8,557 research outputs found

    An efficient direct method for improving visual slam

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    Abstract-Traditionally in monocular SLAM, interest features are extracted and matched in successive images. Outliers are rejected a posteriori during a pose estimation process, and then the structure of the scene is reconstructed. In this paper, we propose a new approach for computing robustly and simultaneously the 3D camera displacement, the scene structure and the illumination changes directly from image intensity discrepancies. In this way, instead of depending on particular features, all possible image information is exploited. That problem is solved by using an efficient second-order optimization procedure and thus, high convergence rates and large domains of convergence are obtained. Furthermore, a new solution to the visual SLAM initialization problem is given whereby no assumptions are made either about the scene or the camera motion. The proposed approach is validated on experimental and simulated data. Comparisons with existing methods show significant performance improvements

    Fast, Accurate Thin-Structure Obstacle Detection for Autonomous Mobile Robots

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    Safety is paramount for mobile robotic platforms such as self-driving cars and unmanned aerial vehicles. This work is devoted to a task that is indispensable for safety yet was largely overlooked in the past -- detecting obstacles that are of very thin structures, such as wires, cables and tree branches. This is a challenging problem, as thin objects can be problematic for active sensors such as lidar and sonar and even for stereo cameras. In this work, we propose to use video sequences for thin obstacle detection. We represent obstacles with edges in the video frames, and reconstruct them in 3D using efficient edge-based visual odometry techniques. We provide both a monocular camera solution and a stereo camera solution. The former incorporates Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data to solve scale ambiguity, while the latter enjoys a novel, purely vision-based solution. Experiments demonstrated that the proposed methods are fast and able to detect thin obstacles robustly and accurately under various conditions.Comment: Appeared at IEEE CVPR 2017 Workshop on Embedded Visio

    Monocular SLAM Supported Object Recognition

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    In this work, we develop a monocular SLAM-aware object recognition system that is able to achieve considerably stronger recognition performance, as compared to classical object recognition systems that function on a frame-by-frame basis. By incorporating several key ideas including multi-view object proposals and efficient feature encoding methods, our proposed system is able to detect and robustly recognize objects in its environment using a single RGB camera in near-constant time. Through experiments, we illustrate the utility of using such a system to effectively detect and recognize objects, incorporating multiple object viewpoint detections into a unified prediction hypothesis. The performance of the proposed recognition system is evaluated on the UW RGB-D Dataset, showing strong recognition performance and scalable run-time performance compared to current state-of-the-art recognition systems.Comment: Accepted to appear at Robotics: Science and Systems 2015, Rome, Ital

    GSLAM: Initialization-robust Monocular Visual SLAM via Global Structure-from-Motion

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    Many monocular visual SLAM algorithms are derived from incremental structure-from-motion (SfM) methods. This work proposes a novel monocular SLAM method which integrates recent advances made in global SfM. In particular, we present two main contributions to visual SLAM. First, we solve the visual odometry problem by a novel rank-1 matrix factorization technique which is more robust to the errors in map initialization. Second, we adopt a recent global SfM method for the pose-graph optimization, which leads to a multi-stage linear formulation and enables L1 optimization for better robustness to false loops. The combination of these two approaches generates more robust reconstruction and is significantly faster (4X) than recent state-of-the-art SLAM systems. We also present a new dataset recorded with ground truth camera motion in a Vicon motion capture room, and compare our method to prior systems on it and established benchmark datasets.Comment: 3DV 2017 Project Page: https://frobelbest.github.io/gsla

    Learning-based Image Enhancement for Visual Odometry in Challenging HDR Environments

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    One of the main open challenges in visual odometry (VO) is the robustness to difficult illumination conditions or high dynamic range (HDR) environments. The main difficulties in these situations come from both the limitations of the sensors and the inability to perform a successful tracking of interest points because of the bold assumptions in VO, such as brightness constancy. We address this problem from a deep learning perspective, for which we first fine-tune a Deep Neural Network (DNN) with the purpose of obtaining enhanced representations of the sequences for VO. Then, we demonstrate how the insertion of Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) allows us to obtain temporally consistent sequences, as the estimation depends on previous states. However, the use of very deep networks does not allow the insertion into a real-time VO framework; therefore, we also propose a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) of reduced size capable of performing faster. Finally, we validate the enhanced representations by evaluating the sequences produced by the two architectures in several state-of-art VO algorithms, such as ORB-SLAM and DSO
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