes, environments and tasks in order to accommodate to the diversity of the visual world. Despite the evergrowing number of recent publications tangentially addressing the topic of learning generalizable representations, efficient generalization is yet to be achieved. This dissertation attempts to tackle the problem of learning visual representations that can generalize to novel settings while requiring few labeled examples. In this research, we study the limitations of the existing supervised representation learning approaches and propose a framework that improves the generalization of learned features by exploiting visual similarities between images which are not captured by provided manual annotations. Furthermore, to mitigate the common requirement of large scale manually annotated datasets, we propose several approaches that can learn expressive representations without human-attributed labels, in a self-supervised fashion, by grouping highly-similar samples into surrogate classes based on progressively learned representations. The development of computer vision as science is preconditioned upon the seamless ability of a machine to record and disentangle pictures' attributes that were expected to only be conceived by humans. As such, particular interest was dedicated to the ability to analyze the means of artistic expression and style which depicts a more complex task than merely breaking an image down to colors and pixels. The ultimate test for this ability is the task of style transfer which involves altering the style of an image while keeping its content. An effective solution of style transfer requires learning such image representation which would allow disentangling image style and its content. Moreover, particular artistic styles come with idiosyncrasies that affect which content details should be preserved and which discarded. Another pitfall here is that it is impossible to get pixel-wise annotations of style and how the style should be altered. We address this problem by proposing an unsupervised approach that enables encoding the image content in such a way that is required by a particular style. The proposed approach exchanges the style of an input image by first extracting the content representation in a style-aware way and then rendering it in a new style using a style-specific decoder network, achieving compelling results in image and video stylization. Finally, we combine supervised and self-supervised representation learning techniques for the task of human and animals pose understanding. The proposed method enables transfer of the representation learned for recognition of human poses to proximal mammal species without using labeled animal images. This approach is not limited to dense pose estimation and could potentially enable autonomous agents from robots to self-driving cars to retrain themselves and adapt to novel environments based on learning from previous experiences

    An exploration of methodologies to improve semi-supervised hierarchical clustering with knowledge-based constraints

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    Clustering algorithms with constraints (also known as semi-supervised clustering algorithms) have been introduced to the field of machine learning as a significant variant to the conventional unsupervised clustering learning algorithms. They have been demonstrated to achieve better performance due to integrating prior knowledge during the clustering process, that enables uncovering relevant useful information from the data being clustered. However, the research conducted within the context of developing semi-supervised hierarchical clustering techniques are still an open and active investigation area. Majority of current semi-supervised clustering algorithms are developed as partitional clustering (PC) methods and only few research efforts have been made on developing semi-supervised hierarchical clustering methods. The aim of this research is to enhance hierarchical clustering (HC) algorithms based on prior knowledge, by adopting novel methodologies. [Continues.

    Using Interior Point Methods for Large-scale Support Vector Machine training

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    Support Vector Machines (SVMs) are powerful machine learning techniques for classification and regression, but the training stage involves a convex quadratic optimization program that is most often computationally expensive. Traditionally, active-set methods have been used rather than interior point methods, due to the Hessian in the standard dual formulation being completely dense. But as active-set methods are essentially sequential, they may not be adequate for machine learning challenges of the future. Additionally, training time may be limited, or data may grow so large that cluster-computing approaches need to be considered. Interior point methods have the potential to answer these concerns directly. They scale efficiently, they can provide good early approximations, and they are suitable for parallel and multi-core environments. To apply them to SVM training, it is necessary to address directly the most computationally expensive aspect of the algorithm. We therefore present an exact reformulation of the standard linear SVM training optimization problem that exploits separability of terms in the objective. By so doing, per-iteration computational complexity is reduced from O(n3) to O(n). We show how this reformulation can be applied to many machine learning problems in the SVM family. Implementation issues relating to specializing the algorithm are explored through extensive numerical experiments. They show that the performance of our algorithm for large dense or noisy data sets is consistent and highly competitive, and in some cases can out perform all other approaches by a large margin. Unlike active set methods, performance is largely unaffected by noisy data. We also show how, by exploiting the block structure of the augmented system matrix, a hybrid MPI/Open MP implementation of the algorithm enables data and linear algebra computations to be efficiently partitioned amongst parallel processing nodes in a clustered computing environment. The applicability of our technique is extended to nonlinear SVMs by low-rank approximation of the kernel matrix. We develop a heuristic designed to represent clusters using a small number of features. Additionally, an early approximation scheme reduces the number of samples that need to be considered. Both elements improve the computational efficiency of the training phase. Taken as a whole, this thesis shows that with suitable problem formulation and efficient implementation techniques, interior point methods are a viable optimization technology to apply to large-scale SVM training, and are able to provide state-of-the-art performance

    Predictive Modelling Approach to Data-Driven Computational Preventive Medicine

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    This thesis contributes novel predictive modelling approaches to data-driven computational preventive medicine and offers an alternative framework to statistical analysis in preventive medicine research. In the early parts of this research, this thesis presents research by proposing a synergy of machine learning methods for detecting patterns and developing inexpensive predictive models from healthcare data to classify the potential occurrence of adverse health events. In particular, the data-driven methodology is founded upon a heuristic-systematic assessment of several machine-learning methods, data preprocessing techniques, models’ training estimation and optimisation, and performance evaluation, yielding a novel computational data-driven framework, Octopus. Midway through this research, this thesis advances research in preventive medicine and data mining by proposing several new extensions in data preparation and preprocessing. It offers new recommendations for data quality assessment checks, a novel multimethod imputation (MMI) process for missing data mitigation, a novel imbalanced resampling approach, and minority pattern reconstruction (MPR) led by information theory. This thesis also extends the area of model performance evaluation with a novel classification performance ranking metric called XDistance. In particular, the experimental results show that building predictive models with the methods guided by our new framework (Octopus) yields domain experts' approval of the new reliable models’ performance. Also, performing the data quality checks and applying the MMI process led healthcare practitioners to outweigh predictive reliability over interpretability. The application of MPR and its hybrid resampling strategies led to better performances in line with experts' success criteria than the traditional imbalanced data resampling techniques. Finally, the use of the XDistance performance ranking metric was found to be more effective in ranking several classifiers' performances while offering an indication of class bias, unlike existing performance metrics The overall contributions of this thesis can be summarised as follow. First, several data mining techniques were thoroughly assessed to formulate the new Octopus framework to produce new reliable classifiers. In addition, we offer a further understanding of the impact of newly engineered features, the physical activity index (PAI) and biological effective dose (BED). Second, the newly developed methods within the new framework. Finally, the newly accepted developed predictive models help detect adverse health events, namely, visceral fat-associated diseases and advanced breast cancer radiotherapy toxicity side effects. These contributions could be used to guide future theories, experiments and healthcare interventions in preventive medicine and data mining

    People detection and tracking in crowded scenes

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    People are often a central element of visual scenes, particularly in real-world street scenes. Thus it has been a long-standing goal in Computer Vision to develop methods aiming at analyzing humans in visual data. Due to the complexity of real-world scenes, visual understanding of people remains challenging for machine perception. In this thesis we focus on advancing the techniques for people detection and tracking in crowded street scenes. We also propose new models for human pose estimation and motion segmentation in realistic images and videos. First, we propose detection models that are jointly trained to detect single person as well as pairs of people under varying degrees of occlusion. The learning algorithm of our joint detector facilitates a tight integration of tracking and detection, because it is designed to address common failure cases during tracking due to long-term inter-object occlusions. Second, we propose novel multi person tracking models that formulate tracking as a graph partitioning problem. Our models jointly cluster detection hypotheses in space and time, eliminating the need for a heuristic non-maximum suppression. Furthermore, for crowded scenes, our tracking model encodes long-range person re-identification information into the detection clustering process in a unified and rigorous manner. Third, we explore the visual tracking task in different granularity. We present a tracking model that simultaneously clusters object bounding boxes and pixel level trajectories over time. This approach provides a rich understanding of the motion of objects in the scene. Last, we extend our tracking model for the multi person pose estimation task. We introduce a joint subset partitioning and labelling model where we simultaneously estimate the poses of all the people in the scene. In summary, this thesis addresses a number of diverse tasks that aim to enable vision systems to analyze people in realistic images and videos. In particular, the thesis proposes several novel ideas and rigorous mathematical formulations, pushes the boundary of state-of-the-arts and results in superior performance.Personen sind oft ein zentraler Bestandteil visueller Szenen, besonders in natĂŒrlichen Straßenszenen. Daher ist es seit langem ein Ziel der Computer Vision, Methoden zu entwickeln, um Personen in einer Szene zu analysieren. Aufgrund der KomplexitĂ€t natĂŒrlicher Szenen bleibt das visuelle VerstĂ€ndnis von Personen eine Herausforderung fĂŒr die maschinelle Wahrnehmung. Im Zentrum dieser Arbeit steht die Weiterentwicklung von Verfahren zur Detektion und zum Tracking von Personen in Straßenszenen mit Menschenmengen. Wir erforschen darĂŒber hinaus neue Methoden zur menschlichen PosenschĂ€tzung und Bewegungssegmentierung in realistischen Bildern und Videos. ZunĂ€chst schlagen wir Detektionsmodelle vor, die gemeinsam trainiert werden, um sowohl einzelne Personen als auch Personenpaare bei verschiedener Verdeckung zu detektieren. Der Lernalgorithmus unseres gemeinsamen Detektors erleichtert eine enge Integration von Tracking und Detektion, da er darauf konzipiert ist, hĂ€ufige FehlerfĂ€lle aufgrund langfristiger Verdeckungen zwischen Objekten wĂ€hrend des Tracking anzugehen. Zweitens schlagen wir neue Modelle fĂŒr das Tracking mehrerer Personen vor, die das Tracking als Problem der Graphenpartitionierung formulieren. Unsere Mod- elle clustern Detektionshypothesen gemeinsam in Raum und Zeit und eliminieren dadurch die Notwendigkeit einer heuristischen UnterdrĂŒckung nicht maximaler De- tektionen. Bei Szenen mit Menschenmengen kodiert unser Trackingmodell darĂŒber hinaus einheitlich und genau Informationen zur langfristigen Re-Identifizierung in den Clusteringprozess der Detektionen. Drittens untersuchen wir die visuelle Trackingaufgabe bei verschiedener Gran- ularitĂ€t. Wir stellen ein Trackingmodell vor, das im Zeitablauf gleichzeitig Begren- zungsrahmen von Objekten und Trajektorien auf Pixelebene clustert. Diese Herange- hensweise ermöglicht ein umfassendes VerstĂ€ndnis der Bewegung der Objekte in der Szene. Schließlich erweitern wir unser Trackingmodell fĂŒr die PosenschĂ€tzung mehrerer Personen. Wir fĂŒhren ein Modell zur gemeinsamen Graphzerlegung und Knoten- klassifikation ein, mit dem wir gleichzeitig die Posen aller Personen in der Szene schĂ€tzen. Zusammengefasst widmet sich diese Arbeit einer Reihe verschiedener Aufgaben mit dem gemeinsamen Ziel, Bildverarbeitungssystemen die Analyse von Personen in realistischen Bildern und Videos zu ermöglichen. Insbesondere schlĂ€gt die Arbeit mehrere neue AnsĂ€tze und genaue mathematische Formulierungen vor, und sie zeigt Methoden, welche die Grenze des neuesten Stands der Technik ĂŒberschreiten und eine höhere Leistung von Bildverarbeitungssystemen ermöglichen

    Intrusion detection by machine learning = Behatolås detektålås gépi tanulås åltal

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    Since the early days of information technology, there have been many stakeholders who used the technological capabilities for their own benefit, be it legal operations, or illegal access to computational assets and sensitive information. Every year, businesses invest large amounts of effort into upgrading their IT infrastructure, yet, even today, they are unprepared to protect their most valuable assets: data and knowledge. This lack of protection was the main reason for the creation of this dissertation. During this study, intrusion detection, a field of information security, is evaluated through the use of several machine learning models performing signature and hybrid detection. This is a challenging field, mainly due to the high velocity and imbalanced nature of network traffic. To construct machine learning models capable of intrusion detection, the applied methodologies were the CRISP-DM process model designed to help data scientists with the planning, creation and integration of machine learning models into a business information infrastructure, and design science research interested in answering research questions with information technology artefacts. The two methodologies have a lot in common, which is further elaborated in the study. The goals of this dissertation were two-fold: first, to create an intrusion detector that could provide a high level of intrusion detection performance measured using accuracy and recall and second, to identify potential techniques that can increase intrusion detection performance. Out of the designed models, a hybrid autoencoder + stacking neural network model managed to achieve detection performance comparable to the best models that appeared in the related literature, with good detections on minority classes. To achieve this result, the techniques identified were synthetic sampling, advanced hyperparameter optimization, model ensembles and autoencoder networks. In addition, the dissertation set up a soft hierarchy among the different detection techniques in terms of performance and provides a brief outlook on potential future practical applications of network intrusion detection models as well

    Rapid Segmentation Techniques for Cardiac and Neuroimage Analysis

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    Recent technological advances in medical imaging have allowed for the quick acquisition of highly resolved data to aid in diagnosis and characterization of diseases or to guide interventions. In order to to be integrated into a clinical work flow, accurate and robust methods of analysis must be developed which manage this increase in data. Recent improvements in in- expensive commercially available graphics hardware and General-Purpose Programming on Graphics Processing Units (GPGPU) have allowed for many large scale data analysis problems to be addressed in meaningful time and will continue to as parallel computing technology improves. In this thesis we propose methods to tackle two clinically relevant image segmentation problems: a user-guided segmentation of myocardial scar from Late-Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Images (LE-MRI) and a multi-atlas segmentation pipeline to automatically segment and partition brain tissue from multi-channel MRI. Both methods are based on recent advances in computer vision, in particular max-flow optimization that aims at solving the segmentation problem in continuous space. This allows for (approximately) globally optimal solvers to be employed in multi-region segmentation problems, without the particular drawbacks of their discrete counterparts, graph cuts, which typically present with metrication artefacts. Max-flow solvers are generally able to produce robust results, but are known for being computationally expensive, especially with large datasets, such as volume images. Additionally, we propose two new deformable registration methods based on Gauss-Newton optimization and smooth the resulting deformation fields via total-variation regularization to guarantee the problem is mathematically well-posed. We compare the performance of these two methods against four highly ranked and well-known deformable registration methods on four publicly available databases and are able to demonstrate a highly accurate performance with low run times. The best performing variant is subsequently used in a multi-atlas segmentation pipeline for the segmentation of brain tissue and facilitates fast run times for this computationally expensive approach. All proposed methods are implemented using GPGPU for a substantial increase in computational performance and so facilitate deployment into clinical work flows. We evaluate all proposed algorithms in terms of run times, accuracy, repeatability and errors arising from user interactions and we demonstrate that these methods are able to outperform established methods. The presented approaches demonstrate high performance in comparison with established methods in terms of accuracy and repeatability while largely reducing run times due to the employment of GPU hardware

    Assesing Completeness of Solvency and Financial Condition Reports through the use of Machine Learning and Text Classification

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    Text mining is a method for extracting useful information from unstructured data through the identification and exploration of large amounts of text. It is a valuable support tool for organisations. It enables a greater understanding and identification of relevant business insights from text. Critically it identifies connections between information within texts that would otherwise go unnoticed. Its application is prevalent in areas such as marketing and political science however, until recently it has been largely overlooked within economics. Central banks are beginning to investigate the benefits of machine learning, sentiment analysis and natural language processing in light of the large amount of unstructured data available to them. This includes news articles, financial contracts, social media, supervisory and market intelligence and regulatory reports. In this research paper a dataset consisting of regulatory required Solvency and Financial Condition Reports (SFCR) is analysed to determine if machine learning and text classification can assist assessing the completeness of SFCRs. The completeness is determined by whether or not the document adheres to nine European guidelines. Natural language processing and supervised machine learning techniques are implemented to classify pages of the report as belonging to one of the guidelines
