1,699 research outputs found

    Novel hybrid extraction systems for fetal heart rate variability monitoring based on non-invasive fetal electrocardiogram

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    This study focuses on the design, implementation and subsequent verification of a new type of hybrid extraction system for noninvasive fetal electrocardiogram (NI-fECG) processing. The system designed combines the advantages of individual adaptive and non-adaptive algorithms. The pilot study reviews two innovative hybrid systems called ICA-ANFIS-WT and ICA-RLS-WT. This is a combination of independent component analysis (ICA), adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) algorithm or recursive least squares (RLS) algorithm and wavelet transform (WT) algorithm. The study was conducted on clinical practice data (extended ADFECGDB database and Physionet Challenge 2013 database) from the perspective of non-invasive fetal heart rate variability monitoring based on the determination of the overall probability of correct detection (ACC), sensitivity (SE), positive predictive value (PPV) and harmonic mean between SE and PPV (F1). System functionality was verified against a relevant reference obtained by an invasive way using a scalp electrode (ADFECGDB database), or relevant reference obtained by annotations (Physionet Challenge 2013 database). The study showed that ICA-RLS-WT hybrid system achieve better results than ICA-ANFIS-WT. During experiment on ADFECGDB database, the ICA-RLS-WT hybrid system reached ACC > 80 % on 9 recordings out of 12 and the ICA-ANFIS-WT hybrid system reached ACC > 80 % only on 6 recordings out of 12. During experiment on Physionet Challenge 2013 database the ICA-RLS-WT hybrid system reached ACC > 80 % on 13 recordings out of 25 and the ICA-ANFIS-WT hybrid system reached ACC > 80 % only on 7 recordings out of 25. Both hybrid systems achieve provably better results than the individual algorithms tested in previous studies.Web of Science713178413175

    Predict Daily Life Stress based on Heart Rate Variability

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    Department of Human Factors EngineeringThe purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility of predicting a daily mental stress level from analyzing Heart Rate Variability (HRV) by using a Photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor which is integrated in the wristband-type wearable device. In this experiment, each participant was asked to measure their own PPG signals for 30 seconds, three times a day (at noon, 6 P.M, and 10 minutes before going to sleep) for a week. And 10 minutes before going to sleep, all participants were asked to self-evaluate their own daily mental stress level using Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). The recorded signals were transmitted and stored at each participant???s smartphone via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication by own-made mobile application. The preprocessing procedure was used to remove PPG signal artifacts in order to make better performance for detecting each pulse peak point at PPG signal. In this preprocessing, three- level-bandpass filtering which consisted three different pass band range bandpass filters was used. In this study, frequency domain HRV analysis feature that the ratio of low-frequency (0.04Hz ~ 0.15Hz) to high-frequency (0.15Hz ~ 0.4Hz) power value was used. In frequency domain analysis, autoregressive (AR) model was used, because this model has higher resolution than that of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). The accuracy of this prediction was 86.35% on average of all participants. Prediction result was calculated from the leave-one-out validation. The IoT home appliances are arranged according to the result of this prediction algorithm. This arrangement is offering optimized user???s relaxation. Also, this algorithm can help acute stress disorder patients to concentrate on getting treatment.clos

    Hybrid methods based on empirical mode decomposition for non-invasive fetal heart rate monitoring

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    This study focuses on fetal electrocardiogram (fECG) processing using hybrid methods that combine two or more individual methods. Combinations of independent component analysis (ICA), wavelet transform (WT), recursive least squares (RLS), and empirical mode decomposition (EMD) were used to create the individual hybrid methods. Following four hybrid methods were compared and evaluated in this study: ICA-EMD, ICA-EMD-WT, EMD-WT, and ICA-RLS-EMD. The methods were tested on two databases, the ADFECGDB database and the PhysioNet Challenge 2013 database. Extraction evaluation is based on fetal heart rate (fHR) determination. Statistical evaluation is based on determination of correct detection (ACC), sensitivity (Se), positive predictive value (PPV), and harmonic mean between Se and PPV (F1). In this study, the best results were achieved by means of the ICA-RLS-EMD hybrid method, which achieved accuracy(ACC) > 80% at 9 out of 12 recordings when tested on the ADFECGDB database, reaching an average value of ACC > 84%, Se > 87%, PPV > 92%, and F1 > 90%. When tested on the Physionet Challenge 2013 database, ACC > 80% was achieved at 12 out of 25 recordings with an average value of ACC > 64%, Se > 69%, PPV > 79%, and F1 > 72%.Web of Science8512185120

    Transparent authentication: Utilising heart rate for user authentication

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    There has been exponential growth in the use of wearable technologies in the last decade with smart watches having a large share of the market. Smart watches were primarily used for health and fitness purposes but recent years have seen a rise in their deployment in other areas. Recent smart watches are fitted with sensors with enhanced functionality and capabilities. For example, some function as standalone device with the ability to create activity logs and transmit data to a secondary device. The capability has contributed to their increased usage in recent years with researchers focusing on their potential. This paper explores the ability to extract physiological data from smart watch technology to achieve user authentication. The approach is suitable not only because of the capacity for data capture but also easy connectivity with other devices - principally the Smartphone. For the purpose of this study, heart rate data is captured and extracted from 30 subjects continually over an hour. While security is the ultimate goal, usability should also be key consideration. Most bioelectrical signals like heart rate are non-stationary time-dependent signals therefore Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is employed. DWT decomposes the bioelectrical signal into n level sub-bands of detail coefficients and approximation coefficients. Biorthogonal Wavelet (bior 4.4) is applied to extract features from the four levels of detail coefficents. Ten statistical features are extracted from each level of the coffecient sub-band. Classification of each sub-band levels are done using a Feedforward neural Network (FF-NN). The 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd and 4 th levels had an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 17.20%, 18.17%, 20.93% and 21.83% respectively. To improve the EER, fusion of the four level sub-band is applied at the feature level. The proposed fusion showed an improved result over the initial result with an EER of 11.25% As a one-off authentication decision, an 11% EER is not ideal, its use on a continuous basis makes this more than feasible in practice

    Detection of atrial fibrillation episodes in long-term heart rhythm signals using a support vector machine

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a serious heart arrhythmia leading to a significant increase of the risk for occurrence of ischemic stroke. Clinically, the AF episode is recognized in an electrocardiogram. However, detection of asymptomatic AF, which requires a long-term monitoring, is more efficient when based on irregularity of beat-to-beat intervals estimated by the heart rate (HR) features. Automated classification of heartbeats into AF and non-AF by means of the Lagrangian Support Vector Machine has been proposed. The classifier input vector consisted of sixteen features, including four coefficients very sensitive to beat-to-beat heart changes, taken from the fetal heart rate analysis in perinatal medicine. Effectiveness of the proposed classifier has been verified on the MIT-BIH Atrial Fibrillation Database. Designing of the LSVM classifier using very large number of feature vectors requires extreme computational efforts. Therefore, an original approach has been proposed to determine a training set of the smallest possible size that still would guarantee a high quality of AF detection. It enables to obtain satisfactory results using only 1.39% of all heartbeats as the training data. Post-processing stage based on aggregation of classified heartbeats into AF episodes has been applied to provide more reliable information on patient risk. Results obtained during the testing phase showed the sensitivity of 98.94%, positive predictive value of 98.39%, and classification accuracy of 98.86%.Web of Science203art. no. 76

    A Review of Atrial Fibrillation Detection Methods as a Service

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    Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is a common heart arrhythmia that often goes undetected, and even if it is detected, managing the condition may be challenging. In this paper, we review how the RR interval and Electrocardiogram (ECG) signals, incorporated into a monitoring system, can be useful to track AF events. Were such an automated system to be implemented, it could be used to help manage AF and thereby reduce patient morbidity and mortality. The main impetus behind the idea of developing a service is that a greater data volume analyzed can lead to better patient outcomes. Based on the literature review, which we present herein, we introduce the methods that can be used to detect AF efficiently and automatically via the RR interval and ECG signals. A cardiovascular disease monitoring service that incorporates one or multiple of these detection methods could extend event observation to all times, and could therefore become useful to establish any AF occurrence. The development of an automated and efficient method that monitors AF in real time would likely become a key component for meeting public health goals regarding the reduction of fatalities caused by the disease. Yet, at present, significant technological and regulatory obstacles remain, which prevent the development of any proposed system. Establishment of the scientific foundation for monitoring is important to provide effective service to patients and healthcare professionals

    Detection and Processing Techniques of FECG Signal for Fetal Monitoring

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    Fetal electrocardiogram (FECG) signal contains potentially precise information that could assist clinicians in making more appropriate and timely decisions during labor. The ultimate reason for the interest in FECG signal analysis is in clinical diagnosis and biomedical applications. The extraction and detection of the FECG signal from composite abdominal signals with powerful and advance methodologies are becoming very important requirements in fetal monitoring. The purpose of this review paper is to illustrate the various methodologies and developed algorithms on FECG signal detection and analysis to provide efficient and effective ways of understanding the FECG signal and its nature for fetal monitoring. A comparative study has been carried out to show the performance and accuracy of various methods of FECG signal analysis for fetal monitoring. Finally, this paper further focused some of the hardware implementations using electrical signals for monitoring the fetal heart rate. This paper opens up a passage for researchers, physicians, and end users to advocate an excellent understanding of FECG signal and its analysis procedures for fetal heart rate monitoring system