7 research outputs found

    Modified simulated annealing algorithm for optimal design of steel structures

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    Structural optimization aims to design structures under certain constraints to achieve better behavior and have a proper manufacturing cost. This type of optimization corresponds to highly non-linear and non-convex problems including several local optima. Therefore, to solve such problems effectively, designers need to use adequate optimization methods which can make a good balance between the computational cost and the quality of solutions. In this paper the modified simulated annealing algorithm (MSAA) is employed to solve optimal design of steel structures. MSSA is a newly improved version of the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm with three modifications: preliminary exploration, search step and a new probability of acceptance. The performance, robustness and applicability of the MSAA are demonstrated through six structural optimization problems. Obtained results in all considered examples indicate that the MSAA is superior to several other methods in existing literature in terms of the quality of solution and convergence speed.Peer Reviewe

    Optimal Design of Steel Structures Using Innovative Black Widow Algorithm Hybridized with Greedy Sensitivity-Based Particle Swarm Optimization Technique

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    This paper presents a Greedy Sensitivity-based analysis implemented on the Particle Swarm Optimization search engine (GSPSO). The effectiveness of the method focuses mainly on providing an intelligent population to enter meta-heuristic algorithms. As a meta-heuristic method in the second stage, the recently introduced Black Widow Optimization (BWO) algorithm was selected and improved by the authors. It is based on three operators: cannibalism, crossover, and mutation, whose main stage is Cannibalism. The advantage of this stage is that those designs that do not match the solutions close to the global optimal are eliminated, and the more effective solutions remain. To examine the proposed approach, five optimization examples, including three two-dimensional benchmark frames and two three-dimensional structures, have been used. The results show that the greedy sensitivity-based PSO technique can improve computational efficiency in solving discrete variable structural optimization problems. The hybridized BWO (BGP) with this technique was able to obtain very good results in terms of convergence speed and performance accuracy. Overall, compared to the performance of BWO, between 50 and 75% improvement in the total number of analyzes was achieved. In addition, a slight improvement in the weight of the evaluated structures was also reported. Compared to other hybrid algorithms, very competitive and promising results were obtained

    Otimização estrutural de pórticos espaciais de aço via algoritmos de evolução diferencial

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    Spatial steel frames are structural systems widely applied in the most diverse branches of civil engineering. Common applications of this type of structure are found in residential and commercial buildings, industrial sheds, warehouses, airports, hospitals, cultural centers such as museums, sports stadiums, among others. In taller buildings, factors such as horizontal displacements due to wind loads, natural frequencies of vibration, and global stability become more relevant. With the advancement of engineering, the need for increasingly competitive and optimized projects emerged, arousing the search for computational methodologies capable of solving such problems. In the last decades, meta-heuristics have proven increasing efficiency and robustness in solving problems of this nature. This dissertation makes a study of structural optimization via differential evolution algorithms applied to spatial steel frames, having as an innovative point the addition of constraints related to the dynamic behavior and the global stability of the structure, in general neglected. Three sets of experiments are conducted, in which analyses of braced and unbraced structural systems, as well as studies for cardinality constraints and automatic member grouping, are taken into account in the steel frames optimization problems.Os pórticos espaciais de aço são sistemas estruturais vastamente aplicados nos mais diversos ramos da engenharia civil. Aplicações comuns desse tipo de estrutura são encontradas em prédios residenciais ou comerciais, galpões industriais, almoxarifados, aeroportos, hospitais, centros culturais como museus, estádios desportivos, entre outros. À medida que as construções vão se tornando cada vez mais altas, fatores como deslocamentos horizontais devido às cargas de vento, frequências naturais de vibração e estabilidade global da estrutura passam a ser mais relevantes em relação as restrições de resistência. Com o avanço da engenharia, veio a necessidade de projetos cada vez mais competitivos e otimizados, despertando a procura de metodologias computacionais capazes de resolver tais problemas. Nas últimas décadas as meta-heurísticas vieram mostrando eficiência e robustez crescentes na solução de problemas dessa natureza. Esta dissertação faz um estudo de otimização estrutural via algoritmos de evolução diferencial aplicado aos pórticos espaciais de aço, tendo como caráter inovador a adição de restrições relativas ao comportamento dinâmico e à estabilidade global da estrutura, em geral negligenciadas. Três conjuntos de experimentos são conduzidos, nos quais análises de sistemas estruturais contraventados e não-contraventados, bem como estudos para restrição de cardinalidade e agrupamento automático de membros são levados em consideração na otimização das estruturas de aço.CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superio