7 research outputs found

    Hydrolysis of lactose: estimation of kinetic parameters using Artificial Neural Networks

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    The analysis of any kinetic process involves the development of a mathematical model with predictive purposes. Generally, those models have characteristic parameters that should be estimated experimentally. A typical example is Michaelis-Menten model for enzymatic hydrolysis. Even though conventional kinetic models are very useful, they are only valid under certain experimental conditions. Besides, frequently large standard errors of estimated parameters are found due to the error of experimental determinations and/or insufficient number of assays. In this work, we developed an artificial neural network (ANN) to predict the performance of enzyme reactors at various operational conditions. The net was trained with experimental data obtained under different hydrolysis conditions of lactose solutions or cheese whey and different initial concentrations of enzymes or substrates. In all the experiments, commercial beta-galactosidase either free or immobilized in a chitosan support was used. The neural network developed in this study had an average absolute relative error of less than 5% even using few experimental data, which suggests that this tool provides an accurate prediction method for lactose hydrolysisFil: Cuellas, Anah铆 V.. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnolog铆a. 脕rea Ingenier铆a en Alimentos; ArgentinaFil: Oddone, Sebasti谩n. Universidad Argentina de la Empresa. Facultad de Ingenier铆a y Ciencias Exactas; ArgentinaFil: Mammarella, Enrique Jos茅. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnol贸gico Para la Industria Qu铆mica (i); ArgentinaFil: Rubiolo, Amelia Catalina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnol贸gico Para la Industria Qu铆mica (i); Argentin

    Model-Based Parameter Estimation for Fault Detection Using Multiparametric Programming

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    Fault detection has become increasingly important for improving the reliability and safety of process systems. This paper presents a model-based fault detection methodology for nonlinear process systems. The objective of this work is to detect faults by estimating the model parameters using multiparametric programming. The parameter estimates are obtained as an explicit function of the measurements by using multiparametric programming. The diagnosis of fault is carried out by monitoring the changes in the residual of model parameters. Case studies of fault detection for a single stage evaporator system and quadruple tank system are presented. A number of faulty and fault-free scenarios are considered to show the effectiveness of the presented approach. The proposed approach successfully estimates the model parameters and detects the faults through a simple function evaluation of explicit functions


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    The improvements in healthcare systems and the advent of precision medicine initiative have created the need to develop more innovative manufacturing methods for the delivery of individualized dosing and personalized treatments. In recent years, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) introduced the Quality by Design (QbD) and Process Analytical Technology (PAT) guidelines to encourage innovation and efficiency in pharmaceutical development, manufacturing and quality assurance. As a result of emerging technologies and encouragement from the regulatory authorities, the pharmaceutical industry has begun to develop more efficient production systems with more intensive use of on-line measurement and sensing, real time quality control and process control tools, which offer the potential for reduced variability, increased flexibility and efficiency, and improved product quality

    A Meshless Modelling Framework for Simulation and Control of Nonlinear Synthetic Biological Systems

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    Synthetic biology is a relatively new discipline that incorporates biology and engineering principles. It builds upon the advances in molecular, cell and systems biology and aims to transform these principles to the same effect that synthesis transformed chemistry. What distinguishes synthetic biology from traditional molecular or cellular biology is the focus on design and construction of components (e.g. parts of a cell) that can be modelled, characterised and altered to meet specific performance criteria. Integration of these parts into larger systems is a core principle of synthetic biology. However, unlike some areas of engineering, biology is highly non-linear and less predictable. In this thesis the work that has been conducted to combat some of the complexities associated with dynamic modelling and control of biological systems will be presented. Whilst traditional techniques, such as Orthogonal Collocation on Finite Elements (OCFE) are common place for dynamic modelling they have significant complexity when sampling points are increased and offer discrete solutions or solutions with limited differentiability. To circumvent these issues a meshless modelling framework that incorporates an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to solve Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) and model dynamic processes is utilised. Neural networks can be considered as mesh-free numerical methods as they are likened to approximation schemes where the input data for a design of a network consists of a set of unstructured discrete data points. The use of the ANN provides a solution that is differentiable and is of a closed analytic form, which can be further utilised in subsequent calculations. Whilst there have been advances in modelling biological systems, there has been limited work in controlling their outputs. The benefits of control allow the biological system to alter its state and either upscale production of its primary output, or alter its behaviour within an integrated system. In this thesis a novel meshless Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NLMPC) framework is presented to address issues related to nonlinearities and complexity. The presented framework is tested on a number of case studies. A significant case study within this work concerns simulation and control of a gene metabolator. The metabolator is a synthetic gene circuit that consists of two metabolite pools which oscillate under the influence of glycolytic flux (a combination of sugars, fatty acids and glycerol). In this work it is demonstrated how glycolytic flux can be used as a control variable for the metabolator. The meshless NLMPC framework allows for both Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) and Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) control. The dynamic behaviour of the metabolator allows for both top-down control (using glycolytic flux) and bottom-up control (using acetate). The benefit of using MIMO (by using glycolytic flux and acetate as the control variables) for the metabolator is that it allows the system to reach steady state due to the interactions between the two metabolite pools. Biological systems can also encounter various uncertainties, especially when performing experimental validation. These can have profound effect on the system and can alter the dynamics or overall behaviour. In this work the meshless NLMPC framework addresses uncertainty through the use of Zone Model Predictive Control (Zone MPC), where the control profile is set as a range, rather than a fixed set point. The performance of Zone MPC under the presence of various magnitudes of random disturbances is analysed. The framework is also applied to biological systems architecture, for instance the development of biological circuits from well-characterised and known parts. The framework has shown promise in determining feasible circuits and can be extended in future to incorporate a full list of biological parts. This can give rise to new circuits that could potentially be used in various applications. The meshless NLMPC framework proposed in this work can be extended and applied to other biological systems and heralds a novel method for simulation and control

    Dise帽o de reactores de burbujeo para el tratamiento de aguas residuales mediante ozono. Caracterizaci贸n f铆sica, an谩lisis cin茅tico y optimizaci贸n con redes neuronales artificiales

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    Tesis por compendioThe water ozonation processes are really interesting to remove some organic compounds that are recalcitrant to the conventional water treatments. To adequately design and control the gas-liquid reactors it is necessary to use proper mathematical models that describe the behaviour of those reactors. However, the definition of suitable models is complex, since the performance of these reactors is defined by the interaction of the hydrodynamic processes of the gas and liquid phases, the transfer processes between the different phases and the chemical reactions. The present work intends to do the definition of suitable mathematical models of the bubble column reactors and the reactive schemes of the ozone. To validate them, the experimental designs are proposed for: i) the determination of physical parameters of the reactors, such as the gas holdup and the volumetric mass transfer coefficient; ii) the estimation of reaction rates of ozone decomposition and the elimination of some pollutants; and iii) the calculation of ozone properties, such as the molar extinction coefficient or solubility. The study of ozone solubility has demonstrated that the molar extinction coefficient of the dissolved ozone obtained in this work differs from the corresponding value traditionally used in the literature. This fact has been verified with different analytical methodologies. The estimation of kinetic constants fitting the mathematical models to the experimental results is usually carried out by optimization using classical gradient algorithms, which is sometimes quite complex. To facilitate these procedures, in this thesis an algorithm has been developed based on artificial neural networks to estimate the initial values of the classical methodologies. The developed algorithm is sensitive enough to estimate suitable values of kinetic constants, as it was demonstrated. A microscopic transfer model for bubble column reactors was formulated allowing the implementation of any type of reaction mechanism for the ozone. The sensitivity analysis of this model shows that the kinetic constant can be determined by knowing the evolution of a substrate, and if the evolution of the ozone gas phase concentration is also known, the volumetric mass transfer coefficient can be determined at the same time. On the other hand, a reactive model of the ozone chemical decay process has been developed. The application of a sensitivity analysis on this model shows that knowing the evolution of the ozone concentration and the initial and final concentration of hydrogen peroxide we can determine three kinetic constants of the chemical mechanism. Finally, as an example of application, we study the elimination of cytostatic compounds in hospital raw waters by ozone. The experimental results were used to estimate the kinetic rate constants of the reaction of some of these compounds with the ozone. Using these constants we carried out a preliminary economical study of the operating costs of an ozone plant to treat water of these characteristics.Los procesos de ozonizaci贸n de aguas ofrecen una serie de ventajas muy interesantes para la eliminaci贸n de ciertos compuestos org谩nicos que resultan recalcitrantes a los procesos de tratamiento de aguas convencionales. El correcto dise帽o y control de los reactores gas-l铆quido necesarios para su implementaci贸n industrial precisa de adecuados modelos matem谩ticos que describan el comportamiento de los mismos. Sin embargo, la definici贸n de modelos adecuados resulta compleja, ya que el rendimiento de estos reactores viene definido por la interacci贸n de los procesos hidrodin谩micos de las fases gas y l铆quida, los procesos de transferencia entre las fases y las reacciones qu铆micas. Con el presente trabajo se pretende la definici贸n de modelos matem谩ticos adecuados de los reactores de burbujeo y de los esquemas reactivos del ozono. Para validarlos se realizan dise帽os experimentales para: i) la determinaci贸n de par谩metros f铆sicos de los reactores, como la fracci贸n de gas y el coeficiente volum茅trico de transferencia de materia; ii) la estimaci贸n de velocidades de reacci贸n de la descomposici贸n del ozono y de la eliminaci贸n de algunos contaminantes; y iii) el c谩lculo de propiedades del ozono, como el coeficiente de extinci贸n molar o la solubilidad. Los estudios de solubilidad del ozono realizados en esta tesis han demostrado que el coeficiente de extinci贸n molar del ozono disuelto obtenido difiere del valor utilizado tradicionalmente en la bibliograf铆a. Este hecho se ha verificado con diferentes metodolog铆as anal铆ticas. El c谩lculo de constantes cin茅ticas por medio del ajuste de los modelos matem谩ticos a los resultados experimentales suele realizarse mediante optimizaci贸n por algoritmos cl谩sicos de gradiente, lo que resulta en ocasiones bastante complejo. Para facilitar estos procedimientos, en esta tesis se desarrolla un algoritmo basado en redes neuronales artificiales para estimar los par谩metros de inicio de las metodolog铆as cl谩sicas. Se ha comprobado que el algoritmo desarrollado es sensible por s铆 mismo para estimar valores adecuados de las constantes cin茅ticas. La metodolog铆a desarrollada ha permitido establecer un modelo de transferencia microsc贸pico para reactores de burbujeo al que se le puede implementar cualquier tipo de mecanismo de reacci贸n para el ozono. El an谩lisis de sensibilidad de este modelo demuestra que conociendo la evoluci贸n de un substrato se puede determinar la constante cin茅tica, y si tambi茅n se conoce la evoluci贸n de la concentraci贸n de ozono en fase gas se puede determinar al mismo tiempo el coeficiente de transferencia de materia volum茅trico. Por otra parte, se ha desarrollado un modelo reactivo del proceso de descomposici贸n qu铆mica del ozono. La aplicaci贸n de un an谩lisis de sensibilidad sobre este modelo demuestra que conociendo la evoluci贸n de la concentraci贸n de ozono y la concentraci贸n inicial y final de per贸xido de hidr贸geno se pueden determinar un m谩ximo de 3 constantes cin茅ticas del mecanismo utilizado. Finalmente, como ejemplo de aplicaci贸n de esta tecnolog铆a, se estudia la eliminaci贸n de compuestos citost谩ticos en aguas hospitalarias mediante ozono. A partir de los resultados experimentales se han determinado las constantes cin茅ticas de la reacci贸n de alguno de estos compuestos con el ozono. Haciendo uso de estas constantes se realiza un estudio econ贸mico preliminar de los costes de operaci贸n de una planta de ozono para tratar aguas de estas caracter铆sticas.Els processos d'ozonitzaci贸 d'aig眉es ofereixen alguns avantatges molt interessants per a l'eliminaci贸 de certs compostos org脿nics que s贸n recalcitrants als processos de tractament d'aig眉es convencionals. Per a dissenyar i controlar correctament els reactors gas-l铆quid, per a la seua implementaci贸 industrial, es necessari utilitzar models matem脿tics que descriguen adequadament el seu comportament. Per貌, la definici贸 de models adequats resulta complexa, ja que el rendiment d'aquests reactors ve definit per la interacci贸 dels processos hidrodin脿mics de les fases gas i l铆quida, els processos de transfer猫ncia entre ambdues fases i les reaccions qu铆miques. La present tesi pret茅n la definici贸 de models matem脿tics adequats del reactors de bombolleig i dels esquemes reactius de l'oz贸. Per a validar-los es realitzaran dissenys experimentals amb la finalitat de: i) determinar par脿metres f铆sics dels reactors, com la fracci贸 de gas i el coeficient volum猫tric de transfer猫ncia de mat猫ria; ii) l'estimaci贸 de velocitats de reacci贸 de descomposici贸 de l'oz贸 i de l'eliminaci贸 d'alguns contaminants; i iii) el c脿lcul de propietats de l'oz贸, com el coeficient d'extinci贸 molar o la solubilitat. Els estudis de solubilitat de l'oz贸 realitzats en aquesta tesi han demostrat que el coeficient d'extinci贸 molar de l'oz贸 dissolt determinat difereix del valor utilitzat tradicionalment a la bibliografia. Aquest fet s'ha verificat amb diferents metodologies anal铆tiques. El c脿lcul de constants cin猫tiques per mitj脿 de l'ajust dels models matem脿tics als resultats experimentals sol realitzar-se mitjan莽ant algoritmes d'optimitzaci贸 cl脿ssics basats en el gradient, el que resulta bastant complex en algunes ocasions. Per facilitar aquests procediments, en aquesta tesi es desenvolupa un algoritme basat en xarxes neuronals artificials per a estimar els par脿metres d'inici de les metodologies cl脿ssiques. S'ha comprovat que l'algoritme desenvolupat es sensible per s铆 mateix per a estimar valors adequats per a les constants cin猫tiques. La metodologia desenvolupada ha perm猫s establir un model de transfer猫ncia microsc貌pic per a reactors de bombolleig al que es pot implementar qualsevol mecanisme de reacci贸 per a l'oz贸. L'an脿lisi de sensibilitat d'aquest model demostra que coneixent l'evoluci贸 d'un substrat es pot determinar la constant cin猫tica. A m茅s a m茅s, si es coneix l'evoluci贸 de la concentraci贸 d'oz贸 en fase gas es pot determinar al mateix temps el coeficient volum猫tric de transfer猫ncia de mat猫ria. D'altra banda, s'ha desenvolupat un model reactiu del proc茅s de descomposici贸 qu铆mica de l'oz贸. L'aplicaci贸 d'un an脿lisis de sensibilitat sobre aquest model demostra que coneixent l'evoluci贸 de la concentraci贸 d'oz贸 i la concentraci贸 inicial i final de per貌xid d'hidrogen es pot determinar una m脿xim de tres constants cin猫tiques del mecanisme utilitzat. Finalment, com a exemple d'aplicaci贸 d'aquesta tecnologia, s'estudia l'eliminaci贸 de compostos citost脿tics en aig眉es hospital脿ries mitjan莽ant l'oz贸. A partir dels resultats experimentals s'han determinat les constants cin猫tiques de la reacci贸 d'algun d'aquests compostos amb l'oz贸. Fent 煤s d'aquestes constants es realitza un estudi econ貌mic preliminar dels costos d'operaci贸 d'una planta d'oz贸 per a tractar aig眉es d'aquestes caracter铆stiques.Ferre Aracil, J. (2017). Dise帽o de reactores de burbujeo para el tratamiento de aguas residuales mediante ozono. Caracterizaci贸n f铆sica, an谩lisis cin茅tico y optimizaci贸n con redes neuronales artificiales [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Polit猫cnica de Val猫ncia. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86163TESISCompendi