9,761 research outputs found

    Balancing Financial Viability and User Affordability: An Assessment of Six WASH Service Delivery Models

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    This Topic Brief presents assessments of the financial performance of six WSUP-supported WASH service delivery models in Bangladesh, Madagascar, Mozambique and Zambia. Each model has been developed in partnership with locally mandated service providers to facilitate sustainable, at-scale improvements to low-income urban populations

    The role of green and traditional supplier attributes on business performance

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    Supplier evaluation and selection are fundamental tasks since they are part of the production process and even initiate the supply chain (SC). Despite their importance in the production system, supplier evaluation and selection may be challenging activities to be performed if companies look at the wide range of available evaluation techniques and methodologies, which now seek to integrate both traditional and green attributes. In addition, companies may refuse to take into account green attributes during the supplier selection process, because they do not know their impact on commercial benefits. To overcome this limitation, this study examines the Mexican manufacturing sector and measures the impact of supplier traditional attributes and green attributes on business performance, namely production process benefits and commercial benefits. As data collection instrument, we administered a survey to 253 supplier evaluators and selectors; then, using the gathered data, we constructed a structural equation model. The model includes four variables to determine the impact of traditional and green attributes on business performance: green attributes, traditional attributes, production process benefits, and commercial benefits. The results indicate that all the latent variables have positive direct effects on one another. For instance, process benefits show the largest effects on commercial benefits, but the most significant effect is caused by traditional attributes on commercial benefits through green attributes and production process benefits. © 2017 by the authors

    Retain or Reduce? Delisting Decisions in Relation to Manufacturer-Retailer Relationships in Grocery Store Retailing

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    Retail assortment optimisation plays a significant role in the success and competitive advantage of retailing, contributing to companies' market differentiation, compatibility, and profitability. This study applies transaction cost theory, related opportunism, and bounded reliability as theoretical frameworks. The aim is to analyse assortment optimisation, especially selection-reduction decisions, in relation to the manufacturer-retailer relationship in grocery store retailing. Primary quantitative research in the form of a personal survey method about the delisting decisions of 215 grocery retail executives was implemented and analysed by applying partial least squares variance-based structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). Results show that the reason for selection reduction is often the bounded reliability of manufacturers, as this may lead to excessively high supplier prices and logistical problems. These factors result in low retail margins, justifying assortment-reduction-related decisions. However, manufacturers believe that a lack of marketing support has no impact on low retail margins and, thus, also on assortment reduction decisions

    The Effect of Electronic Commerce in Business Value and Supply Chain Process: Evidence from Iran

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    This paper aims to develop and test a model to analyze the relationships between three aspects of technical electronic commerce (EC)-based information system (IS) resources and, the supply chain process integration, and business value. The paper is consistent with the perspective on IS-enabled organizational capabilities and resource based view of the firm. A questionnaire-based survey was conducted to collect data from 204 supply chain, logistics, or procurement/ purchasing managers of manufacturing firms. Findings show that supply chain process integration, a key EC-enabled organizational capability, can enhance business value. Additionally, the capability serve as a catalyst in transforming technical EC-based IS resources (technical quality of EC applications, EC advancements, EC alignment and E-branding) into higher value for a firm. Our results suggest that supply chain process integration is an important intermediate organizational capability through which value of EC-based IS resources can be materialized. However, the technical aspects of EC-based IS resources needs to developed to effectively form supply chain capabilities.Key words: Supply chain integration; Business value; Electronic commerce; Business performance; Resource-based view; Information system; E-brandin

    Developing a conceptual model for examining the supply chain relationships between behavioural antecedents of collaboration, integration and performance

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is threefold: first, review the literature on the topic of behavioural antecedents of collaboration and their impact on supply chain integration and performance; second, lay the theoretical foundations and develop a conceptual model linking behavioural antecedents of collaboration, information integration, coordination of operational decisions and supply chain performance; and third, set out operationalisation considerations. Design/methodology/approach – A conceptual model with theoretical basis on Relational Exchange Theory (RET) and extant supply chain theory is developed as a causal model that can be operationalised using structural equations modelling (partial least squares) and a “single key informant” approach. Findings – Positive relationships between behavioural antecedents of collaboration (trust, commitment, mutuality/reciprocity), information integration, coordination of operational decisions and supply chain performance (efficiency, effectiveness) are hypothesised. RET provides adequate theoretical background that leads to the theoretical establishment of hypotheses between behavioural antecedents, supply chain integration and performance, which are worth testing empirically. Research limitations/implications – The ideas presented in this paper enrich the study of behavioural factors in supply chain management and their impact on supply chain performance, and may benefit researchers in the field. The paper also sets the scene (experimental design, measurement items) for the upcoming field research. The empirical part of the work will provide the necessary evidence for the validation of the established hypotheses. Practical implications – The proposed linkages may stimulate the interest of supply chain strategists towards more collaborative relationship management and affect their decisions on the behavioural antecedents of relationship formation and management. Moreover, the proposed model may help clarify how the integration of critical operational contingencies – information, operational decisions – can help achieve superior supply chain performance. Originality/value – The paper establishes a causal relationship between constructs which have not been researched (mutuality/reciprocity, coordination of operational decisions) or have been researched individually or in combination (impact of integration on performance, impact of collaboration on performance) but not in the proposed integrated way. It also addresses the challenge of lack of theoretical justification on the development of knowledge that will assist decision making in SCM/logistics and its integration into models, processes and tasks. Finally, by using RET in selecting of behavioural factors and establishing hypotheses, it adds to the body of knowledge concerning the use of interorganisational theories in supply chain relationships

    Information Accessibility for Sunflower Growers in Tanzania

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    The role of information for the effectual functioning of businesses is a central concern for many economists. According to Bello and Obinne (2012) as cited by Ozawa (1999) and Adefuye and Adedoyin (1993), the extent to which people progress in as far as agriculture is concerned largely depends on the availability and access to accurate and reliable information. According to one survey conducted on Marketing and market access for  Tanzanian  financial institutions which included both agricultural marketing cooperative societies (AMCOs) and savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs), results clearly implicated that there were various  inadequacies to many variables (URT, February 2012). Many stakeholders acknowledged to lacking adequate knowledge on marketing skills and market information dissemination. Rebekah (2005) argues that communication plays a major role in nearly every aspect of life. Effective communication does not only help people solve problems but also improve life. Communication experts have further argued that poor communication is at the root of many problems and that effective communication is one solution to these problems. She defines communication as the processes of understanding and sharing meaning. Communication is considered a process because it is an activity, exchange or a set of behaviors that occur over time, its components include people, the message, channel, feedback, encoding and decoding. Key words: information flow, communication, agricultural value chain, sunflower, capability


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    This research study identifies the key elements, the drivers and barriers which impact on the innovative supply chain practices of the building products suppliers and therefore the sustainability of the UK construction Industry. In particular, sustainability continues to be an important thought for the UK construction industry materials/products suppliers. The study draws upon a number of literature themes such as product development, parameters of innovation, product innovation, rapid prototyping, collaboration, lean production practices, perspectives of supply chain; supply chain management, supply chain innovations, research and development; research and development; sustainability; sustainable construction; and benefits of sustainable construction to the environment. This study supported process of identifying different innovative supply chain practices in the building products manufacturers, a sub-sector contributing to the sustainability of the UK construction industry. Starting with the initial aim of exploring features that impact positively or negatively on innovation of supply chain practices and different theories, a number of frameworks as well as literature and approaches for innovative practices within the construction industry were reviewed. It is understood that the supply chain practices in the construction industry are integrative, interrelated and impacts the sustainability. Therefore it was important to further examine the industry supply chain relationships, the drivers of industry supply chain and impact on organisational performances. The building products manufacturers sub-sector within the UK construction industry is being transformed profoundly due to a number of factors including new products development, new markets, and increased environmental awareness, global reach of organisations and changing customer expectations as well as lifestyle; these companies are expected to consider sustainability and environmental issues while developing innovative supply chain strategies. The specifics include innovative issues around sourcing materials and products; the marketing and lifetime operations of construction industry initiatives; and even disposing construction wastes either from construction activities or at the terminal stage of construction products. iii From the relevant literature and contexts study of the UK construction industry, a theoretical framework was informed and questions for the survey were identified. For the questions raised and during the design of theoretical framework a mixed methods research methodology was adopted to collect quantitative data through a questionnaire and a case study. The quantitative data were analysed using SPSS software. Through the results from the data analysis, and interviews with the industry practitioners within the supply chain, a conceptual framework was developed and further adjusted to identify three core influencing groups of factors –company, industrial and regulatory; and further enhanced through the case study interviews. Finally, the interactions between these factors were focused on and the results used to articulate the research findings. This study confirmed that some of these organisations already had an excellent past experience of supply chain management and were informed of regulations affecting the UK construction industry. There is evidence that some of these organisations were leading in innovation of supply chain practices to enhance their competitiveness and therefore increase industry market share and profitability. This research proposes a new conceptual framework for the UK construction industry practitioners and makers. It is expected that it will motivate as well as aid the UK construction industry stakeholders to evaluate the existing innovative supply chain practices and therefore influence sustainability. It is further expected that this study will help the Industry players to better understand the importance of various sustainability drivers and the barriers which prevents adoption of innovative supply chain practices. Additionally, the results from the study will be used as motivators towards adopting innovative supply chain practices in the UK construction industry to improve sustainability

    Strategies for sustainable socio-economic development and mechanisms their implementation in the global dimension

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    The authors of the book have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to effectively use modern approaches to developing and implementation strategies of sustainable socio-economic development in order to increase efficiency and competitiveness of economic entities. Basic research focuses on economic diagnostics of socio-economic potential and financial results of economic entities, transition period in the economy of individual countries and ensuring their competitiveness, assessment of educational processes and knowledge management. The research results have been implemented in the different models and strategies of supply and logistics management, development of non-profit organizations, competitiveness of tourism and transport, financing strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises, cross-border cooperation. The results of the study can be used in decision-making at the level the economic entities in different areas of activity and organizational-legal forms of ownership, ministries and departments that promote of development the economic entities on the basis of models and strategies for sustainable socio-economic development. The results can also be used by students and young scientists in modern concepts and mechanisms for management of sustainable socio-economic development of economic entities in the condition of global economic transformations and challenges
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