1,318 research outputs found

    On general systems with network-enhanced complexities

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    In recent years, the study of networked control systems (NCSs) has gradually become an active research area due to the advantages of using networked media in many aspects such as the ease of maintenance and installation, the large flexibility and the low cost. It is well known that the devices in networks are mutually connected via communication cables that are of limited capacity. Therefore, some network-induced phenomena have inevitably emerged in the areas of signal processing and control engineering. These phenomena include, but are not limited to, network-induced communication delays, missing data, signal quantization, saturations, and channel fading. It is of great importance to understand how these phenomena influence the closed-loop stability and performance properties

    Event-triggered distributed H∞ state estimation with packet dropouts through sensor networks

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    This study is concerned with the event-triggered distributed H∞ state estimation problem for a class of discrete-time stochastic non-linear systems with packet dropouts in a sensor network. An event-triggered communication mechanism is adopted over the sensor network with hope to reduce the communication burden and the energy consumption, where the measurements on each sensor are transmitted only when a certain triggering condition is violated. Furthermore, a novel distributed state estimator is designed where the available innovations are not only from the individual sensor, but also from its neighbouring ones according to the given topology. The purpose of the problem under consideration is to design a set of distributed state estimators such that the dynamics of estimation errors is exponentially mean-square stable and also the prespecified H∞ disturbance rejection attenuation level is guaranteed. By utilising the property of the Kronecker product and the stochastic analysis approaches, sufficient conditions are established under which the addressed state estimation problem is recast as a convex optimisation one that can be easily solved via available software packages. Finally, a simulation example is utilised to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed design scheme of event-triggered distributed state estimators.This work was supported in part by Royal Society of the UK, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61329301, 61203139, 61473076, 61374127 and 61422301, the Shanghai Rising-Star Program of China under Grant 13QA1400100, the ShuGuang project of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission and Shanghai Education Development Foundation under Grant 13SG34, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, DHU Distinguished Young Professor Program, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    On general systems with randomly occurring incomplete information

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    In the system and control community, the incomplete information is generally regarded as the results of (1) our limited knowledge in modelling real-world systems; and (2) the physical constraints on the devices for collecting, transmitting, storing and processing information. In terms of system modelling, the incomplete information typically includes the parameter uncertainties and norm-bounded non-linearities that occur with certain bounds. As for the physical constraints, two well-known examples are the actuator/sensor saturation caused by the limited power/altitude of the devices as well as the signal quantization caused by limited bandwidth for signal propagation

    Analysis, filtering, and control for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy models in networked systems

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    Copyright © 2015 Sunjie Zhang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The fuzzy logic theory has been proven to be effective in dealing with various nonlinear systems and has a great success in industry applications. Among different kinds of models for fuzzy systems, the so-called Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy model has been quite popular due to its convenient and simple dynamic structure as well as its capability of approximating any smooth nonlinear function to any specified accuracy within any compact set. In terms of such a model, the performance analysis and the design of controllers and filters play important roles in the research of fuzzy systems. In this paper, we aim to survey some recent advances on the T-S fuzzy control and filtering problems with various network-induced phenomena. The network-induced phenomena under consideration mainly include communication delays, packet dropouts, signal quantization, and randomly occurring uncertainties (ROUs). With such network-induced phenomena, the developments on T-S fuzzy control and filtering issues are reviewed in detail. In addition, some latest results on this topic are highlighted. In the end, conclusions are drawn and some possible future research directions are pointed out.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61134009, 61329301, 11301118 and 61174136, the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province of China under Grant BK20130017, the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China under Grant CUSF-DH-D-2013061, the Royal Society of the U.K., and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Distributed state estimation in sensor networks with randomly occurring nonlinearities subject to time delays

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    This is the post-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the links below - Copyright @ 2012 ACM.This article is concerned with a new distributed state estimation problem for a class of dynamical systems in sensor networks. The target plant is described by a set of differential equations disturbed by a Brownian motion and randomly occurring nonlinearities (RONs) subject to time delays. The RONs are investigated here to reflect network-induced randomly occurring regulation of the delayed states on the current ones. Through available measurement output transmitted from the sensors, a distributed state estimator is designed to estimate the states of the target system, where each sensor can communicate with the neighboring sensors according to the given topology by means of a directed graph. The state estimation is carried out in a distributed way and is therefore applicable to online application. By resorting to the Lyapunov functional combined with stochastic analysis techniques, several delay-dependent criteria are established that not only ensure the estimation error to be globally asymptotically stable in the mean square, but also guarantee the existence of the desired estimator gains that can then be explicitly expressed when certain matrix inequalities are solved. A numerical example is given to verify the designed distributed state estimators.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61028008, 60804028 and 61174136, the Qing Lan Project of Jiangsu Province of China, the Project sponsored by SRF for ROCS of SEM of China, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK under Grant GR/S27658/01, the Royal Society of the UK, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Performance analysis with network-enhanced complexities: On fading measurements, event-triggered mechanisms, and cyber attacks

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    Copyright © 2014 Derui Ding et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Nowadays, the real-world systems are usually subject to various complexities such as parameter uncertainties, time-delays, and nonlinear disturbances. For networked systems, especially large-scale systems such as multiagent systems and systems over sensor networks, the complexities are inevitably enhanced in terms of their degrees or intensities because of the usage of the communication networks. Therefore, it would be interesting to (1) examine how this kind of network-enhanced complexities affects the control or filtering performance; and (2) develop some suitable approaches for controller/filter design problems. In this paper, we aim to survey some recent advances on the performance analysis and synthesis with three sorts of fashionable network-enhanced complexities, namely, fading measurements, event-triggered mechanisms, and attack behaviors of adversaries. First, these three kinds of complexities are introduced in detail according to their engineering backgrounds, dynamical characteristic, and modelling techniques. Then, the developments of the performance analysis and synthesis issues for various networked systems are systematically reviewed. Furthermore, some challenges are illustrated by using a thorough literature review and some possible future research directions are highlighted.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61134009, 61329301, 61203139, 61374127, and 61374010, the Royal Society of the UK, and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Distributed filtering for switched nonlinear positive systems with missing measurements over sensor networks

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    In this paper, the distributed filtering problem is investigated for a class of switched nonlinear positive systems over sensor networks. The randomly varying nonlinearities and missing measurements, which are governed by two mutually independent Bernoulli distributed white sequences, are taken into account. Based on the output measurements of the individual sensor and its neighbors, the distributed filter with positivity constraint is designed to ensure the prescribed average l∞ performance index of the estimation error dynamics. Special attention is paid to preserve the positivity of the underlying system as well as the sparseness of the addressed network topology. Sufficient conditions are established on the existence of the desired filters by using the linear programming approach, and the filter gains are subsequently characterized. A simulation example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed filtering method.This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61104114, Grant 61201035, Grant 61374070, and Grant 61473055 and in part by the Liaoning Province Science Foundation under Grant 2015020075 and in part by the General Projects for Science Research in the Liaoning Province under Grant L2014026

    Fault estimation for time-varying systems with Round-Robin protocol

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    summary:This paper is concerned with the design problem of finite-horizon HH_\infty fault estimator for a class of nonlinear time-varying systems with Round-Robin protocol scheduling. The faults are assumed to occur in a random way governed by a Bernoulli distributed white sequence. The communication between the sensor nodes and fault estimators is implemented via a shared network. In order to prevent the data from collisions, a Round-Robin protocol is utilized to orchestrate the transmission of sensor nodes. By means of the stochastic analysis technique and the completing squares method, a necessary and sufficient condition is established for the existence of fault estimator ensuring that the estimation error dynamics satisfies the prescribed HH_\infty constraint. The time-varying parameters of fault estimator are obtained by recursively solving a set of coupled backward Riccati difference equations. A simulation example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design scheme of the fault estimator

    Estimation, filtering and fusion for networked systems with network-induced phenomena: New progress and prospects

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    In this paper, some recent advances on the estimation, filtering and fusion for networked systems are reviewed. Firstly, the network-induced phenomena under consideration are briefly recalled including missing/fading measurements, signal quantization, sensor saturations, communication delays, and randomly occurring incomplete information. Secondly, the developments of the estimation, filtering and fusion for networked systems from four aspects (linear networked systems, nonlinear networked systems, complex networks and sensor networks) are reviewed comprehensively. Subsequently, some recent results on the estimation, filtering and fusion for systems with the network-induced phenomena are reviewed in great detail. In particular, some latest results on the multi-objective filtering problems for time-varying nonlinear networked systems are summarized. Finally, conclusions are given and several possible research directions concerning the estimation, filtering, and fusion for networked systems are highlighted