12 research outputs found

    Development and Application of Fire Video Image Detection Technology in China’s Road Tunnels

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    A large number of highway tunnels, urban road tunnels and underwater tunnels have been constructed throughout China over the last two decades. With the rapid increase in vehicle traffic, the number of fire incidents in road tunnels have also substantially increased. This paper aims to review the development and application of fire video image detection (VID) technology and their impact on fire safety in China’s road tunnels. The challenges of fire safety in China’s road tunnels are analyzed. The capabilities and limitations of fire detection technologies currently used in China’s road tunnels are discussed. The research and development of fire VID technology in road tunnels, including various detection algorithms, evolution of VID systems and evaluation of their performances in various tunnel tests are reviewed. Some cases involving VID applications in China’s road tunnels are reported. The studies show that the fire VID systems have unique features in providing fire protection and their detection capability and reliability have been enhanced over the decades with the advance in detection algorithms, hardware and integration with other tunnel systems. They have become an important safety system in China’s road tunnels

    Computer Vision Application for Early Stage Smoke Detection on Ships

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    Nowadays, ship’s engine room is fire protected by automatic fire fighting systems, usually controlled from a place located outside the engine room. In order to activate the water mist extinguishing system automatically, at least two different fire detectors have to be activated. One of these detectors is a flame detector that is not hampered by various air flows caused by ventilation or draft and is rapidly activated and the other is smoke detector which is hampered by these flows causing its activation to be delayed. As a consequence, the automatic water mist extinguishing system is also delayed, allowing for fire expansion and its transfer to surrounding rooms. In addition to reliability of the ship’s fire detection system as one of the crucial safety features for the ship, cargo, crew and passengers, using a systematic approach in this research the emphasis is placed on the application of new methods in smoke detection such as the computer image processing and analysis, in order to achieve this goal. This paper describes the research carried out on board ship using the existing marine CCTV systems in early stages of smoke detection inside ship’s engine room, which could be seen as a significant contribution to accelerated suppression of unwanted consequences


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    CCTV is an important part of the surveillance systems. While a person observes the screens with the naked eye in existing CCTV monitoring systems, it is possible that the flame and events are not detected opportunely due to eye fatigue and human carelessness. In this paper, we propose a real-time flame detection method and design architecture of surveillance system to achieve early fire detection. When flame is detected, this system displays the video sequence from the corresponding camera channel on the whole screen with the alarm signal

    Deteksi Api dengan MultiColorFeatures, Background Subtraction dan Morphology

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    Pentingnya  deteksi  api secara dini dapat membantu memberikan peringatan  serta  menghindari bencana yang menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi dan kehilangan nyawa manusia.  Teknik deteksi api dengan sensor konvensional  masih  memiliki keterbatasan, yakni  memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama dalam mendeteksi api pada ruangan yang besar serta tidak dapat bekerja di ruangan terbuka. Penelitian ini mengusulkan metode deteksi  api secara visual yang dapat digunakan pada  camera surveillance dengan  menggunakankombinasi  Multicolorfeatures  sepertiRGB,  HSV,YCbCr  dan  Background Subtraction  serta morphologyuntuk pendeteksian  pergerakan  api.  Evaluasi penelitian  dilakukan dengan menghitung tingkat error deteksi  area api

    The Internet of Things for Natural Risk Management (Inte.Ri.M.)

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    This chapter deals with the development of a management system, which integrates the use of IoT in natural risk detection, revention, and management with economic evaluation of each stage. In the introductory part, recent data are presented that document the importance that natural disasters have for the environment and for the Italian economy. Section 2 presents the Inte.Ri.M. project—the Internet of Things for Natural Risk Management—its purpose, activity plan, and bodies involved. Technical aspects are treated in Section 3 with the choice of hardware and software components and the solutions for collecting and transmitting data. Section 4 is about the economic aspects considering the stages of prevention, intervention, and restoration and the relation between the intensity of human activity and environment to define a range of situations. These scenarios call for different economic methodologies useful to estimate economic implications of each stage in the short, medium, and long term. Section 5 describes the structure of the Inte.Ri.M. management system and the foreseen functionalities. In the conclusion, the critical points are discussed, and the steps for the transposition of the work carried out on the territory are outlined, according to the provisions of the work program

    Video-based Smoke Detection Algorithms: A Chronological Survey

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    Over the past decade, several vision-based algorithms proposed in literature have resulted into development of a large number of techniques for detection of smoke and fire from video images. Video-based smoke detection approaches are becoming practical alternatives to the conventional fire detection methods due to their numerous advantages such as early fire detection, fast response, non-contact, absence of spatial limits, ability to provide live video that conveys fire progress information, and capability to provide forensic evidence for fire investigations. This paper provides a chronological survey of different video-based smoke detection methods that are available in literatures from 1998 to 2014.Though the paper is not aimed at performing comparative analysis of the surveyed methods, perceived strengths and weakness of the different methods are identified as this will be useful for future research in video-based smoke or fire detection. Keywords: Early fire detection, video-based smoke detection, algorithms, computer vision, image processing

    A Contribution to increasing the efficiency of the ship fire detection system by implementing new electronic and computer technologies

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    Doktorska disertacija – Prilog povećanju učinkovitosti brodskoga vatrodojavnog sustava primjenom novih elektroničkih i računalnih tehnologija – proučava pristup za poboljšanje sigurnosti broda od požara. Tradicionalni način zaštite od požara podrazumijeva tri područja: strukturnu zaštitu od požara, otkrivanje i gašenje požara. Više od polovice brodskih požara dogodi se u prostoru brodske strojarnice, zbog čega se naglasak istraživanja usmjerio upravo u to područje. Štete i gubitci nastali uslijed požara na brodovima zadnjih desetljeća ubrzali su razvoj novih tehnika, tehnologija i inovacija s ciljem povećanja sigurnosti i pouzdanosti sustava detekcije požara. Rano otkrivanje požara ima presudnu ulogu u njegovu gašenju i sprječavanju širenja. Razvoj vatrodojavne tehnologije potaknut je nizom požarnih incidenata, koji su za posljedicu imali velike materijalne gubitke, uz još veće ljudske žrtve. Dosadašnjim razvojem detektora dojave požara integracijom tehnologija dojave požara s mikroelektroničkim i informacijskim tehnologijama ostvaren je visok stupanj autonomnosti sustava, uz istodobno povećanje pouzdanosti i raspoloživost. Istovremeno, povećanjem potražnje za poboljšanom tehnologijom ranog detektiranja požara i njegovog sprječavanja, razvijaju se napredni sustavi detekcije čiji upravljački algoritmi imaju zadatak inteligentne obrade raspoznavanja stvarnog od lažnog signala dima ili plamena. Koristeći uslugu koju nudi nova tehnologija, brodaru je cilj kvalitetnija zaštita posade, brodskog inventara te smanjenje troškova koji bi mogli nastati uslijed nesreće izazvane požarom. Uz pregled najnovije tehnike i tehnologije ranog otkrivanja požara na brodovima, ova doktorska disertacija prikazuje poboljšanje karakteristika novih sustava i komponenti sustava detekcije, analizirajući njihove mogućnosti, prednosti i primjenu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da se primjenom brodskog vatrodojavnog sustava temeljenog na računalnom vidu može unaprijediti dosadašnji klasični brodski vatrodojavni sustav, postizanjem veće brzine otkrivanja požarnog incidenta, a samim time i bržom intervencijom gašenja i suzbijanja njegovog daljnjeg širenja.Doctoral thesis – A contribution to increasing the efficiency of the Ship fire detection system by implementing new electronic and computer technologies – examines an approach to the increasing ship's safety in a case of fire. The traditional way of fire protection involves three areas: structural fire protection, fire detection and fire fighting. More than half of a ship's fires occur in the area of the ship's engine room, which is why the emphasis of the research is focused precisely in this area. Damage and losses incurred due to fire on ships in recent decades have accelerated the development of new techniques, technologies and innovations to increase the safety and reliability of fire detection systems. Early detection plays a crucial role in fire fighting and prevention of fire spreading. The development of fire alarm technology has been driven by a number of fire incidents which have caused huge material losses, with an even greater human toll. The current development of fire alarm detectors with the integration of technology of fire detection system with micro-electronic and information technology has created a high degree of system autonomy, while increasing reliability and availability. At the same time, the increasing demand for improved technology of early detection of fire and its prevention has developed advanced detection systems whose control algorithms have the task of intelligent processing, distinguishing real from false signals of smoke or flames. Through usage of a service offered by the new technology, the ship operator aims to gain quality crew protection, and the protection of the ship's inventory, as well as reduction of expenses that could appear due to an accident caused by a fire. With an overview of the latest techniques and technologies for early detection of fires on ships, this doctoral thesis shows the improvement of the characteristics of new systems and components of detection systems, analyzing their features, advantages and applications. The results of a research has shown that an implementation of a computer vision based fire detection can improve current classical fire detection system, by reaching greater speed of fire detection, thus faster fire containment and fire suppression

    A Contribution to increasing the efficiency of the ship fire detection system by implementing new electronic and computer technologies

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    Doktorska disertacija – Prilog povećanju učinkovitosti brodskoga vatrodojavnog sustava primjenom novih elektroničkih i računalnih tehnologija – proučava pristup za poboljšanje sigurnosti broda od požara. Tradicionalni način zaštite od požara podrazumijeva tri područja: strukturnu zaštitu od požara, otkrivanje i gašenje požara. Više od polovice brodskih požara dogodi se u prostoru brodske strojarnice, zbog čega se naglasak istraživanja usmjerio upravo u to područje. Štete i gubitci nastali uslijed požara na brodovima zadnjih desetljeća ubrzali su razvoj novih tehnika, tehnologija i inovacija s ciljem povećanja sigurnosti i pouzdanosti sustava detekcije požara. Rano otkrivanje požara ima presudnu ulogu u njegovu gašenju i sprječavanju širenja. Razvoj vatrodojavne tehnologije potaknut je nizom požarnih incidenata, koji su za posljedicu imali velike materijalne gubitke, uz još veće ljudske žrtve. Dosadašnjim razvojem detektora dojave požara integracijom tehnologija dojave požara s mikroelektroničkim i informacijskim tehnologijama ostvaren je visok stupanj autonomnosti sustava, uz istodobno povećanje pouzdanosti i raspoloživost. Istovremeno, povećanjem potražnje za poboljšanom tehnologijom ranog detektiranja požara i njegovog sprječavanja, razvijaju se napredni sustavi detekcije čiji upravljački algoritmi imaju zadatak inteligentne obrade raspoznavanja stvarnog od lažnog signala dima ili plamena. Koristeći uslugu koju nudi nova tehnologija, brodaru je cilj kvalitetnija zaštita posade, brodskog inventara te smanjenje troškova koji bi mogli nastati uslijed nesreće izazvane požarom. Uz pregled najnovije tehnike i tehnologije ranog otkrivanja požara na brodovima, ova doktorska disertacija prikazuje poboljšanje karakteristika novih sustava i komponenti sustava detekcije, analizirajući njihove mogućnosti, prednosti i primjenu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da se primjenom brodskog vatrodojavnog sustava temeljenog na računalnom vidu može unaprijediti dosadašnji klasični brodski vatrodojavni sustav, postizanjem veće brzine otkrivanja požarnog incidenta, a samim time i bržom intervencijom gašenja i suzbijanja njegovog daljnjeg širenja.Doctoral thesis – A contribution to increasing the efficiency of the Ship fire detection system by implementing new electronic and computer technologies – examines an approach to the increasing ship's safety in a case of fire. The traditional way of fire protection involves three areas: structural fire protection, fire detection and fire fighting. More than half of a ship's fires occur in the area of the ship's engine room, which is why the emphasis of the research is focused precisely in this area. Damage and losses incurred due to fire on ships in recent decades have accelerated the development of new techniques, technologies and innovations to increase the safety and reliability of fire detection systems. Early detection plays a crucial role in fire fighting and prevention of fire spreading. The development of fire alarm technology has been driven by a number of fire incidents which have caused huge material losses, with an even greater human toll. The current development of fire alarm detectors with the integration of technology of fire detection system with micro-electronic and information technology has created a high degree of system autonomy, while increasing reliability and availability. At the same time, the increasing demand for improved technology of early detection of fire and its prevention has developed advanced detection systems whose control algorithms have the task of intelligent processing, distinguishing real from false signals of smoke or flames. Through usage of a service offered by the new technology, the ship operator aims to gain quality crew protection, and the protection of the ship's inventory, as well as reduction of expenses that could appear due to an accident caused by a fire. With an overview of the latest techniques and technologies for early detection of fires on ships, this doctoral thesis shows the improvement of the characteristics of new systems and components of detection systems, analyzing their features, advantages and applications. The results of a research has shown that an implementation of a computer vision based fire detection can improve current classical fire detection system, by reaching greater speed of fire detection, thus faster fire containment and fire suppression

    An Early Fire Detection Algorithm Using IP Cameras

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    The presence of smoke is the first symptom of fire; therefore to achieve early fire detection, accurate and quick estimation of the presence of smoke is very important. In this paper we propose an algorithm to detect the presence of smoke using video sequences captured by Internet Protocol (IP) cameras, in which important features of smoke, such as color, motion and growth properties are employed. For an efficient smoke detection in the IP camera platform, a detection algorithm must operate directly in the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) domain to reduce computational cost, avoiding a complete decoding process required for algorithms that operate in spatial domain. In the proposed algorithm the DCT Inter-transformation technique is used to increase the detection accuracy without inverse DCT operation. In the proposed scheme, firstly the candidate smoke regions are estimated using motion and color smoke properties; next using morphological operations the noise is reduced. Finally the growth properties of the candidate smoke regions are furthermore analyzed through time using the connected component labeling technique. Evaluation results show that a feasible smoke detection method with false negative and false positive error rates approximately equal to 4% and 2%, respectively, is obtained