93,825 research outputs found

    Segmentation and Determination of Brain Tumor by Bounding Box Method

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    An Intracranial Neoplasm (Brain Tumor) occurs when abnormal cells form within the brain. There are two main types of tumors: Malignant (Cancerous Tumors) and Benign tumors. Cancerous or non-cancerous mass and growth of abnormal cells in the brain leads to the formation of brain tumor. In order to reduce the increasing fatality rate caused by brain tumor, it is necessary to detect and cure the affected region early and efficiently. Initially, pre-processing is performed, in this phase image is enhanced in the way that finer details are improved and noise is removed from the image. During pre-processing, filters are applied on an input grey scale image to remove unwanted impurities. Filtered image thus obtained is free from impurities. Processing of an image is performed next. Image segmentation is based on the division of the image into regions. Division is done on the basis of similar attributes. Post processing is done using threshold and watershed segmentation. During post processing, the filtered image is forwarded for threshold segmentation along with SVM classifier. Threshold segmentation usually transforms the image in a binary format based on a threshold value. SVM analyze data for classification and regression analysis. Watershed segmentation groups the pixels of image based on their intensities. Morphological operations are applied to the converted image. Boundary extraction is a major part of research which uses fast bounding box algorithm which detects the affected area in motion

    A multilevel image thresholding based on Hybrid Salp Swarm algorithm and Fuzzy Entropy

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    The image segmentation techniques based on multi-level threshold value received lot of attention in recent years. It is because they can be used as a pre-processing step in complex image processing applications. The main problem in identifying the suitable threshold values occurs when classical image segmentation methods are employed. The swarm intelligence (SI) technique is used to improve multi-level threshold image (MTI) segmentation performance. SI technique simulates the social behaviors of swarm ecosystem, such as the behavior exhibited by different birds, animals etc. Based on SI techniques, we developed an alternative MTI segmentation method by using a modified version of the salp swarm algorithm (SSA). The modified algorithm improves the performance of various operators of the moth-flame optimization (MFO) algorithm to address the limitations of traditional SSA algorithm. This results in improved performance of SSA algorithm. In addition, the fuzzy entropy is used as objective function to determine the quality of the solutions. To evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology, we evaluated our techniques on CEC2005 benchmark and Berkeley dataset. Our evaluation results demonstrate that SSAMFO outperforms traditional SSA and MFO algorithms, in terms of PSNR, SSIM and fitness value

    Satellite Image Segmentation Using Thresholding Technique

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    Image segmentation is one of the basic techniques of image processing and computer vision. It is a key step for image analysis, comprehension and description. Among all the segmentation techniques, thresholding segmentation method is the most popular algorithm and is widely used in the image segmentation field. The basic idea of automatic thresholding is to automatically select an optimal or several optimal grey-level threshold values for separating objects of interest in an image from the background based on their grey-level distribution. Image segmentation techniques were widely used in image analysis for various areas such as biomedical imaging, intelligent transportation systems and satellite imaging. A major challenge for image segmentation is to segment the complex images with noise, intensity inhomogeneity, texture or multiphase structure. However the main issue in remote sensing is image classification that required determining an appropriate threshold between species in producing accurate segmentation image. Image segmentation on satellite imagery is a complex process and requires consideration of accurate classification system. A pixel in the satellite image may possibly cover more than one object on the ground. A threshold has to be set to classify an overlap of two or more associated spectral properties. Therefore the aim of this study is to determine the optimal threshold value for object classes to ensure the misclassification of image pixels kept as low as possible by analyzing the classification of satellite images at different hierarchical level. Then the optimal threshold value will be proposed on satellite image segmentation for Universiti Teknikal Malaysia, Melaka (UTeM) area. An evaluation on the accuracy of the enhanced threshold value in identifying and classifying the urban objects shall be made. A hierarchical threshold is expected to significant improvement result on an image segmentation final image for UTeM area

    A novel framework for MR image segmentation and quantification by using MedGA.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Image segmentation represents one of the most challenging issues in medical image analysis to distinguish among different adjacent tissues in a body part. In this context, appropriate image pre-processing tools can improve the result accuracy achieved by computer-assisted segmentation methods. Taking into consideration images with a bimodal intensity distribution, image binarization can be used to classify the input pictorial data into two classes, given a threshold intensity value. Unfortunately, adaptive thresholding techniques for two-class segmentation work properly only for images characterized by bimodal histograms. We aim at overcoming these limitations and automatically determining a suitable optimal threshold for bimodal Magnetic Resonance (MR) images, by designing an intelligent image analysis framework tailored to effectively assist the physicians during their decision-making tasks. METHODS: In this work, we present a novel evolutionary framework for image enhancement, automatic global thresholding, and segmentation, which is here applied to different clinical scenarios involving bimodal MR image analysis: (i) uterine fibroid segmentation in MR guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery, and (ii) brain metastatic cancer segmentation in neuro-radiosurgery therapy. Our framework exploits MedGA as a pre-processing stage. MedGA is an image enhancement method based on Genetic Algorithms that improves the threshold selection, obtained by the efficient Iterative Optimal Threshold Selection algorithm, between the underlying sub-distributions in a nearly bimodal histogram. RESULTS: The results achieved by the proposed evolutionary framework were quantitatively evaluated, showing that the use of MedGA as a pre-processing stage outperforms the conventional image enhancement methods (i.e., histogram equalization, bi-histogram equalization, Gamma transformation, and sigmoid transformation), in terms of both MR image enhancement and segmentation evaluation metrics. CONCLUSIONS: Thanks to this framework, MR image segmentation accuracy is considerably increased, allowing for measurement repeatability in clinical workflows. The proposed computational solution could be well-suited for other clinical contexts requiring MR image analysis and segmentation, aiming at providing useful insights for differential diagnosis and prognosis

    Hierarchical Image Segmentation using The Watershed Algorithim with A Streaming Implementation

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    We have implemented a graphical user interface (GUI) based semi-automatic hierarchical segmentation scheme, which works in three stages. In the first stage, we process the original image by filtering and threshold the gradient to reduce the level of noise. In the second stage, we compute the watershed segmentation of the image using the rainfalling simulation approach. In the third stage, we apply two region merging schemes, namely implicit region merging and seeded region merging, to the result of the watershed algorithm. Both the region merging schemes are based on the watershed depth of regions and serve to reduce the over segmentation produced by the watershed algorithm. Implicit region merging automatically produces a hierarchy of regions. In seeded region merging, a selected seed region can be grown from the watershed result, producing a hierarchy. A meaningful segmentation can be simply chosen from the hierarchy produced. We have also proposed and tested a streaming algorithm based on the watershed algorithm, which computes the segmentation of an image without iterative processing of adjacent blocks. We have proved that the streaming algorithm produces the same result as the serial watershed algorithm. We have also discussed the extensibility of the streaming algorithm to efficient parallel implementations


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    The process of image segmentation is how to divide images into regions with similar properties. Threshold-based image segmentation is a multidimensional optimization problem that has been highlighted as one of the most significant image pre-processing approaches. This paper proposes an efficient technique for optimizing real time image segmentation. The approach of image thresholding may be regarded an optimization objective, and it will be discovered by using Otsu's technique in conjunction with Particle Swarm Optimization basics (PSO). For real-time validation, the suggested technique was tested on several images in real time using the PSO algorithm. The simulation results showed that, when compared to Otsu's approach, the PSO algorithm gives the most efficient outcomes in real-time applications with an improved execution time


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    Melanoma is the most common dangerous type of skin cancer; however, it is preventable if it is diagnosed early. Diagnosis of Melanoma would be improved if an accurate skin image segmentation model is available. Many computer vision methods have been investigated, yet the problem of finding a consistent and robust model that extracts the best threshold value, persists. This paper suggests a novel image segmentation approach using a multilevel cross entropy thresholding algorithm based on heterogeneous distributions. The proposed strategy searches the problem space by segmenting the image into several levels, and applying for each level one of the three benchmark distributions, including Gaussian, Lognormal or Gamma, which are combined to estimate the best thresholds that optimally extract the segmented regions. The classical technique of Minimum Cross Entropy Thresholding (MCET) is considered as the objective function for the applied method. Furthermore, a parallel processing algorithm is suggested to minimize the computational time of the proposed segmentation model in order to boost its performance. The efficiency of the proposed RPSM model is evaluated based on two datasets for skin cancer images: The International Skin Imaging Collaboration (ISIC) and Planet Hunters 2 (PH2). In conclusion, the proposed RPSM model shows a significant reduced processing time and reveals better accuracy and stable results, compared to other segmentation models. Design/methodology – The proposed model estimates two optimum threshold values that lead to extract optimally three segmented regions by combining the three benchmark statistical distributions: Gamma, Gaussian and lognormal. Outcomes – Based on the experimental results, the suggested segmentation methodology using MCET, could be nominated as a robust, precise and extremely reliable model with high efficiency. Novelty/utility –A novel multilevel segmentation model is developed using MCET technique and based on a combination of three statistical distributions: Gamma, Gaussian, and Lognormal. Moreover, this model is boosted by a parallelized method to reduce the processing time of the segmentation. Therefore, the suggested model should be considered as a precious mechanism in skin cancer disease detection

    A New Multistage Medical Segmentation Method Based on Superpixel and Fuzzy Clustering

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    The medical image segmentation is the key approach of image processing for brain MRI images. However, due to the visual complex appearance of image structures and the imaging characteristic, it is still challenging to automatically segment brain MRI image. A new multi-stage segmentation method based on superpixel and fuzzy clustering (MSFCM) is proposed to achieve the good brain MRI segmentation results. The MSFCM utilizes the superpixels as the clustering objects instead of pixels, and it can increase the clustering granularity and overcome the influence of noise and bias effectively. In the first stage, the MRI image is parsed into several atomic areas, namely, superpixels, and a further parsing step is adopted for the areas with bigger gray variance over setting threshold. Subsequently, designed fuzzy clustering is carried out to the fuzzy membership of each superpixel, and an iterative broadcast method based on the Butterworth function is used to redefine their classifications. Finally, the segmented image is achieved by merging the superpixels which have the same classification label. The simulated brain database from BrainWeb site is used in the experiments, and the experimental results demonstrate that MSFCM method outperforms the traditional FCM algorithm in terms of segmentation accuracy and stability for MRI image

    Development of images segmentation using image thresholder and batch processing technique on the blood smears

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    Image segmentation is an important part of image processing, and one of the most common approaches is threshold segmentation. A new segmentation technique with each pixel in the image has its own threshold is developed in response to the fact that standard threshold-based segmentation algorithms only establish one or many thresholds, making it difficult to extract the complex information in an image. This work employs image segmentation tools to examine images of thin blood smears data set. The goal is to explore options for a noniterative-based and automated system for detecting parasites in blood smears. This can be achieved by detecting the presence of a parasite in thin blood smears and quantifying the portion of red blood cells in the sample that are infected. First, we try segmenting the individual red blood cells from the background using the color thresholder. Next, we clean up the obtained cell mask and examine cell properties using the image region analyzer function, which allows quickly filling in region holes and filtering out regions based on their properties such as area dimensions or eccentricity. Then quickly gauge and specify the expected diameter range of the cells in pixels and indicate that the circles are dark relative to the background. Finally, we've combined the code for finding circles matching image histograms and the parasite threshold detection logic into a single function to quickly examine the performance of this function on the other images using the image batch processing technique. The proposed detection function labels the detected cells with blue circles the parasites are marked in red and the infected cells are highlighted in green. The proposed algorithm has appropriately compensated for the variability in image quality

    Automatic cell segmentation by adaptive thresholding (ACSAT) for large-scale calcium imaging datasets

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    Advances in calcium imaging have made it possible to record from an increasingly larger number of neurons simultaneously. Neuroscientists can now routinely image hundreds to thousands of individual neurons. An emerging technical challenge that parallels the advancement in imaging a large number of individual neurons is the processing of correspondingly large datasets. One important step is the identification of individual neurons. Traditional methods rely mainly on manual or semimanual inspection, which cannot be scaled for processing large datasets. To address this challenge, we focused on developing an automated segmentation method, which we refer to as automated cell segmentation by adaptive thresholding (ACSAT). ACSAT works with a time-collapsed image and includes an iterative procedure that automatically calculates global and local threshold values during successive iterations based on the distribution of image pixel intensities. Thus, the algorithm is capable of handling variations in morphological details and in fluorescence intensities in different calcium imaging datasets. In this paper, we demonstrate the utility of ACSAT by testing it on 500 simulated datasets, two wide-field hippocampus datasets, a wide-field striatum dataset, a wide-field cell culture dataset, and a two-photon hippocampus dataset. For the simulated datasets with truth, ACSAT achieved >80% recall and precision when the signal-to-noise ratio was no less than ∼24 dB.DP2 NS082126 - NINDS NIH HHSPublished versio
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