4,974 research outputs found

    The Spatial Agent-based Competition Model (SpAbCoM)

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    The paper presents a detailed documentation of the underlying concepts and methods of the Spatial Agent-based Competition Model (SpAbCoM). For instance, SpAbCoM is used to study firms' choices of spatial pricing policy (GRAUBNER et al., 2011a) or pricing and location under a framework of multi-firm spatial competition and two-dimensional markets (GRAUBNER et al., 2011b). While the simulation model is briefly introduced by means of relevant examples within the corresponding papers, the present paper serves two objectives. First, it presents a detailed discussion of the computational concepts that are used, particularly with respect to genetic algorithms (GAs). Second, it documents SpAbCoM and provides an overview of the structure of the simulation model and its dynamics. -- Das vorliegende Papier dokumentiert die zugrundeliegenden Konzepte und Methoden des RĂ€umlichen Agenten-basierten Wettbewerbsmodells (Spatial Agent-based Competition Model) SpAbCoM. Anwendungsbeispiele dieses Simulationsmodells untersuchen die Entscheidung bezĂŒglich der rĂ€umlichen Preisstrategie von Unternehmen (GRAUBNER et al., 2011a) oder Preissetzung und Standortwahl im Rahmen eines rĂ€umlichen Wettbewerbsmodells, welches mehr als einen Wettbewerber und zweidimensionalen Marktgebiete berĂŒcksichtigt. WĂ€hrend das Simulationsmodell in den jeweiligen Arbeiten kurz anhand eines Beispiels eingefĂŒhrt wird, dient das vorliegende Papier zwei Zielen. Zum Einen sollen die verwendeten computergestĂŒtzten Konzepte, hier speziell Genetische Algorithmen (GA), detailliert vorgestellt werden. Zum Anderen besteht die Absicht dieser Dokumentation darin, einen Überblick ĂŒber die Struktur von SpAbCoM und die wĂ€hrend einer Simulation ablaufenden Prozesse zu gegeben.Agent-based modelling,genetic algorithms,spatial pricing,location model.,Agent-basierte Modellierung,Genetische Algorithmen,rĂ€umliche Preissetzung,Standortmodell.

    Multi reservoir systems optimisation using genetic algorithms

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    A Review of Rule Learning Based Intrusion Detection Systems and Their Prospects in Smart Grids

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    CIXL2: A Crossover Operator for Evolutionary Algorithms Based on Population Features

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    In this paper we propose a crossover operator for evolutionary algorithms with real values that is based on the statistical theory of population distributions. The operator is based on the theoretical distribution of the values of the genes of the best individuals in the population. The proposed operator takes into account the localization and dispersion features of the best individuals of the population with the objective that these features would be inherited by the offspring. Our aim is the optimization of the balance between exploration and exploitation in the search process. In order to test the efficiency and robustness of this crossover, we have used a set of functions to be optimized with regard to different criteria, such as, multimodality, separability, regularity and epistasis. With this set of functions we can extract conclusions in function of the problem at hand. We analyze the results using ANOVA and multiple comparison statistical tests. As an example of how our crossover can be used to solve artificial intelligence problems, we have applied the proposed model to the problem of obtaining the weight of each network in a ensemble of neural networks. The results obtained are above the performance of standard methods

    Optimisation of hedging-integrated rule curves for reservoir operation

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    Reservoir managers use operational rule curves as guides for managing and operating reservoir systems. However, this approach saves no water for impending droughts, resulting in large shortages during such droughts. This problem can be tempered by integrating hedging with the rule curves to curtail the water releases during normal periods of operation and use the saved water to limit the amount and impact of water shortages during droughts. However, determining the timing and amount of hedging is a challenge. This thesis presents the application of genetic algorithms (GA) for the optimisation of hedging-integrated reservoir rule curves. However, due to the challenge of establishing the boundary of feasible region in standard GA (SGA), a new development of the GA i.e. the dynamic GA (DGA), is proposed. Both the new development and its hedging policies were tested through extensive simulations of the Ubonratana reservoir (Thailand). The first observation was that the new DGA was faster and more efficient than the SGA in arriving at an optimal solution. Additionally, the derived hedging policies produced significant changes in reservoir performance when compared to no-hedging policies. The performance indices analysed were reliability (time and volume), resilience, vulnerability and sustainability; the results showed that the vulnerability (i.e. average single periods shortage) in particular was significantly reduced with the optimised hedging rules as compared to using the no-hedging rule curves. This study also developed a monthly inflow forecasting model using artificial neural networks (ANN) to aid reservoir operational decision-making. Extensive testing of the model showed that it was able to provide inflow forecasts with reasonable accuracy. The simulated effect on reservoir performance of forecasted inflows vis-Ă -vis other assumed reservoir inflow knowledge situations showed that the ANN forecasts were superior, further reinforcing the importance of good inflow information for reservoir operation. The ability of hedging to harness the inherent buffering capacity of existing water resources systems for tempering water shortage (or vulnerability) without the need for expensive new-builds is a major outcome of this study. Although applied to Ubonratana, the study has utility for other regions of the world, where e.g. climate and other environmental changes are stressing the water availability situation

    Planning and Scheduling Optimization

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    Although planning and scheduling optimization have been explored in the literature for many years now, it still remains a hot topic in the current scientific research. The changing market trends, globalization, technical and technological progress, and sustainability considerations make it necessary to deal with new optimization challenges in modern manufacturing, engineering, and healthcare systems. This book provides an overview of the recent advances in different areas connected with operations research models and other applications of intelligent computing techniques used for planning and scheduling optimization. The wide range of theoretical and practical research findings reported in this book confirms that the planning and scheduling problem is a complex issue that is present in different industrial sectors and organizations and opens promising and dynamic perspectives of research and development
