750 research outputs found

    Multicast Mobility in Mobile IP Version 6 (MIPv6) : Problem Statement and Brief Survey

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    Host mobility management with identifier-locator split protocols in hierarchical and flat networks

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    Includes abstractIncludes bibliographical references.As the Internet increasingly becomes more mobile focused and overloaded with mobile hosts, mobile users are bound to roam freely and attach to a variety of networks. These different networks converge over an IP-based core to enable ubiquitous network access, anytime and anywhere, to support the provision of services, that is, any service, to mobile users. Therefore, in this thesis, the researcher proposed network-based mobility solutions at different layers to securely support seamless handovers between heterogeneous networks in hierarchical and flat network architectures

    Client-based and Cross-layer Optimized Flow Mobility for Android Devices in Heterogeneous Femtocell/Wi-Fi Networks*

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    AbstractThe number of subscribers accessing Internet resources from mobile and wireless devices has been increasing continually since i-mode, the first mobile Internet service launched in 1999. The handling and support of dramatic growth of mobile data traffic create serious challenges for the network operators. Due to the spreading of WLAN networks and the proliferation of multi-access devices, offloading from 3G to Wi-Fi seems to be a promising step towards the solution. To solve the bandwidth limitation and coverage issues in 3G/4G environments, femtocells became key players. These facts motivate the design and development of femtocell/Wi-Fi offloading schemes. Aiming to support advanced offloading in heterogeneous networks, in this paper we propose a client-based, cross-layer optimized flow mobility architecture for Android devices in femtocell/Wi-Fi access environments. The paper presents the design, implementation and evaluation details of the aforementioned mechanisms

    SIP-based mobility management in next generation networks

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    The ITU-T definition of next generation networks includes the ability to make use of multiple broadband transport technologies and to support generalized mobility. Next generation networks must integrate several IP-based access technologies in a seamless way. In this article, we first describe the requirements of a mobility management scheme for multimedia real-time communication services; then, we report a survey of the mobility management schemes proposed in the recent literature to perform vertical handovers between heterogeneous networks. Based on this analysis, we propose an application-layer solution for mobility management that is based on the SIP protocol and satisfies the most important requirements for a proper implementation of vertical handovers. We also implemented our proposed solution, testing it in the field, and proving its overall feasibility and its interoperability with different terminals and SIP servers

    Performance Comparison of Dual Connectivity and Hard Handover for LTE-5G Tight Integration in mmWave Cellular Networks

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    MmWave communications are expected to play a major role in the Fifth generation of mobile networks. They offer a potential multi-gigabit throughput and an ultra-low radio latency, but at the same time suffer from high isotropic pathloss, and a coverage area much smaller than the one of LTE macrocells. In order to address these issues, highly directional beamforming and a very high-density deployment of mmWave base stations were proposed. This Thesis aims to improve the reliability and performance of the 5G network by studying its tight and seamless integration with the current LTE cellular network. In particular, the LTE base stations can provide a coverage layer for 5G mobile terminals, because they operate on microWave frequencies, which are less sensitive to blockage and have a lower pathloss. This document is a copy of the Master's Thesis carried out by Mr. Michele Polese under the supervision of Dr. Marco Mezzavilla and Prof. Michele Zorzi. It will propose an LTE-5G tight integration architecture, based on mobile terminals' dual connectivity to LTE and 5G radio access networks, and will evaluate which are the new network procedures that will be needed to support it. Moreover, this new architecture will be implemented in the ns-3 simulator, and a thorough simulation campaign will be conducted in order to evaluate its performance, with respect to the baseline of handover between LTE and 5G.Comment: Master's Thesis carried out by Mr. Michele Polese under the supervision of Dr. Marco Mezzavilla and Prof. Michele Zorz

    SIP-based mobility management in next generation networks

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    Interoperabilidade e mobilidade na internet do futuro

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    Research on Future Internet has been gaining traction in recent years, with both evolutionary (e.g., Software Defined Networking (SDN)- based architectures) and clean-slate network architectures (e.g., Information Centric Networking (ICN) architectures) being proposed. With each network architectural proposal aiming to provide better solutions for specific Internet utilization requirements, an heterogeneous Future Internet composed by several architectures can be expected, each targeting and optimizing different use case scenarios. Moreover, the increasing number of mobile devices, with increasing capabilities and supporting different connectivity technologies, are changing the patterns of traffic exchanged in the Internet. As such, this thesis focuses on the study of interoperability and mobility in Future Internet architectures, two key requirements that need to be addressed for the widely adoption of these network architectures. The first contribution of this thesis is an interoperability framework that, by enabling resources to be shared among different network architectures, avoids resources to be restricted to a given network architecture and, at the same time, promotes the initial roll out of new network architectures. The second contribution of this thesis consists on the development of enhancements for SDN-based and ICN network architectures through IEEE 802.21 mechanisms to facilitate and optimize the handover procedures on those architectures. The last contribution of this thesis is the definition of an inter-network architecture mobility framework that enables MNs to move across access network supporting different network architectures without losing the reachability to resources being accessed. All the proposed solutions were evaluated with results highlighting the feasibility of such solutions and the impact on the overall communication.A Internet do Futuro tem sido alvo de vários estudos nos últimos anos, com a proposta de arquitecturas de rede seguindo quer abordagens evolutionárias (por exemplo, Redes Definidas por Software (SDN)) quer abordagens disruptivas (por exemplo, Redes Centradas na Informação (ICN)). Cada uma destas arquitecturas de rede visa providenciar melhores soluções relativamente a determinados requisitos de utilização da Internet e, portanto, uma Internet do Futuro heterogénea composta por diversas arquitecturas de rede torna-se uma possibilidade, onde cada uma delas é usada para optimizar diferentes casos de utilização. Para além disso, o aumento do número de dispositivos móveis, com especificações acrescidas e com suporte para diferentes tecnologias de conectividade, está a mudar os padrões do tráfego na Internet. Assim, esta tese foca-se no estudo de aspectos de interoperabilidade e mobilidade em arquitecturas de rede da Internet do Futuro, dois importantes requisitos que necessitam de ser satisfeitos para que a adopção destas arquitecturas de rede seja considerada. A primeira contribuição desta tese é uma solução de interoperabilidade que, uma vez que permite que recursos possam ser partilhados por diferentes arquitecturas de rede, evita que os recursos estejam restringidos a uma determinada arquitectura de rede e, ao mesmo tempo, promove a adopção de novas arquitecturas de rede. A segunda contribuição desta tese consiste no desenvolvimento de extensões para arquitecturas de rede baseadas em SDN ou ICN através dos mecanismos propostos na norma IEEE 802.21 com o objectivo de facilitar e optimizar os processos de mobilidade nessas arquitecturas de rede. Finalmente, a terceira contribuição desta tese é a definição de uma solução de mobilidade envolvendo diferentes arquitecturas de rede que permite a mobilidade de dispositivos móveis entre redes de acesso que suportam diferentes arquitecturas de rede sem que estes percam o acesso aos recursos que estão a ser acedidos. Todas as soluções propostas foram avaliadas com os resultados a demonstrar a viabilidade de cada uma das soluções e o impacto que têm na comunicação.Programa Doutoral em Informátic

    Flexible Multimodal Sub-Gigahertz Communication for Heterogeneous Internet of Things Applications

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    To realize low-power and low-cost wireless communication over long distances, several wireless standards using sub-1 GHz frequencies have recently been proposed, each with their own strengths and weaknesses in terms of coverage, energy consumption, and throughput. However, none of them are currently flexible enough to satisfy the requirements of future dynamic and heterogeneous IoT applications. To alleviate this, a novel architecture that uses a multimodal device for flexibly employing a variety of heterogeneous sub-1 GHz wireless networks is proposed. It greatly increases network flexibility, resilience, and performance. A device design is presented together with an abstraction layer that combines the different networks into a single flexible virtual network substrate. The article elaborates on the qualitative advantages of this approach. Measurement-based simulation results show advantages in terms of energy efficiency, with significant reduction in energy use compared to a single-technology solution in a representative IoT track and trace scenario. Finally, the article identifies several open research challenges that need to be resolved to fully realize this vision of flexible multimodal communication for demanding IoT applications

    Design and development of a software architecture for seamless vertical handover in mobile communications

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    In this work I firstly present an overview on current wireless technology and network mobility focusing on challenges and issues which arise when mobile nodes migrate among different access networks, while employing real-time communications and services. In literature many solutions propose different methods and architectures to enhance vertical handover, the process of transferring a network communication between two technologically different points of attachment. After an extensive review of such solutions this document describes my personal implementation of a fast vertical handover mechanism for Android smartphones. I also performed a reliability and performance comparison between the current Android system and my enhanced architecture which have both been tested in a scenario where vertical handover was taking place between WiFi and cellular network while the mobile node was using video streaming services. Results show the approach of my implementation to be promising, encouraging future works, some of which are suggested at the end of this dissertation together with concluding remarks