182 research outputs found

    Modification of CSE-UCLA and Discrepancy as a New Evaluation Model in Education

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    The absence of an evaluation model that can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of educational activities at vocational universities in the view of six domains causes the need to find innovations in an evaluation model. The six domains, included: context, input, socialization process, implementation process, results, and imbalances that occur in the learning implementation. An evaluation model innovation was initiated through this research in the form of a modification of two educational evaluation models. Those models are CSE-UCLA and Discrepancy. Based on those conditions, the main objective of this research was to demonstrate the existence of a new evaluation model design in education which was a modification of the CSE-UCLA evaluation model and the Discrepancy evaluation model. Specifically, this evaluation model design can be used to determine the effectiveness of the one education activity namely the synchronous learning implementation at vocational universities. The research method used to achieve the objectives of this research was the development method by the Borg and Gall model development design. Five stages of development become the focus of this research, included: research and field data collection, research planning, design development, initial trials, and main product revision. The location of this research was conducted in several vocational universities in the North Bali area (Indonesia). Subjects involved in the initial trials toward this evaluation model design were 20 people. The tools used to conduct the initial trials were questionnaires. The technique used to analyze the data of initial trial results was descriptive quantitative by comparing the percentage of the initial trial results with the standard percentage of the effectiveness level of modified model design. This research results indicate that the evaluation model design was categorized as effective by an effectiveness level was 81.93%. The implication of this research results was the existence of a new design of the educational evaluation model. This design combines two evaluation models to produce good functionality integration in determining the effectiveness level of the synchronouslearning implementation in all universities generally and in vocational universities in Bali particularly. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01321 Full Text: PD


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    This study was conducted with the main purpose of obtaining in-depth information about the validity and reliability of Alkin model instruments used to evaluate the effectiveness of blended learning in Discrete Mathematics courses on STIKOM Bali. The approach of this study was instrument development research, with five steps: 1) definition of variables, 2) translation variables into indicators, 3) arrangement of instrument’s item, 4) test of instrument, and 5) validity and reliability analysis of instruments. Subjects involved in this study, such as: an expert in informatics engineering education and experts in evaluation education involved in testing the validity of instrument contents, and as many as 50 students who were involved to be respondents to fill out the test result instrument of content validation by experts, so it can be obtained the instrument validity and reliability instruments. The tools used in data collection are questionnaires that have not been tested and photos documentation. The technique used to analyze the validity of the instruments contents using Gregory formula, while the technique used to analyze the validity of instrument items using correlation formula Pearson-product moment, Techniques used to analyze the instrument’s reliability using the formula of Cronbach Alpha coefficient. The results of this study indicate the content validity and the instrument’s reliability belonging to excellence criteria. Also, from the validation of instrument items obtained 52 instrument items that remain used because it’s valid and three instrument items are discarded because it’s not valid


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    The main purpose of this study was finding the calculation process to determine the mapping of tourism object in Buleleng Regency which is potential to be sports tourism by using goal-oriented evaluation model based on SAW method. This study used two approaches namely qualitative approach to determine tourism objects in Buleleng Regency which are potential to be sports tourism, and evaluative approach to determine high potential tourism object to be sports tourism and mapping the tourism objects based on the highest and lowest potential places to be sports tourism. Subjects of this study were people who had micro business in sports tourism in three districts of Buleleng Regency. The technique of collecting data in the study used observation, documentation, interview, and questionnaires. The data analysis techniques of this study were qualitative descriptive to analyze data of identification result about tourism objects in Buleleng Regency which are potential to be sports tourism, and quantitative descriptive to analyze data of calculation result of SAW method for mapping and to determine the most dominant tourism object to be sports tourism. The finding of this study produced a map of tourism object in Buleleng Regency started from the highest to the lowest potential place, of which finally Lovina was considered as the most dominant or the highest potential tourism object to be sports tourism in Buleleng Regency

    Development of material contents and online assessment based on the SEVIMA EdLink platform for online learning of program evaluation subject during Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia

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    One of the free platforms made by IT companies in the education sector in Indonesia can be used to facilitate online learning at home during the Covid-19 pandemic. The platform is called the SEVIMA EdLink. This platform needs to be known by academics and the wider community of education in the world. This platform provides facilities to make it easier for users to input material content and online assessment forms. The purpose of this research was to demonstrate the development of material contents of the ‘Program Evaluation’ subject and its assessment form that was embedded into the SEVIMA EdLink platform. The approach used in this research was a development based on the 4D model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). Subjects who were involved in testing the material contents were 29 students. The measuring instruments used in testing the material contents were questionnaires. Subjects who were involved in the content validity test for multiple-choice test questions were six experts, and two experts were involved in the content validity test for essay test questions. The tools used in testing the content validity of multiple-choice test questions or essay test questions were checklist documents. The analysis technique of the test results of the material contents was descriptive quantitative. The analysis technique for multiple-choice test questions and essay test questions was the comparison of content validity test results with the standard scores of content validity based on Guilford. This research results showed the quality percentage of material contents in the subject of ‘Program Evaluation’ was a good category. The content validity results of the multiple-choice test questions and essay test questions were both in the excellent categoryPeer Reviewe

    Pemberdayaan Model CSE-UCLA Dalam Pelaksanaan Evaluasi Program Blended Learning di SMA Negeri 1 Ubud

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    Tujuan terlaksananya penelitian ini untuk memperoleh gambaran tentang hasil evaluasi dan kendala-kendala pelaksanaan blended learning di SMA Negeri 1 Ubud. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kualitatif menggunakan metode evaluatif. Desain evaluasi dalam penelitian ini adalah model CSE-UCLA, yang terdiri dari lima komponen evaluasi, yaitu: system assessment, program planning, program implementation, program improvement, dan program certification. Subjek yang dilibatkan dalam pengambilan data melalui wawancara pada penelitian ini, terdiri dari: seorang kepala sekolah, seorang kepala laboratorium komputer, dan dua orang tim teknologi informasi. Subjek yang dilibatkan dalam pengambilan data melalui penyebaran kuesioner, terdiri dari lima orang guru dan 10 orang siswa. Teknik penentuan semua subyek tersebut menggunakan teknik Purposive Sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat efektivitas pelaksanaan program blended learning di SMA Negeri 1 Ubud dalam kategori baik. Hasil tersebut diperjelas dari perhitungan yang didasarkan pada kuadran Glickman, dimana hasil evaluasi termasuk dalam kuadran ‘Baik’, karena T-Score pada masing-masing komponen evaluasi menunjukkan pola ‘Tinggi-Tinggi-Tinggi-Rendah-Tinggi’

    Developing Interactive Android-Based E-Learning Media as a Virtual Laboratory for the Students of Office Administration Education

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    The industrial revolution 4.0 leads to an increase in job competition. It should eventually be prepared with personal competence, especially for students in the Department of Office Administration Education. The study aims to develop an interactive e-learning media as a virtual laboratory on a meeting organization course. This study aimed to examine the eligibility of the media and to know the response of the students. This study applied a research and development (R & D) model which developed by Borg and Gall. This virtual laboratory is designed with some attractive features such as (1) meeting schedule, (2) start the meeting, (3) meeting minutes, (4) content sharing, (5) chat, (6) meeting materials, (7) record the meeting, (8) and contact. The current research product is E-Learning media, an interactive virtual laboratory worth applying in the learning activities developed by the researchers. It is made based on the validation of the experts and the positive response of the students

    The Measurement of Rare Plants Learning Media using Backward Chaining Integrated with Context-Input-Process-Product Evaluation Model based on Mobile Technology

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    This research was aimed to know the effectiveness level of learning media utilization to the introduction of rare plants in Alas Kedaton tourism forest in Tabanan-Bali based on backward chaining for students and the general public. The type of this research includes explorative and evaluative research types. The population in this study was the plants species that exist in the Alas Kedaton tourism forest. The human population was the entire society in the area of Alas Kedaton tourism forest. The sampling method of plants species used the quadratic method, while for the human samples used purposive sampling method. The data has been collected then analyzed descriptively. The results of this study indicate that through the utilization of learning media obtained related information about the number of rare plants species in Alas Kedaton tourism forest as many as 48 species of plants with 26 families, and also the factors causing the scarcity of those plants species. Through the use of CIPP (Context-Input-Process-Product) evaluation model assisted by mobile technology, the overall average effectiveness of learning media utilization to the introduction of rare plant in Alas Kedaton tourism forest in Tabanan-Bali based on backward chaining amount of 88.20%, so that was included into the good categorization

    Design of Tat Twam Asi-Discrepancy Evaluation Model Based on TOPSIS in Determining the Improvement Priority Aspect

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    This research aimed to provide information about the existence of the new evaluation model in the field of education. The intended evaluation model is called the Tat Twam Asi-Discrepancy evaluation model based on TOPSIS. This model serves to determine the dominant aspects become improvement priority, so later it can trigger the effectiveness of blended learning implementation. The method was used in this research was a development method using the Borg and Gall model, which only focused on the design development stage. Subjects were involved in the initial trials of the evaluation model design were four experts and 30 respondents to conducted simulation trials of TOPSIS calculation. The tools were used to conducted preliminary trials toward the evaluation model design and simulation trials of calculations were questionnaires. Analysis of the initial trial results toward the model design was done by comparing the quality percentage of the test results with the percentage of quality standards that refer to the eleven’s scale. Analysis of the simulation test results of the TOPSIScalculation was done by comparing the effectiveness percentage of the test results with the percentage of effectiveness standards that refer to the five’s scale. The results of this research indicate this evaluation model is highly qualified and effective is used to determine the most dominant evaluation aspect to become an improvement priority to realize the effectiveness of blended learning implementation. Doi: 10.28991/esj-2021-01285 Full Text: PD

    Assessment of Students in Online Industrial Practice Activities Using Machine Learning Based on Mobile Application

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    All of the learning in the pandemic era uses online learning including practical in the industry that should do all of the students to apply their knowledge.  The practical industry online is very difficult to assement students that the assessment is given from both company and the university. Companies have many parameters to assessment and each company has different parameters. This study uses 14 parameters that are generally used in assessment for practical students and the university side using 10 parameters. The problem is that every parameter has a different weight than it makes it confusing to give marks with manual assessment. This research uses machine learning to fix this problem based on mobile applications for the user interfaces. The result of testing this application had an average accuracy for assessment students based on parameters of companies and universities that is 83,3%

    Evaluation of Leadership Programs (PIM) Level III For Civil Servants In The Education and Training Center (Pusdiklat) of The Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) RI

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    The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of Level III Education and Training Program (PIM III) for Civil Servants (PNS) in the Education and Training Center Institution of the Ministry of Manpower Republic of Indonesia (Pusdiklat Kemnaker RI), so that it can be used by policy makers to improve its implementation. The research method uses the program evaluation model CIPP (Context, Input, Process and Product) and Impact. Evaluation was carried out on the implementation of Program Diklat PIM III held in the 2015-2016 period by the Pusdiklat Kemnaker RI. In this study involved 57 informants from the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN RB) as regulators, the State Administration Institute (LAN) as the implementing policy, National Board for Placement and Protection of Indonesian Overseas Workers (BNP2TKI ) as a place for alumni and the Pusdiklat Kemnaker RI as the organizer. Overall the results of evaluation research on the implementation of the Program Diklat PIM III by the Pusdiklat Kemnaker RI is considered to be Less or 57.69% of the evaluation criteria can be met. The Context Sub-focus (C) reaches a value of Very Less or 40.43%; The Input subfocus achieved a Good value or 77.92%; The Process sub-focus (P) achieves Very Good or 100%; The Product sub-focus (P) achieves less or 59% and The Impact (I) of  alumni on organizations reach Very Less or 11.1%. The recommendations of this study can be applied to the Program Diklat PIM III Cycle Model as part of the Echelon III Position Selection with the central point of the Echelon III Structural Position Competence set by the measured and traceable PANRB so as to produce superior and competitive human resources personnel