8 research outputs found

    An evaluation on the comprehensibility of UML activity and state chart diagrams with regard to manual test generation

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    The activity and state chart diagrams are the most frequently used UML diagrams for testing a system based on its specification. One of the key important qualities of the UML diagrams is their comprehensibility. The content analysis of previous studies highlighted the lack of experts’ evaluation of the comprehensibility of activity and state chart diagrams with regard to test case generation. Thus, the main objective of this study is to evaluate the comprehensibility of the UML activity and state chart diagrams for test case generation. First, a content analysis was performed to identify the comprehensibility criteria. The criteria are perceived difficulty and subjective confidence. Next, a set of evaluation questions was designed based on the content analysis. Then, test cases were generated from activity and state chart diagrams manually of an adapted case study. An interview was conducted with five experts to validate the evaluation questions. The experts evaluated the comprehensibility of the activity and state chart diagrams by using the evaluation questions. The result of the study provided specific details of the different characteristics of activity and state chart diagrams. Further, it suggested that the activity diagram is more comprehensible than the state chart diagram in the aspect of test case generation. The finding of this study could assist software testers in choosing the appropriate UML diagrams for software testing

    The Role of User Guidance in the Industrial Adoption of MDE Approach

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    Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) has emerged as an actively researched and established approach for next generation control application development. Technology transfer to the industry is a topical research problem. Since most professional factory process control engineers do not have computer science backgrounds, there is an urgent need for studies of the role of user guidance in the professional learning, and thus, of industrial adoption of MDE approaches. In this study professionals were invited to a hands-on assessment of the AUKOTON MDE approach for factory process control engineering. Qualitative empirical material was collected and analyzed to identify the role of user guidance in the context of other factors impacting industrial adoption. Challenges in adoption that could be solved by user guidance were identified with the theory of organizational knowledge creation (SECI) model

    Experiences in Using Practitioner’s Checklists to Evaluate the Relevance of Experiments Reported in Requirements Engineering

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    Background: Requirements Engineering (RE) researchers recognize that for RE methods to be adopted in industry, practitioners should be able to evaluate the relevance of a study to their practice. Kitchenham et al proposed a set of perspective-based checklists, which demonstrated to be a useful instrument for this purpose. Specifically, the checklist from the practitioner’s perspective seems to be a good candidate for evaluating the relevance of RE studies to RE practice. However, little is known about the applicability of the checklist to the area of RE. Moreover, this checklist also requires a greater analysis about its reliability. Aim: The aim of this report is to propose a perspective-based checklist to the RE community that allows evaluating the relevance of experimental studies in RE from the practitioner’s/consultant’s viewpoint. Method: Our research followed an iterative design-science based approach in which we first analyzed the problems with a previously published checklist and developed an operationalized proposal for a new checklist to counter these problems. We performed a reliability evaluation of this new checklist. The research was performed with two practitioners and 24 papers that report experimental results on comprehensibility of software requirements specifications. Results: This report gives first-hand experiences of practitioners in evaluating the relevance of primary studies in RE, by using a perspective-based checklist. With respect to the reliability of the adjusted checklist, 9 of out 19 questions show an acceptable proportion of agreement (between two practitioners). Conclusions: Based on our experience, the contextualization and operationalization of a perspective-based checklist helps to make it more useful for the practitioners. However, to increase the reliability of the checklist, more reviewers are required and more discussion cycles are necessary. Our plan is to involve at least two more practitioners in order to improve the reliability of the practitioner checklist proposed

    An Empirical Investigation to Understand the Difficulties and Challenges of Software Modellers When Using Modelling Tools

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    Software modelling is a challenging and error-prone task. Existing Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) tools provide modellers with little aid, partly because tool providers have not investigated users' difficulties through empirical investigations such as field studies. This paper presents the results of a two-phase user study to identify the most prominent difficulties that users might face when developing UML Class and State-Machine diagrams using UML modelling tools. In the first phase, we identified the preliminary modelling challenges by analysing 30 Class and State-Machine models that were previously developed by students as a course assignment. The result of the first phase helped us design the second phase of our user study where we empirically investigated different aspects of using modelling tools: the tools' effectiveness, users' efficiency, users' satisfaction, the gap between users' expectation and experience, and users' cognitive difficulties. Our results suggest that users' greatest difficulties are in (1) remembering contextual information and (2) identifying and fixing errors and inconsistencies.NSERC CREATE, 465463-2015 || NSERC Discovery Grant, 155243-1

    A Graphical Approach to Security Risk Analysis

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    "The CORAS language is a graphical modeling language used to support the security analysis process with its customized diagrams. The language has been developed within the research project "SECURIS" (SINTEF ICT/University of Oslo), where it has been applied and evaluated in seven major industrial field trials. Experiences from the field trials show that the CORAS language has contributed to a more actively involvement of the participants, and it has eased the communication within the analysis group. The language has been found easy to understand and suitable for presentation purposes. With time we have become more and more dependent on various kinds of computerized systems. When the complexity of the systems increases, the number of security risks is likely to increase. Security analyses are often considered complicated and time consuming. A well developed security analysis method should support the analysis process by simplifying communication, interaction and understanding between the participants in the analysis. This thesis describes the development of the CORAS language that is particularly suited for security analyses where "structured brainstorming" is part of the process. Important design decisions are based on empirical investigations. The thesis has resulted in the following artifacts: - A modeling guideline that explains how to draw the different kind of diagrams for each step of the analysis. - Rules for translation which enables consistent translation from graphical diagrams to text. - Concept definitions that contributes to a consistent use of security analysis terms. - An evaluation framework to evaluate and compare the quality of security analysis modeling languages.