189 research outputs found

    RAID-2: Design and implementation of a large scale disk array controller

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    We describe the implementation of a large scale disk array controller and subsystem incorporating over 100 high performance 3.5 inch disk drives. It is designed to provide 40 MB/s sustained performance and 40 GB capacity in three 19 inch racks. The array controller forms an integral part of a file server that attaches to a Gb/s local area network. The controller implements a high bandwidth interconnect between an interleaved memory, an XOR calculation engine, the network interface (HIPPI), and the disk interfaces (SCSI). The system is now functionally operational, and we are tuning its performance. We review the design decisions, history, and lessons learned from this three year university implementation effort to construct a truly large scale system assembly

    Interfacing a high performance disk array file server to a Gigabit LAN

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    Our previous prototype, RAID-1, identified several bottlenecks in typical file server architectures. The most important bottleneck was the lack of a high-bandwidth path between disk, memory, and the network. Workstation servers, such as the Sun-4/280, have very slow access to peripherals on busses far from the CPU. For the RAID-2 system, we addressed this problem by designing a crossbar interconnect, Xbus board, that provides a 40MB/s path between disk, memory, and the network interfaces. However, this interconnect does not provide the system CPU with low latency access to control the various interfaces. To provide a high data rate to clients on the network, we were forced to carefully and efficiently design the network software. A block diagram of the system hardware architecture is given. In the following subsections, we describe pieces of the RAID-2 file server hardware that had a significant impact on the design of the network interface

    The role of HiPPI switches in mass storage systems: A five year prospective

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    New standards are evolving which provide the foundation for multi-gigabit per second data communication structures. The lowest layer protocols are so generalized that they encourage a wide range of application. Specifically, the ANSI High Performance Parallel Interface (HiPPI) is being applied to computer peripheral attachment as well as general data communication networks. The HiPPI Standards suite and technology products which incorporate the standards are introduced. The use of simple HiPPI crosspoint switches to build potentially complex extended 'fabrics' is discussed in detail. Several near term applications of the HiPPI technology are briefly described with additional attention to storage systems. Finally, some related standards are mentioned which may further expand the concepts above

    Grand challenges in mass storage: A system integrator's perspective

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    The grand challenges are the following: to develop more innovation in approach; to expand the I/O barrier; to achieve increased volumetric efficiency and incremental cost improvements; to reinforce the 'weakest link' software; to implement improved architectures; and to minimize the impact of self-destructing technologies. Mass storage is defined as any type of storage system exceeding 100 GBytes in total size, under the control of a centralized file management scheme. The topics covered are presented in viewgraph form

    Introduction to Multiprocessor I/O Architecture

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    The computational performance of multiprocessors continues to improve by leaps and bounds, fueled in part by rapid improvements in processor and interconnection technology. I/O performance thus becomes ever more critical, to avoid becoming the bottleneck of system performance. In this paper we provide an introduction to I/O architectural issues in multiprocessors, with a focus on disk subsystems. While we discuss examples from actual architectures and provide pointers to interesting research in the literature, we do not attempt to provide a comprehensive survey. We concentrate on a study of the architectural design issues, and the effects of different design alternatives

    Supercomputer networking for space science applications

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    The initial design of a supercomputer network topology including the design of the communications nodes along with the communications interface hardware and software is covered. Several space science applications that are proposed experiments by GSFC and JPL for a supercomputer network using the NASA ACTS satellite are also reported

    ATM technology and beyond

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    Networks based on Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) are expected to provide cost-effective and ubiquitous infrastructure to support broadband and multimedia services. In this paper, we give an overview of the ATM standards and its associated physical layer transport technologies. We use the experimental HIPPI-ATM-SONET (HAS) interface in the Nectar Gigabit Testbed to illustrate how one can use the SONET/ATM public network to provide transport for bursty gigabit applications

    The role of HiPPI switches in mass storage systems: A five year prospective

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    New standards are evolving which provide the foundation for novel multi-gigabit per second data communication structures. The lowest layer protocols are so generalized that they encourage a wide range of application. Specifically, the ANSI High Performance Parallel Interface (HiPPI) is being applied to computer peripheral attachment as well as general data communication networks. This paper introduces the HiPPI standards suite and technology products which incorporate the standards. The use of simple HiPPI crosspoint switches to build potentially complex extended 'fabrics' is discussed in detail. Several near term applications of the HiPPI technology are briefly described with additional attention to storage systems. Finally, some related standards are mentioned which may further expand the concepts above

    An open, parallel I/O computer as the platform for high-performance, high-capacity mass storage systems

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    APTEC Computer Systems is a Portland, Oregon based manufacturer of I/O computers. APTEC's work in the context of high density storage media is on programs requiring real-time data capture with low latency processing and storage requirements. An example of APTEC's work in this area is the Loral/Space Telescope-Data Archival and Distribution System. This is an existing Loral AeroSys designed system, which utilizes an APTEC I/O computer. The key attributes of a system architecture that is suitable for this environment are as follows: (1) data acquisition alternatives; (2) a wide range of supported mass storage devices; (3) data processing options; (4) data availability through standard network connections; and (5) an overall system architecture (hardware and software designed for high bandwidth and low latency). APTEC's approach is outlined in this document

    Diskless supercomputers: Scalable, reliable I/O for the Tera-Op technology base

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    Computing is seeing an unprecedented improvement in performance; over the last five years there has been an order-of-magnitude improvement in the speeds of workstation CPU's. At least another order of magnitude seems likely in the next five years, to machines with 500 MIPS or more. The goal of the ARPA Teraop program is to realize even larger, more powerful machines, executing as many as a trillion operations per second. Unfortunately, we have seen no comparable breakthroughs in I/O performance; the speeds of I/O devices and the hardware and software architectures for managing them have not changed substantially in many years. We have completed a program of research to demonstrate hardware and software I/O architectures capable of supporting the kinds of internetworked 'visualization' workstations and supercomputers that will appear in the mid 1990s. The project had three overall goals: high performance, high reliability, and scalable, multipurpose system