102,441 research outputs found

    Worst-Case Timing Analysis of AeroRing- A Full Duplex Ethernet Ring for Safety-critical Avionics

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    Avionics implementation with less cables will clearly improve the efficiency of aircraft while reducing weight and maintenance costs. To fulfill these emerging needs, an innovative avionics communication architecture, based on Gigabit Full Duplex Ethernet ring, is proposed in this paper. To adapt this COTS technology to safety-critical avionics, an adequate tuning process of the communication protocol and the choice of reliability mechanisms to achieve timely and reliable communications are first detailed. Then, efficient timing analyses of such a proposal based on Network Calculus are conducted, accounting the impact of a ring topology and the specified reliability mechanisms. Third, these general analyses are illustrated in the case of a realistic avionic application, to replace the AFDX backup network with AeroRing, to reduce wires, while guaranteeing timely communications

    Computing in the RAIN: a reliable array of independent nodes

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    The RAIN project is a research collaboration between Caltech and NASA-JPL on distributed computing and data-storage systems for future spaceborne missions. The goal of the project is to identify and develop key building blocks for reliable distributed systems built with inexpensive off-the-shelf components. The RAIN platform consists of a heterogeneous cluster of computing and/or storage nodes connected via multiple interfaces to networks configured in fault-tolerant topologies. The RAIN software components run in conjunction with operating system services and standard network protocols. Through software-implemented fault tolerance, the system tolerates multiple node, link, and switch failures, with no single point of failure. The RAIN-technology has been transferred to Rainfinity, a start-up company focusing on creating clustered solutions for improving the performance and availability of Internet data centers. In this paper, we describe the following contributions: 1) fault-tolerant interconnect topologies and communication protocols providing consistent error reporting of link failures, 2) fault management techniques based on group membership, and 3) data storage schemes based on computationally efficient error-control codes. We present several proof-of-concept applications: a highly-available video server, a highly-available Web server, and a distributed checkpointing system. Also, we describe a commercial product, Rainwall, built with the RAIN technology

    The Raincore Distributed Session Service for Networking Elements

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    Motivated by the explosive growth of the Internet, we study efficient and fault-tolerant distributed session layer protocols for networking elements. These protocols are designed to enable a network cluster to share the state information necessary for balancing network traffic and computation load among a group of networking elements. In addition, in the presence of failures, they allow network traffic to fail-over from failed networking elements to healthy ones. To maximize the overall network throughput of the networking cluster, we assume a unicast communication medium for these protocols. The Raincore Distributed Session Service is based on a fault-tolerant token protocol, and provides group membership, reliable multicast and mutual exclusion services in a networking environment. We show that this service provides atomic reliable multicast with consistent ordering. We also show that Raincore token protocol consumes less overhead than a broadcast-based protocol in this environment in terms of CPU task-switching. The Raincore technology was transferred to Rainfinity, a startup company that is focusing on software for Internet reliability and performance. Rainwall, Rainfinity’s first product, was developed using the Raincore Distributed Session Service. We present initial performance results of the Rainwall product that validates our design assumptions and goals

    Issues in designing transport layer multicast facilities

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    Multicasting denotes a facility in a communications system for providing efficient delivery from a message's source to some well-defined set of locations using a single logical address. While modem network hardware supports multidestination delivery, first generation Transport Layer protocols (e.g., the DoD Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) (15) and ISO TP-4 (41)) did not anticipate the changes over the past decade in underlying network hardware, transmission speeds, and communication patterns that have enabled and driven the interest in reliable multicast. Much recent research has focused on integrating the underlying hardware multicast capability with the reliable services of Transport Layer protocols. Here, we explore the communication issues surrounding the design of such a reliable multicast mechanism. Approaches and solutions from the literature are discussed, and four experimental Transport Layer protocols that incorporate reliable multicast are examined

    Exploiting the Synergy Between Gossiping and Structured Overlays

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    In this position paper we argue for exploiting the synergy between gossip-based algorithms and structured overlay networks (SON). These two strands of research have both aimed at building fault-tolerant, dynamic, self-managing, and large-scale distributed systems. Despite the common goals, the two areas have, however, been relatively isolated. We focus on three problem domains where there is an untapped potential of using gossiping combined with SONs. We argue for applying gossip-based membership for ring-based SONs---such as Chord and Bamboo---to make them handle partition mergers and loopy networks. We argue that small world SONs---such as Accordion and Mercury---are specifically well-suited for gossip-based membership management. The benefits would be better graph-theoretic properties. Finally, we argue that gossip-based algorithms could use the overlay constructed by SONs. For example, many unreliable broadcast algorithms for SONs could be augmented with anti-entropy protocols. Similarly, gossip-based aggregation could be used in SONs for network size estimation and load-balancing purposes

    PCODE: an efficient and reliable collective communication protocol for unreliable broadcast domain

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    Existing programming environments for clusters are typically built on top of a point-to-point communication layer (send and receive) over local area networks (LANs) and, as a result, suffer from poor performance in the collective communication part. For example, a broadcast that is implemented using a TCP/IP protocol (which is a point-to-point protocol) over a LAN is obviously inefficient as it is not utilizing the fact that the LAN is a broadcast medium. We have observed that the main difference between a distributed computing paradigm and a message passing parallel computing paradigm is that, in a distributed environment the activity of every processor is independent while in a parallel environment the collection of the user-communication layers in the processors can be modeled as a single global program. We have formalized the requirements by defining the notion of a correct global program. This notion provides a precise specification of the interface between the transport layer and the user-communication layer. We have developed PCODE, a new communication protocol that is driven by a global program and proved its correctness. We have implemented the PCODE protocol on a collection of IBM RS/6000 workstations and on a collection of Silicon Graphics Indigo workstations, both communicating via UDP broadcast. The experimental results we obtained indicate that the performance advantage of PCODE over the current point-to-point approach (TCP) can be as high as an order of magnitude on a cluster of 16 workstations
