7,050 research outputs found

    Understanding adoption and continual usage behaviour towards internet banking services in Hong Kong

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    Banks and financial institutions in Hong Kong are increasingly finding themselves facing rapid increases in turbulence and complexity, leading to greater uncertainty and increased competition. Customers are also becoming more demanding. Apart from the traditional type of banking services, customers today require more personalized products and services, and access to such services at any time, and at any place. Although there is no panacea for banks to stay competitive, Internet Banking is one of the advanced information technologies they can employ to achieve a high level of customer services. Internet Banking is an emerging technology that permits conduct of banking transactions through the Internet. From the banks’ point of view, it requires the lowest transaction cost among various channels, just one percent of branch-based banking. It also can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of corporate business processes through elimination of paper work. One of the many benefits of Internet Banking is that customers can use bank services 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world. This study investigates university students\u27 adoption/continual usage behaviour within the context of Hong Kong Internet Banking services. A research framework based on the extension of Technology Acceptance Model and Social Cognitive Theory was developed to identify factors that would influence the adoption/continual usage of Internet Banking. The framework includes subjective norm, image, result demonstrability, perceived risk, computer self-efficacy, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and intention constructs. A diverse sample of undergraduate and postgraduate students of seven universities in Hong Kong was used to test the models. Structural Equation Modeling was used to examine the entire pattern of intercorrelations among the eight proposed constructs and to test related propositions empirically. The results reveal that both subjective norm and computer self-efficacy play significant roles in influencing the intention to adopt Internet Banking indirectly. Perceived usefulness has significant positive effect on intention to adopt, this result supports the extension of the Technology Acceptance Model. Perceived ease of use has significant indirect effect on intention to adopt/continual usage through perceived usefulness, while its direct effect on intention to adopt is not significant in this empirical study. Theoretical contributions and practical implications of the findings are discussed and suggestions for future research are presented


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    The objective of this paper is to provide insight into the payment system transformation in Indonesia. The discussion method uses quantitative descriptive analysis related to the payment system and development, as well as digital payment statistics in Indonesia. To predict the number of digital payment users after 2022, we use quantitative management tools for Windows based on the time series data in the past years. According to the data and analysis, the number of digital payment users in Indonesia continuously experienced a linearly increasing trend each year. Currently, there has been a shift in people’s behaviour from using a paper-based instrument previously to using digital payment as a payment method. This shift is in line with the growth of information technology and change in the business model, followed by the new regulations and policies issued by the Indonesia Central Bank.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi terkait perkembangan system pembayaran di Indonesia. Metoda pembahasan yang dilakukan menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif terkait system pembayaran dan perkembangannya serta statistic digital payment di Indonesia. Untuk prediksi pengguna digital payment di atas tahun dua ribu satu dilakukan peramalan memanfaatkan tools QM for Windows berdasarkan data time series pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Berdasarkan data dan analisis diketahui bahwa jumlah pengguna digital payment di Indonesia setiap tahun terus mengalami trend peningkatan secara linear.  Saat ini telah terjadi perubahan kebiasaan masyarakat dari yang semula menggunakan paper-based instrument beralih ke digital payment sebagai alat pembayaran. Perubahan tersebut seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan perubahan model bisnis yang diikuti dengan peraturan dan kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank Sentral Indonesia


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    The objective of this paper is to provide insight into the payment system transformation in Indonesia. The discussion method uses quantitative descriptive analysis related to the payment system and development, as well as digital payment statistics in Indonesia. To predict the number of digital payment users after 2022, we use quantitative management tools for Windows based on the time series data in the past years. According to the data and analysis, the number of digital payment users in Indonesia continuously experienced a linearly increasing trend each year. Currently, there has been a shift in people’s behaviour from using a paper-based instrument previously to using digital payment as a payment method. This shift is in line with the growth of information technology and change in the business model, followed by the new regulations and policies issued by the Indonesia Central Bank.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi terkait perkembangan system pembayaran di Indonesia. Metoda pembahasan yang dilakukan menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif terkait system pembayaran dan perkembangannya serta statistic digital payment di Indonesia. Untuk prediksi pengguna digital payment di atas tahun dua ribu satu dilakukan peramalan memanfaatkan tools QM for Windows berdasarkan data time series pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Berdasarkan data dan analisis diketahui bahwa jumlah pengguna digital payment di Indonesia setiap tahun terus mengalami trend peningkatan secara linear.  Saat ini telah terjadi perubahan kebiasaan masyarakat dari yang semula menggunakan paper-based instrument beralih ke digital payment sebagai alat pembayaran. Perubahan tersebut seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan perubahan model bisnis yang diikuti dengan peraturan dan kebijakan yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank Sentral Indonesia

    Adopting An Extended UTAUT2 To Predict Consumer Adoption Of M-Technologies In Saudi Arabia

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    Mobile Data Services (MDS) such as the Mobile Internet and Mobile Government influence various life aspects in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA); yet, few empirical studies have been considered in order to expand these applications in the KSA context. This study targets and then analyses the existing knowledge in M-Internet and M-Government fields, then the study will provide future suggestions for adopting factors that will radically increase the use of the aforementioned services. Through detecting the most relevant 57 empirical studies out of 287 relevant researches, various relations are impeded in different IT models and they have been examined in order to investigate theoretical gaps that may require further research. The author’s research shows that adopting an extended model of UTAUT2 with two new variables, i.e. Risk and Trust will arouse and substantially spread M-Internet and M-Government. Moreover, this paper will assert on the importance of the interrelationship among the main variables of UTAUT2, i.e. the influence of Effort Expectancy (EE) over Performance Expectancy (PE)

    An Investigation on The Intention to Adopt Mobile Banking on Security Perspective in Bangladesh

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    This research examines the information security of adopting mobile banking and suggests maximizing information security in mobile banking in different ways. Security issues pose a threat to mobile banking adoption and diffusion. Therefore, reliable security measures and improved trust improvement are suggested to address information security in adopting mobile banking for financial services. A questionnaire survey is conducted with users of mobile banking technology. Random sampling is adopted in the study. 650 questionnaires were sent to respondents, and 303 responses were recorded. A confirmatory factor analysis with varimax rotation was conducted following correlation and multiple regression analysis to test the hypothesis of the study. The research finds that (1) perceived security and trust affect mobile banking self-efficacy and performance (SEP) of adopting mobile banking for financial services; (2) Reliable security measure and perceive trust improvement positively influence (SEP) of adopting mobile banking for financial services. This study shows the significance of user perceptions of security by inspecting the content of the security rules of mobile banking for clients’ levels. It includes the adoption of technology in financial services. Therefore, the study links the technology acceptance model (TAM) with the literature on perceived security and trust of adopting mobile banking for financial services. The research has applied to the banking industry to develop and expand its banking market by developing reliable security measures and improving the perceived trust of customers to conduct banking transactions using mobile banking technology

    An Exploratory Study on the Factors Influencing Managers’ Use of Mobile Tablets

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    Although mobile tablets such as iPads are being used by many managers, there has been a relative dearth of research on the managerial use of the mobile technology. This exploratory study aims to identify and understand the factors influencing the use of mobile tablets by managers. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a panel of seven managers who had incorporated mobile tablets into their work routine. The study has found that the mobile tablet is a suitable device for managerial tasks due to these nine main factors: non-routineness, collaborative nature, time-critical, information-centric, mobility, user friendliness of the interface, reliability, connectivity, and autonomy. This exploratory study fills in the research gap and provides a basis to help managers establish a business case for or against mobile tablets adoption

    Diffusion of mobile phones in Portugal: unexpected success?

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    This paper begins with a somewhat paradoxical situation: Portugal is one of the less innovative countries within the European Union by most innovation indicators but, simultaneously, it is a leading country in the diffusion of mobile phones. The remarkable evolution of the mobile telecommunications sector over the last 15 years turns the issue a little more intriguing. This paper addresses the diffusion of mobile phones in Portugal and focuses particularly on the take-off stage, which signalled a sudden change in the pattern of diffusion. The introduction of an innovation – prepaid cards – explains most of the change in the diffusion curve occurred around 1996 and the subsequent increase in the penetration rate. Prior known research has not considered pre-paid cards an important determinant of mobile phone diffusion, but pre-paid services had an enormous impact on the rate of adoption of mobile phones in many countries and it is the major take-off determinant of mobile phone diffusion in Portugal. The time lag between the launching of this innovation in Portugal and its adoption by other EU countries explains why Portugal not just caught up with the EU average mobile phone penetration rate around 1996, but moved ahead of it from then on

    Factors affecting investors’ intention to invest in a peer-to peer lending platform in Malaysia: an extended technology acceptance model

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    There has been significant growth in peer-to-peer (P2P) lending platforms in recent years, given the advancement of information and online technologies. Because this type of platform is gaining in importance and popularity, it becomes necessary to examine the factors that influence the behavioral intention of investors to invest in a P2P lending platform. Based on an extended technology acceptance model and using a structured survey questionnaire, this study examines the factors that influence retail investors to invest in a P2P lending platform in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The results show that intention to invest is mainly influenced or driven by trust. Other variables, namely perceived risk, perceived ease of use, and security, are found to have no impact on investors’ decisions. The study findings provide managerial implications and theoretical contributions

    Smartphone Users’ Satisfaction and Regional Aspects: Factors that Emerge from Online Reviews

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    This study aims to analyze which factors related to smartphone users’ satisfaction emerge from online reviews. In addition, as the study was conducted in Brazil which is a developing country with a lot of regional diversity, a secondary aim of this study is to test whether regional aspects can affect users’ satisfaction level. Online reviews were analyzed through the Content Analysis technique. Next, we carried out a quantitative analysis using Ordinal Logistic Regression. The results showed that smartphones’ features related to hardware and software and sellers’ characteristics may significantly affect users’ satisfaction. The socioeconomic factor, represented by the GDP per capita of the cities where users live, had a significant and negative impact, indicating that users in more economically developed regions attribute lower satisfaction level to smartphones. This study contributes to the literature as it used online reviews as data source, which helps identifying factors related to users’ satisfaction beyond those analyzed in previous studies that applied questionnaires
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