38 research outputs found

    Perceived privacy violations through information sharing with external parties – Diving into user perceptions and reactions

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    We see more and more incidents where user information collected by digital services is shared with external parties. Users becoming aware of such information (mis-)uses may perceive a privacy violation. In this study, we want to understand when, why, and how the sharing of information with external parties is perceived as a privacy violation and what consequences such a perception entails. Employing the Critical Incident Technique (CIT) as a methodology, we inductively derive characteristics of real-world incidents of perceived privacy violations due to the sharing of information with external parties and users’ perceptions and reactions thereto. We present preliminary results of our first qualitative data analysis as well subsequent steps to advance this research in progress

    Eye of the Blamestorm: An Exploration of User Blame Assessment within Compound Digital Platforms

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    More and more IS-enabled technologies are being used within the context of ecosystems that include both hardware and software components that act together as a central platform; we term these ecosystems digital compound platform ecosystems. However, given the interconnectedness of components within these platforms, if an ambiguously sourced failure occurs within one of these ecosystems, users may blame and/or take action against components in the ecosystem that were not actually at fault. This study considers antecedents of both blame and discontinuance intent within such ecosystems given a system failure of ambiguous origins. We test manipulations for border strength, goal directedness, and resolution duration to understand their impact. We find that all three of these manipulations have an effect on user assessment of blame and discontinuance intent. Further, we establish that blame is not a required condition for discontinuance intent to occur

    Analysis of Digital Legal Acceptance based on the Technology Acceptance Model 3 (TAM3)

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    This study aims to analyze the acceptance of the PeduliLindungi application from a public perspective using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) concept. The government requires the PeduliLindung application to track community activities through the Decree of the Minister of Communication and Informatics No. 171 of 2020. The Indonesian government hopes that this application records the mobility of infected patients and becomes a solution to reduce the transmission of COVID-19. However, PeduliLindungi is a new application that developed after the pandemic. Thus, the user acceptance of this app is questionable. This is a survey analysis from 102 respondents using Structural Equation Model-PLS. The results found that perceived usefulness, system failure, and social influences affect the user intent of the PeduliLindungi app while perceived ease of use is not. This app was applicable to record individual movement as virus prevention in the future. This is a contribution to theory and practice in economics and business. In theory, this research provides a new and more comprehensive view of fundamental human behaviour idea. In practice, this research is able to measure the effectiveness of government regulations in responding to an unexpected global crisisKeywords: Behavioral Intention, Technology Acceptance Model, PeduliLindungi Ap


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    We see more and more incidents where users’ information collected by digital services is shared with external parties. Users becoming aware of such information (mis-)uses may perceive a privacy violation. In this study, we want to understand when, why, and how such external unauthorized secondary use (EUSU) is perceived as a privacy violation and what consequences such a perception entails. Employing the Critical Incident Technique (CIT), we inductively derive characteristics of real-world incidents of perceived privacy violations through EUSU and users’ perceptions and responses thereto. We present preliminary results of our qualitative data analysis as well as potential contributions of this research-in-progress study. As a next step, we plan to relate characteristics with responses through Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

    Perceived privacy violations through unauthorized secondary use - diving into user's perceptions and responses

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    We see more and more incidents where users’ information collected by digital services is shared with external parties. Users becoming aware of such information (mis-)uses may perceive a privacy violation. In this study, we want to understand when, why, and how such external unauthorized secondary use (EUSU) is perceived as a privacy violation and what consequences such a perception entails. Employing the Critical Incident Technique (CIT), we inductively derive characteristics of real-world incidents of perceived privacy violations through EUSU and users’ perceptions and responses thereto. We present preliminary results of our qualitative data analysis as well as potential contributions of this research-in-progress study. As a next step, we plan to relate characteristics with responses through Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

    That’s Not Who I Am! Investigating the Role of Uniqueness and Belongingness for Designing Successful Personalized Recommendations

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    Although many firms rely on personalization to enhance the user experience of their digital service, their efforts might backfire if users feel misunderstood by the personalized offerings. So far, the psychological processes underlying the phenomenon of feeling misunderstood by personalization systems and potential means to alleviate this perception remain largely uninvestigated. Building on the psychological concepts of uniqueness and belongingness, we propose a framework to investigate how transparency impacts users’ feeling of being misunderstood by personalization systems. To test our research model, we conduct an online experiment using Spotify’s “Discover Weekly” playlist. The results show that considering not only users’ uniqueness but especially their belongingness is decisive to avoid misunderstanding. Further, we find that transparent explanations of the system’s inner workings elicit a feeling of control among users, which fosters the perception that both users’ uniqueness and belongingness are considered, resulting in less misunderstanding and continued usage


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    Problems with digital services still occur at times, even for the most reliable services. Considering the consequences of these failures and their effects on the customer’s overall service quality perception and satisfaction, preventing these failures, and delivering reliable digital services, is a critical business competency. In addition, the fact that digital services are often co-produced by both service providers and their customers, shows the increasing role of both service providers and customers in preventing digital service failures (or service problems). In this study, we view the concept of digital service failure from the perspective of expectation-conformation theory, develop an Archimate architecture model and use it to design a typology of technological enablers (technologies and technological approaches) that can be used by businesses and their customers to prevent service failures at different stages of online purchase via e-commerce websites. The typology is relevant and useful for management information systems (MIS) academics and practitioners, particularly for information technology and digital service management researchers and the practitioner community

    Revisión Teórica de los Factores que Inhiben en el Ciudadano el Uso del e-Gobierno

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar la literatura relativa a los factores que inhiben el uso de los servicios electrónicos que presta una institución gubernamental mediante el método documental basado en una revisión bibliográfica de los principales autores en materia de gobierno electrónico. Los resultados destacan la importancia del conocimiento de los servicios digitales por parte de los ciudadanos, la facilidad de uso y la calidad del sistema, la influencia del perfil sociodemográfico, así como la satisfacción y confianza del usuario para  utilizarlos. Los hallazgos describen cada uno de los factores y las relaciones entre sí. La relevancia se orientó a visualizar estrategias para mejorar el gobierno electrónico en el contexto mexicano.   The aim of this research is to analyze the literature on the factors that inhibit the use of electronic services provided by a government institution through the documentary method based on a bibliographic review of the main authors in the field of electronic e-government. The results highlight the importance of citizens' knowledge of digital services, the ease of use and the quality of the system, the influence of the sociodemographic profile, as well as the satisfaction and confidence of citizens in using them. The findings attempt to describe each of the factors and whether they are related to each other. The relevance is oriented to visualize strategies to improve e-government in the Mexican context

    Revisión Teórica de los Factores que Inhiben en el Ciudadano el Uso del e-Gobierno

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    El objetivo de la presente investigación fue analizar la literatura relativa a los factores que inhiben el uso de los servicios electrónicos que presta una institución gubernamental mediante el método documental basado en una revisión bibliográfica de los principales autores en materia de gobierno electrónico. Los resultados destacan la importancia del conocimiento de los servicios digitales por parte de los ciudadanos, la facilidad de uso y la calidad del sistema, la influencia del perfil sociodemográfico, así como la satisfacción y confianza del usuario para  utilizarlos. Los hallazgos describen cada uno de los factores y las relaciones entre sí. La relevancia se orientó a visualizar estrategias para mejorar el gobierno electrónico en el contexto mexicano.   The aim of this research is to analyze the literature on the factors that inhibit the use of electronic services provided by a government institution through the documentary method based on a bibliographic review of the main authors in the field of electronic e-government. The results highlight the importance of citizens' knowledge of digital services, the ease of use and the quality of the system, the influence of the sociodemographic profile, as well as the satisfaction and confidence of citizens in using them. The findings attempt to describe each of the factors and whether they are related to each other. The relevance is oriented to visualize strategies to improve e-government in the Mexican context

    Service Failure Recovery in the Sharing Economy: A Case Study of Airbnb

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    Sharing platforms are becoming increasingly common, revolutionizing how peers interact and share resources across an array of online applications. While the sharing economy itself is established, less is known about service failures and corresponding recovery strategies that are relevant to it. This research investigates the myriad effects of service failures (and their associated recovery strategies) on customer experience in the digital sharing economy. Findings suggest that different service failure strategies exert differing effects on customer experience, which subsequently affects the behavior towards the service being provided and the service provider. The suggestions given here respond to important implications for research and practitioners by offering new ways to explore and detect service failures and possible recovery strategies