4,015 research outputs found

    An Analytical Evaluation of Network Security Modelling Techniques Applied to Manage Threats

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    The current ubiquity of information coupled with the reliance on such data by businesses has led to a great deal of resources being deployed to ensure the security of this information. Threats can come from a number of sources and the dangers from those insiders closest to the source have increased significantly recently. This paper focuses on techniques used to identify and manage threats as well as the measures that every organisation should consider to put into action. A novel game-based onion skin model has been proposed, combining techniques used in theory-based and hardware-based hardening strategies

    Identifying Security-Critical Cyber-Physical Components in Industrial Control Systems

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    In recent years, Industrial Control Systems (ICS) have become an appealing target for cyber attacks, having massive destructive consequences. Security metrics are therefore essential to assess their security posture. In this paper, we present a novel ICS security metric based on AND/OR graphs that represent cyber-physical dependencies among network components. Our metric is able to efficiently identify sets of critical cyber-physical components, with minimal cost for an attacker, such that if compromised, the system would enter into a non-operational state. We address this problem by efficiently transforming the input AND/OR graph-based model into a weighted logical formula that is then used to build and solve a Weighted Partial MAX-SAT problem. Our tool, META4ICS, leverages state-of-the-art techniques from the field of logical satisfiability optimisation in order to achieve efficient computation times. Our experimental results indicate that the proposed security metric can efficiently scale to networks with thousands of nodes and be computed in seconds. In addition, we present a case study where we have used our system to analyse the security posture of a realistic water transport network. We discuss our findings on the plant as well as further security applications of our metric.Comment: Keywords: Security metrics, industrial control systems, cyber-physical systems, AND-OR graphs, MAX-SAT resolutio

    Toward optimal multi-objective models of network security: Survey

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    Information security is an important aspect of a successful business today. However, financial difficulties and budget cuts create a problem of selecting appropriate security measures and keeping networked systems up and running. Economic models proposed in the literature do not address the challenging problem of security countermeasure selection. We have made a classification of security models, which can be used to harden a system in a cost effective manner based on the methodologies used. In addition, we have specified the challenges of the simplified risk assessment approaches used in the economic models and have made recommendations how the challenges can be addressed in order to support decision makers

    Towards optimal multi-objective models of network security: survey

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    Information security is an important aspect of a successful business today. However, financial difficulties and budget cuts create a problem of selecting appropriate security measures and keeping networked systems up and running. Economic models proposed in the literature do not address the challenging problem of security countermeasure selection. We have made a classification of security models, which can be used to harden a system in a cost effective manner based on the methodologies used. In addition, we have specified the challenges of the simplified risk assessment approaches used in the economic models and have made recommendations how the challenges can be addressed in order to support decision makers

    Exact Inference Techniques for the Analysis of Bayesian Attack Graphs

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    Attack graphs are a powerful tool for security risk assessment by analysing network vulnerabilities and the paths attackers can use to compromise network resources. The uncertainty about the attacker's behaviour makes Bayesian networks suitable to model attack graphs to perform static and dynamic analysis. Previous approaches have focused on the formalization of attack graphs into a Bayesian model rather than proposing mechanisms for their analysis. In this paper we propose to use efficient algorithms to make exact inference in Bayesian attack graphs, enabling the static and dynamic network risk assessments. To support the validity of our approach we have performed an extensive experimental evaluation on synthetic Bayesian attack graphs with different topologies, showing the computational advantages in terms of time and memory use of the proposed techniques when compared to existing approaches.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figure

    A novel risk assessment and optimisation model for a multi-objective network security countermeasure selection problem

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    Budget cuts and the high demand in strengthening the security of computer systems and services constitute a challenge. Poor system knowledge and inappropriate selection of security measures may lead to unexpected financial and data losses. This paper proposes a novel Risk Assessment and Optimisation Model (RAOM) to solve a security countermeasure selection problem, where variables such as financial cost and risk may affect a final decision. A Multi-Objective Tabu Search (MOTS) algorithm has been developed to construct an efficient frontier of non-dominated solutions, which can satisfy organisational security needs in a cost-effective manner

    Towards an efficient vulnerability analysis methodology for better security risk management

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    2010 Summer.Includes bibliographical references.Risk management is a process that allows IT managers to balance between cost of the protective measures and gains in mission capability. A system administrator has to make a decision and choose an appropriate security plan that maximizes the resource utilization. However, making the decision is not a trivial task. Most organizations have tight budgets for IT security; therefore, the chosen plan must be reviewed as thoroughly as other management decisions. Unfortunately, even the best-practice security risk management frameworks do not provide adequate information for effective risk management. Vulnerability scanning and penetration testing that form the core of traditional risk management, identify only the set of system vulnerabilities. Given the complexity of today's network infrastructure, it is not enough to consider the presence or absence of vulnerabilities in isolation. Materializing a threat strongly requires the combination of multiple attacks using different vulnerabilities. Such a requirement is far beyond the capabilities of current day vulnerability scanners. Consequently, assessing the cost of an attack or cost of implementing appropriate security controls is possible only in a piecemeal manner. In this work, we develop and formalize new network vulnerability analysis model. The model encodes in a concise manner, the contributions of different security conditions that lead to system compromise. We extend the model with a systematic risk assessment methodology to support reasoning under uncertainty in an attempt to evaluate the vulnerability exploitation probability. We develop a cost model to quantify the potential loss and gain that can occur in a system if certain conditions are met (or protected). We also quantify the security control cost incurred to implement a set of security hardening measures. We propose solutions for the system administrator's decision problems covering the area of the risk analysis and risk mitigation analysis. Finally, we extend the vulnerability assessment model to the areas of intrusion detection and forensic investigation

    Attack Graph Generation and Analysis Techniques

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    As computer networks are emerging in everyday life, network security has become an important issue. Simultaneously, attacks are becoming more sophisticated, making the defense of computer networks increasingly difficult. Attack graph is a modeling tool used in the assessment of security of enterprise networks. Since its introduction a considerable amount of research effort has been spent in the development of theory and practices around the idea of attack graph. This paper presents a consolidated view of major attack graph generation and analysis techniques