47 research outputs found

    A Cross Domain Next Generation Network IPTV Client for Media Center environments

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    Functions, which can be summarized to the keyword Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) describe the transmission of video services to users via Internet Protocol (IP). Accompanying to this new television transmission path Home Theatre PCs (HTPC) running a so called Media Center platform are more and more entering the living rooms as a companion for the popular LCD and Plasma displays. Perfect ease of use and the visual integration on the screen and also into the living room is raising their acceptance. These HTPCs are a central node for multimedia services such as TV, radio and email within the networked household. Thus, there are good preconditions for the use of a HTPC as end device for Telco operator driven IPTV and telecommunication services. In the context of this diploma thesis possibilities for the provisioning of IPTV and Next Generation Network (NGN) services on a converged multimedia home entertainment platform for the living room will be investigated, especially Vista Media Center platforms. For this reason, standardization activities will be investigated, which deal with the integration of IPTV and telecommunication services into NGN. The validation of the results will be achieved by the design and implementation of a Vista Media Center Add-In, which can be integrated as an IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) based User Agent (UA) in ETSI TISPAN Release 2 IPTV infrastructures. Additionally, a Cross Domain messaging service for IMS based UA is created, which enables a cross-network communication between users

    Smart TVs: the new age of television and advertising

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    A televisão teve, ao longo de toda a sua história, um papel preponderante na cultura e economia mundiais. A sua importância reside no seu potencial enquanto veículo de informação e entretenimento, mas também de promoção para as marcas, que foi, aliás, a sua principal fonte de receita ao longo dos anos. Com o lançamento das Smart TVs, a publicidade na televisão sofrerá uma grande revolução graças à união entre TV e internet, criando um novo mundo de inovação e tecnologia para o qual este estudo abre as primeiras portas. O estudo é constituído por uma revisão histórica e literária, seguida da elaboração de um estudo exploratório qualitativo a 12 especialistas internacionais da indústria da publicidade e da televisão. Dessa pesquisa concluiu-se que uma grande mudança irá acontecer, mas de forma gradual e progressiva, alterando-se alguns dos principais paradigmas atuais da publicidade na televisão tais como a capacidade de avaliação de resultados e a segmentação. Posteriormente concluiu-se que a futura publicidade na televisão fará uso de aparelhos complementares à TV para melhorar a experiência e impacto no utilizador. Privilegiará também a componente social e interativa da publicidade, assim como a personalização dos conteúdos provenientes de ligações on-air e online. Finalmente concluiu-se que alguns dos principais papéis dos elementos da indústria irão mudar sendo os anunciantes e os canais de televisão os menos afetados, ao contrário das agências que terão forte necessidade de adaptação e dos produtores de TV que sairão fortalecidos graças à oferta de soluções publicitárias para as marcas.Television had, throughout its history, a leading role in the world economy and culture. Its importance lies in its potential as a vehicle of information and entertainment, but also of promotion for brands, which was its main source of income over the years. With the launch of Smart TVs, advertising on television will suffer a great revolution thanks to the merger between TV and the internet, creating a whole new world of innovation and technology for which this study opens the first doors. The study consists in a historic and literary review, followed by the elaboration of an exploratory qualitative research to 12 international experts from the industry of TV and advertising. This study concluded that a big change will gradually and progressively happen, by changing some of the major current paradigms of advertising on television such as the results measurement and targeting capacity. Later it was concluded that the future TV advertising will make use of complementary devices others than TV, to enhance the audiences’ impact and experience. The social and interactive component of advertising will be valued, as well as the customization of content coming out of on-air and online connections. Finally it was concluded that some of the main roles of the elements of the industry will change being advertisers and broadcasters the least affected, unlike agencies that will have strong need of adaptation, and TV producers who will be strengthened through the delivery of advertising solutions for brands

    A practical key management and distribution system for IPTV conditional access

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    Conditional Access (CA) is widely used by pay-television operators to restrict access to content to authorised subscribers. Commercial CA solutions are available for structured broadcast and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) environments, as well as Internet-based video-on-demand services, however these solutions are mostly proprietary, often inefficient for use on IP networks, and frequently depend on smartcards for maintaining security. An efficient, exible, and open conditional access system that can be implemented practically by operators with large numbers of subscribers would be beneficial to those operators and Set-Top-Box manufacturers in terms of cost savings for royalties and production costs. Furthermore, organisations such as the South African Broadcasting Corporation that are transitioning to Digital-Terrestrial-Television could use an open Conditional Access System (CAS) to restrict content to viewing within national borders and to ensure that only valid TV licence holders are able to access content. To this end, a system was developed that draws from the area of group key management. Users are grouped according to their subscription selections and these groups are authorised for each selection's constituent services. Group keys are updated with a key-tree based approach that includes a novel method for growing full trees that outperforms the standard method. The relations that are created between key trees are used to establish a hierarchy of keys which allows exible selection of services whilst maintaining their cryptographic protection. Conditions for security without dependence on smartcards are defined, and the system is expandable to multi-home viewing scenarios. A prototype implementation was used to assess the proposed system. Total memory consumption of the key-server, bandwidth usage for transmission of key updates, and client processing and storage of keys were all demonstrated to be highly scalable with number of subscribers and number of services

    Network-based IP flow mobility support in 3GPPs evolved packet core

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    Includes bibliographical references.Mobile data traffic in cellular networks has increased tremendously in the last few years. Due to the costs associated with licensed spectrum, Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) are battling to manage these increased traffic growths. Offloading mobile data traffic to alternative low cost access networks like Wi-Fi has been proposed as a candidate solution to enable MNOs to alleviate congestion from the cellular networks. This dissertation investigates an offloading technique called IP flow mobility within the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) all-IP mobile core network, the Evolved Packet Core (EPC). IP flow mobility would enable offloading a subset of the mobile user‟s traffic to an alternative access network while allowing the rest of the end-user‟s traffic to be kept in the cellular access; this way, traffic with stringent quality of service requirements like Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) would not experience service disruption or interruption when offloaded. This technique is different from previous offloading techniques where all the end-user‟s traffic is offloaded. IP flow mobility functionality can be realised with either host- or network-based mobility protocols. The recommended IP flow mobility standard of 3GPP is based on the host-based mobility solution, Dual-Stack Mobile IPv6. However, host-based mobility solutions have drawbacks like long handover latencies and produce signaling overhead in the radio access networks, which could be less appealing to MNOs. Network-based mobility solutions, compared to the host-based mobility solutions, have reduced handover latencies with no signaling overhead occurring in the radio access network. Proxy Mobile IPv6 is a networkbased mobility protocol adapted by 3GPP for mobility in the EPC. However, the standardisation of the Proxy Mobile IPv6-based IP flow mobility functionality is still ongoing within 3GPP. A review of related literature and standardisation efforts reveals shortcomings with the Proxy Mobile IPv6 mobility protocol in supporting IP flow mobility. Proxy Mobile IPv6 does not have a mechanism that would ensure session continuity during IP flow handoffs or a mechanism enabling controlling of the forwarding path of a particular IP flow i.e., specifying the access network for the IP flow. The latter mechanism is referred to as IP flow information management and flow-based routing. These mechanisms represent the basis for enabling the IP flow mobility functionality. To address the shortcomings of Proxy Mobile IPv6, this dissertation proposes vi enhancements to the protocol procedures to enable the two mechanisms for IP flow mobility functionality. The proposed enhancements for the session continuity mechanism draw on work in related literature and the proposed enhancements for the IP flow information management and flow-based routing mechanism are based on the concepts used in the Dual- Stack Mobile IPv6 IP flow mobility functionality. Together the two mechanisms allow the end-user to issue requests on what access network a particular IP flow should be routed, and ensure that the IP flows are moved to the particular access network without session discontinuity

    Serviços OTT TV: aspectos técnico-económicos

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesThe breadth of availability and variety of online video contents has helped to encourage a far more mobile experience, which has proved particularly popular among younger generations. Over The Top (OTT) services, particularly those on-demand video platforms, became more and more attractive to consumers when compared with the current main TV packages. This document describes how the video OTT Ecosystem works from a technical side. The description presented reaches both ends of the distribution chain: from how the video signals are acquired and processed, thru all the way to how they are delivered to the client, passing by the challenges and consequences that such services have on the network. The main objective of this dissertation is to understand the possibility to create in Portugal a new operator where the core business is video delivery using only OTT services.A amplitude e variedade de conteúdos disponíveis online têm ajudado a promover uma experiência cada ver mais móvel da televisão, serviço que se tem revelado particularmente popular entre os mais jovens. Serviços Over The Top (OTT), sobretudo aqueles disponíveis através de plataformas de video on-demand, têm-se tornado cada vez mais atraentes para os consumidores, em comparação com os atuais pacotes de televisão. Este documento descreve como funciona, do ponto de vista técnico, o ecossistema do vídeo sobre OTT. A descrição apresentada abrange ambas as extremidades da cadeia de distribuição: desde a forma como os sinais de vídeo são adquiridos e processados até ao modo como eles são entregues ao cliente, passando pelos problemas e consequências que tais serviços podem ter na rede. O principal objectivo deste trabalho é contribuir para compreender se é possível criar em Portugal um novo operador onde o core business seja a distribuição de vídeo utilizando apenas serviços OTT

    Advanced Refrigerant-Based Cooling Technologies for Information and Communication Infrastructure (ARCTIC)

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    Faster, more powerful and dense computing hardware generates significant heat and imposes considerable data center cooling requirements. Traditional computer room air conditioning (CRAC) cooling methods are proving increasingly cost-ineffective and inefficient. Studies show that using the volume of room air as a heat exchange medium is wasteful and allows for substantial mixing of hot and cold air. Further, it limits cabinet/frame/rack density because it cannot effectively cool high heat density equipment that is spaced closely together. A more cost-effective, efficient solution for maximizing heat transfer and enabling higher heat density equipment frames can be accomplished by utilizing properly positioned âÃÂÃÂphase changeâÃÂàor âÃÂÃÂtwo-phaseâÃÂàpumped refrigerant cooling methods. Pumping low pressure, oil-free phase changing refrigerant through microchannel heat exchangers can provide up to 90% less energy consumption for the primary cooling loop within the room. The primary benefits of such a solution include reduced energy requirements, optimized utilization of data center space, and lower OPEX and CAPEX. Alcatel-Lucent recently developed a modular cooling technology based on a pumped two-phase refrigerant that removes heat directly at the shelf level of equipment racks. The key elements that comprise the modular cooling technology consist of the following. A pump delivers liquid refrigerant to finned microchannel heat exchangers mounted on the back of equipment racks. Fans drive air through the equipment shelf, where the air gains heat dissipated by the electronic components therein. Prior to exiting the rack, the heated air passes through the heat exchangers, where it is cooled back down to the temperature level of the air entering the frame by vaporization of the refrigerant, which is subsequently returned to a condenser where it is liquefied and recirculated by the pump. All the cooling air enters and leaves the shelves/racks at nominally the same temperature. Results of a 100 kW prototype data center installation of the refrigerant-based modular cooling technology were dramatic in terms of energy efficiency and the ability to cool high-heat-density equipment. The prototype data center installation consisted of 10 racks each loaded with 10 kW of high-heat-density IT equipment with the racks arranged in a standard hot-aisle/cold-aisle configuration with standard cabinet spacing. A typical chilled-water CRAC unit would require approximately 16 kW to cool such a heat load. In contrast, the refrigerant-based modular cooling technology required only 2.3 kW of power for the refrigerant pump and shelf-level fans, a reduction of 85 percent. Differences in hot-aisle and cold-aisle temperature were also substantially reduced, mitigating many issues that arise in purely air-based cooling systems, such as mixing of hot and cold air streams, or from placing high-heat-density equipment in close proximity. The technology is also such that it is able to retro-fit live equipment without service interruption, which is particularly important to the large installed ICT customer base, thereby providing a means of mitigating reliability and performance concerns during the installation, training and validation phases of product integration. Moreover, the refrigerant used in our approach, R134a, is a widely-used, non-toxic dielectric liquid which, unlike water, is non-conducting and non-corrosive and will not damage electronics in the case of a leakâÃÂÃÂa triple-play win over alternative water-based liquid coolant technologies. Finally, through use of a pumped refrigerant, pressures are modest (~60 psi), and toxic lubricants and oils are not required, in contrast to compressorized refrigerant systemsâÃÂÃÂanother environmental win. Project Activities - The ARCTIC project goal was to further develop and dramatically accelerate the commercialization of this game-changing, refrigerant-based, liquid-cooling technology and achieve a revolutionary increase in energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction for our nationâÃÂÃÂs Information and Communications Technology (ICT) infrastructure. The specific objectives of the ARCTIC project focused in the following three areas: i) advanced research innovations that dramatically enhance the ability to deal with ever-increasing device heat densities and footprint reduction by bringing the liquid cooling much closer to the actual heat sources; ii) manufacturing optimization of key components; and iii) ensuring rapid market acceptance by reducing cost, thoroughly understanding system-level performance, and developing viable commercialization strategies. The project involved participants with expertise in all aspects of commercialization, including research & development, manufacturing, sales & marketing and end users. The team was lead by Alcatel-Lucent, and included subcontractors Modine and USHose

    Architectures and technologies for quality of service provisioning in next generation networks

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    A NGN is a telecommunication network that differs from classical dedicated networks because of its capability to provide voice, video, data and cellular services on the same infrastructure (Quadruple-Play). The ITU-T standardization body has defined the NGN architecture in three different and well-defined strata: the transport stratum which takes care of maintaining end-to-end connectivity, the service stratum that is responsible for enabling the creation and the delivery of services, and finally the application stratum where applications can be created and executed. The most important separation in this architecture is relative to transport and service stratum. The aim is to enable the flexibility to add, maintain and remove services without any impact on the transport layer; to enable the flexibility to add, maintain and remove transport technologies without any impact on the access to service, application, content and information; and finally the efficient cohesistence of multiple terminals, access technologies and core transport technologies. The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a paradigm often used in systems deployment and integration for organizing and utilizing distributed capabilities under the control of different ownership domains. In this thesis, the SOA technologies in network architetures are surveyed following the NGN functional architecture as defined by the ITU-T. Within each stratum, the main logical functions that have been the subject of investigation according to a service-oriented approach have been highlighted. Moreover, a new definition of the NGN transport stratum functionalities according to the SOA paradigm is proposed; an implementation of the relevant services interfaces to analyze this approach with experimental results shows some insight on the potentialities of the proposed strategy. Within NGN architectures research topic, especially in IP-based network architectures, Traffic Engineering (TE) is referred to as a set of policies and algorithms aimed at balancing network traffic load so as to improve network resource utilization and guarantee the service specific end-to-end QoS. DS-TE technology extends TE functionalities to a per-class basis implementation by introducing a higher level of traffic classification which associates to each class type (CT) a constraint on bandwidth utilization. These constraints are set by defining and configuring a bandwidth constraint (BC) model whih drives resource utilization aiming to higher load balancing, higher QoS performance and lower call blocking rate. Default TE implementations relies on a centralized approach to bandwidth and routing management, that require external management entities which periodically collect network status information and provide management actions. However, due to increasing network complexity, it is desiderable that nodes automatically discover their environment, self-configure and update to adapt to changes. In this thesis the bandwidth management problem is approached adopting an autonomic and distributed approach. Each node has a self-management module, which monitors the unreserved bandwidth in adjacent nodes and adjusts the local bandwidth constraints so as to reduce the differences in the unreserved bandwidth of neighbor nodes. With this distributed and autonomic algorithm, BC are dinamically modified to drive routing decision toward the traffic balancing respecting the QoS constraints for each class-type traffic requests. Finally, Video on Demand (VoD) is a service that provides a video whenever the customer requests it. Realizing a VoD system by means of the Internet network requires architectures tailored to video features such as guaranteed bandwidths and constrained transmission delays: these are hard to be provided in the traditional Internet architecture that is not designed to provide an adequate quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) to the final user. Typical VoD solutions can be grouped in four categories: centralized, proxy-based, Content Delivery Network(CDN) and Hybrid architectures. Hybrid architectures combine the employment of a centralized server with that of a Peer-to-peer (P2P) network. This approach can effectively reduce the server load and avoid network congestions close to the server site because the peers support the delivery of the video to other peers using a cache-and-relay strategy making use of their upload bandwidth. Anyway, in a peer-to-peer network each peer is free to join and leave the network without notice, bringing to the phenomena of peer churns. These dynamics are dangerous for VoD architectures, affecting the integrity and retainability of the service. In this thesis, a study aimed to evaluate the impact of the peer churn on the system performance is proposed. Starting from important relationships between system parameters such as playback buffer length, peer request rate, peer average lifetime and server upload rate, four different analytic models are proposed

    Architectures and technologies for quality of service provisioning in next generation networks

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    A NGN is a telecommunication network that differs from classical dedicated networks because of its capability to provide voice, video, data and cellular services on the same infrastructure (Quadruple-Play). The ITU-T standardization body has defined the NGN architecture in three different and well-defined strata: the transport stratum which takes care of maintaining end-to-end connectivity, the service stratum that is responsible for enabling the creation and the delivery of services, and finally the application stratum where applications can be created and executed. The most important separation in this architecture is relative to transport and service stratum. The aim is to enable the flexibility to add, maintain and remove services without any impact on the transport layer; to enable the flexibility to add, maintain and remove transport technologies without any impact on the access to service, application, content and information; and finally the efficient cohesistence of multiple terminals, access technologies and core transport technologies. The Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a paradigm often used in systems deployment and integration for organizing and utilizing distributed capabilities under the control of different ownership domains. In this thesis, the SOA technologies in network architetures are surveyed following the NGN functional architecture as defined by the ITU-T. Within each stratum, the main logical functions that have been the subject of investigation according to a service-oriented approach have been highlighted. Moreover, a new definition of the NGN transport stratum functionalities according to the SOA paradigm is proposed; an implementation of the relevant services interfaces to analyze this approach with experimental results shows some insight on the potentialities of the proposed strategy. Within NGN architectures research topic, especially in IP-based network architectures, Traffic Engineering (TE) is referred to as a set of policies and algorithms aimed at balancing network traffic load so as to improve network resource utilization and guarantee the service specific end-to-end QoS. DS-TE technology extends TE functionalities to a per-class basis implementation by introducing a higher level of traffic classification which associates to each class type (CT) a constraint on bandwidth utilization. These constraints are set by defining and configuring a bandwidth constraint (BC) model whih drives resource utilization aiming to higher load balancing, higher QoS performance and lower call blocking rate. Default TE implementations relies on a centralized approach to bandwidth and routing management, that require external management entities which periodically collect network status information and provide management actions. However, due to increasing network complexity, it is desiderable that nodes automatically discover their environment, self-configure and update to adapt to changes. In this thesis the bandwidth management problem is approached adopting an autonomic and distributed approach. Each node has a self-management module, which monitors the unreserved bandwidth in adjacent nodes and adjusts the local bandwidth constraints so as to reduce the differences in the unreserved bandwidth of neighbor nodes. With this distributed and autonomic algorithm, BC are dinamically modified to drive routing decision toward the traffic balancing respecting the QoS constraints for each class-type traffic requests. Finally, Video on Demand (VoD) is a service that provides a video whenever the customer requests it. Realizing a VoD system by means of the Internet network requires architectures tailored to video features such as guaranteed bandwidths and constrained transmission delays: these are hard to be provided in the traditional Internet architecture that is not designed to provide an adequate quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) to the final user. Typical VoD solutions can be grouped in four categories: centralized, proxy-based, Content Delivery Network(CDN) and Hybrid architectures. Hybrid architectures combine the employment of a centralized server with that of a Peer-to-peer (P2P) network. This approach can effectively reduce the server load and avoid network congestions close to the server site because the peers support the delivery of the video to other peers using a cache-and-relay strategy making use of their upload bandwidth. Anyway, in a peer-to-peer network each peer is free to join and leave the network without notice, bringing to the phenomena of peer churns. These dynamics are dangerous for VoD architectures, affecting the integrity and retainability of the service. In this thesis, a study aimed to evaluate the impact of the peer churn on the system performance is proposed. Starting from important relationships between system parameters such as playback buffer length, peer request rate, peer average lifetime and server upload rate, four different analytic models are proposed

    Best Carpet Values v. Google

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