68 research outputs found

    Secure Clustering in DSN with Key Predistribution and WCDS

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    This paper proposes an efficient approach of secure clustering in distributed sensor networks. The clusters or groups in the network are formed based on offline rank assignment and predistribution of secret keys. Our approach uses the concept of weakly connected dominating set (WCDS) to reduce the number of cluster-heads in the network. The formation of clusters in the network is secured as the secret keys are distributed and used in an efficient way to resist the inclusion of any hostile entity in the clusters. Along with the description of our approach, we present an analysis and comparison of our approach with other schemes. We also mention the limitations of our approach considering the practical implementation of the sensor networks.Comment: 6 page

    A Survey on the Various Frameworks Available for Re-Energizing Wireless Senor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are finding its applications in different scenarios in our day to day life. However a major problem that our current technology faces these days is the lack of technical knowledge of how these networks can be kept up and functioning to an efficient level. The power consumption and replenishment of these sensors that are deployed in the environment to be monitored has been a challenging factor since decades. Researches on the improvements in the efficiency in the power consumption of WSNs have been going on for quite a while. Premature energy depletion and outdated recharging strategies are some of the major research areas that require improvement in WSNs. In this paper we enumerate the existing technologies and new proposals on the different frameworks that have been designed to enhance the efficiency in recharging Sensors deployed in WSNs. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150311

    Unified clustering and communication protocol for wireless sensor networks

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    In this paper we present an energy-efficient cross layer protocol for providing application specific reservations in wireless senor networks called the “Unified Clustering and Communication Protocol ” (UCCP). Our modular cross layered framework satisfies three wireless sensor network requirements, namely, the QoS requirement of heterogeneous applications, energy aware clustering and data forwarding by relay sensor nodes. Our unified design approach is motivated by providing an integrated and viable solution for self organization and end-to-end communication is wireless sensor networks. Dynamic QoS based reservation guarantees are provided using a reservation-based TDMA approach. Our novel energy-efficient clustering approach employs a multi-objective optimization technique based on OR (operations research) practices. We adopt a simple hierarchy in which relay nodes forward data messages from cluster head to the sink, thus eliminating the overheads needed to maintain a routing protocol. Simulation results demonstrate that UCCP provides an energy-efficient and scalable solution to meet the application specific QoS demands in resource constrained sensor nodes. Index Terms — wireless sensor networks, unified communication, optimization, clustering and quality of service

    Improved energy aware cluster based data routing scheme for WSN

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of several tiny devices that are dispersed randomly for gathering network field. Clustering mechanism divides the WSN into different sub-regions called clusters. Individual cluster is consisting of cluster head (CH) and member nodes. The main research challenges behind clustering mechanism are to optimize network overheads with efficient data delivery. Sensor nodes are operated by batteries and practically it is not feasible to replace them during sensing the environment so energy should be effectively utilized among sensors for improving overall network performance. This research paper presents an improved energy aware cluster based data routing (i-ECBR) scheme, by dividing the network regions into uniform sized square partitions and localized CH election mechanism. In addition, consistent end-to-end data routing is performed for improving data dissemination. Simulation results illustrate that our proposed scheme outperforms than existing work in terms of different performance metrics

    Energy Threshold-based Cluster Head Rotation for Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

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     يمثل ترشيد استهلاك الطاقة في شبكات المتحسس اللاسلكي مسألة اساسية لكون عمر الشبكة يعتمد كليا على الطاقة المتوفرة عادة في اجهزة المتحسسات. في هذه المقالة تم اقتراح بروتوكولا للارسال مبني على اساس العنقدة غير المتساوية حيث يأخذ بنظر الاعتبار متغييرات الطاقة والمسافة والكثافة في تحديد راس كل مجموعة (عنقود). وكذلك يكون حجم العناقيد غير متساو وفقا لمتغرات المسافة والطاقة والكثافة. مضافا الى ان رؤوس العناقيد لا يتم تغييرها في كل دورة ما لم يصل مستوى الطاقة فيها الى حد معين من الطاقة. ولقد بينت نتائج المحاكاة الى ان كفاءة البروتوكول المقترح تحقق تحسسنا في ترشيد الطاقة.Energy efficiency represents a fundamental issue in WSNs, since the network lifetime period entirely depends on the energy of sensor nodes, which are usually battery-operated. In this article, an unequal clustering-based routing protocol has been suggested, where parameters of energy, distance, and density are involved in the cluster head election. Besides, the sizes of clusters are unequal according to distance, energy, and density. Furthermore, the cluster heads are not changed every round unless the residual energy reaches a specific threshold of energy. The outcomes of the conducted simulation confirmed that the performance of the suggested protocol achieves improvement in energy efficiency

    Improved Energy Aware Cluster based Data Routing Scheme for WSN

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    Wireless sensor network (WSN) consists of several tiny devices that are dispersed randomly for gathering network field. Clustering mechanism divides the WSN into different sub-regions called clusters. Individual cluster is consisting of cluster head (CH) and member nodes. The main research challenges behind clustering mechanism are to optimize network overheads with efficient data delivery. Sensor nodes are operated by batteries and practically it is not feasible to replace them during sensing the environment so energy should be effectively utilized among sensors for improving overall network performance. This research paper presents an improved energy aware cluster based data routing (i-ECBR) scheme, by dividing the network regions into uniform sized square partitions and localized CH election mechanism. In addition, consistent end-to-end data routing is performed for improving data dissemination. Simulation results illustrate that our proposed scheme outperforms than existing work in terms of different performance metrics