25 research outputs found

    What Smartphones, Ethnomethodology, and Bystander Inaccessibility Can Teach Us About Better Design?

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    Smartphones, the ubiquitous mobile screens now normal parts of everyday social situations, have created a kind of ongoing natural experiment for social scientists. According to Garfinkel's ethnomethodology social action gets its meaning not only from its content but also through its context. Mobility, small screen size, and the habitual way of using smartphones ensure that, while offering the biggest variety of activities for the user, in comparison to other everyday items, smartphones offer the least cues to bystanders on what the user is actually doing and how long it might take. This 'bystander inaccessibility' handicaps shared understanding of the social context that the user and collocated others find themselves in. Added considerations and interactive effort in managing the situation is therefore required. Future design needs to relate to this basic building block of collocated interaction to not be met with discontent

    Families and Social Media Use: The Role of Parents' Perceptions about Social Media Impact on Family Systems in the Relationship between Family Collective Efficacy and Open Communication

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    Communication through social media characterizes modern lifestyles and relationships, including family interactions. The present study aims at deepening the role that parents’ perceptions about social media effects on family systems can exert within their family functioning, specifically referring to the relationship between collective family efficacy and open communications within family systems with adolescents. A questionnaire to detect the openness of family communications, thecollectivefamilyefficacyandtheperceptionsabouttheimpactsofsocialmediaonfamilysystems wasadministeredto227Italianparentswhohadoneormoreteenagechildren,andwhouseFacebook and WhatsApp to communicate with them. From the results, these perceptions emerge as a mediator in the relationship between the collective family efficacy and the openness of communications, suggestingthatitisnotonlytheactualimpactofsocialmediaonfamilysystemsthatmattersbutalso parents’ perceptions about it and how much they feel able to manage their and their children’s social media use without damaging their family relationships. Thus, the need to foster parents’ positive perceptions about social media’s potential impact on their family relationships emerges. A strategy could be the promotion of knowledge on how to functionally use social media

    Telaah Literatur Dampak Psikologis dari Social Media Addiction

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    Angka pengguna media sosial telah mencapai 448 miliar pengguna aktif. Media sosial memiliki dampak negatif bagi masyarakat termasuk kaitannya dengan kecanduan. Kecanduan tersebut mampu berpengaruh terhadap kesejahteraan psikologis dan berdampak terhadap hubungan sosial. Telaah literatur ini ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi dampak psikologis dari kecanduan sosial media (social media addiction). Proses peninjauan diawali dengan pencarian artikel pada tiga basis data, yaitu: EBSCO, Taylor & Francis, dan Springer dengan memasukkan kata kunci, yaitu: “psychology”, “psychological impact”, dan “social media addiction”. Pembatasan dalam pencarian artikel diterapkan dengan membatasi tahun terbit yaitu 2019-2024. Kemudian terpilih tujuh artikel yang akan ditinjau berdasarkan yang paling relevan. Hasil yang ditemukan dari telaah literatur adalah social media addiction memiliki sejumlah dampak psikologis yang umumnya berupa stres dan kecemasan. Secara klinis, social media addiction juga menimbulkan dampak terhadap perilaku konsumtif

    The Holistic Rehabilitation Model for Drug Addicts, Phubbing and Conduct Disorder in Boarding Schools

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    Human resources are important for the process of achieving development goals in addition to natural and economic resources, but by the cases of drug abuse and addiction as well as phubbing and conduct disorder among children and adolescents make serious problems and threats to the progress of national development. The boarding school has the function as an educational and social institution that actively carries out prevention and rehabilitation of drug abuse and conduct disorders. The research aims to creat the holistic rehabilitation models for drug addicts, phubbing, and conduct disorder in boarding school. The study used qualitative research method of phenomenology by determining informants purposively including foundation management, clients or rehabilitation patients, and counselors or assistants. The research location took place at the Nurul Firdaus Islamic Boarding School as rehabilitation center in Kertaraharja Village, Panumbangan District, Ciamis Regency, West Java Province of Indonesia. Data were collected by direct observation, dialogue and documentation. Data analysis is carried out through interactive models with stages of data collection, reducing, verification, triangulation, categorization and making conclusions. The results of the study showed that Nurul Firdaus Islamic Boarding School (1) Categorize and accept clients affected by drug abuse and addiction, phubbing, also conduct disorder. (2) Perform persuasive and therapeutic communication in holistic rehabilitation methods including medical, non-medical such as spiritual, herbal, cupping, and acupuncture, as well as therapeutic methods with psychotherapy and hypnotherapy. (3) Post rehabilitation as an important part in preventing further reusing of drugs, phubbing and conduct disorder by providing positive and productive media of interaction such as activities in the fields of education, entrepreneurship, sports, and becoming social activist organizations

    Before and after the quarantine: An approximate study on the psychological impact of COVID-19 on the italian population during the lockdown period

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    COVID-19 (Corona-Virus Disease 2019) in Italy and the measures that were adopted to contain its diffusion had a strong impact on people’s quality of life and mental health. The objective of the study was to quantify the psychological impact of the lockdown period on the general Italian population during the two weeks when the COVID-19 emergency in Italy was at its peak. The study (1556 adults) was conducted from April 6th to April 12th, 2020. A survey was developed through Google Forms in order to assess different psychological measures (Self Efficacy, Locus of Control, Social Connectedness, Sense of Virtual Community, Flourishing, Positive and Negative Affect, Life Satisfaction, and Risk Propensity). The results were then compared to reference data. Thelockdown period increased arousal mainly for negative emotions, but also for positive emotions, and quality of life seemed to be reduced. From a psychosocial point of view, while social connectedness has decreased during lockdown, probably because of isolation and social distancing, the virtual social community seemed to increase in the same period. Interestingly, we revealed how self efficacy increased during the lockdown period, and, at the same time, the Locus of control appeared as externalized, and the risk propensity as reduced. The results are discussed considering previous literature, and a coherent theoretical framework is proposed in order to refine the forecasting model for the psychological impact of the lockdown


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    ABSTRAK DERY DWI DARMAWAN (1904995). PENGARUH FENOMENA PHONE-SNUBBING (PHUBBING) TERHADAP CIVIC DISPOSITION SISWA SMA KABUPATEN MAJALENGKA DALAM MENYONGSONG ERA SOCIETY 5.0 Dewasa ini, eskalasi penggunaan smartphone yang terjadi menghadirkan banyak persoalan bagi masyarakat, termasuk bagi pelajar SMA di Kabupaten Majalengka. Salah satu persoalan yang muncul ialah phubbing (phone-snubbing). Phubbing membawa serangkaian dampak destruktif yang berimplikasi pada karakter siswa SMA (civic disposition) sebagai seorang warga negara muda. Padahal, siswa SMA sendiri menjadi pilar bangsa yang dituntut memiliki civic competence di mana di dalamnya terkandung karakter kewarganegaraan (civic disposition) yang linier dengan kompetensi yang dibutuhkan untuk menyongsong Society 5.0. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap pandangan siswa SMA Kabupaten Majalengka tentang fenomena phubbing di era Society 5.0 dan juga faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya phubbing di kalangan siswa SMA Kabupaten Majalengka. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh fenomena phubbing terhadap degradasi civic disposition siswa SMA Kabupaten Majalengka di Era Society 5.0. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif melalui metode survei dengan sampel penelitian sebanyak 400 responden dan penggunaan skala Likert. Analisis data dilakukan secara statistik deskriptif yang dimulai dari uji persyaratan penelitian, korelasi Pearson, uji hipotesis dengan uji t (parsial), dan uji koefisien determinasi menggunakan aplikasi IBM Statistic SPSS 26. Hasil survei penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa phubbing merupakan fenomena yang banyak terjadi dan dialami siswa SMA Kabupaten Majalengka di berbagai latar sosial, termasuk lingkungan sekolah. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan phubbing sendiri di antaranya yakni smartphone addicition, internet addiction, social media addiction, game addiction, fear of missing out, social anxiety, dan individu lain yang melakukan phubbing. Adapun dari hasil analisis regresi linier diketahui bahwa nilai signifikasi adalah 0.000 < 0.05 sehingga phubbing berpengaruh signifikan terhadap degradasi civic disposition sementara RSqaure sebesar 0.234. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi sarana literasi yang mengedukasi masyarakat modern, khususnya kalangan pelajar dari bahaya fenomena phubbing terhadap civic disposition di era Society 5.0 dan juga memberikan stimulus untuk memperkuat awareness siswa SMA Kabupaten Majalengka terkait perilaku phubbing. Kata Kunci: Phubbing, Civic Dispositon, Society 5.0 ABSTRACT DERY DWI DARMAWAN (1904995). THE INFLUENCE OF THE PHENOMENON OF PHONE-SNUBBING (PHUBBING) ON THE CIVIC DISPOSITION OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN MAJALENGKA DISTRICT IN WELCOMING THE ERA OF SOCIETY 5.0 Nowadays, the escalation of smartphone use presents many problems for society, one of which is for high school students in Majalengka Regency. One of the problems that arise is phubbing (phone-snubbing). Phubbing brings a series of destructive impacts that have implications for the character of high school students (civic disposition) as young citizens. In fact, high school students themselves are pillars of the nation who are required to have civic competence, which contains civic character (civic disposition) which is linear with the competencies needed to welcome Society 5.0. This research aims to reveal the views of Majalengka Regency high school students about the phubbing phenomenon in the era of Society 5.0 and also the factors that cause phubbing among Majalengka Regency high school students. In addition, this study also aims to determine the effect of the phubbing phenomenon on the degradation of civic disposition of Majalengka Regency high school students in the Era of Society 5.0 This research was conducted using a quantitative approach through a survey method with a research sample of 400 respondents and the use of a Likert scale. Data analysis was carried out by descriptive statistics starting from the research requirements test, Pearson correlation, hypothesis testing with the t test (partial), and the coefficient of determination test using the IBM Statistic SPSS 26 application. The results of the research survey show that phubbing is a phenomenon that occurs and is experienced by high school students in Majalengka Regency in various social settings, including the school environment. Factors that cause phubbing itself include smartphone addicition, internet addiction, social media addiction, game addiction, fear of missing out, social anxiety, and other individuals who do phubbing. As for the results of linear regression analysis, it is known that the significance value is 0.000 <0.05 so that phubbing has a significant effect on degradation of civic disposition with RSqaure of 0.234. This research is expected to be a literacy tool that educates modern society, especially students from the dangers of the phubbing phenomenon on civic disposition in the era of Society 5.0 and also provides a stimulus to strengthen the awareness of Majalengka Regency high school students regarding phubbing behavior. Keywords: Phubbing, Civic disposition, Society 5.

    Prevalence of phubbing behaviour in school and university students in Spain

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    ObjectiveThis study examined the prevalence of phubbing behavior among school and university students in Spain and analyzed the correlation of phubbing with other indicators of psychological well-being and mental health.MethodsThe study sample comprised a total of 1,351 school and university students, with ages ranging from 12 to 21 years. The study used the Phubbing Scale (PS), the Compulsive Internet Use Scale (CIUS), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE), and the Interpersonal Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (IERQ) for data collection.ResultsThe results showed evidence of phubbing among approximately half of the students. Statistically significant differences were found based on gender and educational level in the Phone Obsession subscale and the PS total score, with male students and university students scoring higher in their respective parameters. In addition, phubbing was positively correlated with problematic internet use and negatively correlated with self-esteem.ConclusionPhubbing behavior is highly prevalent among adolescents aged 12–21 years and is positively correlated with low self-esteem and problematic internet use. Developing strategies for addressing this widespread issue at early ages, particularly within the educational context, such as schools, is crucial for implementing preventive measures. The inappropriate use of technological devices, including smartphones, in schools has the potential to negatively affect students’ well-being and ability to adapt to school

    Phubbing e dependências tecnológicas: uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Ao passo que a tecnologia avança em fazer parte do dia a dia das pessoas, a preocupação em se investigar os possíveis efeitos nocivos desta presença constante cresce. Há atenção especial aos estudos que envolvem o smartphone, por ser este o meio favorito de acesso às mídias sociais, facilitando o aparecimento de problemáticas, a exemplo das dependências que o envolvem e o phubbing. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar os artigos encontrados na literatura que discutem a relação entre o phubbing e dependências de tecnologia. Foram utilizadas as bases de dados Scopus, Web of Science, Scielo, PubMed e PsycInfo. A partir dos critérios de busca, foram encontrados 80 artigos no período de 2016 a 2020, resultando em 14 artigos para análise. Foram encontradas correlações positivas e significativas entre phubbing e dependências tecnológicas, estudos sobre determinantes do phubbing, sobre a transmissão do comportamento de pais para filhos, validações de escala e outros que tratam de redes sociais específicas. Os resultados permitiram uma visão ampla da problemática das dependências tecnológicas associadas ao phubbing, preenchendo uma lacuna existente na literatura ao se problematizar as características dos estudos, dentre suas diferenças e semelhanças