2,962 research outputs found

    Authentic Audio Materials Audiobooks and Podcasts in the EFL Teaching-learning Process.

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    Figure 1 Model of language curriculum design by Macalister and Nation, Figure 2 Top-down approach process, Figure 3 Bottom-up approach processMonografía sobre la efectividad del uso de audio materiales auténticos: audiolibros y podcasts en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera. Esta monografía expone primero algunas definiciones de materiales auténticos en EFL, sus características y algunas indicaciones de como seleccionar dichos materiales. Después introduce brevemente las diferentes fases del proceso de escucha en la enseñanza del inglés como lengua extranjera y las metodologías de escucha extensiva e intensiva. Seguidamente se habla del rol de los audiolibros y podcasts en el proceso de enseñanza EFL y las contribuciones de estos materiales a la comprensión auditiva, la mejora de la pronunciación, el proceso de lectura y la adquisición de conocimientos más allá del inglés como lengua extranjera. Se presentan algunas actividades pedagógicas basadas en audiolibros y podcasts. Finalmente, se discuten las diferentes contribuciones de la literatura científica al campo de la enseñanza EFL en el marco de los objetivos propuestos para esta monografía, algunas limitaciones y recomendaciones relacionadas a la enseñanza con audio materiales auténticos en EFL tema central de esta monografía.This monograph presents the actual state in the implementation of authentic audio materials in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms around the world, looking to know how audiobooks and podcasts are effective in the EFL teaching-learning process. The method used for this research was qualitative and the research literature was collected and analyzed considering certain criteria in order to achieve an answer about such effectiveness of authentic audio materials. The analysis of the research literature showed that the use of such materials: audiobooks, and podcasts along with the implementation of extensive listening and intensive listening methodologies and activities. Helped EFL learners to reach a better listening comprehension process and to improve their reading, speaking, and writing skills. So, contributing to the development of learners’ communication skills. Keeping students engaged in their own learning and motivating them to learn through authentic audio materials. However, this monograph also showed that there are still questions about authentic audio materials without clear answers, some of these dealt with the integration of authentic materials to the curriculum and course syllabus and about the topic selection of the contents related to these materials

    Scaffolding in L2 Reading: How Repitition and an Auditory Model Help Readers

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    Reading fluency research and practice have recently undergone some changes. While past studies and interventions focused on reading speed as their main goal, now more emphasis is being placed on exploring the role prosody plays in reading, and how listening to an audio model of a text while reading may act as a form of scaffolding, or aid, to reading comprehension. This article explores how two elements unique to repeated reading (RR) practices likely provide scaffolding for L2 learners’ reading comprehension: repetitions in reading a text, and having learners read along with an audio model of the text. Scaffolding is an oft-used term in L2 education, but specific examples of it are seldom given. This article addresses scaffolding and suggests future research that can impact reading fluency intervention practices

    Influence of vocabulary e-learning strategies on oral interaction skills in efl learners

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    To analyze the influence of vocabulary e-learning strategies to foster the oral interaction on students of ninth year at María Angélica Idrobo high school during the first quarter of the scholar term 2020.La presente investigación analiza el vocabulario limitado sobre las habilidades de interacción oral en los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera en los curso de noveno año de una escuela pública de Ibarra. Enfatiza que los estudiantes requieren de léxico para desarrollar la interacción oral en el idioma inglés. Así, el objetivo general es analizar la influencia de estrategias de vocabulario en línea en las habilidades de interacción oral en los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera. Por lo tanto, éste estudio está enfocado en tres orientaciones pedagógicas: Léxico, comunicativo, y el enfoque centrado en el alumno; considerando que estos enfoques ayudan a la enseñanza del educador y vela por las necesidades del estudiante. Esta investigación estuvo basada en un diseño quasi-experimental y no hay designación al azar ya que hay dos grupos: el de control y el grupo experimental, en el primero, no hay intervención pedagógica como en el grupo experimental. Seguidamente, los instrumentos para la recopilación de la información fueron dos encuestas: uno para los docentes y otro para los estudiantes. Además, hubo una prueba previa y una prueba posterior para obtener los resultados sobre el nivel de los estudiantes y los resultados de las estrategias aplicadas a lo largo del proceso de investigación. In los hallazgos, el analista observó que el nivel de la interacción oral fue baja de acuerdo a la evaluación tomada, y esto fue porque los estudiantes tienen miedo de cometer errores cuando ellos interactúan en clase por causa de la pronunciación. Por otra parte, el marco teórico da al investigador información relevante para animar al estudiante en la interacción a través de estrategias tecnológicas que mejoren el nivel de inglés. Como resultado, se desarrolló una guía didáctica para proveer al profesor diferentes estrategias tecnológicas para adquirir nuevo vocabulario y estimular la interacción entre los estudiantes, profesor y otros.Maestrí

    Elements of digital media in vocabulary remote-learning achievement

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    The urge of finding the most suitable method of remote teaching in a pandemic situation has become the center of recent studies. Equipped with instructional scaffolding, the absence of a teacher as a mentor in an asynchronous online class could be replaced by more interesting media for students’ self-study. This study was to look at games, songs, and a movie as media to enhance students’ achievement in English vocabulary. Further, elements in each media were observed along with students’ perceptions to explain the affected area in detail. This descriptive quantitative study used paired samples t-test toward students’ post-test scores of a control group (n=100) and an experimental group (n=100) in vocabulary. Students’ perception of taking media as learning tools in experimental class was measured in a questionnaire to explain the results. Results showed that the significantly experimental group outperformed in the final score. Trend on students’ perception in an experimental group toward these teaching media involved shared and specific features in media design, psychological and pedagogic elements. Further, it turned out that some primary and subsidiary features in games exceeded two other media (songs and movies) in vice versa generating some recommendations for future improvement


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    This study investigated the impact of the wiki-enhanced task-based language teaching (TBLT) approach on students’ writing skill in the context of English as a foreign language (EFL) in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). In addition, it explored the students’ and teacher’s views and perceptions toward the implementation of the wiki-enhanced TBLT approach. The study data were collected quantitatively and qualitatively from two classrooms in a public high school in the UAE, which consisted of 30 students. The quantitative data were collected via a pretest–posttest design from the two assigned groups of students: the control and experimental groups. The qualitative data were collected via a survey of the students and a semi-structured interview with the teacher. The study was conducted during a whole academic semester. The findings of the study show that implementing the wiki-enhanced TBLT technique considerably improves EFL learners’ writing skills in relation to the four language components examined in this study: syntactic complexity, grammatical accuracy, fluency, and lexical complexity. In addition, the students enjoyed working together on writing tasks using the wiki-enhanced TBLT approach. Their responses showed that the TBLT approach encourages better performance in collaborative writing tasks and classroom engagement. Moreover, the classroom teachers indicated that the implementation of this approach played a significant role in promoting students’ performance, communication, collaboration, and engagement in the target language (English) in the experimental group. Furthermore, the findings showed that students can construct new knowledge with the aid of their peers, thereby improving their capacity to devise and discuss original ideas. As students can practice collaborative writing while at home, the wiki-enhanced TBLT approach is beneficial for online learning. Adopting this approach increased students’ participation in class because they were more comfortable working together while using technology, improving the quality of their writing and assignments. Several theoretical and pedagogical implications regarding the implementation of this approach have been drawn. The first theoretical implication of this study is that the wiki approach supports previous efforts to move the socio constructivist perspective of learning from the spoken discourse to the written discourse. The second theoretical implication is that it provides support to Chapelle\u27s framework (2003) where learning should be focused on tasks that require the use of the target language. Learning should take place in meaningful and real-life contexts, and instruction should be tailored to the individual needs of the learner. The third theoretical implication is that his study is the first to be conducted in the Gulf region, especially in the UAE. Regarding the pedagogical implications of the TBLT approach, the first pedagogical implication is that teachers need to consider the wiki-enhanced TBLT approach a standard and favored classroom strategy. The second pedagogical implication is that the wiki approach can be used by teachers as a teaching strategy to promote students’ participation and engagement and create a friendly social environment in the L2 classroom. The third pedagogical implication is that technology has proved to be integral in the classroom in teaching and learning the target language. The fourth pedagogical implication is for course designers who need to consider the wiki-enhanced TBLT approach as part of the curriculum. Based on these findings, future research can consider examining the effect of the wiki-enhanced TBLT approach on EFL learners’ writing skill at different levels, such as primary, college, or university students. Future research might also investigate the effect of Google Docs–based TBLT approach on developing students’ writing skill and explore students’ perceptions toward using this approach

    The use of ICT to teach listening to students of English as a foreign language

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    Esta monografía muestra diversas actividades y recursos de TIC que los educadores pueden utilizar para mejorar las habilidades auditivas de sus estudiantes. Se enfatiza la importancia de las habilidades auditivas en el aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras, así como las ventajas que ofrece a los estudiantes en el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas, que es el objetivo principal de la mayoría de los estudiantes. Además, la monografía analiza la importancia de considerar los procesos top-down y bottom-up al enseñar un idioma y cómo organizar lecciones de comprensión auditiva puede ayudar en el proceso de aprendizaje del estudiante. Una forma eficaz de mejorar las habilidades auditivas entre los estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera es incorporando herramientas TIC como películas, series, música, audiolibros y podcasts en el aula. Al hacerlo, los estudiantes pueden exponerse a materiales auténticos y participar en actividades interactivas que pueden ayudarlos a mejorar sus habilidades de pronunciación y comunicación. Esta monografía ofrece una guía completa sobre cómo los profesores pueden implementar estos materiales en sus lecciones y mantener a los estudiantes motivados para aprender. Siguiendo las recomendaciones proporcionadas, los profesores pueden integrar con éxito materiales auténticos en sus prácticas docentes y crear un entorno de aprendizaje interactivo y atractivo.This monograph showcases various ICT activities and resources that educators can utilize to enhance their students' listening abilities. The significance of listening skills in learning foreign languages is emphasized, as well as the advantages it offers for students in developing communication skills, which is the primary objective of most learners. Additionally, the monograph discusses the importance of considering top-down and bottom-up processes when teaching a language and how organizing listening lessons can aid in the student's learning process. One effective way to improve listening skills among EFL learners is by incorporating ICT tools such as movies, series, music, audiobooks, and podcasts into the classroom. By doing so, students can gain exposure to authentic materials and engage in interactive activities that can help them enhance their pronunciation and communication skills. This monograph offers a comprehensive guide on how teachers can implement these materials in their lessons and keep students motivated to learn. By following the recommendations provided, teachers can successfully integrate authentic materials into their teaching practices and create an interactive and engaging learning environment

    The EFL students’ online reading determinants: Perceiving from their selected folklore readings

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    In an attempt to increase reading performance at university level. This study aims at perceiving the experiential determinants of EFL students’ online reading performance. Data were collected from 182 undergraduate students’ self-rated questionnaire based on the assigned Indonesian folklores in English version through the online reading platforms. Data analysis used descriptive statistics and factor analysis. The results showed that EFL students’ reading habits and reading frequencies and trends were very supportive, whilst reading effectiveness and reading for pleasure supported their reading performance. Tests of chi-square’s four variables were statistically significant indicating the proportional majority of online reading activity. Meanwhile, the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) indicated two components and variables under the eigenvalues’ square root. The interpretation of two components was coherent with the pilot results on the online reading readability scale, analyzed the use of positive and negative affect items as undertaken from the pattern and structure matrix for PCA with the Obliging rotation. EFL students’ online reading is engaging accordingly since students accomplished their reading performance based on individual accessibilities and habits to understand the contents of genres. This study concludes that EFL students’ online reading performance has been practically facilitated by the technology devices multiply. Hence, four online reading variables increased EFL students’ reading awareness and performance accordingly

    El uso de las TIC en el aula de inglés como segunda lengua involucrando a alumnos adultos de nivel intermedio de la EOI de Zaragoza: Propuesta didáctica utilizando la mediación lingüística y actividades interactivas durante los viajes

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    The purpose of this paper is to critically analyse the proposed unit plan called “Travelling” from a communicative approach. One of the aims of this project proposal is to include the use of ICTs in the classroom to make activities more interactive and ensure that students have the opportunity to communicate efficiently in real-life contexts. Another aim is to provide a higher quality source of input with the use of language rich models given by the teacher. Also, activities have been designed considering task-based learning, giving students pre-tasks, during-tasks and post-tasks for which, they will need to learn and recycle items of language. This unit allows learners to develop communicative skills through a set of activities in which students are expected to apply their skills in linguistic mediation to solve everyday problems and facilitate communication. This didactic unit includes 6 sessions and they last for 2 hours each. Activities involve group -working and student-centeredness having in mind the goal to strengthen individual work. This unit plan is relevant for the reasonable use of digital resources primarily due to the importance of today’s advanced technology and mass digitalization in our society and the prior identification of a learning deficiency during the observation period of the teaching placement. Moreover, materials are up-to-date and easily accessible to students. Another important characteristic is that it uses gamification during the learning process. Conclusively, the objective of this learning unit is to improve the quality of the teaching and learning experience through digital tools. <br /

    Practice and Assessment of Reading Classes Using Moodle

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    This research paper details the extensive use of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) for a content-based reading syllabus at Gunma University, through the software program Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment ), a free and open-source software learning management system used at Gunma University.   The research basis of this paper is within the sphere of Action Research , as a valuable professional development tool (Nunan, 2001) based on this researcher’s perceived valuation of the system and how it could better aid students to perform better in and be more motivated towards their English language and reading studies, introduce new technological skills and abilities, and aid teachers in better preparation, teaching and assessment of reading classes. Moodle enthuses that the Lesson Module ‘enables a teacher to deliver content and/or practice activities in interesting and flexible ways...teachers can choose to increase engagement and ensure understanding by including a variety of questions, such as multiple choice, matching and short answer.’ (Moodle, 2016). Therefore, this paper will ascertain whether the syllabus achieved a greater engagement and enjoyment by the students, and ensured better comprehension and understanding of key tasks and instructions. In addition, it will detail how teachers can benefit course management by employing such technology within the classroom