24 research outputs found

    Dynamic load balancing via thread migration

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    Light-weight threads are becoming increasingly useful for parallel processing. This is particularly true for threads running in a distributed memory environment. Light-weight threads can be used to support latency hiding techniques, communication and computation overlap, and functional parallelism. Additionally, dynamic migration of light-weight threads supports both data locality and load balancing. Designing a thread migration mechanism presents some very unique and interesting challenges. One such challenge is maintaining communication between mobile threads. A potentially more difficult challenge involves maintaining the correctness of pointers within mobile threads. Since traditional pointers have no concept of address space, moving threads from processor to processor has a strong impact on the use of pointers. Options for dealing with pointers include restricting their use, adding a layer of software to support pointers referencing non-local data, and binding data to threads such that referenced data is always local to the thread. This dissertation presents the design and implementation of Chant, an efficient light-weight threads package which runs in a distributed memory environment. Chant was designed and implemented as a runtime system using MPI like and Pthreads like calls. Chant supports point-to-point message passing between threads executing in distributed address spaces. We focus on the use of Chant as a framework to support dynamic load balancing based on thread migration. We explore many of the issues which arise when designing and implementing a thread migration mechanism, as well as the issues which arise when considering the use of thread migration as a means for performing dynamic load balancing. This load balancing framework uses both system state information, including communication history, and user input. One of the basic functionalities of this load balancing framework is the ability of the user to customize the load balancing to fit particular classes of problems. This dissertation provides implementation details as well as discussion and justification of design choices. We go on to show that the overhead associated with our approach is within an acceptable range, and that significant performance gains can be achieved through the use of thread migration as a means of performing dynamic load balancing

    Dynamic Distributed User Interfaces: Supporting Mobile Interaction Spaces.

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    As the possibilities and popularity of mobile computing devices increases, there is an opportunity to accomplish more and more desktop-related tasks with them. Most tasks require a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows users to tap buttons, make selections, fill in forms, etc. Because of the diversity in mobile devices, it is difficult to develop a single GUI that runs on all of these devices. One of the difficulties is the lack of a common platform and/or GUI toolkit. The heterogeneity of platforms and toolkits can be masked by using markup languages to describe an interface on a high level. The use of these description languages is one of the core ideas in this dissertation. Another concern is the adaptation of the GUI to the context of use. Our goals are to clarify what adaptation of an interface involves and why it is important. Since mobile devices have limited screen space and varying input methods, it may be appropriate to split up a GUI and distribute parts to several devices. This poses new challenges such as an efficient distribution mechanism and wireless communication techniques to let the distributed parts talk with each other and the application logic. We present a framework that is able to generate and distribute GUI descriptions for custom applications, tha

    A Preemption-Based Meta-Scheduling System for Distributed Computing

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    This research aims at designing and building a scheduling framework for distributed computing systems with the primary objectives of providing fast response times to the users, delivering high system throughput and accommodating maximum number of applications into the systems. The author claims that the above mentioned objectives are the most important objectives for scheduling in recent distributed computing systems, especially Grid computing environments. In order to achieve the objectives of the scheduling framework, the scheduler employs arbitration of application-level schedules and preemption of executing jobs under certain conditions. In application-level scheduling, the user develops a schedule for his application using an execution model that simulates the execution behavior of the application. Since application-level scheduling can seriously impede the performance of the system, the scheduling framework developed in this research arbitrates between different application-level schedules corresponding to different applications to provide fair system usage for all applications and balance the interests of different applications. In this sense, the scheduling framework is not a classical scheduling system, but a meta-scheduling system that interacts with the application-level schedulers. Due to the large system dynamics involved in Grid computing systems, the ability to preempt executing jobs becomes a necessity. The meta-scheduler described in this dissertation employs well defined scheduling policies to preempt and migrate executing applications. In order to provide the users with the capability to make their applications preemptible, a user-level check-pointing library called SRS (Stop-Restart Software) was also developed by this research. The SRS library is different from many user-level check-pointing libraries since it allows reconfiguration of applications between migrations. This reconfiguration can be achieved by changing the processor configuration and/or data distribution. The experimental results provided in this dissertation demonstrates the utility of the metascheduling framework for distributed computing systems. And lastly, the metascheduling framework was put to practical use by building a Grid computing system called GradSolve. GradSolve is a flexible system and it allows the application library writers to upload applications with different capabilities into the system. GradSolve is also unique with respect to maintaining traces of the execution of the applications and using the traces for subsequent executions of the application

    Monitoraggio strutturale e ambientale con il Web delle cose

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    Structural health and Environmental monitoring are recently benefiting from the advancement in the digital industry. Thanks to the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm, monitoring systems are increasing their functionalities and reducing development costs. However, they are affected by a strong fragmentation in the solution proposed and technologies employed. This stale the overall benefits of the adoption of IoT frameworks or IoT devices since it limits the reusability and portability of the chosen platform. As in other IoT contexts, also the structural health and environmental monitoring domain is suffering from the negative effects of, what is called, an interoperability problem. Recently the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is joining the race in the definition of a standard for IoT unifying different solutions below a single paradigm. This new shift in the industry is called Web of Things or in short WoT. Together with other W3C technologies of the Semantic Web, the Web of Things unifies different protocols and data models thanks to a descriptive machine-understandable document called the Thing Description. This work wants to explore how this new paradigm can improve the quality of structural health and environmental monitoring applications. The goal is to provide a monitoring infrastructure solely based on WoT and Semantic technologies. The architecture is later tested and applied on two concrete use-cases taken from the industrial structural monitoring and the smart farming domains. Finally, this thesis proposes a layered structure for organizing the knowledge design of the two applications, and it provides evaluation comments on the results obtained.Le pratiche di monitoraggio strutturale e dell'ambiente stanno recemente beneficiando degli avanzamenti nella industria digitale. Grazie alla nascita di tecnologie basate sull'Internet of Things (IoT), i sistemi di monitoraggio hanno migliorato le loro funzionalità base e ridotto i costi di svilippo. Nonostante ciò, queste soluzioni hardware e software sono affette da una forte fragmentazione sia riguardo ai tipi dispositivo sia alle tecnologie usate. Questa fenomeno fa si che i benifici ottenuti utilizzando tecnologie IoT si riducano poichè spesso tali soluzioni mancano di portabilità e adattabilità. Come in altri contesti IoT, anche nel monitoraggio strutturale e ambintale possiamo incorre nel problema tipico della mancanza di interoperabilità tra diverse piattaforme. Recemenete il World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) ha iniziato a lavorare ad uno standard per unificare le maggiori tecnologie IoT sotto un unico paradigma. Questo nuova corrente è chiamata il Web of Things o in breve WoT. Assieme ad altre tecnologie del W3C come il Semantic Web, il Web of Things astrae differenti protocolli e middleware grazie ad un documento descritivo interpretabili dalle macchine chiamato Thing Description. Questo documento vuole esplorare come questo nuovo paradigma influenzi il mondo del monitoraggio strutturale e ambientale. In particolare vuole verificare se l'utilizzo di tecnologie puramente basate su WoT e Semantic Web possa migliorare la portabilità di un applicazione di monitoraggio. In concreto propone un architetuttura software poi implementata in due casi d'uso reali presi dal mondo dello smart farming e monitoraggio di strutture industriali. Infine, la tesi, propone un organizzazione a layer del modello dei dati e una valutazione dei risultati ottenuti

    Models of higher-order, type-safe, distributed computation over autonomous persistent object stores

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    A remote procedure call (RPC) mechanism permits the calling of procedures in another address space. RPC is a simple but highly effective mechanism for interprocess communication and enjoys nowadays a great popularity as a tool for building distributed applications. This popularity is partly a result of their overall simplicity but also partly a consequence of more than 20 years of research in transpaxent distribution that have failed to deliver systems that meet the expectations of real-world application programmers. During the same 20 years, persistent systems have proved their suitability for building complex database applications by seamlessly integrating features traditionally found in database management systems into the programming language itself. Some research. effort has been invested on distributed persistent systems, but the outcomes commonly suffer from the same problems found with transparent distribution. In this thesis I claim that a higher-order persistent RPC is useful for building distributed persistent applications. The proposed mechanism is: realistic in the sense that it uses current technology and tolerates partial failures; understandable by application programmers; and general to support the development of many classes of distributed persistent applications. In order to demonstrate the validity of these claims, I propose and have implemented three models for distributed higher-order computation over autonomous persistent stores. Each model has successively exposed new problems which have then been overcome by the next model. Together, the three models provide a general yet simple higher-order persistent RPC that is able to operate in realistic environments with partial failures. The real strength of this thesis is the demonstration of realism and simplicity. A higherorder persistent RPC was not only implemented but also used by programmers without experience of programming distributed applications. Furthermore, a distributed persistent application has been built using these models which would not have been feasible with a traditional (non-persistent) programming language

    Jmas: A Java-based Mobile Actor System for Heterogeneous Distributed Parallel Computing

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    Computer Scienc

    Runtime support for load balancing of parallel adaptive and irregular applications

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    Applications critical to today\u27s engineering research often must make use of the increased memory and processing power of a parallel machine. While advances in architecture design are leading to more and more powerful parallel systems, the software tools needed to realize their full potential are in a much less advanced state. In particular, efficient, robust, and high-performance runtime support software is critical in the area of dynamic load balancing. While the load balancing of loosely synchronous codes, such as field solvers, has been studied extensively for the past 15 years, there exists a class of problems, known as asynchronous and highly adaptive , for which the dynamic load balancing problem remains open. as we discuss, characteristics of this class of problems render compile-time or static analysis of little benefit, and complicate the dynamic load balancing task immensely.;We make two contributions to this area of research. The first is the design and development of a runtime software toolkit, known as the Parallel Runtime Environment for Multi-computer Applications, or PREMA, which provides interprocessor communication, a global namespace, a framework for the implementation of customized scheduling policies, and several such policies which are prevalent in the load balancing literature. The PREMA system is designed to support coarse-grained domain decompositions with the goals of portability, flexibility, and maintainability in mind, so that developers will quickly feel comfortable incorporating it into existing codes and developing new codes which make use of its functionality. We demonstrate that the programming model and implementation are efficient and lead to the development of robust and high-performance applications.;Our second contribution is in the area of performance modeling. In order to make the most effective use of the PREMA runtime software, certain parameters governing its execution must be set off-line. Optimal values for these parameters may be determined through repeated executions of the target application; however, this is not always possible, particularly in large-scale environments and long-running applications. We present an analytic model that allows the user to quickly and inexpensively predict application performance and fine-tune applications built on the PREMA platform

    Managing Device and Platform Heterogeneity through the Web of Things

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    The chaotic growth of the IoT determined a fragmented landscape with a huge number of devices, technologies, and platforms available on the market, and consequential issues of interoperability on many system deployments. The Web of Things (WoT) architecture recently proposed by the W3C consortium constitutes a novel solution to enable interoperability across IoT Platforms and application domains. At the same time, in order to see an effective improvement, a wide adoption of the W3C WoT solutions from the academic and industrial communities is required; this translates into the need of accurate and complete support tools to ease the deployment of W3C WoT applications, as well as reference guidelines about how to enable the WoT on top of existing IoT scenarios and how to deploy WoT scenarios from scratch. In this thesis, we bring three main contributions for filling such gap: (1) we introduce the WoT Store, a novel platform for managing and easing the deployment of Things and applications on the W3C WoT, and additional strategies for bringing old legacy IoT systems into the WoT. The WoT Store allows the dynamic discovery of the resources available in the environment, i.e. the Things, and to interact with each of them through a dashboard by visualizing their properties, executing commands, or observing the notifications produced. (2) We map three different IoT scenarios to WoT scenarios: a generic heterogeneous environmental monitoring scenario, a structural health monitoring scenario and an Industry4.0 scenario. (3) We make proposals to improve both the W3C standard and the node-wot software stack design: in the first case, new vocabularies are needed in order to handle particular protocols employed in industrial scenarios, while in the second case we present some contributions required for the dynamic instantiation and the migration of Web Things and WoT services in a cloud-to-edge continuum environment

    Mesoscale fluid simulation with the Lattice Boltzmann method

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    PhDThis thesis describes investigations of several complex fluid effects., including hydrodynamic spinodal decomposition, viscous instability. and self-assembly of a cubic surfactant phase, by simulating them with a lattice Boltzmann computational model. The introduction describes what is meant by the term "complex fluid", and why such fluids are both important and difficult to understand. A key feature of complex fluids is that their behaviour spans length and time scales. The lattice Boltzmann method is presented as a modelling technique which sits at a "mesoscale" level intermediate between coarse-grained and fine-grained detail, and which is therefore ideal for modelling certain classes of complex fluids. The following chapters describe simulations which have been performed using this technique, in two and three dimensions. Chapter 2 presents an investigation into the separation of a mixture of two fluids. This process is found to involve several physical mechanisms at different stages. The simulated behaviour is found to be in good agreement with existing theory, and a curious effect, due to multiple competing mechanisms, is observed, in agreement with experiments and other simulations. Chapter 3 describes an improvement to lattice Boltzmann models of Hele-Shaw flow, along with simulations which quantitatively demonstrate improvements in both accuracy and numerical stability. The Saffman-Taylor hydrodynamic instability is demonstrated using this model. Chapter 4 contains the details and results of the TeraGyroid experiment, which involved extremely large-scale simulations to investigate the dynamical behaviour of a self-assembling structure. The first finite- size-effect- free dynamical simulations of such a system are presented. It is found that several different mechanisms are responsible for the assembly; the existence of chiral domains is demonstrated, along with an examination of domain growth during self-assembly. Appendix A describes some aspects of the implementation of the lattice Boltzmann codes used in this thesis; appendix B describes some of the Grid computing techniques which were necessary for the simulations of chapter 4. Chapter 5 summarises the work, and makes suggestions for further research and improvement.Huntsman Corporation Queen Mary University Schlumberger Cambridge Researc