50 research outputs found

    Аналітична модель оцінки часу обробки повідомлень в системі управління телекомунікаційною мережею

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    Продуктивність є одним із головних критеріїв ефективного функціонування системи управління телекомунікаційною мережею. В свою чергу час обробки повідомлень визначає продуктивність системи управління. Для оцінки часу обробки повідомлень в системі управління була застосована теорія телетрафіка. Результати дослідження, представлені в статті, показують методику визначення необхідної швидкості каналів управління, яка може використовуватися в процесі проектування систем управління.Производительность является одним из главных критериев эффективного функционирования системы управления телекоммуникационной сетью. В свою очередь время обработки сообщений определяет производительность системы управления. Для оценки времени обработки сообщений в системе управления была применена теория телетрафика. Результаты исследования, представленные в статье, показывают методику определения необходимой скорости каналов управления, которая может использоваться в процессе проектирования систем управления.Productivity is one of the main criteria of effective functioning of telecommunication network management system. Massages delay is used to determine management system productivity. There are teletraffic theory is used to define massages delay in telecommunication management systems. Results of research which used in this article are showing the method of determining the throughput of operation and maintenance links and can be used in design processes of management systems

    The SNMP evolution: lost on simplicity or on functionality

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    The SNMP framework has gained a new stimulus with the efficient emergence of the third version (SNMPv3). Beyond its enrichments, namely the security model, the enormous base of legacy knowledge and legacy systems leads the SNMP management framework to a necessary choice in nowadays management scenarios. However, its services correspond roughly to low-level operations for setting or retrieving network equipment parameters. Traditionally, high-level management operations were outside the scope of IETF strategy. The IETF Distributed Management working group have been producing normalization documents that intent to apply to the enrichment of SNMP semantics, especially in what concerns the processing of management information. One of such deliverables is the Expression MIB that, up till now, is in the Internet draft standard track. This paper will highlight the recent outcome of this WG, will present an Expression MIB implementation and will discuss the cost of these more powerful solutions on the “keep simple” and “low inference” principles of SNMP engines

    Managing mobile agents with SNMP

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    This paper describe a project that integrates SNMP into a mobile agent environment in order to achieve a simple but powerful goal: mobile agents have to manage and being managed through SNMP

    A uniform resource identifier scheme for SNMP

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    One of the World Wide Web characteristics, besides its omnipresence in computer systems, is the adoption of a universal user interface that is used to access several different services that were previously accessed individually by independent applications. The Internet resources started to be identified by URI schemes, a text string with specific syntax and grammar. Although existing for several services such as http, ftp, gopher and news, these identifiers are not used to identify SNMP resources. This paper proposes an URI scheme for identifying SNMP resources and presents some practical scenarios where the existence of such compact and complete identifying mechanism increases flexibility and functionality of network management applications

    Distributed management: implementation issues

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    Management processes have to react on time to the new challenges put by a crescent movement of the computing world to the Internet paradigm. The enormous base of legacy knowledge and legacy systems leads the SNMP management framework to a necessary choice in nowadays management scenarios. However, even with the recent SNMPv3, its services correspond roughly to low-level operations for setting or retrieving network equipment parameters. The IETF Distributed Management working group have been producing normalization documents that intent to apply to the enrichment of SNMP semantics, especially in what concerns the processing of management information. This paper will present the recent outcome of this WG and will discuss an implementation project that aims to apply mobile agent technology in these scenarios

    On the use of mobility in distributed network management

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    Information Technology has been under unprecedented transformations and it is dramatically changing the way of work inside organizations. Information management systems must be adequate to cope with the profound effects of this evolution, which expectations includes the introduction into the networks of enormous quantities of different elements. Mobile agent paradigm seems to be, for many researchers, the right solution to deal with the pressures of these new demands. This paper discuss the issues around mobility of code on network management environments and presents ongoing work that provides mobility capability to distributed managers upon recent work of IETF’s Disman working group

    Distributed management based on mobile agents

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    During the forthcoming years, Internet-based concepts will continue to revolutionize, in an unpredictable way, the mode enterprises provide, maintain and use traditional information technology. Management systems will be a crucial issue in the struggle with this crescent complexity. However, new requirements have to be considered, due to the expectation of enormous quantities of different elements, ranging from an impressive network bandwidth availability to multimedia QoS-constrained services. Many researchers believe that mobile agent paradigm can provide effective solutions on these new scenarios. This paper presents an implementation of management applications supported upon distribution and delegation concepts. For that it uses the current work of IETF’s Disman working group enhanced with mobility provision. The mobility allows the distributed managers to adapt dynamically to a mutable environment optimizing the use of network resources

    Initial service management architecture

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    This document describes D2.2 of the Internet Next Generation project. Internet Next Generation is a project performed within the context of the Gigaport programme, and is funded by many organizations within the Netherlands. The architecture that is described within this document explains how customers of a Differentiated Services (DiffServ) network can manage the service that is provided by them, by reading and modifying QoS parameters in an interactive way. Which parameters are available and which values these parameters can take, is defined in the Service Level Specification (SLS), which is part of the Service Level Agreement (SLA). The form of management in which customers can modify the behaviour of the provided service is called Customer Service Management (CSM); the idea that customers can manage the behaviour of the provided service is not only interesting in case of DiffServ, but also in cases like Mobile IP, IP security or Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). The scope of this deliverable is restricted to QoS management in a DiffServ environment; a subsequent deliverable will extend this work and address how service .management can be performed in other environments, like IntServ / RSVP. This new deliverable will also address the problem of inter domain management

    Definitions of Managed Objects for APPN TRAPS

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    RADIUS Accounting Server MIB

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