7 research outputs found

    An Empirical Study of System Development Method Tailoring in Practice

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    Little research has been conducted to date on the specific topic of the tailoring of systems development methods. Two related research areas—contingency factors research and method engineering—have exhibited a primarily deductive research focus. In contrast, this paper presents an inductive study into method tailoring in practice within the Motorola organisation. The findings illustrate the sophisticated multi-level tailoring process at industry, organisational and project level. The multi-level tailoring process depicted here overcomes the problem of trying to comprehensively tailor a method in a development environment in which time is not available for a lengthy tailoring process on each project. The paper builds on both the contingency factors and method engineering streams, and also contains useful practical guidelines for practitioners

    Information Systems and Software Engineering: The Case for Convergence

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    The Information Systems (IS) and Software Engineering (SE) fields share a remarkable number of similarities in their historical evolution to date. These similarities are briefly outlined below. An analysis of 10 years (2001-2010) of publications in the primary journals in both fields also reveals a good deal of overlap in research topics. Given the challenges faced by both as young disciplines, there is potentially much to gain from a closer interaction between both fields than has traditionally been the case. This article seeks to encourage such interaction, and illustrates how this might usefully occur in the area of design. It concludes by proposing a number of practical initiatives that could stimulate and facilitate interaction between the IS and SE field

    Configuración de rutinas de capacidad de absorción

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    Esta disertación doctoral presenta el diseño e implementación de un producto de software (simulador por computador) de una propuesta modelo del constructo ?capacidad de absorción? (ACAP) para organizaciones. La ACAP es un constructo que describe la capacidad dinámica de las organizaciones para detectar en su entorno el conocimiento que puede serle útil, incorporarlo en sus procesos y aplicarlo para sacarle provecho. Esta investigación propone un modelo implementable en computador de ACAP que asiste a los tomadores de decisión de la organización en la configuración de esta capacidad dinámica. La propuesta del modelo se fundamenta en la consolidación conceptual de las interrelaciones de las nociones de adquisición de tecnología, difusión, adopción, adaptación, apropiación, aceptación, asimilación y compatibilidad tecnológica para derivar en innovación tecnológica que impacta interna y externamente a la organización, con la generación de ventajas competitivas, incremento en la productividad y, como novedad, impactos positivos en el desarrollo económico en donde se inscribe la organización. Las ideas básicas que conforman la implementación del modelo son: (i) la dinámica evolutiva del conocimiento organizacional y (ii) la estructura del conocimiento organizacional implementada por medio de rutinas organizacionales. A partir de la implementación de un simulador basado en agentes, la validación con usuarios expertos permite concluir que el conocimiento organizacional es esencialmente un saber-hacer que evoluciona en el tiempo y que permite la adaptación de la organización a su entorno cambiante.This doctoral dissertation introduces the design and implementation of a software product (computer simulator) implementing a proposal for a model of the ‘absorptive capacity’ (ACAP) construct for organizations. ACAP is a construct describing the dynamic capacity of organizations to identify knowledge in its environment potentially useful, assimilate it and exploit it. This research proposes a computer implementable model of ACAP to assist decision makers when configuring this dynamic capacity. The model proposed is founded in the conceptual consolidation of the interactions of the notions of technology acquisition, diffusion, adoption, adaptation, appropriation, acceptance, assimilation an compatibility to derive in technological innovation that impacts internally and externally an organization, generating competitive advantages, productivity increases and, considered as completely new, positive impacts in economic development in the context were the organization resides. Basic ideas underlying the model implementation are: (i) evolutionary dynamics of organizational knowledge and (ii) organizational knowledge implemented by means of organizational routines. Since the implementation of an agent-based simulator, expert user validation leads to infer that organizational knowledge is essentially a know-how evolving in time in order to allow adaptation of the organization to its changing environment.Doctor en IngenieríaDoctorad

    AgileMIP: método ágil de implantação de TI

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Sistemas de InformaçãoO Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação (DSI) é um processo complexo, composto por duas dimensões (organizacional e tecnológica), cujo objetivo é melhorar as organizações. Para a sua realização, podem ser contemplados diferentes ciclos de vida: em waterfall, agile, iterativo, incremental ou híbrido, os quais se encontram refletidos em métodos, modelos, processos, frameworks, técnicas, etc. O termo “agile” encontra-se tipicamente associado ao desenvolvimento de software. Todavia, na atualidade, a sua aplicabilidade é muito mais abrangente, podendo ser perspetivado como um mindset e sendo amplamente utilizado noutras áreas, como é o caso da gestão de projetos. Na atualidade, a Primavera BSS utiliza a Metodologia de Implementação Primavera (MIP) para implantar os seus produtos, que traduz um ciclo de vida tipicamente em waterfall. No contexto do seu processo de inovação tecnológica, a Primavera BSS irá em breve lançar um novo ERP nativo em cloud, o que impulsionou a revisão da MIP. A finalidade desta dissertação consiste na proposta de um novo método de implantação que incorpore o mindset ágil e que traga agilidade à implantação dos produtos da Primavera BSS. Entre outros, o trabalho incluiu uma revisão da literatura sobre o DSI, sobre os diferentes ciclos de vida existentes, uma análise comparativa dos modelos de desenvolvimento de software, a análise do agile sob diferentes perspetivas, a exploração do processo de implantação e métodos de implantação existentes no mercado, uma análise comparativa dos métodos ágeis de implantação identificados, a proposta de um novo método ágil de implantação, e a sua avaliação. Para tal, foram seguidas as orientações do Design Science Research, contemplando seis etapas: definição do problema, definição dos objetivos da solução, design e desenvolvimento, demonstração, avaliação e comunicação. Espera-se que este novo método de implantação permita um melhor desenvolvimento dos projetos de implantação da Primavera BSS, superando a dificuldade sentida no fecho dos projetos e respondendo à necessidade de dispor de um método ágil de implantação dos produtos Primavera, potenciando maior agilidade, maior satisfação do cliente, e o maior sucesso dos projetos.Information Systems Development (ISD) is a complex process, composed of two dimensions (technological and organizational), whose goal is to improve organizations. For its realization, different life cycles can be contemplated: waterfall, agile, iterative, incremental, and hybrid, which are reflected in methods, models, processes, frameworks, techniques, etc. The term “agile” is typically associated with software development. However, nowadays, its applicability is much broader, being able to be seen as a mindset, and widely used in other areas, such as project management. Currently, Primavera BSS uses the Metodologia de Implementação Primavera (MIP) to implant its products, which corresponds to a typical waterfall life cycle. In the context of its technological innovation process, Primavera BSS will soon launch a new ERP cloud-native, that boosted the MIP review. The purpose of this dissertation is to propose a new agile implantation method, that incorporates the agile mindset and brings agility to the implantation process of Primavera BSS. Among others, the work included a literature review on the ISD, on the different existing life cycles, a comparative analysis of software development models, an analysis of agile from different perspectives, the exploration of the implantation process and implantation methods on the market, a comparative analysis of the identified agile implantation methods, the proposal of a new agile implantation method, and its evaluation. To this end, the orientations of Design Science Research were followed, contemplating six steps: definition of the problem, the definition of the objectives of the solution, design and development, demonstration, evaluation, and communication. It is expected that this new implantation method will allow a better development of Primavera BSS implantation projects, overcoming the difficulty felt in closing projects and responding to the need for an agile method for the implantation of Primavera products, enhancing greater agility, greater customer satisfaction, and greater projects success

    ISDM tailoring on complex information systems projects

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    This thesis explores issues related to how methodologies for guiding the development of complex Information Systems (“Information Systems Development Methodologies” or “ISDMs”) are tailored in practice. A model of ISDM tailoring was proposed, refined and tested through case studies. The tailoring of an ISDM was observed in three large, commercial IS development projects undertaken by Sysco, a global provider of Information Technology (IT) hardware, software, and services. The model represents an ISDM as existing in three states: the Methodology-as-Documented, the Methodology-as-Anticipated, and the Methodology-in-Action. The model also proposes that transitions between pairs of states can occur in two fundamentally different ways: Contingent tailoring, which is a pro-active response to known or assumed project characteristics; and Improvised tailoring, which is a reactive response to emerging project conditions, drawing on the knowledge and experience of the tailoring practitioner. Exemplars of the three states, and of transitions of both types between these states, have been identified and documented. The implications for theory include: Identifying and defining the three states in which an ISDM can exist; Identifying and defining two types of transition between states; and Developing a model which represents the different states and the transitions between them observed in the course of this research. Implications for the practice of ISDM tailoring include: Identifying the need to incorporate into documentation and training materials associated with an ISDM, recognition of the third, intermediate state in which an ISDM can exist, the Methodology-as-Anticipated, and the identification of the two types of transitions between states. These findings are captured in a “Model of Methodology Tailoring”, developed and refined in the course of the thesis

    How can multi-user virtual environments be designed for vocational education and training?

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    Polytechnics in New Zealand and abroad are mainly concerned with vocational education and training (VET); it is their mission to have graduates work ready. However, this is challenging for economic and practical reasons. Employers may not be able to accept liability particularly when the workplace is dangerous. Virtual environments that simulate these contexts have been successfully designed for gaming, but can such environments be systematically designed for VET? An authentic, vocational situation can be designed and coded into a multi-user virtual environment (MUVE) to provide a simulated, immersive, vocational learning experience for a number of students. Using an avatar, each student can share their social presence in the MUVE, including voice communication and spatial movement. Within a MUVE, a student is able to practise without physical risk. In this way, MUVE-based learning could provide an opportunity to develop more work-ready graduates. However, there is little research into the design of MUVEs for VET. In addition, such virtual learning environments must continue to be updated and redesigned to fit the continual development of the vocation and the technology platforms. Therefore, there is a need for interdisciplinary educational and informatics research into the processes of designing MUVEs to fit education and training. While a number of MUVEs have been created and their implementation has been researched and documented, the processes of their design have not been studied. For example, for children in middle school in the United States, the River City MUVE and its following generation EcoMUVE (Dede, Grotzer, Kamarainen, & Metcalf, 2017a) adopted design based research (DBR) to produce, at large scale, a MUVE that simulated an authentic situation. These and other studies of MUVEs have only gathered evidence from implementing the interventions, but have not presented any findings in relation to the design and coding processes. In addition, while specific theoretical perspectives were included for some MUVEs, the way in which educational theory informed the design and development of the MUVEs have not been studied or described. The research presented in this thesis addresses the need to understand how educational theory can become intrinsic to the design and development of MUVEs and how it informs the design and development of the software for VET. Two case studies of MUVE design processes are presented in this thesis. Both vocational contexts involve some danger and risk: (1) temporary traffic management (TTM) and (2) communication on a ship’s bridge. The three phase study was informed by two theoretical frameworks; the legitimate peripheral participation theory (LPP) (Lave & Wenger, 1991) and the technological and pedagogical content knowledge framework (TPACK) (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). The first case study is of a hybrid DBR Agile methodology that was enacted to produce a MUVE for TTM. The methodology was further refined in the development of a MUVE for maritime ship’s bridge communication training in the second case study. Techniques from research in information systems (IS) software design and Agile software engineering methods were systematically integrated with those in educational research, including the participant researcher who had the additional roles of software developer, designer of virtual environments, and technician. In addition to students, the participants in the case studies included tertiary educators and professionals, such as, a civil engineer and a Master of a maritime vessel. Interviews and observations were recorded throughout the enactment of the hybrid DBR Agile software development process. The analysis included a novel swim approach that framed and reflected on the roles of participants in each MUVE project overall, and in the context of a particular classroom intervention. The swim framed the direct and indirect analyses of observations of the fit of the theoretical frameworks as they were applied. The swim narratives were complemented with recordings of the Agile tasks when they were added to backlogs for development. In summary, this doctoral study discovered a hybrid DBR for Agile software development (hDAS) methodology that inculcates educational theory with DBR and participant research in requirements-gathering for Agile software development and feedback to the software development process. It also presents two case studies of this process. This methodology is relevant to the production and updating of MUVEs to improve the design and implementation for the purposes of VET. Further research is also recommended