155 research outputs found

    Using DEA Factor Efficiency Scores to Eliminate Subjectivity in Goal Programming

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    Many real-world problems require decision makers to consider multiple criteria when performing an analysis. One popular method used to analyze multicriteria decision problems is goal programming. When applying goal programming, it is often difficult if not impossible to determine the target values and unit penalty weights with any level of confidence. Thus, in many situations, managers and decision makers may be forced to specify these parameters subjectively. In this paper, we present a model framework designed to eliminate the arbitrary assignment of target values and unit penalty weights when applying goal programming to solve multicriteria decision problems. In particular, when neither of these parameters is available, we show how to integrate factor efficiency scores determined from data envelopment analysis into the model. We discuss an application of the methodology to ambulatory surgery centers and demonstrate the model framework via a product mix example

    Multiobjective Optimization in Health Care Management. A metaheuristic and simulation approach.

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    This paper describes a methodology which combines elements of statistics, probability, mathematical programming, simulation, multiobjective optimization and metaheuristics, to analyze management problems in a health care context. We apply this approach to a staffing problem in a primary care center, taking into account both cost and service quality criteria. We illustrate our approach with a case study

    Assessing the queuing process using data envelopment analysis:an application in health centres

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    Queuing is one of the very important criteria for assessing the performance and efficiency of any service industry, including healthcare. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is one of the most widely-used techniques for performance measurement in healthcare. However, no queue management application has been reported in the health-related DEA literature. Most of the studies regarding patient flow systems had the objective of improving an already existing Appointment System. The current study presents a novel application of DEA for assessing the queuing process at an Outpatients’ department of a large public hospital in a developing country where appointment systems do not exist. The main aim of the current study is to demonstrate the usefulness of DEA modelling in the evaluation of a queue system. The patient flow pathway considered for this study consists of two stages; consultation with a doctor and pharmacy. The DEA results indicated that waiting times and other related queuing variables included need considerable minimisation at both stages

    The economic enterprise risk management innovation program for healthcare organizations : E2RMhealthcare

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    A Gestão de Riscos Corporativos (ERM), a partir das publicações da ISO 31000 em 2009 e do guia do COSO em 2007, vem sendo aplicada e adaptada às especificidades de múltiplos mercados. O contexto hospitalar, caracterizado pela necessidade de avanços em sistemas e métodos gerenciais que permitam maior acurácia de informações e sustento na orientação à tomada de decisão, passou a, também, interessar-se pelo valor da ERM. Influenciado pelos programas de qualidade e segurança do paciente e de gestão de riscos assistencial, presentes na cultura hospitalar mundial, gestores estratégicos à frente de organizações de saúde começaram a procurar por metodologias que possam ser adaptadas à complexidade de um hospital e apoiem a implementação da ERM. A literatura prévia ao desenvolvimento desta tese não apresenta um modelo que consolida e orienta a operacionalização da ERM em organizações de saúde, mas destaca em múltiplas publicações a necessidade que os hospitais têm de atentar a metodologias que permitam gerir de forma proativa e estratégica seus negócios, que estão expostos a riscos internos e externos. Motivada pela lacuna descrita, esta tese explorou o mercado brasileiro e norte americano através de entrevistas, estudos de caso e survey, e propôs um modelo global de ERM para organizações de saúde: o E2RMhealthcare. Este sugere requisitos para a operacionalização global da ERM e é fragmentado em 4 níveis: risk baseline, education, quantitative e governance que orientam uma implementação gradual, considerando a maturidade de gestão da organização. Formas de como explorar as características do hospital e capital humano para exercer a ERM também foram estudadas, sendo proposto uma relação entre as equipes de avaliação de tecnologias de saúde hospitalar e de ERM no processo de criação de valor da organização através de um mapa de causa e efeito. Como destaque do negócio saúde, essa tese inova propondo o primeiro inventário de riscos corporativos orientado a organizações de saúde que foi validado por gestores de múltiplos países, identificando o risco de ataques cibernéticos como o principal. Por fim, o uso de métodos de análise multicriterial e de custeio por atividade são aplicados como soluções inovadoras para a priorização e avaliação econômica de riscos ao longo dos níveis Baseline e Quantitative do E2RMhealthcare. O avanço do E2RMhealthcare com estas metodologias incorporadas para um software com capacidade de inteligência artificial é deixado como sugestão de trabalhos futuros além da sua real aplicação em múltiplos casos.Since the ISO 31000 publication in 2009 and the COSO guide in 2007 Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) has been applied and adapted to the specificities of different business markets. The hospital context characterized by the demand for advances in management systems and methods that allow to improve information accuracy and to support the decision-making process, also became interested in the value of ERM. Influenced by quality and patient safety and healthcare risk management programs presents in the global hospital culture, managers at the top of healthcare organizations started to look for methodologies that can be adapted to the hospital management complexity to support the ERM implementation. The literature, prior to the development of this thesis, does not present a model that consolidates a guide to operationalize ERM in healthcare organizations. Although emphasizes, in multiple publications, the urgency for methodologies that enable proactive and strategic management of healthcare businesses, which are exposed to internal and external risks. Motivated by the described gap, this thesis explored the Brazilian and American healthcare market through interviews, case studies and survey, and proposed a global ERM model for healthcare organizations: E2RMhealthcare. It suggests requirements for global operationalization of the ERM and is organized in 4 levels: risk baseline, education, quantitative and governance that guide a gradual implementation, considering the maturity of the organization management. Different manners to explore the features of the hospital and human capital to operate the ERM were also studied, and it was proposed a relation between the hospital healthcare technology assessment teams and the ERM in the value creation process of the organization through a cause and effect map. Focusing on the healthcare business, this thesis innovates by proposing the first enterprise risk inventory aimed at healthcare organizations that was confirmed by risk managers from different countries. Cyber-attack was identified as the main enterprise risk in healhtcare. Finally, the use of multicriterial analysis methods and activity-based costing are applied as innovative solutions for prioritization and economic assessment of risks throughout the Baseline and Quantitative levels of E2RMhealthcare. The progress of E2RMhealthcare with these incorporated methodologies for a software with artificial intelligence capacity is left as a suggestion for future studies, in addition to its actual application in multiple cases

    Multiobjective Optimization of Public Health Service Delivery Networks

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    Providing an effective health service as a state is equivalent to giving life. Health services, whose pillar is to optimize the supply chain with public policies based on equity, are equal to providing life. Identifying all the variables and characteristics of the services allows the development of a multiobjective model to represent a public health services network. A case of the National Public Network of Colombia has been analyzed, minimizing costs and contributing to the decision making process. In this paper, a multiobjective approach to optimize the National Public Network in Colombia has been proposed. The proposed scheme combines mathematical techniques with managerial aspects related to public network health. Thus, we identify the distribution of services by the municipality to minimize the total cost and maximize coverage. The opening of services is suggested according to the demanding complexity and transport of patients between institutions. The results contrast with the current hospital services of Valle del Cauca in Colombia. The proposed scheme results show a reduction in the transfer of patients with a minimum increase in the costs of hospital services. The service proposal is based on improving access and quality in the provision of services, avoiding du- plication of supply, and generating an impact on the sustainability of the network of Valle del Cauca

    Antibiotic Resistance in Syria: A Local Problem Turns Into a Global Threat

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    Pharmaceutical sector of Syrian Arab Republic before the war was characterized by bold and successful development since the late 1980s. With the beginning of war in the country back in March 2011, momentum has changed significantly. Traumatism, communicable diseases related to morbidity and mortality as well as wound infections became particularly hot public health concern. This relates not only to the direct victims of military conflict but also to the displaced civilians, refugees, and ordinary citizens alike. Evolving legislative framework in Syria since 1980s tolerated dispensing of antibiotics without appropriate prescription. Such practice led to spreading of antibiotic resistance among the local bacteria frequently causing both community-acquired and nosocomial infections. Laboratory findings of resistant bacteria strains among the Syrian refugees in some European countries serve as evidence of concern spreading far beyond Middle East. Practice of self-diagnosis and self-medication with antibiotics by patients themselves and restraint to pharmacist advice is widespread. A number of recommendations is presented to stakeholders to compact antibiotic resistance after the peace is established in the country. The successful implementation of such recommendations is the way to preserve shrinking golden reserve of highly potent antibiotics as it is the last defense line against resistant bacterial strains causing severe life—threatening infections

    An Optimisation-based Framework for Complex Business Process: Healthcare Application

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    The Irish healthcare system is currently facing major pressures due to rising demand, caused by population growth, ageing and high expectations of service quality. This pressure on the Irish healthcare system creates a need for support from research institutions in dealing with decision areas such as resource allocation and performance measurement. While approaches such as modelling, simulation, multi-criteria decision analysis, performance management, and optimisation can – when applied skilfully – improve healthcare performance, they represent just one part of the solution. Accordingly, to achieve significant and sustainable performance, this research aims to develop a practical, yet effective, optimisation-based framework for managing complex processes in the healthcare domain. Through an extensive review of the literature on the aforementioned solution techniques, limitations of using each technique on its own are identified in order to define a practical integrated approach toward developing the proposed framework. During the framework validation phase, real-time strategies have to be optimised to solve Emergency Department performance issues in a major hospital. Results show a potential of significant reduction in patients average length of stay (i.e. 48% of average patient throughput time) whilst reducing the over-reliance on overstretched nursing resources, that resulted in an increase of staff utilisation between 7% and 10%. Given the high uncertainty in healthcare service demand, using the integrated framework allows decision makers to find optimal staff schedules that improve emergency department performance. The proposed optimum staff schedule reduces the average waiting time of patients by 57% and also contributes to reduce number of patients left without treatment to 8% instead of 17%. The developed framework has been implemented by the hospital partner with a high level of success

    effects in the health care sector

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    Portugal has faced an economic and financial crisis that began circa FY2009 and whose effects are still ongoing. In FY2011, the Portuguese state and the European triumvirate – composed of the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund, and the European Central Bank – signed the Memoranda of Understanding. This troika agreement aimed to improve the operational efficiency of public services. This crisis had a considerable impact on the Portuguese citizens’ life and productivity, as well as on the public health care system. Cuts over public expenditures have been made to reduce the risk of noncompliance with budgetary targets, despite their potential impact on quality and access to health care services. We analyzed the main policies and measures undertaken by the Portuguese Ministry of Health with respect to the bailout program associated with the troika agreement. Then, we focused on the budgetary cuts–related risks over the social performance of the care system. Evidence suggests that structural reforms in the health care sector in the troika period had positive effects in terms of drugs administration and consumption, on the one hand, and secondary care expenditures reduction, on the other hand. Nonetheless, we observed some divestitures on infrastructures and the worsening of access to health care services.publishersversionpublishe

    Perspectives of Patients and other Stakeholders on Healthcare Quality in Ophthalmology

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    Perspectives of Patients and other Stakeholders on Healthcare Quality in Ophthalmology

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