55,950 research outputs found

    Evolution of a robotic soccer player

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    Robotic soccer is a complex domain where, rather than hand-coding computer programs to control the players, it is possible to create them through evolutionary methods. This has been successfully done before by using genetic programming with high-level genes. Such an approach is, however, limiting. This work attempts to reduce that limit by evolving control programs using genetic programming with low-level nodes

    Fast Approximate Max-n Monte Carlo Tree Search for Ms Pac-Man

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    We present an application of Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) for the game of Ms Pac-Man. Contrary to most applications of MCTS to date, Ms Pac-Man requires almost real-time decision making and does not have a natural end state. We approached the problem by performing Monte Carlo tree searches on a five player maxn tree representation of the game with limited tree search depth. We performed a number of experiments using both the MCTS game agents (for pacman and ghosts) and agents used in previous work (for ghosts). Performance-wise, our approach gets excellent scores, outperforming previous non-MCTS opponent approaches to the game by up to two orders of magnitude. © 2011 IEEE

    Ms Pac-Man versus Ghost Team CEC 2011 competition

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    Games provide an ideal test bed for computational intelligence and significant progress has been made in recent years, most notably in games such as Go, where the level of play is now competitive with expert human play on smaller boards. Recently, a significantly more complex class of games has received increasing attention: real-time video games. These games pose many new challenges, including strict time constraints, simultaneous moves and open-endedness. Unlike in traditional board games, computational play is generally unable to compete with human players. One driving force in improving the overall performance of artificial intelligence players are game competitions where practitioners may evaluate and compare their methods against those submitted by others and possibly human players as well. In this paper we introduce a new competition based on the popular arcade video game Ms Pac-Man: Ms Pac-Man versus Ghost Team. The competition, to be held at the Congress on Evolutionary Computation 2011 for the first time, allows participants to develop controllers for either the Ms Pac-Man agent or for the Ghost Team and unlike previous Ms Pac-Man competitions that relied on screen capture, the players now interface directly with the game engine. In this paper we introduce the competition, including a review of previous work as well as a discussion of several aspects regarding the setting up of the game competition itself. © 2011 IEEE

    EvoTanks: co-evolutionary development of game-playing agents

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    This paper describes the EvoTanks research project, a continuing attempt to develop strong AI players for a primitive 'Combat' style video game using evolutionary computational methods with artificial neural networks. A small but challenging feat due to the necessity for agent's actions to rely heavily on opponent behaviour. Previous investigation has shown the agents are capable of developing high performance behaviours by evolving against scripted opponents; however these are local to the trained opponent. The focus of this paper shows results from the use of co-evolution on the same population. Results show agents no longer succumb to trappings of local maxima within the search space and are capable of converging on high fitness behaviours local to their population without the use of scripted opponents

    Playing Smart - Artificial Intelligence in Computer Games

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    Abstract: With this document we will present an overview of artificial intelligence in general and artificial intelligence in the context of its use in modern computer games in particular. To this end we will firstly provide an introduction to the terminology of artificial intelligence, followed by a brief history of this field of computer science and finally we will discuss the impact which this science has had on the development of computer games. This will be further illustrated by a number of case studies, looking at how artificially intelligent behaviour has been achieved in selected games

    Menjana pemodulatan lebar denyut (PWM) penyongsang tiga fasa menggunakan pemproses isyarat digital (DSP)

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    Baru-baru ini, penyongsang digunakan secara meluas dalam aplikasi industri. Walaubagaimanapun, teknik Pemodulatan Lebar Denyut (PWM) diperlukan untuk mengawal voltan keluaran dan frekuensi penyongsang. Dalam tesis ini, untuk Pemodulatan Lebar Denyut Sinus Unipolar (SPWM) penyongsang tiga fasa adalah dicadang menggunakan Pemproses Isyarat Digital (DSP). Satu model simulasi menggunakan MATLAB Simulink dibangunkan untuk menentukan program Pemodulatan Lebar Denyut Sinus Unipolar (SPWM) Program ini kemudian dibangunkan dalam Pemproses Isyarat Digital (DSP) TMS320f28335. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahawa voltan keluaran penyongsang tiga fasa boleh dikendalikan
