5,501 research outputs found

    Developing a theoretical framework of consumer logistics from a comprehensive literature review

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    Paper delivered at the 21st Logistics Research Network annual conference 2016, 7th-9th September 2016, Hull. Abstract Purpose: Logistics as a business discipline entered academic consciousness in the mid-1960s when work by marketing academics discussed the integration between marketing and logistics. However, the link with consumers in the point-of-origin to point-of-consumption typology was not explored until Granzin and Bahn’s conceptualisation and model of consumer logistics (CL) in 1989. Since then few contributions have followed and neglecting this aspect of logistics research is difficult to understand. Firstly, the consumer represents a productive resource as an important downstream supply chain member carrying out logistics activities and tasks. Secondly, logistics activities directed towards the consumer also act along a marketing axis, i.e. satisfaction and loyalty for an overall shopping experience both from transaction-specific and cumulative levels are influenced by product quality elements and service-related dimensions. This paper presents a theoretical framework for deeper research into the topic of CL. Research approach: A literature review was conducted first following philosophical or field conceptualization principles as a first step towards theory building. Data bases of major logistics and SCM journals were searched however the publication timeframe was not limited as the concept of CL is relatively new. Selection criteria and Boolean searches were conducted and keywords used within article abstracts and title fields of search. Due to a relative scarcity of contributions obtained by that approach and in-line with the principle of methodological triangulation, additional search strategies were applied using Google/ Google Scholar searches. The majority of the cited contributions were also cross-referenced and included in the analysis if appropriate. Findings and originality: The literature search yielded a mother population of 46 documents of which 24 have been considered relevant for further consideration. The document harvest was analysed using Granzin and Bahn’s original CL issues and additional features in order to explore, structure, articulate, orient, hierarchize and delimit the field of CL in the 21st century. Research impact: This paper updates Granzin and Bahn’s work to outline new and distinctive features of CL given the obvious changes in the retail landscape since their work 27 years ago, such as the Internet and omni-channel retailing. More broadly, conceptualizing CL in a holistic manner enhances SCM theory building by questioning traditional notions of time and space ranges, isolated marketing-merchandizing/logistics considerations, traditional understandings of sites /locations, and equipment (e.g. shopping cart or basket)/ infrastructure/ layout and buying stages that are in-line with external evolutions on organizational, technological and societal levels. Practical impact: Understanding and improving CL contributes to supply chain competitiveness via increased consumer satisfaction and loyalty, better order fulfilment via cost reductions and efficiency increases, and enhanced differentiation targeting consumers receptive for sustainability/ ethics/ mobility/ lifestyle/ life quality issues. A dedicated approach to CL also enhances management of repercussions and interactions with upstream/ B2B logistics, visible through retail stores being both a destination and a source for inventory, the rise of drop-ship vendor relationships and new fulfilment options and related infrastructure

    The Status of B2B E-Commerce in the South African Manufacturing Sector: Evolutionary or Revolutionary?

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    While B2B e-commerce represents a major technological innovation and marks a significant development in organisational interconnectivity (i.e., the ability to network both internally and externally), it is premature to categorise e-commerce in the South African manufacturing sector as ‘revolutionary’. A technological revolution implies a historic transformation bringing about profound, pervasive change in business processes. The research findings reveal that rather than a ‘great event’ having occurred, the reality of e-commerce in the South African manufacturing sector appears to be more mundane, i.e. the result of an evolutionary process of IT integration into existing work practices. Therefore, e-commerce cannot claim to have radically changed the way most business is conducted on a day-to-day basis. Moreover, a technology-focused approach to e-commerce tends to deflect attention away from farreaching systemic changes that need to be made in the South African manufacturing sector

    eEnabled internet distribution for small and medium sized hotels: the case of hospitality SMEs in Athens

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    Advances in information and communications technologies (ICTs) have strategic implications for a wide range of industries. Tourism and hospitality have dramatically changed by the ICTs and the Internet and gradually emerge as the leading industry on online expenditure. The Internet revolutionised traditional distribution models, enabled new entries propelled both disintermediation and reintermediation and altered the sources of competitive advantage. This paper explores the strategic implications of ICTs and the perceived advantages and disadvantages of Internet distribution for small and medium-sized hospitality enterprises (SMEs). Primary research in Athens hotels demonstrates the effects of the Internet and ICTs for secondary markets, where there is lower penetration and ICT adoption. Interviews and questionnaires identified a number of strategies in order to optimise distribution. The analysis illustrates the strategic role of ICTs and the Internet for hospitality organisations and Small and Medium-sized organisations in general. Most hotels employ a distribution mix that determines the level and employment of the Internet. The paper demonstrates that only organisations that use ICTs strategically will be able to develop their electronic distribution and achieve competitive advantages in the future

    Understanding Buyer’s Adoption Intent of B2B Electronic Marketplaces

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    Despite the significant role of business-to-business (B2B) e-marketplaces (EMPs) in providing firms with opportunities to transform the way that organizations conduct trading activities and supply chain management (SCM) tasks, few studies emphasize the motive for adoption intent of EMPs. Drawing on institutional theory and information processing theory, this study develops a model aiming for delineating the relationship between institutional pressures (in terms of mimetic, coercive, and normative pressures), benefits of SCM tasks (involving interdependent tasks and procurement life cycle (PLC) activities), and adoption intent. Data collected from 79 potential adopters of EMPs largely support our research hypotheses. Theoretical contribution and managerial implications of this study are discussed

    A Study of E-Business/E-Manufacturing Models

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    Traditional business methods are taking a drastic turn and changing to digitized businesses. Information and communication technology is being integrated into orthodox business practices and giving birth to e-business. E-business in turn, is looking up to e-business models for dynamic integration. The e-business concept was first explored. It was broken down into its smaller entities to make for a clearer and better understanding. Components of an electronic business were identified, and e-commerce was understood to be a subset of e-business. It was established that for a business to be e-business enabled, it required information and communication technology (ICT) to be integrated into its brick and mortar business practice. This showed that the e-business concept was not replacing traditional business practices but improving on it. The e-manufacturing business practice was also researched. This practice was found to be in essence e-business, but in the manufacturing context. It showed that e-manufacturing made for a dynamic integration of the complex manufacturing business practice in real-time. It linked shop floors to top floors, as well as all the other areas of the whole manufacturing supply chain. Adequate relevance was established for designing e-business and e-manufacturing models. This was achieved through rigorous literature review as well as a questionnaire survey. A hypothesis design and test based on the literature review was made to ascertain what models are utilized and in what context. Currently used models in different company sectors were discovered, and their subsequent benefits identified. Also reasons behind the adoption of the different models in the firms investigated were identified. Barriers associated with the e-business practice as well as the implementation of an e-business model were also identified. A measurement system was utilized to ascertain if the investigated models met that stated in the literature (i.e. product innovation, infrastructure and the network of partners, customer relation, and finance). This was adopted from that presented in the literature review. Based on the study, a conclusion was drawn and recommendations suggested.

    Outcome-based contract performance and value co-production in B2B maintenance and repair service

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    Author's conference paper. To be published in Proceedings of the 11th International Research Seminar in Services Management, 24-26 May 2010, La Londe, France; issued as working paper; article under review at Management ScienceThis paper investigates co-production in a B2B Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) service contract where the firm is tasked to deliver outcomes of MRO service rather than activities directly related to maintenance and repair. Our qualitative findings show that the promise of outcomes has extended the boundary of the firm to include the customer system within its responsibility, resulting in the allowance of customer variety into the firm’s system as the consumption of the service is contextual and varied. The ability to deliver the service in such an environment requires the firm’s operations process design to be extended beyond supply chain management for material/equipment transformation, but to include information and people transformation as well. Through a quantitative study and Partial Least Squares analysis, the paper shows that outcome-based contract performance is dependent on the co-production alignments of behaviors and information but not material/equipment, with the alignments partially driven by the co-production inputs of complementary competencies and congruence of expectations.This research was made possible through the joint funding of the Engineering & Physical Science Research Council (UK) and BAE Systems on the Support Service Solutions: Strategy & Transition (S4T) project consortium led by the University of Cambridge.http://business-school.exeter.ac.uk/documents/papers/management/2010/1001.pd

    Predicting intention to adopt B2B electronic commerce in Jordan: The moderating role of trust and dependency

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    Business to Business Electronic Commerce (B2B EC) has great potentials to extend firms’ competency and efficiency. As such, Jordan has an objective to increase the diffusion of this technology. Despite extensive government efforts, the adoption of B2B EC is still limited. Consequently, there have been extensive efforts to better understand the phenomena. Yet, documented findings regarding the determinants of the adoption are not altogether consistent. To provide more insight, this study developed a research model utilizing the Technological, Organizational, and Environmental (TOE) framework to identify the determinants of the firms’ propensity to adopt B2B EC. Since B2B EC is an inter-organizational phenomenon supporting transactions of partnerships, this study emphasizes the context of partnership characteristics. Grounded on inter-organizational theories, this study hypothesized that partnership characteristics, namely trust and dependency, moderate the role of TOE motivating factors. Moreover, given that B2B EC is used on both sides of the buyer/seller relationship, this study examined the differences and similarities in the perception of the marketing and purchasing departments regarding the determinants of the B2B EC adoption. A total of 798 questionnaires were self administrated to marketing and purchasing managers in 462 firms that have large registered capital in Jordan. In total, 114 marketing and 125 purchasing managers participated in this study. Marketing and purchasing responses were analyzed separately using the Partial Least Squares approach. The result revealed that the marketing and purchasing departments do have different views regarding the determinants of the adoption, specifically in terms of the role of Relative Advantage and Competition Pressure. Moreover, the results showed that the moderating role of trust was less pronounced. Meanwhile, the moderating role of dependency was partially supported particularly in the purchasing perspective. These findings have demonstrated how dependence asymmetries between trading partners may change the adoption motivations. They further explain the importance of considering the views of the business partner for the adoption to be done successfully

    Software Characteristics of B2B Electronic Intermediaries: A Novel Design Science Approach

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    Long being seen as commercially unsuccessful after the dot-com era, web-based B2B electronic intermediaries are currentlyundergoing a renaissance driven by globalization and an ever increasing cost-pressure on procurement departments ofenterprises. These systems are getting more sophisticated almost by the day, which is also reflected by numerous relatedscientific articles. This development raises the question of the latest characteristics of such systems scientifically described.In order to answer this question, the work at hand depicts the results of a novel design science approach based on a structuredliterature review. The outcomes of this research are i) a state-of-the-art overview of scientifically described softwarecharacteristics of B2B electronic intermediaries, and ii) a taxonomy for structuring software characteristics of this type ofsystems. The results may help practitioners to further develop B2B electronic intermediaries and e-procurement systems, andwill serve as a basis for future research endeavors in the field
