172 research outputs found

    Secure Protocols for Privacy-preserving Data Outsourcing, Integration, and Auditing

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    As the amount of data available from a wide range of domains has increased tremendously in recent years, the demand for data sharing and integration has also risen. The cloud computing paradigm provides great flexibility to data owners with respect to computation and storage capabilities, which makes it a suitable platform for them to share their data. Outsourcing person-specific data to the cloud, however, imposes serious concerns about the confidentiality of the outsourced data, the privacy of the individuals referenced in the data, as well as the confidentiality of the queries processed over the data. Data integration is another form of data sharing, where data owners jointly perform the integration process, and the resulting dataset is shared between them. Integrating related data from different sources enables individuals, businesses, organizations and government agencies to perform better data analysis, make better informed decisions, and provide better services. Designing distributed, secure, and privacy-preserving protocols for integrating person-specific data, however, poses several challenges, including how to prevent each party from inferring sensitive information about individuals during the execution of the protocol, how to guarantee an effective level of privacy on the released data while maintaining utility for data mining, and how to support public auditing such that anyone at any time can verify that the integration was executed correctly and no participants deviated from the protocol. In this thesis, we address the aforementioned concerns by presenting secure protocols for privacy-preserving data outsourcing, integration and auditing. First, we propose a secure cloud-based data outsourcing and query processing framework that simultaneously preserves the confidentiality of the data and the query requests, while providing differential privacy guarantees on the query results. Second, we propose a publicly verifiable protocol for integrating person-specific data from multiple data owners, while providing differential privacy guarantees and maintaining an effective level of utility on the released data for the purpose of data mining. Next, we propose a privacy-preserving multi-party protocol for high-dimensional data mashup with guaranteed LKC-privacy on the output data. Finally, we apply the theory to the real world problem of solvency in Bitcoin. More specifically, we propose a privacy-preserving and publicly verifiable cryptographic proof of solvency scheme for Bitcoin exchanges such that no information is revealed about the exchange's customer holdings, the value of the exchange's total holdings is kept secret, and multiple exchanges performing the same proof of solvency can contemporaneously prove they are not colluding

    Searchable Symmetric Encryption for Restricted Search

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    The proliferation of cloud computing highlights the importance of techniques that permit both secure storage of sensitive data and flexible data management at the same time. One line of research with this double motivation is the study of Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) that has provided several outstanding results in the recent years. These solutions achieve sublinear keyword search in huge databases by using various data structures to store keywords and document identifiers. In this work, we focus on certain scenarios in which search over the whole database is not necessary and show that the otherwise inefficient sequential scan (in linear time) can be very practical. This is due to the fact that adding new entries to the database comes for free in this case while updating a complex data structure without information leakage is rather complicated. To demonstrate the practicality of our approach we build a simple SSE scheme based on bilinear pairings and prove its security against adaptive chosen-keyword attacks in the standard model under the widely used Symmetric eXternal Diffie-Hellman (SXDH) assumption

    Data Sharing and Access Using Aggregate Key Concept

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    Cloud Storage is a capacity of information online in the cloud, which is available from different and associated assets. Distributed storage can provide high availability and consistent quality, reliable assurance, debacle free restoration, and reduced expense. Distributed storage has imperative usefulness, i.e., safely, proficiently, adaptably offering information to others. Data privacy is essential in the cloud to ensure that the user’s identity is not leaked to unauthorized persons. Using the cloud, anyone can share and store the data, as much as they want. To share the data in a secure way, cryptography is very useful. By using different encryption techniques, a user can store data in the cloud. Encryption and decryption keys are created for unique data that the user provides. Only a particular set of decryption keys are shared so that the data can be decrypted. A public–key encryption system which is called a Key-Aggregate cryptosystem (KAC) is presented. This system produces constant size ciphertexts. Any arrangement of secret keys can be aggregated and make them into a single key, which has the same power of the keys that are being used. This total key can then be sent to the others for decoding of a ciphertext set and remaining encoded documents outside the set stays private. The project presented in this paper is an implementation of the proposed system

    Efficient cryptographic primitives: Secure comparison, binary decomposition and proxy re-encryption

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    ”Data outsourcing becomes an essential paradigm for an organization to reduce operation costs on supporting and managing its IT infrastructure. When sensitive data are outsourced to a remote server, the data generally need to be encrypted before outsourcing. To preserve the confidentiality of the data, any computations performed by the server should only be on the encrypted data. In other words, the encrypted data should not be decrypted during any stage of the computation. This kind of task is commonly termed as query processing over encrypted data (QPED). One natural solution to solve the QPED problem is to utilize fully homomorphic encryption. However, fully homomorphic encryption is yet to be practical. The second solution is to adopt multi-server setting. However, the existing work is not efficient. Their implementations adopt costly primitives, such as secure comparison, binary decomposition among others, which reduce the efficiency of the whole protocols. Therefore, the improvement of these primitives results in high efficiency of the protocols. To have a well-defined scope, the following types of computations are considered: secure comparison (CMP), secure binary decomposition (SBD) and proxy re-encryption (PRE). We adopt the secret sharing scheme and paillier public key encryption as building blocks, and all computations can be done on the encrypted data by utilizing multiple servers. We analyze the security and the complexity of our proposed protocols, and their efficiencies are evaluated by comparing with the existing solutions.”--Abstract, page iii

    Searchable Symmetric Encryption for Restricted Search

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    The proliferation of cloud computing highlights the importance of techniques that permit both secure storage of sensitive data and flexible data management at the same time. One line of research with this double motivation is the study of Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) that has provided several outstanding results in the recent years. These solutions achieve sublinear keyword search in huge databases by using various data structures to store keywords and document identifiers. In this work, we focus on certain scenarios in which search over the whole database is not necessary and show that the otherwise inefficient sequential scan (in linear time) can be very practical. This is due to the fact that adding new entries to the database comes for free in this case while updating a complex data structure without information leakage is rather complicated. To demonstrate the practicality of our approach we build a simple SSE scheme based on bilinear pairings and prove its security against adaptive chosen-keyword attacks in the standard model under the widely used Symmetric eXternal Diffie-Hellman (SXDH) assumption

    A Hybrid Cryptographic System for Secured Device to Device Communication

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    It is general fact that even after enormous expansion of wireless communication there are still dead regions that hampers the effective communication. With exponential rise in the smart phones, a new layer of communication has evolved that could address the concerns of dead regions and capacity barriers. D2D is the evolving communication technology which focuses on short distance hops between the public devices to reach the destination. The major drawback of this technology is that most of the devices are public hence trustworthiness of the entire channel needs to be addressed in order to make it a viable solution. In this paper, we introduce a novel hybrid cryptographic approach that could address multiple eavesdroppers’ scenario. This approach incorporates both Huffman coding and Binary coding to enhance the crypto benefits for the information transmitted over D2D channel that consists of several public devices. The dual-crypto nature of the proposed algorithm offers higher efficiency, better security and improved key transmission.  Thus, the proposed hybrid cryptographic approach is robust in nature while easy and simple to operate. In addition, the proposed approach could recover the original information without any distortion from the encrypted data making the approach lossless in nature. Further simulation results prove that the proposed offers confidentiality to the transmitted to data while addressing the network capacity crunch

    Secure Abstractions for Trusted Cloud Computation

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    Cloud computing is adopted by most organizations due to its characteristics, namely offering on-demand resources and services that can quickly be provisioned with minimal management effort and maintenance expenses for its users. However it still suffers from security incidents which have lead to many data security concerns and reluctance in further adherence. With the advent of these incidents, cryptographic technologies such as homomorphic and searchable encryption schemes were leveraged to provide solutions that mitigated data security concerns. The goal of this thesis is to provide a set of secure abstractions to serve as a tool for programmers to develop their own distributed applications. Furthermore, these abstractions can also be used to support trusted cloud computations in the context of NoSQL data stores. For this purpose we leveraged conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs) as they provide a mechanism to ensure data consistency when replicated that has no need for synchronization, which aligns well with the distributed and replicated nature of the cloud, and the aforementioned cryptographic technologies to comply with the security requirements. The main challenge of this thesis consisted in combining the cryptographic technologies with the CRDTs in such way that it was possible to support all of the data structures functionalities over ciphertext while striving to attain the best security and performance possible. To evaluate our abstractions we conducted an experiment to compare each secure abstraction with their non secure counterpart performance wise. Additionally, we also analysed the security level provided by each of the structures in light of the cryptographic scheme used to support it. The results of our experiment shows that our abstractions provide the intended data security with an acceptable performance overhead, showing that it has potential to be used to build solutions for trusted cloud computation
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