1,420 research outputs found

    Addressing the tacit knowledge of a digital library system

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    Recent surveys, about the Linked Data initiatives in library organizations, report the experimental nature of related projects and the difficulty in re-using data to provide improvements of library services. This paper presents an approach for managing data and its "tacit" organizational knowledge, as the originating data context, improving the interpretation of data meaning. By analyzing a Digital Libray system, we prototyped a method for turning data management into a "semantic data management", where local system knowledge is managed as a data, and natively foreseen as a Linked Data. Semantic data management aims to curates the correct consumers' understanding of Linked Datasets, driving to a proper re-use

    Evaluation of a Generic Approach for Designing Domain Ontologies Based on XML Schemas

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    The process designing domain ontologies from scratch is very time-consuming and is associated with a lot of effort. In the most cases, domain experts have defined XML Schemas, describing domain data models, before ontologies have been created. Our idea is to generate ontologies out of XML Schemas automatically using XSLT transformations in a first step, and to derive domain ontologies semi-automatically using SWRL rules in a second step. We apply our approach in order to reuse the information located in the XML Schemas for the design of domain ontologies. In this paper, we aim to verify the hypothesis, that the effort and the time delivering high quality domain ontologies using the developed semi-automatic approach is much less than creating domain ontologies in a completely manual way. We have applied the individual stages of the suggested approach to multiple different data models in the academic and the industry domain. In addition to that, we show one complete use case for which the traditional approach designing domain ontologies manually and the proposed approach have been applied – the DDI-RDF Discovery Vocabulary, which is an ontology of the social science metadata standard Data Documentation Initiative

    Semantic web approach for italian graduates' surveys: the AlmaLaurea ontology proposal

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    Il crescente sviluppo e la promozione della trasparenza dei dati nell’ambito della pubblica amministrazione copre molteplici aspetti, fra cui l’educazione universitaria. Attualmente sono difatti numerosi i dataset rilasciati in formato Linked Open Data disponibili a livello nazionale ed internazionale. Fra le informazioni pubblicamente disponibili spiccano concetti riguardo l’occupazione e la numerosità dei laureati. Nonostante il progresso riscontrato, la mancanza di una metodologia standard per la descrizione di informazioni statistiche sui laureati rende difficoltoso un confronto di determinati fatti a partire da differenti sorgenti di dati. Sul piano nazionale, le indagini AlmaLaurea colmano il gap informativo dell’eterogeneità delle fonti proponendo statistiche centralizzate su profilo dei laureati e relativa condizione occupazionale, aggiornate annualmente. Scopo del progetto di tesi è la realizzazione di un’ontologia di dominio che descriva diverse peculiarità dei laureati, promuovendo allo stesso tempo la definizione strutturata dei dati AlmaLaurea e la successiva pubblicazione nel contesto Linked Open Data. Il progetto, realizzato con l’ausilio delle tecnologie del Web Semantico, propone infine la creazione di un endpoint SPARQL e di una interfaccia web per l'interrogazione e la visualizzazione dei dati strutturati

    Creation and extension of ontologies for describing communications in the context of organizations

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    Thesis submitted to Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Computer ScienceThe use of ontologies is nowadays a sufficiently mature and solid field of work to be considered an efficient alternative in knowledge representation. With the crescent growth of the Semantic Web, it is expectable that this alternative tends to emerge even more in the near future. In the context of a collaboration established between FCT-UNL and the R&D department of a national software company, a new solution entitled ECC – Enterprise Communications Center was developed. This application provides a solution to manage the communications that enter, leave or are made within an organization, and includes intelligent classification of communications and conceptual search techniques in a communications repository. As specificity may be the key to obtain acceptable results with these processes, the use of ontologies becomes crucial to represent the existing knowledge about the specific domain of an organization. This work allowed us to guarantee a core set of ontologies that have the power of expressing the general context of the communications made in an organization, and of a methodology based upon a series of concrete steps that provides an effective capability of extending the ontologies to any business domain. By applying these steps, the minimization of the conceptualization and setup effort in new organizations and business domains is guaranteed. The adequacy of the core set of ontologies chosen and of the methodology specified is demonstrated in this thesis by its effective application to a real case-study, which allowed us to work with the different types of sources considered in the methodology and the activities that support its construction and evolution

    Ontology-based standards development: Application of OntoStanD to ebXML business process specification schema

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    Business-to-Business (B2B) interoperations are an important part of today's global economy. Business process standards are developed to provide a common understanding of the information shared between trading partners. These standards, however, mainly capture the syntax of the transactions and not their semantics. This paper proposes the use of ontologies as the basis for standards development and presents an ontology for the ebXML Business Process Specification Schema (ebBP) with the aim of empowering the capture and sharing of semantics embedded within B2B processes as well as enabling knowledge deduction and reasoning over the shared knowledge. The paper utilises the Ontology-based Standards Development methodology (OntoStanD) as a methodological approach for designing ontological models of standards. This research demonstrates how Semantic Web technologies can be utilised as a basis for standards development and representation in order to improve standards-based interoperability between trading partners

    Validation Framework for RDF-based Constraint Languages

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    In this thesis, a validation framework is introduced that enables to consistently execute RDF-based constraint languages on RDF data and to formulate constraints of any type. The framework reduces the representation of constraints to the absolute minimum, is based on formal logics, consists of a small lightweight vocabulary, and ensures consistency regarding validation results and enables constraint transformations for each constraint type across RDF-based constraint languages

    A Role of Semantic Web and Ontology in Information Retrieval

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    Web Mining is an application of data mining which focuses on discovering relevant data from Web content. The Semantic Web describes a web as data rather than documents. It characterizes information in understandable manner moreimplicitly for humans and computers.It wasdeveloped with the help of Ontology, which is the pillar of the Semantic Web. The semantic Web depends on integration and use of semantic data, and sematic data is depends on ontology. Ontology can provide a common vocabulary, a grammar for publishing data, and can supply a semantic d data which can be used to preserve the Ontologies and keep them ready for inference. This also helps in personalized filtering mechanisms for users to consume relevant, interesting information from web sites. By combining web mining and sematic web, we can retrieve relevant data called as semantic web mining. This paper gives an overview of sematic web mining and their applications
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