877 research outputs found

    An Empirical Study of Refactoring, New Design, and Error-Fix Efforts in Extreme Programming

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    Extreme Programming (XP) was introduced as a new process model, which has three main activities in each XP iteration cycle: new design, error-fix, and refactoring. In an empirical study on two Java systems developed using an XP-like process, we found that new design seems to dominate the development effort throughout all iteration cycles. We also found that the evolutionary trends of all three activities agree with exceptions

    Estimating Efforts for Various Activities in Agile Software Development: An Empirical Study

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    Effort estimation is an important practice in agile software development. The agile community believes that developers’ estimates get more accurate over time due to the cumulative effect of learning from short and frequent feedback. However, there is no empirical evidence of an improvement in estimation accuracy over time, nor have prior studies examined effort estimation in different development activities, which are associated with substantial costs. This study fills the knowledge gap in the field of software estimation in agile software development by investigating estimations across time and different development activities based on data collected from a large agile project. This study investigated effort estimation in various development activities, including feature development, bug fixing, and refactoring in agile software development. The results indicate that estimation of agile development does not improve over time, as claimed in the literature. Our data also indicate that no difference exists in the magnitude of estimation errors between feature tasks and bug-fixing/refactoring tasks, while bug-fixing and refactoring tasks are overestimated more frequently than feature tasks. This study also contributes to our knowledge about overestimation and underestimation patterns in agile software development

    Using Agile Software Development Practices in a Research Oriented Distributed Simulation

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    Although sometimes controversial, agile methodologies have proven to be a viable choice for some software development projects. Projects suited to agile methodologies are those that involve new technology, have requirements that change rapidly, and are controlled by small, talented teams. Much literature about agile software development leans towards business products and non-government entities. Only a handful of literature resources mention agile software development being used in government contracts and even fewer resources mention research projects. NASA\u27s Airspace and Traffic Operations Simulation (ATOS) is a research oriented simulation that doesn\u27t follow the traditional business project mold. In an effort to gain a better understanding if agile could be used effectively in a NASA contract for a research oriented simulation project, this research looked at what agile practices could be effectively used to help gain simulation reliability while simultaneously allowing routine maintenance, current experiment support, new modeling additions, and comprehensive architectural changes

    A Review on Extreme Programming in Software Development

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    In recent years, the practice of Software Development (SD) has become more common in the software industry. The advantages of globalization, the economy, location, speed to market, organizational strategy, the availability of qualified workers, and lower prices are all factors in this shift. One of the most well-known agile approaches is Extreme Programming (XP), which places a premium on clarity, openness, bravery, and feedback. High demand and a need for goods from customers and clients are putting a strain on the software industry's ability to provide high-quality items quickly. Small delays in the release may have a huge influence on the company's image and profitability. In software engineering, cost estimate plays a significant role in contract negotiation and project execution. A good Development plan reduces the risks and the inefficiencies related to the Development task. Development effort and productivity are difficult to quantify because of a variety of internal organizational elements and procedures related to the product itself. Development process productivity is often lower than development process productivity

    Achieving Quality through Software Maintenance and Evolution: on the role of Agile Methodologies and Open Source Software

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    Agile methodologies, open source software development, and emerging new technologies are at the base of disruptive changes in software engineering. Being effort estimation pivotal for effective project management in the agile context, in the first part of the thesis we contribute to improve effort estimation by devising a real-time story point classifier, designed with the collaboration of an industrial partner and by exploiting publicly available data on open source projects. We demonstrate that, after an initial training on at least 300 issue reports, the classifier estimates a new issue in less than 15 seconds with a mean magnitude of relative error between 0.16 and 0.61. In addition, issue type, summary, description, and related components prove to be project-dependent features pivotal for story point estimation. Since story points are the most popular effort estimation metric in the agile context, in the second study presented in the thesis we investigate the role of agile methodologies in software maintenance and evolution, and prove its undoubted influence on the refactoring research field over the last 15 years. In the later part of the thesis, we focus on recent technologies to understand their impact on software engineering. We start by proposing a specialized blockchain-oriented software engineering, on the basis of the peculiar challenges the blockchain sector must confront with and statistical data retrieved from a corpus of open source blockchain-oriented software repositories, identified relying upon the 2016 Moody’s Blockchain Report. We advocate the need for new professional roles, enhanced security and reliability, novel modeling languages, and specialized metrics, along with new research directions focusing on collaboration among large teams, testing, and specialized tools for the creation of smart contracts. Along with the blockchain, in the later part of this work we also study the growing mobile sector. More specifically, we focus on the relationships between software defects and the use of the underlying system API, proving that our findings are aligned with those in the literature, namely, that the applications which are more connected to API classes are also more defect-prone. Finally, in the last work presented in the dissertation, we conducted a statistical analysis of 20 open source object-oriented systems, 10 written in the highly popular language Java and 10 in the rising language Python. We leveraged two statistical distribution functions–the log-normal and the double Pareto distributions–to provide good fits, both in Java and Python, for three metrics, namely, the NOLM, NOM, and NOS metrics. The study, among other findings, revealed that the variability of the number of methods used in Python classes is lower than in Java classes, and that Java classes, on average, feature fewer lines of code than Python classes

    Testing and test-driven development of conceptual schemas

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    The traditional focus for Information Systems (IS) quality assurance relies on the evaluation of its implementation. However, the quality of an IS can be largely determined in the first stages of its development. Several studies reveal that more than half the errors that occur during systems development are requirements errors. A requirements error is defined as a mismatch between requirements specification and stakeholders¿ needs and expectations. Conceptual modeling is an essential activity in requirements engineering aimed at developing the conceptual schema of an IS. The conceptual schema is the general knowledge that an IS needs to know in order to perform its functions. A conceptual schema specification has semantic quality when it is valid and complete. Validity means that the schema is correct (the knowledge it defines is true for the domain) and relevant (the knowledge it defines is necessary for the system). Completeness means that the conceptual schema includes all relevant knowledge. The validation of a conceptual schema pursues the detection of requirements errors in order to improve its semantic quality. Conceptual schema validation is still a critical challenge in requirements engineering. In this work we contribute to this challenge, taking into account that, since conceptual schemas of IS can be specified in executable artifacts, they can be tested. In this context, the main contributions of this Thesis are (1) an approach to test conceptual schemas of information systems, and (2) a novel method for the incremental development of conceptual schemas supported by continuous test-driven validation. As far as we know, this is the first work that proposes and implements an environment for automated testing of UML/OCL conceptual schemas, and the first work that explores the use of test-driven approaches in conceptual modeling. The testing of conceptual schemas may be an important and practical means for their validation. It allows checking correctness and completeness according to stakeholders¿ needs and expectations. Moreover, in conjunction with the automatic check of basic test adequacy criteria, we can also analyze the relevance of the elements defined in the schema. The testing environment we propose requires a specialized language for writing tests of conceptual schemas. We defined the Conceptual Schema Testing Language (CSTL), which may be used to specify automated tests of executable schemas specified in UML/OCL. We also describe a prototype implementation of a test processor that makes feasible the approach in practice. The conceptual schema testing approach supports test-last validation of conceptual schemas, but it also makes sense to test incomplete conceptual schemas while they are developed. This fact lays the groundwork of Test-Driven Conceptual Modeling (TDCM), which is our second main contribution. TDCM is a novel conceptual modeling method based on the main principles of Test-Driven Development (TDD), an extreme programming method in which a software system is developed in short iterations driven by tests. We have applied the method in several case studies, in the context of Design Research, which is the general research framework we adopted. Finally, we also describe an integration approach of TDCM into a broad set of software development methodologies, including the Unified Process development methodology, MDD-based approaches, storytest-driven agile methods and goal and scenario-oriented requirements engineering methods.Els enfocaments per assegurar la qualitat deis sistemes d'informació s'han basal tradicional m en! en l'avaluació de la seva implementació. No obstan! aix6, la qualitat d'un sis tema d'informació pot ser ampliament determinada en les primeres fases del seu desenvolupament. Diversos estudis indiquen que més de la meitat deis errors de software són errors de requisits . Un error de requisit es defineix com una desalineació entre l'especificació deis requisits i les necessitats i expectatives de les parts im plicades (stakeholders ). La modelització conceptual és una activitat essencial en l'enginyeria de requisits , l'objectiu de la qual és desenvolupar !'esquema conceptual d'un sistema d'informació. L'esquema conceptual és el coneixement general que un sistema d'informació requereix per tal de desenvolupar les seves funcions . Un esquema conceptual té qualitat semantica quan és va lid i complet. La valides a implica que !'esquema sigui correcte (el coneixement definit és cert peral domini) i rellevant (el coneixement definit és necessari peral sistema). La completes a significa que !'esquema conceptual inclou tot el coneixement rellevant. La validació de !'esquema conceptual té coma objectiu la detecció d'errors de requisits per tal de millorar la qualitat semantica. La validació d'esquemes conceptuals és un repte crític en l'enginyeria de requisits . Aquesta te si contribueix a aquest repte i es basa en el fet que els es quemes conceptuals de sistemes d'informació poden ser especificats en artefactes executables i, per tant, poden ser provats. Les principals contribucions de la te si són (1) un enfocament pera les pro ves d'esquemes conceptuals de sistemes d'informació, i (2) una metodología innovadora pel desenvolupament incremental d'esquemes conceptuals assistit per una validació continuada basada en proves . Les pro ves d'esquemes conceptuals poden ser una im portant i practica técnica pera la se va validació, jaque permeten provar la correctesa i la completesa d'acord ambles necessitats i expectatives de les parts interessades. En conjunció amb la comprovació d'un conjunt basic de criteris d'adequació de les proves, també podem analitzar la rellevancia deis elements definits a !'esquema. L'entorn de test proposat inclou un llenguatge especialitzat per escriure proves automatitzades d'esquemes conceptuals, anomenat Conceptual Schema Testing Language (CSTL). També hem descrit i implementa! a un prototip de processador de tes tos que fa possible l'aplicació de l'enfocament proposat a la practica. D'acord amb l'estat de l'art en validació d'esquemes conceptuals , aquest és el primer treball que proposa i implementa un entorn pel testing automatitzat d'esquemes conceptuals definits en UML!OCL. L'enfocament de proves d'esquemes conceptuals permet dura terme la validació d'esquemes existents , pero també té sentit provar es quemes conceptuals incomplets m entre estant sent desenvolupats. Aquest fet és la base de la metodología Test-Driven Conceptual Modeling (TDCM), que és la segona contribució principal. El TDCM és una metodología de modelització conceptual basada en principis basics del Test-Driven Development (TDD), un métode de programació en el qual un sistema software és desenvolupat en petites iteracions guiades per proves. També hem aplicat el métode en diversos casos d'estudi en el context de la metodología de recerca Design Science Research. Finalment, hem proposat enfocaments d'integració del TDCM en diverses metodologies de desenvolupament de software

    An empirical study of relationships among extreme programming engineering activities

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    Extreme programming (XP) is an agile software process that promotes early and quick production of working code. In this paper, we investigated the relationship among three XP engineering activities: new design, refactoring, and error fix. We found that the more the new design performed to the system the less refactoring and error fix were performed. However, the refactoring and error fix efforts did not seem to be related. We also found that the error fix effort is related to number of days spent on each story, while new design is not. The relationship between the refactoring effort and number of days spent on each story was not conclusive

    30 Years of Software Refactoring Research: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155872/4/30YRefactoring.pd

    An empirical study of relationships among extreme programming engineering activities

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    Extreme programming (XP) is an agile software process that promotes early and quick production of working code. In this paper, we investigated the relationship among three XP engineering activities: new design, refactoring, and error fix. We found that the more the new design performed to the system the less refactoring and error fix were performed. However, the refactoring and error fix efforts did not seem to be related. We also found that the error fix effort is related to number of days spent on each story, while new design is not. The relationship between the refactoring effort and number of days spent on each story was not conclusive