91,006 research outputs found

    How Has Hospital Consolidation Affected the Price and Quality of Hospital Care?

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    Provides an overview of the wave of hospital consolidation in the 1990s and reviews the literature on its effects on the prices, costs, and quality of inpatient care. Analyzes the studies' findings and discusses implications for policy makers

    A Proposal for Supply Chain Management Research That Matters: Sixteen High Priority Research Projects for the Future

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    On May 4th, 2016 in Milton, Ontario, the World Class Supply Chain 2016 Summit was held in partnership between CN Rail and Wilfrid Laurier University’s Lazaridis School of Business & Economics to realize an ambitious goal: raise knowledge of contemporary supply chain management (SCM) issues through genuine peer-­‐to-­‐peer dialogue among practitioners and scholars. A principal element of that knowledge is an answer to the question: to gain valid and reliable insights for attaining SCM excellence, what issues must be researched further? This White Paper—which is the second of the summit’s two White Papers—addresses the question by proposing a research agenda comprising 16 research projects. This research agenda covers the following: The current state of research knowledge on issues that are of the highest priority to today’s SCM professionals Important gaps in current research knowledge and, consequently, the major questions that should be answered in sixteen future research projects aimed at addressing those gaps Ways in which the research projects can be incorporated into student training and be supported by Canada’s major research funding agencies That content comes from using the summit’s deliberations to guide systematic reviews of both the SCM research literature and Canadian institutional mechanisms that are geared towards building knowledge through research. The major conclusions from those reviews can be summarized as follows: While the research literature to date has yielded useful insights to inform the pursuit of SCM excellence, several research questions of immense practical importance remain unanswered or, at best, inadequately answered The body of research required to answer those questions will have to focus on what the summit’s first White Paper presented as four highly impactful levers that SCM executives must expertly handle to attain excellence: collaboration; information; technology; and talent The proposed research agenda can be pursued in ways that achieve the two inter-­‐related goals of creating new actionable knowledge and building the capacity of today’s students to become tomorrow’s practitioners and contributors to ongoing knowledge growth in the SCM field This White Paper’s details underlying these conclusions build on the information presented in the summit’s first White Paper. That is, while the first White Paper (White Paper 1) identified general SCM themes for which the research needs are most urgent, this White Paper goes further along the path of industry-academia knowledge co-creation. It does so by examining and articulating those needs against the backdrop of available research findings, translating the needs into specific research projects that should be pursued, and providing guidelines for how those projects can be carried out

    Does wage inflation cause price inflation?

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    Is there any evidence to support the assumption that increased wages cause inflation? This study updates and expands earlier research into this question and finds little support for the view that higher wages cause higher prices. On the contrary, more evidence is found for higher prices leading to wage growth.Inflation (Finance) ; Wages ; Prices

    Reliability of an experimental method to analyse the impact point on a golf ball during putting

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    This study aimed to examine the reliability of an experimental method identifying the location of the impact point on a golf ball during putting. Forty trials were completed using a mechanical putting robot set to reproduce a putt of 3.2 m, with four different putter-ball combinations. After locating the centre of the dimple pattern (centroid) the following variables were tested; distance of the impact point from the centroid, angle of the impact point from the centroid and distance of the impact point from the centroid derived from the X, Y coordinates. Good to excellent reliability was demonstrated in all impact variables reflected in very strong relative (ICC = 0.98–1.00) and absolute reliability (SEM% = 0.9–4.3%). The highest SEM% observed was 7% for the angle of the impact point from the centroid. In conclusion, the experimental method was shown to be reliable at locating the centroid location of a golf ball, therefore allowing for the identification of the point of impact with the putter head and is suitable for use in subsequent studies

    Should quarterly government finance statistics be used for fiscal surveillane in Europe?

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    We use a newly available dataset of euro area quarterly national accounts fiscal data and construct multi-variate, state-space mixed-frequencies models for the government deficit, revenue and expenditure in order to assess its information content and its potential use for fiscal forecasting and monitoring purposes. The models are estimated with annual and quarterly national accounts fiscal data, but also incorporate monthly information taken from the cash accounts of the governments. The results show the usefulness of our approach for real-time fiscal policy surveillance in Europe, given the current policy framework in which the relevant official figures are expressed in annual terms. JEL Classification: C53, E6, H6Fiscal policies, forecasting, Mixed frequency data, Unobserved Components

    Marketing and Advertising Translation: Humans vs Machines in the field of cosmetics

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    This undergraduate thesis focuses on a very specific field of specialized translation: advertising and marketing translation. Indeed, the high degree of specialization involved in this activity provides a testing ground for a reconsideration of the importance of the human translator and a reformulation of their role. The constant development of new technologies creates ever more sophisticated translation programs, which in turn revives the long-standing machine vs human translation debate. The aim of this project is to conduct a practical exercise targeted at verifying whether specialization in translation always requires the supervision of humans equipped with the relevant linguistic knowledge and technical background, or whether, on the contrary, machine translation can at present provide valid enough results and a sufficient level of reliability.El presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se centra en un campo muy concreto de la traducción especializada: la traducción para la publicidad y la mercadotecnia. De hecho, el alto grado de especialización que implica esta actividad proporciona un campo de pruebas para una reconsideración de la importancia del traductor humano y una reformulación de su papel. El desarrollo creciente e ininterrumpido de las nuevas tecnologías está produciendo programas de traducción cada vez más sofisticados, lo que a su vez reaviva el viejo debate que confronta la traducción humana y la traducción automática. El objetivo de este proyecto es llevar a cabo un ejercicio práctico destinado a verificar si la especialización en la traducción siempre requiere la supervisión de personas con la formación lingüística y los conocimientos técnicos pertinentes, o si, por el contrario, la traducción automática puede en la actualidad proporcionar por si sola resultados suficientes y un nivel suficiente de fiabilidad.Grado en Estudios Inglese