15,209 research outputs found

    3E: Energy-Efficient Elastic Scheduling for Independent Tasks in Heterogeneous Computing Systems

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    Reducing energy consumption is a major design constraint for modern heterogeneous computing systems to minimize electricity cost, improve system reliability and protect environment. Conventional energy-efficient scheduling strategies developed on these systems do not sufficiently exploit the system elasticity and adaptability for maximum energy savings, and do not simultaneously take account of user expected finish time. In this paper, we develop a novel scheduling strategy named energy-efficient elastic (3E) scheduling for aperiodic, independent and non-real-time tasks with user expected finish times on DVFS-enabled heterogeneous computing systems. The 3E strategy adjusts processors’ supply voltages and frequencies according to the system workload, and makes trade-offs between energy consumption and user expected finish times. Compared with other energy-efficient strategies, 3E significantly improves the scheduling quality and effectively enhances the system elasticity

    Allocating MapReduce workflows with deadlines to heterogeneous servers in a cloud data center

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    [EN] Total profit is one of the most important factors to be considered from the perspective of resource providers. In this paper, an original MapReduce workflow scheduling with deadline and data locality is proposed to maximize total profit of resource providers. A new workflow conversion based on dynamic programming and ChainMap/ChainReduce is designed to decrease transmission times among MapReduce jobs of workflows. A new deadline division considering execution time, float time and job level is proposed to obtain better deadlines of MapReduce jobs in workflows. With the adapted replica strategy in MapReduce workflow, a new task scheduling is proposed to improve data locality which assigns tasks to servers with the earliest completion time in order to ensure resource providers obtain more profit. Experimental results show that the proposed heuristic results in larger total profit than other adopted algorithms.This work is supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2017YFB1400801), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 61872077, 61832004) and Collaborative Innovation Center of Wireless Communications Technology. Rubén Ruiz is partly supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities, under the project ¿OPTEP-Port Terminal Operations Optimization¿ (No. RTI2018-094940-B-I00) financed with FEDER funds¿.Wang, J.; Li, X.; Ruiz García, R.; Xu, H.; Chu, D. (2020). Allocating MapReduce workflows with deadlines to heterogeneous servers in a cloud data center. Service Oriented Computing and Applications. 14(2):101-118. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11761-020-00290-1S101118142Zaharia M, Chowdhury M, Franklin M et al (2010) Spark: cluster computing with working sets. In: Usenix conference on hot topics in cloud computing, pp 1765–1773Li L, Ma Z, Liu L et al (2013) Hadoop-based ARIMA algorithm and its application in weather forecast. Int J Database Theory Appl 6(5):119–132Xun Y, Zhang J, Qin X (2017) FiDoop: parallel mining of frequent itemsets using MapReduce. IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern Syst 46(3):313–325Wang Y, Shi W (2014) Budget-driven scheduling algorithms for batches of MapReduce jobs in heterogeneous clouds. IEEE Trans Cloud Comput 2(3):306–319Tiwari N, Sarkar S, Bellur U et al (2015) Classification framework of MapReduce scheduling algorithms. ACM Comput Surv 47(3):1–49Bu Y, Howe B, Balazinska M et al (2012) The HaLoop approach to large-scale iterative data analysis. VLDB J 21(2):169–190Gunarathne T, Zhang B, Wu T et al (2013) Scalable parallel computing on clouds using Twister4Azure iterative MapReduce. Future Gener Comput Syst 29(4):1035–1048Zhang Y, Gao Q, Gao L et al (2012) iMapReduce: a distributed computing framework for iterative computation. J Grid Comput 10(1):47–68Dong X, Wang Y, Liao H (2011) Scheduling mixed real-time and non-real-time applications in MapReduce environment. In: International conference on parallel and distributed systems, pp 9–16Tang Z, Zhou J, Li K et al (2013) A MapReduce task scheduling algorithm for deadline constraints. Clust Comput 16(4):651–662Zhang W, Rajasekaran S, Wood T et al (2014) MIMP: deadline and interference aware scheduling of Hadoop virtual machines. In: International symposium on cluster, cloud and grid computing, pp 394–403Teng F, Magoulès F, Yu L et al (2014) A novel real-time scheduling algorithm and performance analysis of a MapReduce-based cloud. J Supercomput 69(2):739–765Palanisamy B, Singh A, Liu L (2015) Cost-effective resource provisioning for MapReduce in a cloud. IEEE Trans Parallel Distrib Syst 26(5):1265–1279Hashem I, Anuar N, Marjani M et al (2018) Multi-objective scheduling of MapReduce jobs in big data processing. Multimed Tools Appl 77(8):9979–9994Xu X, Tang M, Tian Y (2017) QoS-guaranteed resource provisioning for cloud-based MapReduce in dynamical environments. Future Gener Comput Syst 78(1):18–30Li H, Wei X, Fu Q et al (2014) MapReduce delay scheduling with deadline constraint. Concurr Comput Pract Exp 26(3):766–778Polo J, Becerra Y, Carrera D et al (2013) Deadline-based MapReduce workload management. IEEE Trans Netw Serv Manag 10(2):231–244Chen C, Lin J, Kuo S (2018) MapReduce scheduling for deadline-constrained jobs in heterogeneous cloud computing systems. IEEE Trans Cloud Comput 6(1):127–140Kao Y, Chen Y (2016) Data-locality-aware MapReduce real-time scheduling framework. J Syst Softw 112:65–77Bok K, Hwang J, Lim J et al (2017) An efficient MapReduce scheduling scheme for processing large multimedia data. Multimed Tools Appl 76(16):1–24Chen Y, Borthakur D, Borthakur D et al (2012) Energy efficiency for large-scale MapReduce workloads with significant interactive analysis. In: ACM european conference on computer systems, pp 43–56Mashayekhy L, Nejad M, Grosu D et al (2015) Energy-aware scheduling of MapReduce jobs for big data applications. IEEE Trans Parallel Distrib Syst 26(10):2720–2733Lei H, Zhang T, Liu Y et al (2015) SGEESS: smart green energy-efficient scheduling strategy with dynamic electricity price for data center. J Syst Softw 108:23–38Oliveira D, Ocana K, Baiao F et al (2012) A provenance-based adaptive scheduling heuristic for parallel scientific workflows in clouds. J Grid Comput 10(3):521–552Li S, Hu S, Abdelzaher T (2015) The packing server for real-time scheduling of MapReduce workflows. In: IEEE real-time and embedded technology and applications symposium, pp 51–62Cai Z, Li X, Ruiz R et al (2017) A delay-based dynamic scheduling algorithm for bag-of-task workflows with stochastic task execution times in clouds. Future Gener Comput Syst 71:57–72Cai Z, Li X, Ruiz R (2017) Resource provisioning for task-batch based workflows with deadlines in public clouds. IEEE Trans Cloud Comput. https://doi.org/10.1109/TCC.2017.2663426Cai Z, Li X, Gupta J (2016) Heuristics for provisioning services to workflows in XaaS clouds. IEEE Trans Serv Comput 9(2):250–263Li X, Cai Z (2017) Elastic resource provisioning for cloud workflow applications. IEEE Trans Autom Sci Eng 14(2):1195–1210Tang Z, Liu M, Ammar A et al (2014) An optimized MapReduce workflow scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous computing. J Supercomput 72(6):1–21Xu C, Yang J, Yin K et al (2017) Optimal construction of virtual networks for cloud-based MapReduce workflows. Comput Netw 112:194–207Chiara S, Danilo A, Gianpaolo C et al (2013) Optimizing service selection and allocation in situational computing applications. IEEE Trans Serv Comput 6(3):414–428Baresi L, Elisabetta D, Carlo G et al (2007) A framework for the deployment of adaptable web service compositions. Serv Oriented Comput Appl 1(1):75–91Lim H, Herodotou H, Babu S (2012) Stubby: a transformation-based optimizer for MapReduce workflows. VLDB Endow 5(11):1196–1207Ke H, Li P, Guo S et al (2016) On traffic-aware partition and aggregation in MapReduce for big data applications. IEEE Trans Parallel Distrib Syst 27(3):818–828Yu W, Wang Y, Que X et al (2015) Virtual shuffling for efficient data movement in MapReduce. IEEE Trans Comput 64(2):556–568Chowdhury M, Zaharia M, Ma J et al (2011) Managing data transfers in computer clusters with orchestra. 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In: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM symposium on parallelism in algorithms and architectures, pp 30–39Zhu Y, Jiang Y, Wu W et al (2014) Minimizing makespan and total completion time in MapReduce-like systems. In: IEEE INFOCOM, pp 2166–2174Kavulya S, Tan J, Gandhi R et al (2010) An analysis of traces from a production MapReduce cluster. In: IEEE/ACM international conference on cluster, cloud and grid computing, pp 94–103Abrishami S, Naghibzadeh M, Epema D (2013) Deadline-constrained workflow scheduling algorithms for Infrastructure as a Service clouds. Future Gener Comput Syst 29(1):158–169Fernando B, Edmundo R (2010) Towards the scheduling of multiple workflows on computational grids. J Grid Comput 8(3):419–441Tiwari N, Sarkar S, Bellur U et al (2015) Classification framework of MapReduce scheduling algorithms. ACM Comput Surv 47(3):1–38Verma A, Cherkasova L, Campbell R (2013) Orchestrating an ensemble of MapReduce jobs for minimizing their makespan. IEEE Trans Dependable Secur Comput 10(5):314–327Heintz B, Chandra A, Sitaraman R et al (2017) End-to-end optimization for geo-distributed MapReduce. IEEE Trans Cloud Comput 4(3):293–306Chen L, Li X (2018) Cloud workflow scheduling with hybrid resource provisioning. J Supercomput 74(12):6529–6553Li X, Jiang T, Ruiz R (2016) Heuristics for periodical batch job scheduling in a MapReduce computing framework. Inf Sci 326:119–133Vanhoucheabcd M, Maenhout B, Tavares L (2008) An evaluation of the adequacy of project network generators with systematically sampled networks. Eur J Oper Res 187(2):511–52

    Task scheduling techniques for asymmetric multi-core systems

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    As performance and energy efficiency have become the main challenges for next-generation high-performance computing, asymmetric multi-core architectures can provide solutions to tackle these issues. Parallel programming models need to be able to suit the needs of such systems and keep on increasing the application’s portability and efficiency. This paper proposes two task scheduling approaches that target asymmetric systems. These dynamic scheduling policies reduce total execution time either by detecting the longest or the critical path of the dynamic task dependency graph of the application, or by finding the earliest executor of a task. They use dynamic scheduling and information discoverable during execution, fact that makes them implementable and functional without the need of off-line profiling. In our evaluation we compare these scheduling approaches with two existing state-of the art heterogeneous schedulers and we track their improvement over a FIFO baseline scheduler. We show that the heterogeneous schedulers improve the baseline by up to 1.45 in a real 8-core asymmetric system and up to 2.1 in a simulated 32-core asymmetric chip.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government (SEV2015-0493), by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (contract TIN2015-65316-P), by Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2014-SGR-1051 and 2014-SGR-1272), by the RoMoL ERC Advanced Grant (GA 321253) and the European HiPEAC Network of Excellence. The Mont-Blanc project receives funding from the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no 610402 and from the EU’s H2020 Framework Programme (H2020/2014-2020) under grant agreement no 671697. M. Moretó has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship number JCI-2012-15047. M. Casas is supported by the Secretary for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the Cofund programme of the Marie Curie Actions of the 7th R&D Framework Programme of the European Union (Contract 2013 BP B 00243).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    EPOBF: Energy Efficient Allocation of Virtual Machines in High Performance Computing Cloud

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    Cloud computing has become more popular in provision of computing resources under virtual machine (VM) abstraction for high performance computing (HPC) users to run their applications. A HPC cloud is such cloud computing environment. One of challenges of energy efficient resource allocation for VMs in HPC cloud is tradeoff between minimizing total energy consumption of physical machines (PMs) and satisfying Quality of Service (e.g. performance). On one hand, cloud providers want to maximize their profit by reducing the power cost (e.g. using the smallest number of running PMs). On the other hand, cloud customers (users) want highest performance for their applications. In this paper, we focus on the scenario that scheduler does not know global information about user jobs and user applications in the future. Users will request shortterm resources at fixed start times and non interrupted durations. We then propose a new allocation heuristic (named Energy-aware and Performance per watt oriented Bestfit (EPOBF)) that uses metric of performance per watt to choose which most energy-efficient PM for mapping each VM (e.g. maximum of MIPS per Watt). Using information from Feitelson's Parallel Workload Archive to model HPC jobs, we compare the proposed EPOBF to state of the art heuristics on heterogeneous PMs (each PM has multicore CPU). Simulations show that the EPOBF can reduce significant total energy consumption in comparison with state of the art allocation heuristics.Comment: 10 pages, in Procedings of International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications, Journal of Science and Technology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, ISSN 0866-708X, Vol. 51, No. 4B, 201

    Power Management Techniques for Data Centers: A Survey

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    With growing use of internet and exponential growth in amount of data to be stored and processed (known as 'big data'), the size of data centers has greatly increased. This, however, has resulted in significant increase in the power consumption of the data centers. For this reason, managing power consumption of data centers has become essential. In this paper, we highlight the need of achieving energy efficiency in data centers and survey several recent architectural techniques designed for power management of data centers. We also present a classification of these techniques based on their characteristics. This paper aims to provide insights into the techniques for improving energy efficiency of data centers and encourage the designers to invent novel solutions for managing the large power dissipation of data centers.Comment: Keywords: Data Centers, Power Management, Low-power Design, Energy Efficiency, Green Computing, DVFS, Server Consolidatio
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