1,201 research outputs found

    An improved generalization of mesh-connected computers with multiple buses

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    ©2001 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.Mesh-connected computers (MCCs) are a class of important parallel architectures due to their simple and regular interconnections. However, their performances are restricted by their large diameters. Various augmenting mechanisms have been proposed to enhance the communication efficiency of MCCs. One major approach is to add nonconfigurable buses for improved broadcasting. A typical example is the mesh-connected computer with multiple buses (MMB). We propose a new class of generalized MMBs, the improved generalized MMBs (IMMBs). We compare IMMBs with MMBs and a class of previously proposed generalized MMBs (GMMBs). We show the power of IMMBs by considering semigroup and prefix computations. Specifically, as our main result we show that for any constant 0<&epsiv;<1, one can construct an N½×N½ square IMMB using which semigroup and prefix computations on N operands can be carried out in O(N&epsiv;) time, while maintaining O(1) broadcasting time. Compared with the previous best complexities O(N&frac18;) and O(N&frac116;) achieved on a rectangular MMB and GMMB, respectively, for the same computations, our results show that IMMBs are more powerful than MMBs and GMMBsYi Pen; Zheng, S.Q.; Keqin Li; Hong She

    Design and Analysis of Optical Interconnection Networks for Parallel Computation.

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    In this doctoral research, we propose several novel protocols and topologies for the interconnection of massively parallel processors. These new technologies achieve considerable improvements in system performance and structure simplicity. Currently, synchronous protocols are used in optical TDM buses. The major disadvantage of a synchronous protocol is the waste of packet slots. To offset this inherent drawback of synchronous TDM, a pipelined asynchronous TDM optical bus is proposed. The simulation results show that the performance of the proposed bus is significantly better than that of known pipelined synchronous TDM optical buses. Practically, the computation power of the plain TDM protocol is limited. Various extensions must be added to the system. In this research, a new pipelined optical TDM bus for implementing a linear array parallel computer architecture is proposed. The switches on the receiving segment of the bus can be dynamically controlled, which make the system highly reconfigurable. To build large and scalable systems, we need new network architectures that are suitable for optical interconnections. A new kind of reconfigurable bus called segmented bus is introduced to achieve reduced structure simplicity and increased concurrency. We show that parallel architectures based on segmented buses are versatile by showing that it can simulate parallel communication patterns supported by a wide variety of networks with small slowdown factors. New kinds of interconnection networks, the hypernetworks, have been proposed recently. Compared with point-to-point networks, they allow for increased resource-sharing and communication bandwidth utilization, and they are especially suitable for optical interconnects. One way to derive a hypernetwork is by finding the dual of a point-to-point network. Hypercube Q\sb{n}, where n is the dimension, is a very popular point-to-point network. It is interesting to construct hypernetworks from the dual Q\sbsp{n}{*} of hypercube of Q\sb{n}. In this research, the properties of Q\sbsp{n}{*} are investigated and a set of fundamental data communication algorithms for Q\sbsp{n}{*} are presented. The results indicate that the Q\sbsp{n}{*} hypernetwork is a useful and promising interconnection structure for high-performance parallel and distributed computing systems

    A Computational Paradigm on Network-Based Models of Computation

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    The maturation of computer science has strengthened the need to consolidate isolated algorithms and techniques into general computational paradigms. The main goal of this dissertation is to provide a unifying framework which captures the essence of a number of problems in seemingly unrelated contexts in database design, pattern recognition, image processing, VLSI design, computer vision, and robot navigation. The main contribution of this work is to provide a computational paradigm which involves the unifying framework, referred to as the multiple Query problem, along with a generic solution to the Multiple Query problem. To demonstrate the applicability of the paradigm, a number of problems from different areas of computer science are solved by formulating them in this framework. Also, to show practical relevance, two fundamental problems were implemented in the C language using MPI. The code can be ported onto many commercially available parallel computers; in particular, the code was tested on an IBM-SP2 and on a network of workstations

    Efficient parallel processing with optical interconnections

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    With the advances in VLSI technology, it is now possible to build chips which can each contain thousands of processors. The efficiency of such chips in executing parallel algorithms heavily depends on the interconnection topology of the processors. It is not possible to build a fully interconnected network of processors with constant fan-in/fan-out using electrical interconnections. Free space optics is a remedy to this limitation. Qualities exclusive to the optical medium are its ability to be directed for propagation in free space and the property that optical channels can cross in space without any interference. In this thesis, we present an electro-optical interconnected architecture named Optical Reconfigurable Mesh (ORM). It is based on an existing optical model of computation. There are two layers in the architecture. The processing layer is a reconfigurable mesh and the deflecting layer contains optical devices to deflect light beams. ORM provides three types of communication mechanisms. The first is for arbitrary planar connections among sets of locally connected processors using the reconfigurable mesh. The second is for arbitrary connections among N of the processors using the electrical buses on the processing layer and N2 fixed passive deflecting units on the deflection layer. The third is for arbitrary connections among any of the N2 processors using the N2 mechanically reconfigurable deflectors in the deflection layer. The third type of communication mechanisms is significantly slower than the other two. Therefore, it is desirable to avoid reconfiguring this type of communication during the execution of the algorithms. Instead, the optical reconfiguration can be done before the execution of each algorithm begins. Determining a right configuration that would be suitable for the entire configuration of a task execution is studied in this thesis. The basic data movements for each of the mechanisms are studied. Finally, to show the power of ORM, we use all three types of communication mechanisms in the first O(logN) time algorithm for finding the convex hulls of all figures in an N x N binary image presented in this thesis

    Submicron Systems Architecture Project: Semiannual Technical Report

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    Multiple Bus Networks for Binary -Tree Algorithms.

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    Multiple bus networks (MBN) connect processors via buses. This dissertation addresses issues related to running binary-tree algorithms on MBNs. These algorithms are of a fundamental nature, and reduce inputs at leaves of a binary tree to a result at the root. We study the relationships between running time, degree (maximum number of connections per processor) and loading (maximum number of connections per bus). We also investigate fault-tolerance, meshes enhanced with MBNs, and VLSI layouts for binary-tree MBNs. We prove that the loading of optimal-time, degree-2, binary-tree MBNs is non-constant. In establishing this result, we derive three loading lower bounds Wn , W&parl0;n23&parr0; and W&parl0;nlogn&parr0; , each tighter than the previous one. We also show that if the degree is increased to 3, then the loading can be a constant. A constant loading degree-2 MBN exists, if the algorithm is allowed to run slower than the optimal. We introduce a new enhanced mesh architecture (employing binary-tree MBNs) that captures features of all existing enhanced meshes. This architecture is more flexible, allowing all existing enhanced mesh results to be ported to a more implementable platform. We present two methods for imparting tolerance to bus and processor faults in binary-tree MBNs. One of the methods is general, and can be used with any MBN and for both processor and bus faults. A key feature of this method is that it permits the network designer to designate a set of buses as unimportant and consider all faulty buses as unimportant. This minimizes the impact of faulty elements on the MBN. The second method is specific to bus faults in binary-tree MBNs, whose features it exploits to produce faster solutions. We also derive a series of results that distill the lower bound on the perimeter layout area of optimal-time, binary-tree MBNs to a single conjecture. Based on this we believe that optimal-time, binary-tree MBNs require no less area than a balanced tree topology even though such MBNs can reuse buses over various steps of the algorithm

    A hierarchical parallel implementation model for algebra-based CFD simulations on hybrid supercomputers

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    (English) Continuous enhancement in hardware technologies enables scientific computing to advance incessantly and reach further aims. Since the start of the global race for exascale high-performance computing (HPC), massively-parallel devices of various architectures have been incorporated into the newest supercomputers, leading to an increasing hybridization of HPC systems. In this context of accelerated innovation, software portability and efficiency become crucial. Traditionally, scientific computing software development is based on calculations in iterative stencil loops (ISL) over a discretized geometry—the mesh. Despite being intuitive and versatile, the interdependency between algorithms and their computational implementations in stencil applications usually results in a large number of subroutines and introduces an inevitable complexity when it comes to portability and sustainability. An alternative is to break the interdependency between algorithm and implementation to cast the calculations into a minimalist set of kernels. The portable implementation model that is the object of this thesis is not restricted to a particular numerical method or problem. However, owing to the CTTC's long tradition in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and without loss of generality, this work is targeted to solve transient CFD simulations. By casting discrete operators and mesh functions into (sparse) matrices and vectors, it is shown that all the calculations in a typical CFD algorithm boil down to the following basic linear algebra subroutines: the sparse matrix-vector product, the linear combination of vectors, and the dot product. The proposed formulation eases the deployment of scientific computing software in massively parallel hybrid computing systems and is demonstrated in the large-scale, direct numerical simulation of transient turbulent flows.(Català) La millora contínua en tecnologies de la informàtica possibilita a la comunitat de computació científica avançar incessantment i assolir ulteriors objectius. Des de l'inici de la cursa global per a la computació d'alt rendiment (HPC) d'exa-escala, s'han incorporat dispositius massivament paral·lels de diverses arquitectures als supercomputadors més nous, donant lloc a una creixent hibridació dels sistemes HPC. En aquest context d'innovació accelerada, la portabilitat i l'eficiència del programari esdevenen crucials. Tradicionalment, el desenvolupament de programari informàtic científic es basa en càlculs en bucles de patrons iteratius (ISL) sobre una geometria discretitzada: la malla. Tot i ser intuïtiva i versàtil, la interdependència entre algorismes i les seves implementacions computacionals en aplicacions de patrons sol donar lloc a un gran nombre de subrutines i introdueix una complexitat inevitable quan es tracta de portabilitat i sostenibilitat. Una alternativa és trencar la interdependència entre l'algorisme i la implementació per reduir els càlculs a un conjunt minimalista de subrutines. El model d'implementació portable objecte d'aquesta tesi no es limita a un mètode o problema numèric concret. No obstant això, i a causa de la llarga tradició del CTTC en dinàmica de fluids computacional (CFD) i sense pèrdua de generalitat, aquest treball està dirigit a resoldre simulacions CFD transitòries. Mitjançant la conversió d'operadors discrets i funcions de malla en matrius (disperses) i vectors, es demostra que tots els càlculs d'un algorisme CFD típic es redueixen a les següents subrutines bàsiques d'àlgebra lineal: el producte dispers matriu-vector, la combinació lineal de vectors, i el producte escalar. La formulació proposada facilita el desplegament de programari de computació científica en sistemes informàtics híbrids massivament paral·lels i es demostra el seu rendiment en la simulació numèrica directa de gran escala de fluxos turbulents transitoris.Enginyeria tèrmic