5,615 research outputs found

    Numerical Simulations of Bouncing Jets

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    Bouncing jets are fascinating phenomenons occurring under certain conditions when a jet impinges on a free surface. This effect is observed when the fluid is Newtonian and the jet falls in a bath undergoing a solid motion. It occurs also for non-Newtonian fluids when the jets falls in a vessel at rest containing the same fluid. We investigate numerically the impact of the experimental setting and the rheological properties of the fluid on the onset of the bouncing phenomenon. Our investigations show that the occurrence of a thin lubricating layer of air separating the jet and the rest of the liquid is a key factor for the bouncing of the jet to happen. The numerical technique that is used consists of a projection method for the Navier-Stokes system coupled with a level set formulation for the representation of the interface. The space approximation is done with adaptive finite elements. Adaptive refinement is shown to be very important to capture the thin layer of air that is responsible for the bouncing

    Air entrainment in transient flows in closed water pipes: a two-layer approach

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    In this paper, we first construct a model for free surface flows that takes into account the air entrainment by a system of four partial differential equations. We derive it by taking averaged values of gas and fluid velocities on the cross surface flow in the Euler equations (incompressible for the fluid and compressible for the gas). The obtained system is conditionally hyperbolic. Then, we propose a mathematical kinetic interpretation of this system to finally construct a two-layer kinetic scheme in which a special treatment for the "missing" boundary condition is performed. Several numerical tests on closed water pipes are performed and the impact of the loss of hyperbolicity is discussed and illustrated. Finally, we make a numerical study of the order of the kinetic method in the case where the system is mainly non hyperbolic. This provides a useful stability result when the spatial mesh size goes to zero

    A numerical study of the effects of wind tunnel wall proximity on an airfoil model

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    A procedure was developed for modeling wind tunnel flows using computational fluid dynamics. Using this method, a numerical study was undertaken to explore the effects of solid wind tunnel wall proximity and Reynolds number on a two-dimensional airfoil model at low speed. Wind tunnel walls are located at varying wind tunnel height to airfoil chord ratios and the results are compared with freestream flow in the absence of wind tunnel walls. Discrepancies between the constrained and unconstrained flows can be attributed to the presence of the walls. Results are for a Mach Number of 0.25 at angles of attack through stall. A typical wind tunnel Reynolds number of 1,200,000 and full-scale flight Reynolds number of 6,000,000 were investigated. At this low Mach number, wind tunnel wall corrections to Mach number and angle of attack are supported. Reynolds number effects are seen to be a consideration in wind tunnel testing and wall interference correction methods. An unstructured grid Navier-Stokes code is used with a Baldwin-Lomax turbulence model. The numerical method is described since unstructured flow solvers present several difficulties and fundamental differences from structured grid codes, especially in the area of turbulence modeling and grid generation

    Computation of the inviscid supersonic flow about cones at large angles of attack by a floating discontinuity approach

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    The technique of floating shock fitting is adapted to the computation of the inviscid flowfield about circular cones in a supersonic free stream at angles of attack that exceed the cone half-angle. The resulting equations are applicable over the complete range of free-stream Mach numbers, angles of attack and cone half-angles for which the bow shock is attached. A finite difference algorithm is used to obtain the solution by an unsteady relaxation approach. The bow shock, embedded cross-flow shock, and vortical singularity in the leeward symmetry plane are treated as floating discontinuities in a fixed computational mesh. Where possible, the flowfield is partitioned into windward, shoulder, and leeward regions with each region computed separately to achieve maximum computational efficiency. An alternative shock fitting technique which treats the bow shock as a computational boundary is developed and compared with the floating-fitting approach. Several surface boundary condition schemes are also analyzed

    Oceanic rings and jets as statistical equilibrium states

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    Equilibrium statistical mechanics of two-dimensional flows provides an explanation and a prediction for the self-organization of large scale coherent structures. This theory is applied in this paper to the description of oceanic rings and jets, in the framework of a 1.5 layer quasi-geostrophic model. The theory predicts the spontaneous formation of regions where the potential vorticity is homogenized, with strong and localized jets at their interface. Mesoscale rings are shown to be close to a statistical equilibrium: the theory accounts for their shape, their drift, and their ubiquity in the ocean, independently of the underlying generation mechanism. At basin scale, inertial states presenting mid basin eastward jets (and then different from the classical Fofonoff solution) are described as marginally unstable states. These states are shown to be marginally unstable for the equilibrium statistical theory. In that case, considering a purely inertial limit is a first step toward more comprehensive out of equilibrium studies that would take into account other essential aspects, such as wind forcing.Comment: 15 pages, submitted to Journal of Physical Oceanograph

    New numerical approaches for modeling thermochemical convection in a compositionally stratified fluid

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    Seismic imaging of the mantle has revealed large and small scale heterogeneities in the lower mantle; specifically structures known as large low shear velocity provinces (LLSVP) below Africa and the South Pacific. Most interpretations propose that the heterogeneities are compositional in nature, differing in composition from the overlying mantle, an interpretation that would be consistent with chemical geodynamic models. Numerical modeling of persistent compositional interfaces presents challenges, even to state-of-the-art numerical methodology. For example, some numerical algorithms for advecting the compositional interface cannot maintain a sharp compositional boundary as the fluid migrates and distorts with time dependent fingering due to the numerical diffusion that has been added in order to maintain the upper and lower bounds on the composition variable and the stability of the advection method. In this work we present two new algorithms for maintaining a sharper computational boundary than the advection methods that are currently openly available to the computational mantle convection community; namely, a Discontinuous Galerkin method with a Bound Preserving limiter and a Volume-of-Fluid interface tracking algorithm. We compare these two new methods with two approaches commonly used for modeling the advection of two distinct, thermally driven, compositional fields in mantle convection problems; namely, an approach based on a high-order accurate finite element method advection algorithm that employs an artificial viscosity technique to maintain the upper and lower bounds on the composition variable as well as the stability of the advection algorithm and the advection of particles that carry a scalar quantity representing the location of each compositional field. All four of these algorithms are implemented in the open source FEM code ASPECT

    Development of unsteady aerodynamic analyses for turbomachinery aeroelastic and aeroacoustic applications

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    Theoretical analyses and computer codes are being developed for predicting compressible unsteady inviscid and viscous flows through blade rows. Such analyses are needed to determine the impact of unsteady flow phenomena on the structural durability and noise generation characteristics of turbomachinery blading. Emphasis is being placed on developing analyses based on asymptotic representations of unsteady flow phenomena. Thus, flow driven by small-amplitude unsteady excitations in which viscous effects are concentrated in thin layers are being considered. The resulting analyses should apply in many practical situations, lead to a better understanding of the relevent physics, and they will be efficient computationally, and therefore, appropriate for aeroelastic and aeroacoustic design applications. Under the present phase (Task 3), the effort was focused on providing inviscid and viscid prediction capabilities for subsonic unsteady cascade flows

    Astrophysical turbulence modeling

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    The role of turbulence in various astrophysical settings is reviewed. Among the differences to laboratory and atmospheric turbulence we highlight the ubiquitous presence of magnetic fields that are generally produced and maintained by dynamo action. The extreme temperature and density contrasts and stratifications are emphasized in connection with turbulence in the interstellar medium and in stars with outer convection zones, respectively. In many cases turbulence plays an essential role in facilitating enhanced transport of mass, momentum, energy, and magnetic fields in terms of the corresponding coarse-grained mean fields. Those transport properties are usually strongly modified by anisotropies and often completely new effects emerge in such a description that have no correspondence in terms of the original (non coarse-grained) fields.Comment: 88 pages, 26 figures, published in Reports on Progress in Physic
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