11 research outputs found

    Detecting the Early Drop of Attention using EEG Signal

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    The capabilityĀ Ā  to detect the drop of attention as early as possible has many practical applications including for the development of the early warning system for those who involve in high-risk works thatĀ  require a constant level of concentration. This study intends toĀ  develop such the capability on the basis of the data of the brainĀ Ā  waves: delta, theta, alpha, beta, and gamma. For the purpose, a number of participants are askedĀ  to participate in the study where theirĀ  brain waves are recorded by using a low-cost Neurosky Mindwave EEG sensor. In the process, theĀ  participants are performing a continuous performance test from which their attention levels are directly measured inĀ  the form of the response time in conjunction to those waves. When the response time is much longer thanĀ  a normal one, the participant attention is assumedĀ  to be dropped. A simple k-NN classification method is used with the k = 3. The results are the following. The best detection of the attention drop is achieved whenĀ  the attention features are extractedĀ Ā  from the earliest stage of the brain wave signals. The brain wave signal should beĀ  recorded longer than 1 s since the time the stimulus is presented as a short signalĀ  leads to a poor categorization. A significant drop in the level of response time is required to provide the brain signal that better predicts the change of the attention

    Improvement of Student Attention Monitoring Supported by Precision Sensing in Learning Management Systems

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    A Learning Management Systems (LMS) can benefit from the inclusion Computer-Mediated-Communications (CMC) software for delivering materials. Incorporating CMC tools in virtual classrooms or implementing educational blogs, can be very effective in e-learning platforms. In such student-centered interaction scenarios, it is important to monitor and manage student attention in a precise way to enhance student performance. Sensing with precision through 6G/7G technology allows to include electronic and software devices to produce such monitoring. This chapter contextualizes and describes an abstraction application scenario of sensing and monitoring student attention with high precision in Learning Management System with new communication systems. In that context, technology (e.g. sensors), is used to perform automatic attention monitoring, helping to manage students in e-Learning. Additionally, the document presents a possible scenario which supports intelligent services to the monitoring of student attention during e-learning activities in the context of Smart HEI (Higher Education Institutes)

    Hypovigilance Detection for UCAV Operators Based on a Hidden Markov Model

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    With the advance of military technology, the number of unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) has rapidly increased. However, it has been reported that the accident rate of UCAVs is much higher than that of manned combat aerial vehicles. One of the main reasons for the high accident rate of UCAVs is the hypovigilance problem which refers to the decrease in vigilance levels of UCAV operators while maneuvering. In this paper, we propose hypovigilance detection models for UCAV operators based on EEG signal to minimize the number of occurrences of hypovigilance. To enable detection, we have applied hidden Markov models (HMMs), two of which are used to indicate the operators' dual states, normal vigilance and hypovigilance, and, for each operator, the HMMs are trained as a detection model. To evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of the proposed models, we conducted two experiments on the real-world data obtained by using EEG-signal acquisition devices, and they yielded satisfactory results. By utilizing the proposed detection models, the problem of hypovigilance of UCAV operators and the problem of high accident rate of UCAVs can be addressed

    Hypovigilance Detection for UCAV Operators Based on a Hidden Markov Model

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    With the advance of military technology, the number of unmanned combat aerial vehicles (UCAVs) has rapidly increased. However, it has been reported that the accident rate of UCAVs is much higher than that of manned combat aerial vehicles. One of the main reasons for the high accident rate of UCAVs is the hypovigilance problem which refers to the decrease in vigilance levels of UCAV operators while maneuvering. In this paper, we propose hypovigilance detection models for UCAV operators based on EEG signal to minimize the number of occurrences of hypovigilance. To enable detection, we have applied hidden Markov models (HMMs), two of which are used to indicate the operatorsā€™ dual states, normal vigilance and hypovigilance, and, for each operator, the HMMs are trained as a detection model. To evaluate the efficacy and effectiveness of the proposed models, we conducted two experiments on the real-world data obtained by using EEG-signal acquisition devices, and they yielded satisfactory results. By utilizing the proposed detection models, the problem of hypovigilance of UCAV operators and the problem of high accident rate of UCAVs can be addressed

    A Physiological Signal Processing System for Optimal Engagement and Attention Detection.

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    In todayā€™s high paced, hi-tech and high stress environment, with extended work hours, long to-do lists and neglected personal health, sleep deprivation has become common in modern culture. Coupled with these factors is the inherent repetitious and tedious nature of certain occupations and daily routines, which all add up to an undesirable fluctuation in individualsā€™ cognitive attention and capacity. Given certain critical professions, a momentary or prolonged lapse in attention level can be catastrophic and sometimes deadly. This research proposes to develop a real-time monitoring system which uses fundamental physiological signals such as the Electrocardiograph (ECG), to analyze and predict the presence or lack of cognitive attention in individuals during task execution. The primary focus of this study is to identify the correlation between fluctuating level of attention and its implications on the physiological parameters of the body. The system is designed using only those physiological signals that can be collected easily with small, wearable, portable and non-invasive monitors and thereby being able to predict well in advance, an individualā€™s potential loss of attention and ingression of sleepiness. Several advanced signal processing techniques have been implemented and investigated to derive multiple clandestine and informative features. These features are then applied to machine learning algorithms to produce classification models that are capable of differentiating between the cases of a person being attentive and the person not being attentive. Furthermore, Electroencephalograph (EEG) signals are also analyzed and classified for use as a benchmark for comparison with ECG analysis. For the study, ECG signals and EEG signals of volunteer subjects are acquired in a controlled experiment. The experiment is designed to inculcate and sustain cognitive attention for a period of time following which an attempt is made to reduce cognitive attention of volunteer subjects. The data acquired during the experiment is decomposed and analyzed for feature extraction and classification. The presented results show that to a fairly reasonable accuracy it is possible to detect the presence or lack of attention in individuals with just their ECG signal, especially in comparison with analysis done on EEG signals. The continual work of this research includes other physiological signals such as Galvanic Skin Response, Heat Flux, Skin Temperature and video based facial feature analysis

    Signal Processing of Electroencephalogram for the Detection of Attentiveness towards Short Training Videos

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    This research has developed a novel method which uses an easy to deploy single dry electrode wireless electroencephalogram (EEG) collection device as an input to an automated system that measures indicators of a participantā€™s attentiveness while they are watching a short training video. The results are promising, including 85% or better accuracy in identifying whether a participant is watching a segment of video from a boring scene or lecture, versus a segment of video from an attentiveness inducing active lesson or memory quiz. In addition, the final system produces an ensemble average of attentiveness across many participants, pinpointing areas in the training videos that induce peak attentiveness. Qualitative analysis of the results of this research is also very promising. The system produces attentiveness graphs for individual participants and these triangulate well with the thoughts and feelings those participants had during different parts of the videos, as described in their own words. As distance learning and computer based training become more popular, it is of great interest to measure if students are attentive to recorded lessons and short training videos. This research was motivated by this interest, as well as recent advances in electronic and computer engineeringā€™s use of biometric signal analysis for the detection of affective (emotional) response. Signal processing of EEG has proven useful in measuring alertness, emotional state, and even towards very specific applications such as whether or not participants will recall television commercials days after they have seen them. This research extended these advances by creating an automated system which measures attentiveness towards short training videos. The bulk of the research was focused on electrical and computer engineering, specifically the optimization of signal processing algorithms for this particular application. A review of existing methods of EEG signal processing and feature extraction methods shows that there is a common subdivision of the steps that are used in different EEG applications. These steps include hardware sensing filtering and digitizing, noise removal, chopping the continuous EEG data into windows for processing, normalization, transformation to extract frequency or scale information, treatment of phase or shift information, and additional post-transformation noise reduction techniques. A large degree of variation exists in most of these steps within the currently documented state of the art. This research connected these varied methods into a single holistic model that allows for comparison and selection of optimal algorithms for this application. The research described herein provided for such a structured and orderly comparison of individual signal analysis and feature extraction methods. This study created a concise algorithmic approach in examining all the aforementioned steps. In doing so, the study provided the framework for a systematic approach which followed a rigorous participant cross validation so that options could be tested, compared and optimized. Novel signal analysis methods were also developed, using new techniques to choose parameters, which greatly improved performance. The research also utilizes machine learning to automatically categorize extracted features into measures of attentiveness. The research improved existing machine learning with novel methods, including a method of using per-participant baselines with kNN machine learning. This provided an optimal solution to extend current EEG signal analysis methods that were used in other applications, and refined them for use in the measurement of attentiveness towards short training videos. These algorithms are proven to be best via selection of optimal signal analysis and optimal machine learning steps identified through both n-fold and participant cross validation. The creation of this new system which uses signal processing of EEG for the detection of attentiveness towards short training videos has created a significant advance in the field of attentiveness measuring towards short training videos

    Computer-Mediated Communication

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    This book is an anthology of present research trends in Computer-mediated Communications (CMC) from the point of view of different application scenarios. Four different scenarios are considered: telecommunication networks, smart health, education, and human-computer interaction. The possibilities of interaction introduced by CMC provide a powerful environment for collaborative human-to-human, computer-mediated interaction across the globe

    An Automated Optimal Engagement and Attention Detection System Using Electrocardiogram

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    This research proposes to develop a monitoring system which uses Electrocardiograph (ECG) as a fundamental physiological signal, to analyze and predict the presence or lack of cognitive attention in individuals during a task execution. The primary focus of this study is to identify the correlation between fluctuating level of attention and its implications on the cardiac rhythm recorded in the ECG. Furthermore, Electroencephalograph (EEG) signals are also analyzed and classified for use as a benchmark for comparison with ECG analysis. Several advanced signal processing techniques have been implemented and investigated to derive multiple clandestine and informative features from both these physiological signals. Decomposition and feature extraction are done using Stockwell-transform for the ECG signal, while Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is used for EEG. These features are then applied to various machine-learning algorithms to produce classification models that are capable of differentiating between the cases of a person being attentive and a person not being attentive. The presented results show that detection and classification of cognitive attention using ECG are fairly comparable to EEG

    Bioelectrical User Authentication

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    There has been tremendous growth of mobile devices, which includes mobile phones, tablets etc. in recent years. The use of mobile phone is more prevalent due to their increasing functionality and capacity. Most of the mobile phones available now are smart phones and better processing capability hence their deployment for processing large volume of information. The information contained in these smart phones need to be protected against unauthorised persons from getting hold of personal data. To verify a legitimate user before accessing the phone information, the user authentication mechanism should be robust enough to meet present security challenge. The present approach for user authentication is cumbersome and fails to consider the human factor. The point of entry mechanism is intrusive which forces users to authenticate always irrespectively of the time interval. The use of biometric is identified as a more reliable method for implementing a transparent and non-intrusive user authentication. Transparent authentication using biometrics provides the opportunity for more convenient and secure authentication over secret-knowledge or token-based approaches. The ability to apply biometrics in a transparent manner improves the authentication security by providing a reliable way for smart phone user authentication. As such, research is required to investigate new modalities that would easily operate within the constraints of a continuous and transparent authentication system. This thesis explores the use of bioelectrical signals and contextual information for non-intrusive approach for authenticating a user of a mobile device. From fusion of bioelectrical signals and context awareness information, three algorithms where created to discriminate subjects with overall Equal Error Rate (EER of 3.4%, 2.04% and 0.27% respectively. Based vii | P a g e on the analysis from the multi-algorithm implementation, a novel architecture is proposed using a multi-algorithm biometric authentication system for authentication a user of a smart phone. The framework is designed to be continuous, transparent with the application of advanced intelligence to further improve the authentication result. With the proposed framework, it removes the inconvenience of password/passphrase etc. memorability, carrying of token or capturing a biometric sample in an intrusive manner. The framework is evaluated through simulation with the application of a voting scheme. The simulation of the voting scheme using majority voting improved to the performance of the combine algorithm (security level 2) to FRR of 22% and FAR of 0%, the Active algorithm (security level 2) to FRR of 14.33% and FAR of 0% while the Non-active algorithm (security level 3) to FRR of 10.33% and FAR of 0%

    A framework to measure human behaviour whilst reading

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    The brain is the most complex object in the known universe that gives a sense of being to humans and characterises human behaviour. Building models of brain functions is perhaps the most fascinating scientific challenge in the 21st century. Reading is a significant cognitive process in the human brain that plays a critical role in the vital process of learning and in performing some daily activities. The study of human behaviour during reading has been an area of interest for researchers in different fields of science. This thesis is based upon providing a novel framework, called ARSAT (Assisting Researchers in the Selection of Appropriate Technologies), that measures the behaviour of humans when reading text. The ARSAT framework aims at assisting researchers in the selection and application of appropriate technologies to measure the behaviour of a person who is reading text. The ARSAT framework will assist to researchers who investigate the reading process and find it difficult to select appropriate theories, metrics, data collection methods and data analytics techniques. The ARSAT framework enhances the ability of its users to select appropriate metrics indicating the effective factors on the characterisation of different aspects of human behaviour during the reading process. As will be shown in this research study, human behaviour is characterised by a complicated interplay of action, cognition and emotion. The ARSAT framework also facilitates selecting appropriate sensory technologies that can be used to monitor and collect data for the metrics. Moreover, this research study will introduce BehaveNet, a novel Deep Learning modelling approach, which can be used for training Deep Learning models of human behaviour from the sensory data collected. In this thesis, a comprehensive literature study is presented that was conducted to acquire adequate knowledge for designing the ARSAT framework. In order to identify the contributing factors that affect the reading process, an overview of some existing theories of the reading process is provided. Furthermore, a number of sensory technologies and techniques that can be applied to monitoring the changes in the metrics indicating the factors are also demonstrated. Only, the technologies that are commercially available on the market are recommended by the ARSAT framework. A variety of Machine Learning techniques were also investigated when designing the BehaveNet. The BehaveNet takes advantage of the complementarity of Convolutional Neural Networks, Long Short-Term Memory networks and Deep Neural Networks. The design of a Human Behaviour Monitoring System (HBMS), by utilising the ARSAT framework for recognising three attention-seeking activities of humans, is also presented in this research study. Reading printed text, as well as speaking out loudly and watching a programme on TV were proposed as activities that a person unintentionally may shift his/her attention from reading into distractions. Between sensory devices recommended by the ARSAT framework, the Muse headband which is an Electroencephalography (EEG) and head motion-sensing wearable device, was selected to track the forehead EEG and a personā€™s head movements. The EEG and 3-axes accelerometer data were recorded from eight participants when they read printed text, as well as the time they performed two other activities. An imbalanced dataset consisting over 1.2 million rows of noisy data was created and used to build a model of the activities (60% training and 20% validating data) and evaluating the model (20% of the data). The efficiency of the framework is demonstrated by comparing the performance of the models built by utilising the BehaveNet, with the models built by utilising a number of competing Deep Learning models for raw EEG and accelerometer data, that have attained state-of-the-art performance. The classification results are evaluated by some metrics including the classification accuracy, F1 score, confusion matrix, Receiver Operating Characteristic curve, and Area under Curve (AUC) score. By considering the results, the BehaveNet contributed to the body of knowledge as an approach for measuring human behaviour by using sensory devices. In comparison with the performance of the other models, the models built by utilising the BehaveNet, attained better performance when classifying data of two EEG channels (Accuracy = 95%; AUC=0.99; F1 = 0.95), data of a single EEG channel (Accuracy = 85%; AUC=0.96; F1 = 0.83), accelerometer data (Accuracy = 81%; AUC = 0.9; F1 = 0.76) and all of the data in the dataset (Accuracy = 97%; AUC = 0.99; F1 = 0.96). The dataset and the source code of this project are also published on the Internet to help the science community. The Muse headband is also shown to be an economical and standard wearable device that can be successfully used in behavioural research