8 research outputs found

    An integrated 80V 45W class-D power amplifier with optimal-efficiency-tracking switching frequency regulation

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    Piezoelectric actuators are widely used in smart materials for vibration and noise control, precision actuators, etc. [1]. These actuators are largely capacitive and the reactive power applied on them can go to several tens of Watts. Highvoltage, high-power class-D amplifiers [2]-[5] are ideal drivers for such loads, because of their high power efficiency. Preferably, efficiency should be high both at maximum power and at average output power. Obtaining high power efficiency over the full output power range of a class-D amplifier is the main focus of this work

    A High-Voltage class-D power amplifier with switching frequency regulation for improved high-efficiency output power range

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    This paper describes the power dissipation analysis and the design of an efficiency-improved high-voltage class-D power amplifier. The amplifier adaptively regulates its switching frequency for optimal power efficiency across the full output power range. This is based on detecting the switching output node voltage level at the turn-on transition of the power switches. Implemented in a 0.14 μm SOI BCD process, the amplifier achieves 93% efficiency at 45 W output power, > 80% power efficiency down to 4.5 W output power and > 49% efficiency down to 0.45 W output power

    An auto-selectable-frequency pulse-width modulator for buck converters with improved light-load efficiency

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    This modulator improves buck converter light-load efficiency by changing the switching frequency among a set of pre-defined frequencies. The frequencies are chosen so that the output spectrum of the converter with this modulator is the same as it would be if pulse-width modulation were used. This design is fabricated in a 0.35μm CMOS process, uses 1.4mm<sup>2</sup> and provides 90% peak efficiency at 300mA and 70% efficiency at 10mA. ©2008 IEEE

    ANFIS-PID Hybrid Digital Controllers for Buck Converters

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    A Fast Response Dual Mode Buck Converter with Automatic Mode Transition

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    Dual mode DC-DC converters utilizing PWM and PFM modes of operation have been widely used to improve the efficiency over a wide range of the load current. Due to the highly varying nature of the load, it is beneficial to have the converter switch between the modes without an external mode select signal. This work proposes a new technique for automatic mode switching which maintains very high efficiency at light loads and at the same time, keeps the output well regulated during a load transient from sleep to the active state. The Constant On-time PFM scheme and a zero current detector avoids the use of an accurate current sensing block. The power supply rejection is also improved using feed-forward paths from the supply in both the PWM and PFM modes. A new implementation of the PWM controller with clamped error voltage required to meet the specifications is also shown. The proposed feedback implementation using a programmable current source and resistance provides smooth output programming

    Area- and Energy- Efficient Modular Circuit Architecture for 1,024-Channel Parallel Neural Recording Microsystem.

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    This research focuses to develop system architectures and associated electronic circuits for a next generation neuroscience research tool, a massive-parallel neural recording system capable of recording 1,024 channels simultaneously. Three interdependent prototypes have been developed to address major challenges in realization of the massive-parallel neural recording microsystems: minimization of energy and area consumption while preserving high quality in recordings. First, a modular 128-channel Δ-ΔΣ AFE using the spectrum shaping has been designed and fabricated to propose an area-and energy efficient solution for neural recording AFEs. The AFE achieved 4.84 fJ/C−s·mm2 figure of merit that is the smallest the area-energy product among the state-of-the-art multichannel neural recording systems. It also features power and area consumption of 3.05 µW and 0.05 mm2 per channel, respectively while exhibiting 63.3 dB signal-to-noise ratio with 3.02 µVrms input referred noise. Second, an on-chip mixed signal neural signal compressor was built to reduce the energy consumption in handling and transmission of the recorded data since this occupies a large portion of the total energy consumption as the number of parallel recording increases. The compressor reduces the data rates of two distinct groups of neural signals that are essential for neuroscience research: LFP and AP without loss of informative signals. As a result, the power consumptions for the data handling and transmissions of the LFP and AP were reduced to about 1/5.35 and 1/10.54 of the uncompressed cases, respectively. In the total data handling and transmission, the measured power consumption per channel is 11.98 µW that is about 1/9 of 107.5 µW without the compression. Third, a compact on-chip dc-to-dc converter with constant 1 MHz switching frequency has been developed to provide reliable power supplies and enhance energy delivery efficiency to the massive-parallel neural recording systems. The dc-to-dc converter has only predictable tones at the output and it exhibits > 80% power conversion efficiency at ultra-light loads, < 100 µW that is relevant power most of the multi-channel neural recording systems consume. The dc-to-dc converter occupies 0.375 mm2 of area which is less than 1/20 of the area the first prototype consumes (8.64 mm2).PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133244/1/sungyun_1.pd

    Commande de composants grand gap dans un convertisseur de puisance synchrone sans diodes

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    Wide band gap devices already demonstrate static and dynamic performances better than silicon transistors. Compared to conventional silicon devices these new wide band gap transistors have some different characteristics that may affect power converter operations. The work presented in this PhD manuscript deals with a specific gate drive circuit for a robust, high power density and high efficiency wide band gap devices-based power converter. Two critical points have been especially studied. The first point is the higher sensitivity of wide band gap transistors to parasitic components. The second point is the lack of parasitic body diode between drain and source of HEMT GaN and JFET SiC. In order to drive these new power devices in the best way we propose innovative, robust and efficient solutions. Fully integrated gate drive circuits have been specifically developed for wide band gap devices. An adaptive output impedance gate driver provides an accurate control of wide band gap device switching waveforms directly on its gate side. Another gate drive circuit improves efficiency and reliability of diode-less wide band gap devices-based power converters thanks to an auto-adaptive and local dead-time management.Les composants de puissance grand gap présentent d'ores et déjà des caractéristiques statiques et dynamiques supérieures à leurs homologues en silicium. Mais ces composants d'un nouvel ordre s'accompagnent de différences susceptibles de modifier le fonctionnement de la cellule de commutation. Les travaux qui furent menés au cours de cette thèse se sont intéressés aux composants grand gap et à leur commande au sein d'un convertisseur de puissance synchrone robuste, haut rendement et haute densité de puissance. En particulier deux points critiques ont été identifiés et étudiés. Le premier est la grande sensibilité des composants grand gap aux composants parasites. Le second est l'absence de diode parasite interne entre le drain et la source de nombreux transistors grand gap. Pour répondre aux exigences de ces nouveaux composants et en tirer le meilleur profit, nous proposons des solutions innovantes, robustes, efficaces et directement intégrables aux circuits de commande. Des circuits de commande entièrement intégrés ont ainsi été conçus spécifiquement pour les composants grand gap. Ceux-ci permettent entre autres le contrôle précis des formes de commutation par l'adaptation de l'impédance de grille, et l'amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique et de la robustesse d'un convertisseur de puissance à base de composants grand sans diodes par une gestion dynamique et locale de temps morts très courts