1,978 research outputs found

    Energy-Efficient Data Acquisition in Wireless Sensor Networks through Spatial Correlation

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    The application of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is restrained by their often-limited lifetime. A sensor node's lifetime is fundamentally linked to the volume of data that it senses, processes and reports. Spatial correlation between sensor nodes is an inherent phenomenon to WSNs, induced by redundant nodes which report duplicated information. In this paper, we report on the design of a distributed sampling scheme referred to as the 'Virtual Sampling Scheme' (VSS). This scheme is formed from two components: an algorithm for forming virtual clusters, and a distributed sampling method. VSS primarily utilizes redundancy of sensor nodes to get only a subset to sense the environment at any one time. Sensor nodes that are not sensing the environment are in a low-power sleep state, thus conserving energy. Furthermore, VSS balances the energy consumption amongst nodes by using a round robin method

    Novel Energy Aware Hierarchical Round Robin Schedule Cluster-Based (NEAHRC) Routing Protocol

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are developing as vital and prevalent ways of providing persistent computing environments for various applications. Unstable energy consumption is an essential problem in WSNs, categorised by multi-hop routing and a many-to-one traffic pattern. In an energy-aware routing approach, the protocols focus on minimizing the total energy consumption and maximizing the network lifetime. In this paper, we propose a novel energy aware hierarchical round robin schedule cluster-based (NEAHRC) routing protocol to improve the energy consumption of wireless sensor network and prolong its system lifetime. We also evaluate the proposed algorithm via simulations

    Energy-efficient data acquisition for accurate signal estimation in wireless sensor networks

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    Long-term monitoring of an environment is a fundamental requirement for most wireless sensor networks. Owing to the fact that the sensor nodes have limited energy budget, prolonging their lifetime is essential in order to permit long-term monitoring. Furthermore, many applications require sensor nodes to obtain an accurate estimation of a point-source signal (for example, an animal call or seismic activity). Commonly, multiple sensor nodes simultaneously sample and then cooperate to estimate the event signal. The selection of cooperation nodes is important to reduce the estimation error while conserving the network’s energy. In this paper, we present a novel method for sensor data acquisition and signal estimation, which considers estimation accuracy, energy conservation, and energy balance. The method, using a concept of ‘virtual clusters,’ forms groups of sensor nodes with the same spatial and temporal properties. Two algorithms are used to provide functionality. The ‘distributed formation’ algorithm automatically forms and classifies the virtual clusters. The ‘round robin sample scheme’ schedules the virtual clusters to sample the event signals in turn. The estimation error and the energy consumption of the method, when used with a generalized sensing model, are evaluated through analysis and simulation. The results show that this method can achieve an improved signal estimation while reducing and balancing energy consumption

    Grid Based Cluster Head Selection Mechanism for Wireless sensor network

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of hundred to thousands sensor nodes to gathered the information from physical environment. Different clustering based algorithms have been proposed to improve network lifetime and energy efficiency. Practically it is not feasible to recharge the battery of sensor nodes when they are sensing the data. In such situation energy is crucial resource and it should be improved for life span of WSN. Cluster head (CH) has an important role in hierarchical energy efficient routing protocols because it receives data from nodes and sends towards base station (BS) or sink node. This paper presents a grid based cluster head selection (GBCHS) mechanism by dividing the network field into MXN uniform size partitions that aims to minimize the energy dissipation of sensor nodes and enhancing network lifetime. Simulation experiments have been performed in network simulator (NS2) that show our proposed GBCHS approach outperformed than standard clustering hierarchy LEACH protocol

    A New WRR Algorithm for an Efficient Load Balancing System in IoT Networks under SDN

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) connects various smart objects and manages a vast network using diverse technologies, which present numerous challenges. Software-defined networking (SDN) is a system that addresses the challenges of traditional networks and ensures the centralized configuration of network entities to manage network integrity. Furthermore, the uneven distribution of IoT network load results in the depletion of IoT device resources. To address this issue, traffic must be distributed equally, requiring efficient load balancing to be ensured. This requires the development of an efficient architecture for IoT networks. The main goal of this paper is to propose a novel architecture that leverages the potential of SDN, the clustering technique, and a new weighted round-robin (N-WRR) protocol. The objective of this architecture is to achieve load balancing, which is a crucial aspect in the development of IoT networks as it ensures the network’s efficiency. Furthermore, to prevent network congestion and ensure efficient data flow by redistributing traffic from overloaded paths to less burdened ones. The simulation results demonstrate that our N-WRR algorithm achieves highly efficient load balancing compared to the simple weighted round-robin (WRR), and without the application of any load balancing method. Furthermore, our proposed approach enhances throughput, data transfer, and bandwidth availability. This results in an increase in processed requests

    Medium Access Control Protocol for High Altitude Platform Based Massive Machine Type Communication: -

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    Massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC) can be used to connect a large number of sensors over a wide coverage area. One of the places where mMTC can be applied is in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A WSN consists of several sensor nodes that send their sensing information to the cluster head (CH), which can then be forwarded to a high altitude platform (HAP) station. Sensing information can be sent by the sensor nodes at the same time through the same medium, which means collision can occur. When this happens, the sensor node must re-send the sensing information, which causes energy wastage in the WSN. In this paper, we propose a Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol to control access from several sensor nodes during data transmission to avoid collision. The sensor nodes send Round Robin, Interrupt and Query data every eight hours. The initial slot for transmission of the Round Robin data can be either randomized or reserved. Analysis performance was done to see the efficiency of the network with the proposed MAC protocol. Based on the series of simulations that was conducted, the proposed MAC protocol can support a WSN system-based HAP for monitoring every eight  hours. The proposed MAC protocol with an initial slot that is reserved for transmission of Round Robin data has greater network efficiency than a randomized slot

    Medium Access Control Protocol for High Altitude Platform Based Massive Machine Type Communication: -

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    Massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC) can be used to connect a large number of sensors over a wide coverage area. One of the places where mMTC can be applied is in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A WSN consists of several sensor nodes that send their sensing information to the cluster head (CH), which can then be forwarded to a high altitude platform (HAP) station. Sensing information can be sent by the sensor nodes at the same time through the same medium, which means collision can occur. When this happens, the sensor node must re-send the sensing information, which causes energy wastage in the WSN. In this paper, we propose a Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol to control access from several sensor nodes during data transmission to avoid collision. The sensor nodes send Round Robin, Interrupt and Query data every eight hours. The initial slot for transmission of the Round Robin data can be either randomized or reserved. Analysis performance was done to see the efficiency of the network with the proposed MAC protocol. Based on the series of simulations that was conducted, the proposed MAC protocol can support a WSN system-based HAP for monitoring every eight  hours. The proposed MAC protocol with an initial slot that is reserved for transmission of Round Robin data has greater network efficiency than a randomized slot