25 research outputs found

    An EPTAS for machine scheduling with bag-constraints

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    Machine scheduling is a fundamental optimization problem in computer science. The task of scheduling a set of jobs on a given number of machines and minimizing the makespan is well studied and among other results, we know that EPTAS's for machine scheduling on identical machines exist. Das and Wiese initiated the research on a generalization of makespan minimization, that includes so called bag-constraints. In this variation of machine scheduling the given set of jobs is partitioned into subsets, so called bags. Given this partition a schedule is only considered feasible when on any machine there is at most one job from each bag. Das and Wiese showed that this variant of machine scheduling admits a PTAS. We will improve on this result by giving the first EPTAS for the machine scheduling problem with bag-constraints. We achieve this result by using new insights on this problem and restrictions given by the bag-constraints. We show that, to gain an approximate solution, we can relax the bag-constraints and ignore some of the restrictions. Our EPTAS uses a new instance transformation that will allow us to schedule large and small jobs independently of each other for a majority of bags. We also show that it is sufficient to respect the bag-constraint only among a constant number of bags, when scheduling large jobs. With these observations our algorithm will allow for some conflicts when computing a schedule and we show how to repair the schedule in polynomial-time by swapping certain jobs around

    On Minimizing the Makespan When Some Jobs Cannot Be Assigned on the Same Machine

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    We study the classical scheduling problem of assigning jobs to machines in order to minimize the makespan. It is well-studied and admits an EPTAS on identical machines and a (2-1/m)-approximation algorithm on unrelated machines. In this paper we study a variation in which the input jobs are partitioned into bags and no two jobs from the same bag are allowed to be assigned on the same machine. Such a constraint can easily arise, e.g., due to system stability and redundancy considerations. Unfortunately, as we demonstrate in this paper, the techniques of the above results break down in the presence of these additional constraints. Our first result is a PTAS for the case of identical machines. It enhances the methods from the known (E)PTASs by a finer classification of the input jobs and careful argumentations why a good schedule exists after enumerating over the large jobs. For unrelated machines, we prove that there can be no (log n)^{1/4-epsilon}-approximation algorithm for the problem for any epsilon > 0, assuming that NP nsubseteq ZPTIME(2^{(log n)^{O(1)}}). This holds even in the restricted assignment setting. However, we identify a special case of the latter in which we can do better: if the same set of machines we give an 8-approximation algorithm. It is based on rounding the LP-relaxation of the problem in phases and adjusting the residual fractional solution after each phase to order to respect the bag constraints

    Approximation Schemes for Machine Scheduling

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    In the classical problem of makespan minimization on identical parallel machines, or machine scheduling for short, a set of jobs has to be assigned to a set of machines. The jobs have a processing time and the goal is to minimize the latest finishing time of the jobs. Machine scheduling is well known to be NP-hard and thus there is no polynomial time algorithm for this problem that is guaranteed to find an optimal solution unless P=NP. There is, however, a polynomial time approximation scheme (PTAS) for machine scheduling, that is, a family of approximation algorithms with ratios arbitrarily close to one. Whether a problem admits an approximation scheme or not is a fundamental question in approximation theory. In the present work, we consider this question for several variants of machine scheduling. We study the problem where the machines are partitioned into a constant number of types and the processing time of the jobs is also dependent on the machine type. We present so called efficient PTAS (EPTAS) results for this problem and variants thereof. We show that certain cases of machine scheduling with assignment restrictions do not admit a PTAS unless P=NP. Moreover, we introduce a graph framework based on the restrictions of the jobs and use it in the design of approximation schemes for other variants. We introduce an enhanced integer programming formulation for assignment problems, show that it can be efficiently solved, and use it in the EPTAS design for variants of machine scheduling with setup times. For one of the problems, we show that there is also a PTAS in the case with uniform machines, where machines have speeds influencing the processing times of the jobs. We consider cases in which each job requires a certain amount of a shared renewable resource and the processing time is depended on the amount of resource it receives or not. We present so called asymptotic fully polynomial time approximation schemes (AFPTAS) for the problems

    Scheduling with Many Shared Resources

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    Consider the many shared resource scheduling problem where jobs have to be scheduled on identical parallel machines with the goal of minimizing the makespan. However, each job needs exactly one additional shared resource in order to be executed and hence prevents the execution of jobs that need the same resource while being processed. Previously a (2m/(m+1))(2m/(m+1))-approximation was the best known result for this problem. Furthermore, a 6/56/5-approximation for the case with only two machines was known as well as a PTAS for the case with a constant number of machines. We present a simple and fast 5/3-approximation and a much more involved but still reasonable 1.5-approximation. Furthermore, we provide a PTAS for the case with only a constant number of machines, which is arguably simpler and faster than the previously known one, as well as a PTAS with resource augmentation for the general case. The approximation schemes make use of the N-fold integer programming machinery, which has found more and more applications in the field of scheduling recently. It is plausible that the latter results can be improved and extended to more general cases. Lastly, we give a 5/4ε5/4 - \varepsilon inapproximability result for the natural problem extension where each job may need up to a constant number (in particular 33) of different resources

    Approximation Algorithms for Problems in Makespan Minimization on Unrelated Parallel Machines

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    A fundamental problem in scheduling is makespan minimization on unrelated parallel machines (R||Cmax). Let there be a set J of jobs and a set M of parallel machines, where every job Jj ∈ J has processing time or length pi,j ∈ ℚ+ on machine Mi ∈ M. The goal in R||Cmax is to schedule the jobs non-preemptively on the machines so as to minimize the length of the schedule, the makespan. A ρ-approximation algorithm produces in polynomial time a feasible solution such that its objective value is within a multiplicative factor ρ of the optimum, where ρ is called its approximation ratio. The best-known approximation algorithms for R||Cmax have approximation ratio 2, but there is no ρ-approximation algorithm with ρ \u3c 3/2 for R||Cmax unless P=NP. A longstanding open problem in approximation algorithms is to reconcile this hardness gap. We take a two-pronged approach to learn more about the hardness gap of R||Cmax: (1) find approximation algorithms for special cases of R||Cmax whose approximation ratios are tight (unless P=NP); (2) identify special cases of R||Cmax that have the same 3/2-hardness bound of R||Cmax, but where the approximation barrier of 2 can be broken. This thesis is divided into four parts. The first two parts investigate a special case of R||Cmax called the graph balancing problem when every job has one of two lengths and the machines may have one of two speeds. First, we present 3/2-approximation algorithms for the graph balancing problem with one speed and two job lengths. In the second part of this thesis we give an approximation algorithm for the graph balancing problem with two speeds and two job lengths with approximation ratio (√65+7)/8 ≈ 1.88278. In the third part of the thesis we present approximation algorithms and hardness of approximation results for two problems called R||Cmax with simple job-intersection structure and R||Cmax with bounded job assignments. We conclude this thesis by presenting algorithmic and computational complexity results for a generalization of R||Cmax where J is partitioned into sets called bags, and it must be that no two jobs belonging to the same bag are scheduled on the same machine

    Algorithms for Scheduling Problems and Integer Programming

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    The first part of this thesis gives approximation results to scheduling problems. The classical makespan minimization problem on identical parallel machines asks for a distribution of a set of jobs to a set of machines such that the latest job completion time is minimized. For this strongly NP-complete problem we give a new EPTAS algorithm. In fact, it admits a practical implementation which beats the currently best approximation ratio of the MULTIFIT algorithm. A well-studied extension of the problem is the partition of the jobs into classes which impose a class-specific setup time on a machine whenever the processing switches to a job of a different class. For these so-called scheduling problems with batch setup times we present a 1.5-approximation algorithm for each of the three major settings. We achieve similar results for the likewise natural variant of many shared resources scheduling (MSRS) where instead of imposing a setup time each class is identified by a resource which can be occupied by at most one of its jobs at a time. For MSRS we present a 1.5-approximation and two EPTAS results. The second part provides results for fixed-priority uniprocessor real-time scheduling and variants of block-structured integer programming. We give a new approach to compute worst-case response times which admits a polynomial-time algorithm for harmonic periods even in the presence of task release jitters. In more detail, we prove a duality between Response Time Computation (RTC) and the Mixing Set problem. Furthermore, both problems can be expressed as block-structured integer programs which are closely related to simultaneous congruences. However, the setting of the famous Chinese Remainder Theorem is that each congruence has to have a certain remainder. We relax this setting such that the remainder of each congruence may lie in a given interval. We show that the smallest solution to these congruences can be computed in polynomial time if the set of divisors is harmonic

    Approximation algorithms for job scheduling with block-type conflict graphs

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    The problem of scheduling jobs on parallel machines (identical, uniform, or unrelated), under incompatibility relation modeled as a block graph, under the makespan optimality criterion, is considered in this paper. No two jobs that are in the relation (equivalently in the same block) may be scheduled on the same machine in this model. The presented model stems from a well-established line of research combining scheduling theory with methods relevant to graph coloring. Recently, cluster graphs and their extensions like block graphs were given additional attention. We complement hardness results provided by other researchers for block graphs by providing approximation algorithms. In particular, we provide a 22-approximation algorithm for PG=block graphCmaxP|G = block\ graph|C_{max} and a PTAS for the case when the jobs are unit time in addition. In the case of uniform machines, we analyze two cases. The first one is when the number of blocks is bounded, i.e. QG=kblock graphCmaxQ|G = k-block\ graph|C_{max}. For this case, we provide a PTAS, improving upon results presented by D. Page and R. Solis-Oba. The improvement is two-fold: we allow richer graph structure, and we allow the number of machine speeds to be part of the input. Due to strong NP-hardness of QG=2clique graphCmaxQ|G = 2-clique\ graph|C_{max}, the result establishes the approximation status of QG=kblock graphCmaxQ|G = k-block\ graph|C_{max}. The PTAS might be of independent interest because the problem is tightly related to the NUMERICAL k-DIMENSIONAL MATCHING WITH TARGET SUMS problem. The second case that we analyze is when the number of blocks is arbitrary, but the number of cut-vertices is bounded and jobs are of unit time. In this case, we present an exact algorithm. In addition, we present an FPTAS for graphs with bounded treewidth and a bounded number of unrelated machines.Comment: 48 pages, 6 figures, 9 algorithm

    Parametrisierte Algorithmen für Ganzzahlige Lineare Programme und deren Anwendungen für Zuweisungsprobleme

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    This thesis is concerned with solving NP-hard problems. We consider two prominent strategies of coping with such computationally hard questions efficiently. The first approach aims to design approximation algorithms, that is, we are content to find good, but non-optimal solutions in polynomial time. The second strategy is called Fixed-Parameter Tractability (FPT) and considers parameters of the instance to capture the hardness of the problem and by that, obtain efficient algorithms with respect to the remaining input. This thesis employs both strategies jointly to develop efficient approximation and exact algorithms using parameterization and modeling the problem as structured integer linear programs (ILPs), which can be solved in FPT. In the first part of this work, we concentrate on these well-structured ILPs. On the one hand, we develop an efficient algorithm for block-structured integer linear programs called n-fold ILPs. On the other hand, we investigate the similarly block-structured 2-stage stochastic ILPs and prove conditional lower bounds regarding the running time of any algorithm solving them that match the best known upper bounds. We also prove the tightness of certain structural parameters called sensitivity and proximity for ILPs which arise from combinatorial questions such as allocation problems. The second part utilizes n-fold ILPs and structural properties to add to and improve upon known results for Scheduling and Bin Packing problems. We design exact FPT algorithms for the Scheduling With Clique Incompatibilities, Bin Packing, and Multiple Knapsack problems. Further, we provide constant-factor approximation algorithms and polynomial time approximation schemes (PTAS) for the Class Constraint Scheduling problems. Broadening our scope, we also investigate this problem and the closely related Cardinality Constraint Scheduling problem in the online setting and derive lower bounds for the approximation ratios as well as a PTAS for them. Altogether, this thesis contributes to the knowledge about structured ILPs, proves their limits and reaffirms their usefulness for a plethora of allocation problems. In doing so, various new and improved algorithms with respect to the running time or approximation quality emerge

    An AFPTAS for Bin Packing with Partition Matroid via a New Method for LP Rounding

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    We consider the Bin Packing problem with a partition matroid constraint. The input is a set of items of sizes in [0,1], and a partition matroid over the items. The goal is to pack the items in a minimum number of unit-size bins, such that each bin forms an independent set in the matroid. This variant of classic Bin Packing has natural applications in secure storage on the Cloud, as well as in equitable scheduling and clustering with fairness constraints. Our main result is an asymptotic fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (AFPTAS) for Bin Packing with a partition matroid constraint. This scheme generalizes the known AFPTAS for Bin Packing with Cardinality Constraints and improves the existing asymptotic polynomial-time approximation scheme (APTAS) for Group Bin Packing, which are both special cases of Bin Packing with partition matroid. We derive the scheme via a new method for rounding a (fractional) solution for a configuration-LP. Our method uses this solution to obtain prototypes, in which items are interpreted as placeholders for other items, and applies fractional grouping to modify a fractional solution (prototype) into one having desired integrality properties